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Reviews for Jamie's New Hire

By : Jadwin
  • From ANON - Crickles on December 27, 2007
    I Love This Fic & I Hope You Haven't Abandon It. It My Favorite Mythbusters FanFic. Please Start Wright This One Again. You Know You Want To. Even If It's Just To Give It An Ending.
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  • From Solaris on October 26, 2007
    Hey found your link from the forum.
    And I must say this Mythbuster story is good!
    I like it!
    Please keep writing these stories.
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  • From darkangel985 on September 03, 2007
    This is great. I just found this story and I really hope that you'll continue it, because there is like no multichaptered Mythbuster slash out there and this is just lovely.
    I won't to know what'll happen next, so please don't abandon this story.

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  • From Yamisphinx on July 30, 2007
    Yay!! Thank You!! I'm glad that bitch was fired! Poor Adam, stay strong!I can't wait for the next update! ^__^
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  • From Yamisphinx on July 13, 2007
    Poor Jamie! I hope they work it out. Please update soon!
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