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Reviews for Bureaucracy

By : Mangacat
  • From insanesongbird on September 03, 2008
    Okay... *looks around*
    AAAAALRIGHT. after m last rev to this most enjoyable little ficlet got deleted (It's the Devil's work I tell ya!), I see myself forced to repeat myself: *cough* Okay.
    a) thanks for the little tribute, I love you too, hon and I promise that there will me many more occasions when you can enjoy me not getting it in future...
    b) HELL, YEAH!
    c) Yeah the Winnies... they just make more trouble then worth the other, right there Lord Harry?
    e) I would grant everything when Yam just does that puppy look...
    f) I would grant everything for Dean (no matter the look)... and I mean EVERYTHING! Anytime...
    h) Can I get some vodka with that ice Sammy just made??
    i) How much is a spa-weekend in hell to freshen up my skincolour? I could really use the tan...
    k) Is it getting hot in here or is that just me??
    l) They only wanted Dean in hell, so they never needed a heater anymore... I mean gal, he is HOT
    m) HOT HELL, YEAH!
    n) Sam, that was lovely.
    o) Dean.... *grrrrrr*
    p) give me a D
    q) give me an E
    r) give me an A
    s) Give me a N
    t) !!!!
    u) What does that say???
    v) DEAN!!!!!!
    W) He is too hot for hell anyway!
    X) If he had to stay there, our feet would glow off because the earth would overheat from below.
    Y) Why?
    Z) Because he is TOO HOOOOOOOOOOOT for his own good!
    ... I ran out of letters...
    so this is maybe the hugest rev i ever made... why? Cuz DEAN ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!
    and I had a bit champain today aready *grins*
    Okay. have fun and stay as funny as you are, bye birdie

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