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Reviews for Following Orders

By : JackAndAHat
  • From Rina76 on August 14, 2007
    What a fabulous ending! Everything I had hoped for and more. Every chapter of this fic was perfectly written and well-thought out. I admire the fact that you took your time writing each part and didn't rush it into something that would have been less enjoyable to read. Each chapter just left me craving the next and the next and I savoured every line, not wanting it to end. You took the time to create the scene and immerse the reader in it and make them truly part of the story with the sounds, the tastes and the textures all very vivid. The dialogue was wonderfully done and I could clearly hear Sayid's voice speaking each word. Even Oded was very real to me as was his deep feelings for the other man warring with what he has been told to do. I almost cried in the last chapter; in the cell...what he did to Sayid...that was heartbreaking. But then the end... Wow. Just beautiful. Once again, I applaud you for not making this a tacky slash piece but crafting something soulful and emotive that leaves you uplifted and believing that out of darkness, sometimes comes light.

    PS. The only thing I really wanted to see was Sayid punching the f*cking crap out of some of those guards but hey, maybe when he has recovered he can come back and do that! ;)
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  • From Rina76 on August 12, 2007
    Well, this is really, really good. I would have thought there would be more reviews but I guess people are pretty slack when it comes to giving feedback. So, I will give you some - which, btw, I don't usually do unless I think the story is worth it. Which this is. First of all, I must congratulate you for picking such a wonderful character to write about. He's utterly fascinating - not to mention a very attractive man in every way - and it's great how you've kept him true to his personality. The situation is believable, gritty and realistic and I love your attention to detail. Your writing style is flowing, descriptive, poetic and full of human emotion both good and bad. I like the fact that there IS a story here (not just sex) and some parts of it are so sweetly tender; it's just lovely to see. Likewise with the not-so-lovely parts - you can totally feel the pain and sympathise with not just Sayid but Oded too for he is just doing his job. But obviously not enjoying it, though. The complex interaction between the two of them is a joy to read - their growing relationship sucking me in and making me want more. The plot has me hooked and I'm only up to chapter 3 but I plan to read more soon because excellent stories such as these are a rarity.
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