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Reviews for Amy Pond, Captured

By : Kurokami
  • From Faesy on October 21, 2012
    Love it. Well written smut with a plot line. I'm looking forward to the next update. Don't leave us hanging too long the Doctor and Rory are so close!
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  • From ANON - krauster on October 04, 2012
    doctor who ep (pyramid of mars)

    The Daemons
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  • From ANON - joran on September 18, 2012
    Its a good story but eh, i don;t know, you should try exploring the older doctor who series like the Keys to time arc
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  • From ANON - joran on September 18, 2012
    you know this somewhat happen before to the doctor (Not captre the unforeseen consequence of actions) in the old series

    a prime example is Xoanon

    A Mordee ship full of human colonists landed on a jungle planet, where it became stranded, its computer broken down. Teams had been working on the computer for generations, and unbeknownst to any of them, their work had resulted in the computer evolving into a new, living creature. The Doctor arrived on the planet just after the creature's birth, when it was still in shock. Failing to recognize its birth trauma, he assumed the datacore had been damaged, and tried to renew it by making a direct link with the compatible sensors of his own brain. But when he connected his mind, the creature didn't just take the compatible information, as a machine would, but instead it took everything, including the Doctor's personality. When it awoke, it already had one personality; then its own personality began to manifest, and it went mad. The most powerful computer ever built, Xoanon was omniscient and schizophrenic...a volatile combination. Neglecting to wipe his personality print from the datacore, the Doctor left the Mordee to their own devices.

    Xoanon's madness and internal conflict drove him to play out his psychosis on a more physical level. To this end, he created a world in his image and told himself he was breeding a race of superhumans. On one side, he had the Tesh, descended from the technicians who had remained with the ship, characterized by their self-denial, control and telepathy. On the other side were the Sevateem, descended from the survey team who had gone out to explore the planet, characterized by their independence, strength, boldness and courage. Hostility and conflict sped up the process until Xoanon was ready to select the best from each group. However, this point never arrived, as the Doctor intervened first.

    For the Sevateem, Xoanon was a distant god who communicated only with their high priest, Neeva, through his sacred relics (actually old Mordee technology). The Sevateem wished to free Xoanon, who, the legends said, was being held captive by the Evil One and the Tesh within the Black Wall, wherein lies Paradise. This Wall kept the Mordee ship isolated from the world around it by shunting the interior forward in time by a few seconds. It could only be breached through the mouth of an idol carved into a mountain. With Leela's help, the Doctor discovered that Xoanon was able to send communications through this barrier by using a tight-beam transmission.

    Xoanon's schizophrenia resulted in his using several voices, including a female voice and the voice of a child. His usual voice, though, was that of the Doctor. Xoanon was able to communicate with people or control them psychically, although sometimes he chose to do this through a beam of light. Those he controlled would be completely under his command, even going so far as to kill their compatriots for him without consciously realizing it.

    Between the Wall and the village was the Beyond, an area where the villagers never dared to tread. They were separated from it by the Boundary, an invisible wall created by a low-intensity sonic disruptor. The Beyond was inhabited by invisible creatures known as phantoms. When fired upon, the phantoms were revealed to be huge images of the Doctor's - or Xoanon's - face. Attracted by vibrations, they would hunt by movement or sound, and could crush their targets easily. The disruption produced by the Boundary gave them a headache, keeping them out of the village. The phantoms were, in fact, psi-tri projections from the dark side of Xoanon's id, and eventually Xoanon decided to power down the Boundary and allow the phantoms into the village. By this point, the Sevateem were ready to attack the Tesh.

    To combat the Doctor's intention of wiping his personality from the datacore, Xoanon turned Leela on him, electrified the walls of the ship, and even mounted a mental assault when the Doctor tried to breach the main computer complex. In the end, he primed the ship to be destroyed, willing to sacrifice himself and half the planet before allowing himself to be wiped. But before his minions could stop the Doctor, Neeva - feeling betrayed by Xoanon - attacked the main complex, giving the Doctor the time he needed to wipe his personality print. With this accomplished, Xoanon's insanity disappeared and he became quite genial. The Doctor and Leela left the Sevateem and Tesh to work out their differences together.
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  • From Perversity on April 19, 2012
    A very enjoyable read. I'll write a proper review once a few chapters are released, but right now it's well written and the fact that it's about the very beautiful Amy Pond makes it all better.

    I do hope you continue the theme of not only making it about pain, but about pleasure. Pain is a great instant motivator, it gets things started and forces the point, however it's a very poor long-term method of control when the goal is ultimately pleasure.

    Anyway, post some more chapters and I'll come up with a better review. ;)
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