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Reviews for One Step at a Time

By : Dhvana
  • From ANON - yoblossom on January 06, 2006
    YAY! An update! I loved the chapter! I loved the shower scence so much! ^^
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  • From ANON - animegirl on October 30, 2005
    God i love this story! this is one of the best fanfics i've read in a long time. i really like greg and warrick to gether and your OC is so hot, the three of them together is super hot!! i hope they get things sorted out soon though, i don't know how much more drama i can take, i just want to see them happy again. Your story is awesome, one request though, could you make th sex seens a little longer and more graghic *hehe i'm such a pervert* keep up the great work and update soon!
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  • From ANON - Kim on October 22, 2005
    Teeheehee Nice You should right onw about Nick and Warrick. I love how you stuck to Gregs personality I hate it when people change a character into something totally different Keep writing!!! Bye

    ~Kimothy the Sage~
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  • From ANON - Eve on October 19, 2005
    OMG! This story is absolutely fabulous. Please update soon! Will Nick and Gil get together? I really adore these pairings. Do you have your own website or update list? I would love to be on that list if you do.

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  • From ANON - Electra on October 16, 2005
    Well, I guess some tensions must be let out and missing something that important like Jack missing his music is really a reason to yell at someone. But is it really the fault of Warrick and Greg? Or is it something unhidden inside of Jack himself?

    Thanks for the update in spite of all your stress at university! It's always a joy for me to check this site and be rewarded with a new chapter. Well. I'm looking forward to everthing that comes next.
    Just one plea: Give him back his music. We all need some constants in you lives...

    Love, Electra
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on October 16, 2005
    so is that an omen that everythin will turn out ok? and hopefully jack will get his music back.... loved the chapter, can't wait till the next one!
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  • From ANON - Kenshin-Gotenks on September 23, 2005
    that was great! But ooooooo the suspence I really hope the cuties make up... Oh I am having trouble visualizing Jack, does he look like any celebrities?
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  • From ANON - Amanda on September 19, 2005
    OMFG!! this story is positively amazing! I love it. It's wondefully written, and inevitably sexy. Wonderful marvelous job!
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  • From ANON - Electra on September 18, 2005
    And right as I thought about just stepping into the plot and starting to shake some sense into Jack, you made Gil doing it. Well done, mistress. But this confession about Gil being in his mind--- Guess we're expecting interesting developments in the next chapters, don't we?

    Now that I'm thinking that whole thing over: Still want to slap some sense in their heads... But I'm willing to wait what you're having in mind for them.

    Thank you!

    Hugs and love from Electra!
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on September 18, 2005
    they'll work it out right? Jack will go back, and they'll work it out? they have to! they need to know that they still care for eachother! can't wait for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - Kenshin-Gotenks on September 18, 2005
    This is like one of the greatest stories EVER!!! please update soon! when you do maybe email me please? well great job keep it up!
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on September 13, 2005
    0.0 so is he like... going to leave them? what's he doing?! you have to write some more! please! and i'll still be here when you update again, cause i love this story!
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  • From ANON - Electra on September 13, 2005
    Finally a real conversation and a light at the end of the tunnel, but I think their way is not made until now - or am I mistaken?
    Great work, the waiting was worth it.

    I also hope that your studies are still successful as you wrote us and would like to hear from you soon.

    Love, Electra

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  • From ANON - Electra on August 21, 2005
    Oh this is going to be ugly, this cliffhanger... But I honestly hope they all will be alright. You don't let happen anything to Jack again, do you? I like the idea of them three being happy.

    Thanks for the update and I'm dying to read more soon! *hug*

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  • From ANON - yoblossom on August 18, 2005
    yay! a nother wonderfully done chapter! I cannot wair for you to write more good chapters! I just hope that Greg, Warrick and Jack can get things back to normal... it's all very sad...
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