Back to the Future | By : gallygaskins Category: 1 through F > Ashes to Ashes Views: 1377 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Ashes to Ashes and I don't earn any money from this fanfiction |
Chapter 13 – Back together again. “So, basically, you’re tellin’ me that foul play were involved?” Gene Hunt asked the records clerk. He’d telephoned records at New Scotland Yard in London, in order to find out anything he could about the death of Tim and Caroline Price. “Yes, sir,” came the reply, “it appears that way, the bomb was set off by a timer that was attached to the tape player. The only people that had control over that would have either been the driver or the passenger. An eye witness report suggests that the girl was far too interested in a balloon, got out of the car and chased it when she realised the driver hadn’t made to move the vehicle.” “Can you send that file up t’ me with any corresponding evidence?” “Of course, Superintendent, I’ll put it in the internal mail tonight, it’ll be with you first thing tomorrow.” “Thank you,” he put down the receiver, “hi, Sam, ‘ow’s it goin’?” “I could ask you the same thing, haven’t seen you in a little while. I was starting to think you’d fallen off the face of the earth or something.” “No, no, just sorting out some thin’s with Alex, an’ then tryin’ t’ sort out the house before she makes the move up with Molly in two week.” “So everything is sorted?” Sam asked. “Nearly, I just ‘ave t’ go through my stuff, want t’ get rid of most of the oldest furniture, Alex and I can make a fresh start then when she arrives. I’m takin’ a few days leave then, so that we can get some new furniture an’ decorate.” “You know where I am, if you need me. I’m sure Annie would only be too happy to help out as well.” “’Ow’s it goin’ with Annie, then?” “Very well, we’ve seen a place we really like and we’ve put an offer in. I can’t wait to be living with her in our own house.” “Where is it?” “Couple of streets over from you, all being well. We’ll be closer to the park than you are.” “That’s great, Sam. Alex will be so pleased when I tell ‘er. An’ ‘ave you asked ‘er yet.” “No, wanted to get settled first then I’ve got something special planned for February, around Valentine’s Day. I want to take her away somewhere and propose to her. What about you two.” “Gonna try an’ get married just after Christmas, that way I get to spend my first Christmas with both Alex an’ Molly, an’ Evan won’t have t’ worry too much ‘bout getting Molly t’ school as she’ll be on ‘oliday.” “You seem to have it all worked out, Gene. So what are you looking into or am I not allowed to ask?” “I’m investigatin’ a possible murder of either one of Alex’s parents.” Sam looked at Gene in what seemed like a combination of both shock and surprise. “’Er parents died in a car bomb in 1981, the only reason she didn’t go up with ‘em was ‘cause she got out of the car to chase a balloon. The records clerk I just spoke t’ told me that the timer was connected to the tape player which means that …” “Either her mother or father must have known about the bomb, it could’ve just been deliberate? You know, someone may have wanted them dead.” “Mmm, yeah but the problem is the car that were blown up weren’t theirs it were Evan’s an’ even though I’m not quite sure ‘bout ‘im, ‘avin’ recently met the fella, ‘e maybe capable of a lot of thin’s but not murder. Someat’s not quite right. ‘Opefully I’ll get a better idea tomorrow when the reports turn up. What you up t’ tonight?” “Well, I was going to get a takeaway and some wine and seduce my gorgeous girlfriend, why?” “Oh, no bother. I was just gonna go through all that stuff in the living room cupboards, sort it out like.” “You want a hand then?” “No, Sam, you go home t’ Annie. I can manage.” “I’ve seen your managing, look we’ll come over about 7 with a curry and some wine, soon get you sorted; I can always seduce her later on.” “You sure?” “Yes, but only because I’m going to expect you to do the same when we’re ready to move.” “No problem. That’s a deal.” The friends shook on it. .oOo. “Is it possible t’ speak t’ a DCI Edward Hinkley? … oh, ‘e retired a couple year ago, you say … ‘ave you got a number for ‘im? It’s important about a case he were involved with in 1981 … Thanks, that’s great.” Gene pushed down the button, his intention to make another call. He waited for the phone to ring at the other end. “’Ello?” “Is this Mr Hinkley, Edward Hinkley?” “Yes?” “Ello, my name is Gene Hunt, Detective Superintendent of the Greater Manchester Police.” “Yes? ‘Ow can I help?” Gene paused momentarily, “I wondered if you could ‘elp me with a case, one of yours from 1981. I see you live locally t’ me ‘ere in Manchester is it possible t’ meet up?” “Which one?” “The Price car bomb.” “I don’t think so.” “Why? It’s very important t’ me.” “I’m sorry lad; it wouldn’t be of any use.” “Anythin’ you could tell me would be useful. Why are you so reluctant?” “Why are you so insistent?” “I’m engaged t’ their daughter, Alex. Alexandra, actually.” The phone was deadly silent, “Mr Hinkley? You still there?” “Yes, I am … little lady,” the last few words hardly audible as Edward breathed them out. “Where do you want t’ meet?” “’Ow ‘bout Sid’s café round the corner from the GMP, do you know it?” “Know it, I were suppin’ tea an’ swearin’ in that place before you were even a twinkle, lad. ‘Alf ‘our do?” “Yeah, see you then.” Gene replaced the receiver and made ready to go, deciding to take the short walk to the café. Seating himself in a window seat, a young waitress sidled over to take his order bringing him a coffee back in double quick time. He picked up a discarded newspaper and began reading through the racing form; it had been a while but he betted he could still pick out a few winners. He skimmed over the pundits forecast for the weekend’s football grunting at the unfavourable review for his beloved City before realising that he had been joined by a white haired old gent, slight in size and mirroring a pout that only Gene believed he could master. “Mr Hinkley?” He asked, putting down the paper and extending his hand over the table. “Superintendent?” Hinkley asked, taking the proffered hand and giving it a surprisingly steady shake. He let go as his tea arrived, taking up the teaspoon that had arrived with it and shovelling sugar into the milky liquid. “What exactly do you want t’ know, Mr Hunt?” “I’m tryin’ t’ work out what ‘appened. With the evidence that I do ‘ave an’ Alex’s memories its extremely difficult t’ piece together the events.” “What do you know?” “I know that the bomb were set off by a timer that were connected t’ the tape player, I know Alex got out of the car t’ retrieve ‘er balloon an’ so not got caught up in the bombin’, I also know that she saw a strange man intently watchin’ the car and that she believed a policeman ran t’ ‘er rescue, shielding ‘er from the burnin’ wreckage that the car obviously became. I believe that policeman t’ be you.” “It were me, I’d been trackin’ the Price family for months. Biggest pains in the arse that you could imagine, ‘ope your lady ‘asn’t become one of ‘em?” Gene shrugged, answering the older man’s question for him. “They were involved in all sorts, especially in gettin’ off those that were involved in human rights issues. Anyway, Mrs Price had an affair with Mr White, a solicitor who worked for ‘er. An’ when Mr Price found out, well, ‘e turned into a bit of a nutcase. I ended up followin’ ‘im, made ‘im my life’s work if you like, ended up witnessin’ that bloody bomb goin’ off.” “Mr White? Evan White by any chance?” “Yeah, the same, the little lady’s godfather. He were there too, with me in fact. Tim Price ‘ad slipped from my sights an’ I confronted Evan. ‘E were in a right state when I met up with ‘im, just jacked ‘is job in, tells me that Price ‘ad borrowed ‘is car t’ take the wife an’ daughter t’ the train station for a trip they were goin’ t’ go on. We raced over t’ the school just as the family were makin’ a move. The car stopped, Alex got out an’ moment’s later the car went up. I didn’t hesitate I ran toward the little girl, took ‘er hand in mine as she let go of the balloon an’ held ‘er to me as I looked back at the burnin’ wreckage. I mean it’s awful to see your parents die without ‘avin’ to see the car burnin’ as well. I picked ‘er up an’ got ‘er back to the station. Evan was waitin’ for me, brandishin’ a video tape.” “That weren’t in the evidence?” “No, I destroyed it. Evan ‘ad asked me t’ keep quiet an’ I would’ve taken it t’ the grave if you hadn’t asked me ‘bout it. Are you goin’ t’ tell Alex?” “Not until I’ve spoken t’ Evan. What were on the tape?” “Tim Price confessing t’ the suicide of ‘imself and the murders of ‘is wife an’ child. Seemed that ‘e couldn’t live with the affair that ‘is wife ‘ad ‘ad with Evan. Accordin’ to Price ‘is paradise ‘ad been destroyed by a worm an’ there were no way out of that than t’ take everyone ‘e loved with ‘im t’ the grave. Complete nutter.” “Or just someone who’d lost touch with reality.” Where had that come from? Alex was certainly influencing him in ways even he couldn’t imagine. “You seem a little perplexed.” Mr Hinkley asked. Gene laughed, before nodding. “You know, Mr Hinkley, I am. ‘Ow exactly do you tell your wife t’ be that your dead father-in-law was out of ‘is mind. I need t’ speak t’ Evan ‘bout all this, after all I think ‘e ‘as a responsibility t’ ‘is goddaughter t’ let ‘er know what ‘e were doing with ‘er mother, don’t you?” “Yes, Mr Hunt. I think you’re right. She needs t’ know the truth an’ I know that you’ll be as sympathetic as you can be with the news. She’s a lucky woman, ‘avin’ a man like you lookin’ after ‘er.” “Thanks, and thank you for sharin’ this information with me.” “Well, I know it’s gone to a good ‘ome, so t’ speak. Have you got a picture of ‘er?” “Yeah, ‘ere,” Gene pulled out a snapshot from his wallet, “took this one a few week ago, that’s our daughter with ‘er.” “She’s beautiful, they both are.” He handed the photo back to Gene, who looked over the picture again before he put it back into his wallet. “Take care, Mr Hunt.” He offered his hand to Gene. “An’ you, Mr Hinkley.” Gene took it and shook it gratefully. “Bye.” “Bye, lad. Look after ‘em.” “I will.” Gene nodded in acceptance as he watched the old man get up from his seat and walk out of the café before finishing his own drink and doing the same. The only thing he could think about was how he was going to broach the subject with Evan. How was Evan going to react to the news? How was Alex going to react? He knew she loved her parents unconditionally so what was she going to do knowing that her father had wanted to kill her? “Jesus, whatever I say t’ ‘er its gonna ‘urt like ‘ell.” .oOo. “Bloody technology,” Alex screamed, punching the satnav, “I swear we’ve been around these same streets more than once.” “We have,” Molly said, “shall I phone Dad?” “Yes, I suppose so.” Alex sighed, knowing that Gene was going to rib her about this for a long time to come. After following his instructions, as relayed to her by Molly, Alex had parked her car in front of the garage that sat alongside Gene’s house. She pulled herself out of the driver’s seat, stiff from their journey and spotted him leaning against the front doorframe, attempting to hide the sarcasm and humour that was all too evident. “If you say one word,” she warned him, waggling her finger at him as he stepped out of the house and moved toward them, “I swear I will get back in this car and drive back to London.” Gene held his hands up, “last thing I want is for you t’ leave, you’ve only just arrived.” Molly was struggling to pull her rucksack from the boot of the car as he drew up to Alex and pulled her into his arms. His mouth found hers and soon they were locked in a passionate embrace, only breaking apart when they both needed to come up for air. He rested his forehead against hers, “I’ve missed you, Alex. Today just couldn’t come quick enough.” “I know what you mean,” she responded, revelling in his warm embrace and the promise it held for later on. Reluctantly they broke apart, Gene finally going to Molly’s aid and helping her with her luggage. Alex followed him over and watched him as he pulled each of the bags out in turn and put them on the drive so that Molly was eventually able to pull her bag free and run with it into the house. “’Ope she realises which room is ‘er’s?” He said, smiling after the retreating form of his daughter. “And which one is that?” Alex asked him, eyeing up the man she’d ached for over the past few weeks as he continued on with his task of getting the luggage into the house. He leaned into her, his mouth barely an inch away from her ear. “The one furthest away from ours.” He exclaimed, his voice dripping with desire, the electrical tension between them evident as his words lingered. She knew she was in for a treat. She picked up the remaining bags after locking the car and walked into the house, closing the door behind her with her foot. Letting go of her load she followed him into the lounge. He stood in the centre of the large living room, “so, do you like it?” “What I’ve seen of it, yes. This room is so big.” “They’re all a good size really. Come on,” he held out his hand to her, “I’ll show you around.” He took her through into the dining room and then the kitchen, Alex couldn’t believe how big the place was. She could see ways to improve the kitchen but she’d wait a couple of days before saying anything. “You don’t seem to have much furniture?” She asked. “I got rid of a load, didn’t think it were right keepin’ a load of stuff that I’d ‘ad for nigh on 15 year. Anyway, it’ll be fun picking out new stuff, lookin’ forward t’ it. I got a fair amount for the bits I sold too so we’ll be able t’ use that t’ buy new.” She smiled, he’d obviously thought about her and Molly’s comforts whilst they’d been apart. “Do you like the kitchen?” She nodded, “it’s alright.” “I’m not convinced; it’s been in ‘ere since I bought the place with Rebecca so that’s got to be 17 year.” “It does need updating. We don’t have to do it immediately though do we?” “I s’pose not, but I want you and Molly t’ be ‘appy ‘ere. This is your home too you know?” She nodded before following him upstairs. Molly had settled herself in the back bedroom as Gene and Alex stepped through the door. “You found your room then?” Molly nodded up to him, a broad grin crossing her face. “I love it!” “Good, sorry you’re ‘avin’ t’ camp out for a bit.” He said, motioning toward the makeshift bed consisting of a sleeping bag, blanket and pillow. He’d strung up a piece of thin rope above the bed and hung a sheet over that to make a tent shape. He only hoped she would appreciate it. “Don’t worry dad, I don’t mind. It’s gonna be fun, never been camping before and I love the tent you’ve made me. Thank you.” Molly put her arms around him and squeezed. His arms went around her shoulders. “Glad I’ve done alright for you, Molls. Maybe one day we can go camping properly, if you like.” She nodded her agreement. “We’ll soon ‘ave your room sorted, Molls. Just the way you want. Ok?” “Yes, thanks Dad.” “My pleasure, now can I show your mum the rest of the house?” “Course, I’m quite happy here sorting out my stuff.” “Good, be back in a bit,” he turned on his heel pulling Alex with him and showing her the rest of the house, finally ending up in their bedroom. Alex closed the door behind them. “Thank you for doing that.” “My pleasure, can’t take all the credit though, ‘ad a word with some of the lads at work who ‘ave daughters ‘bout Molly’s age.” He sat on the edge of the bed beckoning her over with outstretched hands. She placed hers in his as he pulled her to sit on his knee, holding her to him. He looked up at her, “you’ve seen it all now, do you approve.” She nodded, “we will be very happy here, Gene. Thank you.” She nuzzled into his neck, tears sliding down her face and onto the exposed skin of his shoulder. “’Ey, what’s up?” He cooed, trying to gauge her reaction. She pulled back a little, “I love this place, and I knew I would. You’ve done everything you can to make us fit in so perfectly and we do. I really can’t get over what you have done. I’ve never known anyone to be so generous.” “I’d say Evan were pretty generous, takin’ you in as a kid,” he responded, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, you didn’t have to live with him.” “You haven’t spent more than 48 ‘ours in my company yet, I’m not always the peacefully calm, collected individual you have the pleasure of today.” “I know. I’ve seen you angry and bitter, the Manc Lion on the prowl. Can’t wait for us to have our first argument,” he looked confused, she lowered her voice, “the make-up sex is going to be great!” He couldn’t help but smile. He pushed her back onto the bed playfully, his hands tickling up her torso, he could see she was crying through her laughter which made him chuckle along. “Well, Miss Smarty Pants, as t’ great sex that starts now,” his mouth landed on hers, nipping and suckling at her top lip as she squirmed beneath him. More butterfly kisses travelled the length of her neck and down toward the hollow of her cleavage as he positioned himself over her body, holding her down with his hands on her shoulders as she continued to wriggle, trying to free herself so that she could assault him back. “Don’t mind me!” Molly shouted as the door swung back and hit the cupboard behind it with a bang, shocking the two adults into a freeze frame. Both turned their heads toward the little girl who stood in the doorway, finding a stance that she had seen her mother use on many occasions especially when she was irritated. Gene let go of Alex and helped her to sit up whilst he still straddled her legs. “Molly?” Alex questioned. “Look, I know you two have a lot of catching up to do, Evan told me as much. So can I suggest something?” Gene and Alex looked at one another briefly before turning their attention back to Molly. “What?” They said in unison. “Hang a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door so I know when to go downstairs and switch the TV on … loudly.” And with that she was gone, thundering down the stairs and, before they knew it, the television was blaring away. “’Ave we just been told off by our daughter?” Gene asked, smirking. Alex nodded, pursing her lips, “Yes, I think so.” She giggled, “I assume it’s like being caught by your parents when you’re a teenager.” Gene nodded, catching her off guard and pinning her to the bed once more, “better not disappoint then.” His eyebrows went skyward causing the nerve endings at Alex’s centre to tingle in response. He moved off the bed and effortlessly picked her up, taking her through the still open doorway and into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and locked it. “What are we doing in here?” “’Avin’ a picnic! Alex, even you’re not that stupid,” he set about putting the shower on, “at least this way we won’t be disturbed.” He pulled her to him, “I love you so much, Alex an’ I want you. An’ if it means ‘avin’ t’ ‘ave a quickie in the shower for now then so be it.” He began assaulting her once more stripping the clothes from her body as she helped him out of his. “Besides, you’ve ‘ad a long journey an’ you need t’ freshen up.” He stepped under the running water bringing her with him, allowing her to get herself comfortable against the wall as he closed the curtain behind them before going in for the kill, “I’m just ‘elpin’ out.” .oOo. Gene had been awake for hours, watching the moonlight dance over Alex’s slumbering body as it flooded the room through the half open louver blinds. He sat up slowly positioning himself on his pillows against the bed head so that he had a better view. Alex lay on her back facing him, her hair fanning out behind her over the pillows and the duvet pushed down to reveal her scantily clad body from her hips up. She’d chosen to wear a cream satin and lace shorts set, the spaghetti straps on the camisole top crossing over at the back and revealing a large proportion of her back down toward her spine. When he’d first seen her in it his reaction had been physically obvious, but as both had fallen under the covers sleep had quickly evaded them. He looked over to the clock radio, the green numbers illuminating the time. 4:07 am. He allowed himself to look back over the clothing barely covering her assets. She’d obviously turned in her sleep causing the fabric to twist around her body, her belly button exposed by the angle of the hem of the top. He noticed the elastic at the top of the shorts, thinking about how he could easily tuck his hand inside and coax her awake. ‘Stop it,’ he thought, but his cock had other ideas, if he didn’t do something soon he would have to sort himself out. He looked further up her body noticing how the patterned lace pulled and stretched over her breasts, in the dim light he could see a hint of dark rose instinctively knowing exactly where each nipple lay. He had to have her, his body was crying out for her. His hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it found its way over to the furthest breast, his fingers delicately brushing over the centre and feeling the nub spring to life under his caresses. He stopped his attack when he saw her move, straightening herself out a bit and giving him better access to the other breast. He sat up, turning slightly and brought the other hand up to the other breast, mirroring the actions of the first. Both nipples were soon erect and he heard her moan as he increased his movements, the action causing the lace to rub over her flesh and heighten her reaction further. He lent down, taking the first nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around the peak and suckling at the tip. “Gene?” A female hand found its way into his hair and began caressing his scalp gently pushing him against her, silently asking him to increase his exploits. Her body was slowly coming to life and responding to him as his hand found her other nipple, pushing back the lace fabric and exposing her fleshy mound to the outside world. His fingers worked their magic as his mouth continued on the first. He chanced a look and saw her wide eyes looking down at him, all anticipation and excitement. “I’ve missed you … this,” she whispered, barely able to keep control as her body began to writhe. He nodded in agreement, going back to his employment and allowing his free hand to find its way down over her stomach and hips, reaching down as far as he could along the outside of her leg before bringing it back up the inside finally finding the hem of her shorts and reaching up between the fabric and her skin. He felt her flinch as he found her pussy, his fingers delicately brushing through the soft curly hair before reaching down into her slick folds. She moved slightly so that he was able to edge his hand under the shorts more comfortably and give her an orgasm to remember. He tentatively dipped a finger in her realising that his efforts had paid dividends, her canal was soaking wet and he couldn’t contain himself any longer. He moaned against the lace covered teat needing to taste her flesh. “Alex … wet … you’re so …wet.” She nodded, “I’ve been waiting … too … long for … this,” she bit out, her body arching up to him as he continued to plunge his fingers inside her before bringing them out and grazing over her swelling clit. Now fully awake, she surprised him pushing herself up to sit and pulling off her top, throwing it onto the floor, giving him a beautiful view of her full bosoms as she turned the bedside light on, the golden glow highlighting her skin as her breasts gently swayed with her movements. “I want this to be slow and languorous, Gene,” she got off the bed stripping the shorts from her bottom and sliding them down her legs. She opened her stance and bent over showing him her core as she sexily waggled her hips in front of him. He pulled at the duvet throwing it onto the floor, if she wanted this slow then nothing was going to hinder them and get in their way. He pulled himself to the edge of the bed and sat on it. He reached forward grabbing her hips and pulling her back to meet him, “first things first, are you comfortable?” She looked up at him from between her legs, “does it look like I am?” She lent forward onto the floor supporting herself on her hands and knees, she smiled looking back to him, “now I am.” He lent forward slipping down from the bed onto the floor, placing his hands around her hips he pulled her back slightly so that he could lick her pussy, her hand went to his erection, pumping it gently. “Alex, you want this slow, you’ll stop that now.” She complied by letting go, knowing that he was right. He continued on, delving into her with his tongue, reaching in with it as far as he could go before pulling it out again and nibbling and sucking at her clit. He used his fingers to draw delicate circles along the crease between her openings, pushing ever onwards as her hips moved vigorously against his face. Soon she was calling his name under her breath trying to keep as quiet as she could without disturbing Molly in the other room, whilst still rubbing herself over his tongue as he continued to delve into her with it. Her orgasm over she sat back on his lap, supporting herself against his frame allowing him to draw patterns around her breasts and down to her pussy with his fingers as her body calmed momentarily. “I’m getting excited again, Gene. I want you in me.” She crawled forward again. “Alex, I want to see you, I want to see your face as you’re coming over me, as you’re clamping around me.” She turned over and laid on the floor, her elbows supporting her up as her legs bent out widely to either side giving him sight of his piece of heaven on earth, “oh god yes, I couldn’t stay in that position even if you paid me. No, some kind of missionary will be fine, I want to see you too especially when your coming inside me.” “Anything in particular you ‘ave in mind?” He began crawling toward her between her legs and over her body, his penis itching at the prospect of filling her core. Her eyes glistened, “back on the bed I think, you on your back.” He bent in and kissed her allowing her to suck his tongue, his penis dancing with delight as his nerve endings responded to her caresses. “I love it when you’re on top.” He stood and positioned himself comfortable in the middle of the bed. “Well this a variation on that,” she straddled him at first, teasing both of them with his cock against her clit, self lubricating herself before taking him into her getting him to help by opening her labia. She lent down over him, supporting her weight on her hands; her breasts and once again, erect nipples bruising his as she moved. Slowly she began to creep up his length, taking her vagina up to his tip before plunging back down on him and taking him into her fully, she repeated again and again, her clitoris being stimulated by being rubbed against his pelvis. His hands were in her hair, stimulating the follicles as her twisted her long locks between his fingers, “this is so good, Alex, where do you get this stuff from. The Karma Sutra.” “No, Ann Summers.” She replied, taking her time over her deep penetrations, “just tell me when you’re ready to come, I’m controlling this.” “Yes, ma’am,” he offered, enjoying the feel of her slick pussy rolling up and down over his erection, he could feel she was dripping but he wasn’t going to let her become disappointed in him just yet by letting go of his load. She continued on, whispering come on’s to him, kissing him and having the favour returned, their bodies continually rubbing together and edging them ever further toward their mutual goal, but ever so slowly. They’d been like that for some time when Alex finally asked, “are you near, Gene?” “I’m quite close, yeah.” He said reaching down to her hips and over her bottom, trailing delicately fine touches down over and around her cheeks. “Good, I’m just going to move slightly,” she pulled each leg over his own in turn so that she was finally resting between his thighs. She began moving again, slowly working up and down his erection, her action increasing the stimulus to her clit and tightening her vaginal wall around him. Her movements were still slow and intricate but the effect now was electrifying, she sped up slightly as her sexually fuelled body edged toward its peak, “How’s this?” “Good,” he spluttered, “very good.” He could feel his balls expand and harden beneath her as she continued on, their lovemaking causing his breathing to become ragged. He was close and he could tell she was too. One final push from Alex saw his world begin to shatter as he felt her climax over him, her muscles closing around him as she came back up again over his rod; she was finishing the job so that he would come too. He looked at her, watched her face as she stared back at him, half conscious to the event they had both participated in and half on her way out into the stratosphere, her breathing heavy and her mouth wide open. He thrust up, his only involvement in their union, filling her up as he finally let go and he too found himself in between reality and reaching for the stars. He kept eye contact just so that he could see her reaction to him. Alex came over him, trying to keep some of her faculties as she continued to pump him. She looked at him, half taking in his reaction as her breathing grew heavy and mouth opened up to incredible feelings that were going on inside of her. He came soon after, she felt him spilling into her and she watched him, his face pulling the same open mouthed stance she had created herself seconds earlier. His breathing was heavy too and his eyes shone as soon as he realised she was looking at him. She’d been smiling and now he returned it with his own stunningly beautiful expression. “Jesus, Drake, what the ‘ell were that ‘bout. There are quicker ways t’ kill me off you know.” She laughed, allowing her body to fall onto his chest and waiting for her breathing to return to normal. “You enjoyed it then?” She asked as Gene moved them over onto their sides still coupled. “Enjoyed it? Bloody ‘ell I think that is one t’ go at the top of the list.” “There’s plenty more where that came from.” “Can’t wait,” he smiled into her hair, “you do realise that we ‘ave been at it for about an hour.” “Really?” “Yeah, do you intend t’ spend this long on making love to me every night, because if you do you’re gonna have to feed me pasta and potatoes.” She punched him playfully, “not every night, but I’m not ruling out mornings, especially before Molly gets up.” “Well, one things for sure.” “What’s that?” “We’ll be the fittest pair on this street, what with all the bedroom gymnastics we’re goin’ t’ be getting’ up t’.”
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