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Reviews for Corrupting Cat

By : MTL
  • From ANON - Mizuki Daichi on October 03, 2021
    NICE.It would b great if ya actualy wrote about them in ha (like after this chappy).IMAO.
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  • From Corinthios on July 08, 2014
    Just like NiniPrime said, Also when will you be bringing toys into this? I ask because I am an avid reader of your other stories and You have a tendency to bring in toys and sorts. Anyway, back to the point great story, I hope be reading more of this story.
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  • From ANON - NiniPrime on January 06, 2013
    Just finished reading the 4th chapter of your story and I must say it's now one of my favorite stories that I have read on this site. One of the things that I absolutely hate in stories is when they completely forget about how a character would act or what they would do/think. This is not the case in this story at all. I love the way you made the characters and how you did it within the world they exist in. Set-up where great, and that made everything else work that much better. If there's to be more chapters, I will gladly be ready to read them. Good Job and keep writing.
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  • From ANON - UMMX on July 13, 2012
    Fucking hot pass out with joy.
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