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Reviews for Slave To Rome

By : callistosbitch
  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    =====When Eve spoke, it was quiet, “Do you love me?”
    It was a variation of the question she always used to ask me, and I smiled as I looked up at her and kissed her softly on the lips.
    “Yes,” I answered, truthfully.=======

    That sums up my love of this story. Thank you for writing and sharing this story. IT was wonderful. Your writing is wonderfully descriptive, emotional and personal. All the qualities of a wonderful story. God not to mention the drama! Ugh...(wink)

    I'm glad that the council was swayed and that Eve is going to stay with Varia. I'm glad that even though the tribe doesn't fully understand it they're giving them a try. And man am I so thankful that Xena caught that dagger. I held my breath while reading how Varia tried to grab it but her binds kept her from getting it.

    I hope you'll continue to write for this couple. Maybe even a sequel to this story? Please?

    This is a wonderful story. I enjoyed reading it tremendiously. Come back with more whenever you can. Please and thank you.


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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    You tell her Eve. (lol) Sorry having Eve scream at Xena about not being able to not take what she has wanted for years was amusing. Mostly cause that's how I would have viewed Xena and Gabs getting together. (snicker) So...(shrug) I'm hoping that this'll turn out alright. With Marga there to help defend them, which I hope she does, and Xena there to get them out if it goes bad, well I hope it turns out alright whatever way it ends.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    Well...shit. Do they always have to be found out? (sigh) But seriously...if they were that loud I'm not sure I'dbe willing to blame them for outing themselves except for the fact that the whole tribe will want to kill them now. I just hope Xena, hell either of them has a plan now.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    They're getting down to the nitty gritty here. All the deep pent up stuff that needs to be talked about. I love it. (smile) It's great to see them talk through things like this. Open and even if a little unsure they still talked and were able to clear things up. Good for them. I'm just crossing my fingers that things work out for them in the end.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    Someone is going to remember. Ugh...I can not believe that Xena's plan is to make it look like they are just falling in love. (sigh) I hope it works, but at the same time don't see it working out entirely well. (shrug) The fact that Eve had to have a conversation about sex with her mother and Gabby was hilarious. I couldn't help but snicker through that entire intense scene. I mean...I knew I shouldn't be but that just made me laugh all the more, especially when Gabby hid under the covers. (snicker) Glad that at least Xena and Gabs know what's going on.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    So they're keeping themselves a secret. Good, for now. It'd be best to let some people in on it so it doesn't completly back fire on them. But I'm glad to see that they're together again and that they each found themselves. Its horrible that Tura didn't make it but I'm glad that Varia has moved on in life with her tribe and is living a life she's happy with. As for Eve's breakdown in Varia's lap...well I'm glad she trusts her enough to do so and that she's comfortable enough to share this with her and all the while unsure if the woman holding her still held hate for her. (smile) Which, so glad she doesn't. make it perfect all Eve has to do is return that love. (Which I'm sure she does, but doesn't hurt to say it, you know?)
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    Livia saved her. Thank goodness but now everythings fucked for their relationship right now anyway. I'm glad that she saved her, and is letting her go, even if it is for Varia and to protect herself from a difficult situation that could end Varia's life for real this time. (sigh) At least now Varia can find the Amazons and get back those kick ass warrior skills that left her through the years so she won't need Livia to save her like that, she can protect herself and get herself out of a situation like that. (Hopefully she won't be in any more of them...but just in case.)
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    Well Joan's a bitch I wouldn't want to mess with when she seems an able actress to convince others that Varia was attempting to assissinate Livia when she isn't even in Rome. I hope that Varia can defend herself enough to at least stall. And seriously, where are those guards that are supposed to be watching out for her? Ugh...I look forward to reading what happens next.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    Livia's desire was certainly met. Varia wanted to be touched by her and after two years of having others substitue in for who/what she really wanted Livia finally had her chance to be with Varia. I wonder how things will work now that this has happened. If they'll continue on as usual except with this added nightly activity thrown in at night and random times during the day (if they're in need), or if that was it for a while.

    Look forward to reading how it turns out.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    So, their public life is the same as it started but their private life has moved on a great deal forward. The way of thinking of Livia having two different personalities intrigues me.

    As always I look forward to reading what happens next to these two.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    And so it truly begins. (smile) Looks like Livia really is smitten with her new personal slave. Funny, as she said it is, that she doesn't understand why she is herself. (smirk) I keep thinking that it's Aprhodite's doing, to play with Ares chosen, but not everything in Xena verse has to be caused by the gods or goddesses. Read too many stories in the last few days that were...

    I look forward to seeing if Livia's new desire will ever be met. If Varia will ever willingly touch Livia and how they're new...(private) relationship goes as their public relationship will continue.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    So Gina gives a new insight into Livia. A few...(chuckle) I hope, for now, that Varia's prayers to Artims are answered.
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    I'm still curious to see how this turns out. With leaving Tura alive and literally telling Varia that she'd be living a life of luxury...that ways better in her favor should anything platoniclly romantic evolve out of this relationship. I wouldn't, naturally fall for someone that had a new tendency to hit me, but maybe (hopefully) that'll change as time moves on and Varia does earn Livia's trust. I hope it does, can see the thread of it actually happening being dangled in front of us (the readers) as Livia gazed at Varia without contempt.

    Nice to see Ares is involved. Hope to see Livia prove him wrong though. (smile)
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  • From InBetweens on January 22, 2009
    I have to admit that Livia(Eve)/Varia stories are rare and I look forward to reading your other story Path of Forgiveness after I finish reading this story. The fact that Livia didn't kill Tura is in her favor. Sadly not much else is yet. I glad that Varia hasn't lost her hope and strenght yet. Sad to see that some already had. She is right, they were better off escaping from their new holders rather then Livia on a boat where there's no where to go but overboard. I just hope that they can escape this Brutal master and get away.
    On to the next chapter.
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  • From HiccupingRhino on December 02, 2008
    I must admit, when it comes to my fanfics I'm more of a PWP fan. I usually don't read anything more than a chapter or two simply because most of the writing is awful. However, I've read the majority of your works because - excellent sex scenes beside the point ;) - I think you have a great knack for word choice and sentence structure, and you really know the characters and write them well. I'd love to see you do some original stories. You could be the next Sarah Waters - who knows! Keep up the good work.

    ~ A
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