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Reviews for Within Me

By : Ria
  • From timdvosk on March 03, 2007
    I'm loving the new chapters, I stopped at chapter 3 a long time ago, but now I decided to finish it, and OMG, did the rape chapter almost kill me, I've never read something so graphic, and it sounds so true. I know it's wrong to say it, but I loved it, not that he got Raped, but I love how you wrote it, and I love where the stories going, but if Sam leaves Dean, I might just have to FLAME YA! LoL!
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  • From theblackrose on February 23, 2007
    Love this story! love it, love it, love it. In fact, love it so much that last night when I finished reading it, I looked down the bottom and it said 'You must be logged in to review this story' and normally I'm like ah stuff it, couldn't be bothered. But no, last night I went what the hell and clicked to log in, and it went on that stupid 'daily moment of downtime' thing. So I waited until today, found your story again, logged in and here I am reviewing. Feel loved. :-D By the way, did you realize that only signed-in people can review this story? It's been a long time since I posted a story, but I'm pretty sure there's an option where, you know, 'anonymous' people can leave reviews as well. Just thought you might be missing out on a lot of well-deserved reviews.

    Anyway. Poor Sam and Dean! I loved that kiss outside, and my heart just tore when I read about the rape (very well-written, by the way... made me cry). I loved Antonette and Bess and hated that bloody Barnabas or Barbados or whatever his name was. BASTARD!! But I hope Sam and Dean can overcome this and form a loving relationship built on trust and respect and stuff. (Stupid Sam, trying to run away, PAH!) Out of curiousity, how many more chapters were you thinking of adding?

    Please update soon!

    And seriously, feel loved. Not only did I wait for like 12 hours to review you, this is also the longest review I have EVER left. *MWAH*
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  • From ediva on February 15, 2007
    Great chapter. Poor Sammy, hoping Dean doesn't hate him to much
    update soon!
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  • From AngstLovesWincest on February 13, 2007
    How much did I love this? Enough to fight off the evil demons of sleep at 2:30 in the morning to read it. I'm addicted to your writing now, Ria. You've got me hooked. Everything from start to To Be Continued has me eagerly waiting, maybe whining too. I love your Dean, love your Sam, love the emotion, love the rape scenes (you and H/C + N/C are like wow) and everything little detail in between. Dawlin', I need my fix :)

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  • From ediva on February 11, 2007
    Loving this, when will you put the next chapter up?
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