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Reviews for My Bedroom Antics

By : xMadHatterGirlx
  • From LJofTheDarkThrone on August 01, 2007
    Now I'm confused. In this story, JD took two cocks without practically any prepping, and in another story, the guy was prepared carefully and and completely for several minutes, and he still faced serious tearing and infection.

    ... Who to believe? ...

    Anyway, still a hott story, very sexy, love the characteriztion, all that rot. ^^
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  • From sg1niner on May 13, 2007
    I'll be honest, normally the idea of JD/Janitor utterly squicks me, but you done good and threw Perry into the mix. When I realized what scene it was an extension of (and the dialogue was fabulous!), I thought, HEY, this could work! Especially in the following scene when you see TJ has stolen the little emerald off of JD, so you KNOW they must've been drilling around somewhere, huh? Wow, it never occured to me to expand on that missing scene as you did. Your writing was very good, stimulating and just about perfect in spelling and grammar! I'm still not going to deliberately seek out JD/Janitor stories, but you've helped me break through that little mental block somewhat. Thanks again!
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  • From BuenaMuerte on May 04, 2007
    Oh god, ha ha. This was absolutely brilliant - the entire piercing concept made me giggle, and i'm glad i'm not the only freak out there who roots for the twisted Cox/JD/Janitor trio. I'm working on a Cox/Janitor story right now myself, and i've every intention of eventually throwing J.D into the fray. You're brilliant, kudos for the brass.
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