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Reviews for Ruby Red

By : alysonlindley
  • From ANON - Anon on March 05, 2008
    That was sweet :-), nothing better then sleeping in the arms of a big man after good sex. My harlequin side feels satisfied :-). A true hurt/comfort story. And all the comfort in just 4 sentences. I didn't know you can actually write something like that ;-). You always portrait Lois as a very open girl, without any prejudices. I kinda disagree with that vision of her character. She is brave, definitely not prudent, but she's not a type of a fuck friend like Chloe. She is strong, independent, passionate, self-confident and PRIDE but also very devoted and romantic. Have you ever tried to look at her vurnerable and pride side?
    I like your Clark, though. He's strong, confident, masculine, uncomplicated, taking what he wants but also comforting his lovers. The warm big guy who give you a breath-taking kiss, a strong fuck, a big hug and good sleep in the end. Maybe he needs some more anger, so that he becomes more passionate.
    Now I want something strong and aggressive again, like Lois becoming Clark's sex slave, I don't know why would that happened, but it doesn't matter though ;-). Paying her debts for being such a pain in the ass, e.g. working undercover, following Clark, getting into real big trouble with Intergang, almost ruining the whole action, getting rescued by Clark (I can see with my own eyes like she's being forced to strip in front of him so he can see what he's just bought, imagine how pissed of and turned on she would be?). Maybe he has to buy her like a real forced to hide from Integang and lives with him under the same roof so he can take her whenever hi wants, like Mr and Ms Smith (being a respectful wife, lol). Oh I don't know, it's just an idea, the plot isn't that matter, it enables you to write scenes that no one writes that good as you: wet scenes, lots of male domination and oral action. As I wrote I'm not a big fan of anal sex, leather outfits, cheap underwear or toys, it doesn't suit Lois, she's not a sex toy... but some sex taken forcefully, a little bit of fighting, the male-female battle that Clark gets with Kara in your stories, blood and bruises maybe (he's a strong guy, right?), bonding and spanking, all these "on your knees Bitch" aka all the "so-called" sexual violence without getting really hurt or humiliated would be nice :-). I think Clois sex would be like Pulio and Gaia sex in ROME II. It's just a little idea, so please don't getoffended and post some new story soon :-).
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 05, 2008
    Ok, I wasn't thinking about a story like that, it's very kinky and entertaining, but seriously I don't think Lois is a kind of woman who let herself being treatened like that. Beimg dominated by Clark - maybe. If she was rescued by him and then literally forced to have sex with Clark. I think it's a matter of woman's pride. Actually, I'm sure it's a matter of woman's pride, I'm a woman myself and I always see it as an angry sex, not humiliating though.
    Having sex in front of the whole Daily Planet crew? Any other public place but not her place of work, she's too professional. And Clark letting Lex to fuck her, seriously what the fuck? I would hit him with the piece of Kryptonite for letting Lex doing that. For me Lex and Lois interaction and chemistry is based on intellectual conflict and their willing of power, while Clois sex is less sophisticated and more basic, like a primal male and female mating. Buy it's only my opinion. I like your writing, especially all the "wet parts", vwry masculine, no feelings,no plot, just smut and male domination. Keep writing please :-)
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  • From ANON - on February 27, 2008
    I enjoyed it. Although anal is not my favorite thing to read, I like the tension, can't wait for the next part, a little bit of oral action in public would be nice, Lois was saved so many times, that has to pay her debts for a very long time and Clark should remember her that pretty often ;-)
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