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Reviews for Bittersweet symphony

By : Slytheinkitten
  • From ANON - Crowdaughter on August 27, 2005

    Strange piece. While I love Gathering stories a lot, I had a bit of trouble with this one, because you give so little about how it came to this. Personally, I rather think the Old Man will throw the fight if it ever it comes down to him and Duncan in the end. On the other hand, it may well be that he would really give Death free run again in the end if it was kill or be killed and Be The One or byte the dust, no escape. But how did he and Duncan *come* to this point? Why were there betrayal in Duncans eyes? Was he deceived? Did the Oldest One shoot him? Stab him? Poisoned him? Took him from behind and brought him down so he could take his head? You start the story *after* the most interesting part. Do you plan to explain what happened in further chapters? If so, shoo! Go on! Write more, please!!!!

    Take care,

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