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Reviews for The Omega

By : themuller
  • From Tahn on December 03, 2015
    Ok, what happens next?
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  • From ANON - Mary Lou on February 05, 2015
    Poor John. He has definitely not had an easy life. However, that seems to about to change for John. I love how caring and loving Sherlock is with John. I especially adore it at the end when Sherlock asks John to bond with John, something that he did not have to do. Aside from a few errors, another good chapter.
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  • From ANON - Mary Lou on February 05, 2015
    A very promising start to what appears to become an interesting story. I know that you have my attention. Very nicely written. Looking forward to what happens to John and his child. Good job!
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  • From ANON - Reba on January 05, 2014
    I had lot of fun reading this story despite the rushed ending.
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  • From VincentMeoblinn on March 18, 2013
    I await the next chapter with baited breath.
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  • From VincentMeoblinn on March 16, 2013
    I think I may be the only putz leaving reviews on Sherlock BBC. I certainly can't be the only one enjoying your story. Anyone else want to share the love out there? Good reviews make writer's muses happy. Anyway... Love your work!
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  • From CodyMThomas on March 16, 2013
    I am enjoying reading this story so far. One thing kind of stood out to me though, but that's just because I'm a science geek and I know too much random trivia. John self impregnating means both sets of of the baby's chromosomes comes from him, which would be the same concept as an asexual pregnancy. Meaning that the offspring are clones of their mother, or in this case, parent, which means they would be the same gender, being as they are in fact an identical clone. John couldn't be carrying a girl if he's self impregnated, the baby would be a boy, that's just how genetics works.

    otherwise, I am enjoying this story.
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  • From VincentMeoblinn on March 14, 2013
    So glad to see more of this! You're updating fast. I'm really enjoying your story. Boy, that doctor was a piece of work!
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  • From VincentMeoblinn on March 11, 2013
    Fantastic. I'm in love with them both!
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  • From VincentMeoblinn on March 11, 2013
    Loving this. Keep up the good work.
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  • From VincentMeoblinn on March 10, 2013
    So beautiful!!
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