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Reviews for One Step at a Time

By : Dhvana
  • From ANON - yoblossom on August 16, 2005
    love the story and am gagging for more!
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  • From ANON - Electra on August 06, 2005

    An update, and I must say this is promising to get very interesting... Glad to read that Jack ist still on his road back to happiness even with some weird ways around. But you're not planning to separate them? Whatever - thanks for this new chapter and as ever I'm looking forward to the next ones.


    Love, Electra
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  • From ANON - vinchicaangel15 on July 13, 2005
    I love this story. Please Update soon
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  • From ANON - Electra on July 11, 2005

    You know how to grill your fans, don't you? *lol* Hope to read more soon, I must admit that I'm too curious...

    Hugs from Electra!
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  • From ANON - Electra on June 23, 2005
    Hurry, an update. And what kind of update. You rescued Jack!!! *hug* *kiss* *dance* Thank you for it.

    And still you have got that feeling for the right things to wirte. Such an incident is really a strong cut in a life and no one can just return to the former life. Will they make it? And what about Nick? We well see - stay tuned, folks.

    Greetings from me to this wonderful author!
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  • From ANON - Electra on June 20, 2005
    And still I'm trying to download this song from the net. Without success. What a mess.
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  • From ANON - Electra on June 13, 2005
    Hey Dhvana! Thank you for this chapter. Until told anything else, I will be sure he will make it. And thank you for not writing a phony storyline. It is a vivid relationship and there must be problems to solve. After all, humans are making mistakes, aren't they? But still they are adaptive and so we will see what will happen next. I'm looking forward to it. *hug* Electra
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  • From ANON - Electra on June 11, 2005
    Finally the next chapter. - And by the way, how are your studies? -

    Okay, he's not dead and I hope you will leave it by that. I couldn't stand Greg suffering that loss. And I would like the idea of Warrick and Nick... But anyway, just let Jack recover and be okay soon. Greg needs him. Warrick, too. And someone with that devotion to music shall not die.

    Oh fine, that will be a very thrilling night, with all the thinking about how it will go on.... *sigh*

    But thank you for the update despite your studies and I hope you will write more soon. I enjoy your work and like the slow development of the charas and the plot. Brilliant!
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  • From ANON - Electra on June 07, 2005
    Oh please, don't kill him!!! I like him and Greg loves him and you can't be that cruel, can you???

    But nevertheless I can't wait the next chapter; an amazing story, written very well and well built up storyline. Don't let us wait to long...

    Greetings from Germany!
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  • From ANON - ZL on June 07, 2005
    I have followed your story for quite awhile now just didn't have the time to review. Haha. Hmm, I really love it, but this chapter! Oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting that much angst, agh! Will Jack die? I hope not.

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  • From ANON - Electra on May 31, 2005
    Great work! Although I kind of missing the descriptive scenes I must admit that the development of this relationship is much more interesting. I can see all that vividly before my eyes and I can nearly hear them... Please don't let us wait too long for an update!
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