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Reviews for An Unstoppable Quicksilver Madness

By : DonnaLynn
  • From ANON - Elf From Space on January 08, 2005
    Interesting story premise. I was really excited to see a fic based on Invisible Man. But you do *really* need to proofread this. There are a number of errors which I think happened while the fic was uploaded, since they don't look like normal typos. There are also a *lot* of grammar mistakes. When you're trying to contract "you are" you need to write it as "you're" not "your". It just makes your writing look terrible immature and poorly done to have so many of these basic errors. Please keep trying, I'm sure that your fics will be great once people can read them without being distracted by all the errors.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 14, 2004
    Not bad, grammar was a bit off in some places, but very well done.
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  • From ANON - Suz on December 13, 2003
    Rape isn't sexy.
    m/m, m/f, f/m, f/f, it's all a violation of trust and intimacy. The receiver will be a long time getting over it.

    While I applaude imagination in any form, I can't say as I think your betas (if you had any) did yoic jic justice. Too many typos like to-too confusions. And yeah, there is a difference. Not to mention any rationale explaining why Claire would forgive or excuse D's rape attempt. Reality is, if both parties are consenting adults, rape fantasies work for some. But the physical and emotiional reality of the situation transcends the fluid definitions of control defined by S&M sex. it is simply violence. Rape. So. Clearly there are way more Claire/Darien shippers than any other pairing in this fandom, or they wouldn't be reading rape fantasies as a viable version of things that might have happened. Mary Sue, look out, cuz this is every bit as much MS as slash or out and out OFC dreck. The reality is, from a medical ethics standpoint, Claire would be unlikely in the extreme to succumb to D's obvious charms. It's illegal and unethical for starters. And her thing for Kevin might make her think twice. You didn't make me believe.

    Suspension of disbelief is the key to good writing. So keep honing your craft. Write more. Make me believe that a trained doctor and a cynical thief who'd discovered he was attracted to his brother's lover would overcome the simple impulse of gonadal impulse over taboo and get it on.

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