The Lesbian Diaries | By : MTL Category: S through Z > Vampire Diaries Views: 18670 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries or Legacies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Dear Diary
Caroline is super worried about Bonnie's 'evil plan' and honestly, I don't blame her. It's one hell of a risk, which could ruin their relationship with their daughters. And it certainly wasn't something any of us would do at the beginning of all this. Hell, we would never even think of it. But now? Now...
Oh God, I hope it happens. Especially because my wonderful best friends have given me not only a front row seat, but if all goes well, I get to be involved in the show...
Josie and Lizzie Saltzman walked into their parents bedroom to find one kissing another woman. And both of them were naked. That alone would be devastating for most families, especially given the fact that their other parent was watching with approval, and just as naked as they were, which would've been even worse. However, the Bennett-Saltzman family was far from normal. Their Dad was an ex-vampire hunter, who was in charge of basically their world's equivalent to Hogwarts. He was Headmaster, and one of their Moms was the Headmistress. She was also a vampire, while their other Mom was a witch. And both their Moms have helped them seduce Hope Mikaelson, who as always was following them like the obedient puppy they had trained her to be.
The point was, their lives were strange. Further proof of that came from the fact that Mommy Caroline was making out with her best friend Elena Gilbert, suggesting that the twins were in for a fun night. After all, they had gleefully used Elena to practice for Hope, and had a lot of fun memories of gang banging her with Mama Bonnie and Mommy Caroline. Oh yes, as soon as the twins walked through the door they exchanged a smile, and didn't hesitate taking off their own clothes. Hope looked adorably unsure what she should do, but all it took was Josie giving her a smile for her to do the same, meaning that the room was filled with naked flesh. Which again, wasn't unusual, although the twins were going to find out just how crazy things could truly get.
"You wanted to see us?" Lizzie beamed excitedly.
"We did." Bonnie confirmed with a smile of her own, "All three of us, isn't that right girls?"
"Right." Elena confirmed with surprising confidence after she broke the kiss with Caroline.
"Right..." Caroline said softly, and with less confidence.
"So?" Josie pushed softly.
"So..." Bonnie beamed, "I'm really proud of the way that you girls have been handling yourself. We all are. And we all think you deserve a reward."
"Oh really?" Lizzie grinned.
"Really." Caroline confirmed softly.
"Well, you know how much we enjoy putting Elena in her place." Lizzie purred, eyeing the friend of her Moms hungrily.
There was a brief, telling pause, and then Josie softly said, "Lizzie, I... I don't think we are here to play with Elena."
"What? Then who..." Lizzie began, before realization suddenly hit her like a freight train, "Oh..."
"You don't have too!" Caroline blurted out, "It's weird. We know it's weird, but your Mama Bonnie thought that maybe, possibly... I mean, we've done a lot of weird stuff. We ARE, a lot of weird stuff. And, and I love you both so much, and you are my family, but it's not by blood, so maybe that makes it okay? If that was something you wanted, but if not, that's more than okay. We just..."
"I want it." Lizzie cut in softly, although her words instantly cause Caroline to go very quiet.
As those words echoed throughout the room Josie hesitantly added, "Me too."
"Are you sure?" Caroline asked softly.
"Because we don't want to force you into anything." Bonnie quickly added, shooting a look at Hope, so it was clear she was telling her, "Any of you."
There was another pause, this one much longer, as the two twins looked at each other, for once not entirely knowing what the other one was thinking, before Josie bravely spoke up, "You're right. We're weird. This whole family, the situation, our lives, everything... it's weird. But it's worked for us before, so why not now? I mean, who cares?"
"Right." Lizzie agreed with a slow smile, before quickly amending that statement, "I mean wrong! Not about... this, but we're not letting anyone know about it. Ever! Is that understood?"
"Agreed." Josie nodded, even if she thought that part went without saying.
"Because things are bad enough without everyone knowing that we fucked our Mom." Lizzie said bluntly.
Yet another pause, in which those words hung in the air, and then Bonnie clarified, "We definitely agree, nobody knows outside of our inner circle."
"And ideally, outside of this family. If you can help it." Caroline scoffed, "I don't want to think what will happen if Katherine ever finds out."
"Oh, I don't know." Bonnie teased, "You might be pleasantly surprised."
"What does that mean/" Caroline frowned with confusion.
"Nothing." Bonnie lied, before pointing out something that all of them already knew, "It's just, the Mikaelsons have always been incestuously close."
"That's..." Hope spoke up, instinctively trying to defend her family, before slumping her shoulders and admitting, "That's accurate."
"But that doesn't mean you have to stay." Bonnie pointed out softly.
"Yeah Hope." Josie quickly added, "No one-"
"Mistress Josie, please can I stay." Hope quickly interrupted, smiling as she added cheekily, "I want to watch you and Mistress Lizzie become literal mother fuckers."
"Good, then watch this." Lizzie announced boldly, before moving towards her mother.
Admittedly, then the younger blonde then did hesitate, causing the older one to softly smile at her, before reassuring, "You don't have too, you know? If you're not sure. We can ease you into it, by just watching Elena and Mama Bonnie top me, and then... we can see how things go. We, we just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
"I'm not." Lizzie lied, before truthfully adding, "I... I want this."
With that Lizzie took a calming breath, grabbed a tight hold of Mommy Caroline's face and pulled it forwards, while leaning in to meet and press their lips together. This had Josie gasping loudly with shock, and why wouldn't it? This was her sister kissing their Mom. And their Mom kissed back! Oh God, her two closest female family members practically melted into a gentle kiss right in front of her, and it was weird, strange, and obscenely forbidden, but above all else, it was hot. Josie Saltzman, the 'nice twin', actually enjoyed watching her sister and their mother kiss. Something which seemed to last for an eternity, until finally Lizzie pulled back and gave her an expectant look. Although that was unnecessary, as Josie was already moving into position to take over.
Mommy Caroline didn't notice, but she was too busy lowering her head and blushing, probably trying to process what exactly she had just done. Josie certainly didn't blame her, but she was relieved when the older woman didn't resist when she gently cupped her chin and pulled it upwards so that she could press their lips together. So that Josie could kiss her mother! Oh God! And then her Mommy kissed back, pretty much ruining Josie's ability to think coherently, which at that point was a blessing, because she just enjoyed the sensations she was feeling, and didn't really have to worry about anything. So it was a lot like kissing Hope Mikaelson in that respect, which was one of her favourite things to do.
Caroline also love kissing. She always had, back before she knew she wanted to kiss other girls. Or at least admitted that fact to herself. But this was way beyond just kissing a pretty girl, or even kissing her wife. She had done those things a thousand times, but this... this was kissing her own daughters! Something that thankfully she didn't have to spend too much time thinking about during the actual kissing, as unsurprisingly that fact pretty much robbed her of the ability to think coherently. However the short time between those kisses caused her brain to going to melt down and second-guessing herself, before once again a soft pair of lips, and later a tongue, pushed all her worries out of her head, if only momentarily.
For a good long while she was kept mercifully away from thinking as the two beautiful young women now sitting either side of her made sure that her lips were constantly busy. First with gentle kisses, but unsurprisingly considering she was making out with teenagers, it wasn't long before things started to heat up. At first it was just little things, hands beginning to slide over her body, although she wasn't sure whether they belonged to whoever was kissing her, or the other girl. Then she got her answer, it was both. Oh yes, both girls were sliding their hands all over her body, ignoring the really fun parts at first, but it was not long before her butt and boobs became the primary target of those hands. Finally, whoever wasn't kissing her lips started working on her neck instead, which would be overwhelming for anyone, let alone a vampire.
Then both girls started kissing her neck, which was still overwhelming, but not so much that Caroline could no longer think, meaning that reality came crashing down upon her. She very nearly freaked out and pushed her little girls away from her, perhaps hard enough to hurt them. Thankfully she maintained her composure, and did her best just to let her girls have their way with her. Admittedly, this wasn't how she and Bonnie thought it would go down, but it was far better than some of the other examples, so she really felt she couldn't complain. Especially after trying and failing to leave a mark on her neck, which immediately started to heal, the twins made their way down her body, simultaneously kissing their way up a breast and taking a nipple into their mouths.
Which of course had Caroline arching her back and letting out a sharp cry, her eyes darkening and her fangs sticking out as she struggled to control herself from this overwhelming sensation. This in turn reminded her, like she needed it, that she was a vampire, and therefore hadn't been able to nurse these girls when they were babes. But now, in a really twisted way, they were making up for it. Oh God, Josie and Lizzie hadn't been able to suck milk from her nipples, and never would, but they were attacking those sensitive nubs in a way which drove Caroline crazy. And this continued to be the case, until she finally got the chance for some sweet revenge. If it could be called that.
Lizzie and Josie had been scolded by Mama Bonnie for doing this too much with Hope when they were supposed to be the tops, but they just couldn't help it. Their bitch had the best set of boobs either one of them had ever seen, and they just couldn't help but get lost in them. And they didn't see how anyone could blame them for it. And Mama Bonnie shouldn't blame them for this. After all, while Mommy Caroline's tits, were nowhere close to the size of Hope's ridiculously awesome boobs, these breasts were special. They belong to the woman who had given birth to them. Carried them in her womb. And if it had been possible, she would have totally nurse them. And technically did, albeit via a bottle. Making this moment so very obscene, and weirdly hot to the Saltzman twins.
Of course Lizzie made sure to do more than just suck on the nipple right in front of her. She licked it a lot too, and even nipped at it, safe in the knowledge that her Mommy would instantly heal, regardless of how hard she bit down. She also kissed the surrounding flesh, and occasionally back up to Mommy Caroline's lips and neck, allowing Josie to have those tits all to herself. Then Josie returned the favour, the twins going back and forth for a while, and sometimes meeting in the middle to perform one-act together. Sometimes even kissing each other while doing so, which was another thing they became lost in. But as the more responsible one, Lizzie just couldn't let them spend all night on this. Or worse, allow Josie to follow her natural instincts, and be the one to go down.
No, that was the bottom's job, and as they had already pushed their luck too much already, Lizzie sat on the edge of the bed, and then called out, "Josie, mmmmmmmm fuck, that's enough. Oh yes, it's Mommy Caroline's turn now. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssssssss, it's time for our Mommy to return the favour, oooooooooooh shit, and eat our pussies!"
Josie pulled away and reluctantly admitted, "That's a great idea. As long as Mommy Caroline doesn't mind."
"I'm yours tonight, sweetie." Caroline beamed, maybe a little too happily under the circumstances, "You don't have to ask. Just assume I want what you want. I'll tell you if I don't. Isn't that how it works between you two and Hope?"
"Yes, but..." Josie blushed.
"Hope is such a slut she lets us do anything to her." Lizzie added boldly, and with pride.
"So true." Hope admitted, albeit with a blush of her own.
"Well, so am I." Caroline beamed, "So please, use me like you do Hope."
"Okay then." Josie smiled bashfully, before finally ordering, "Get down on your knees, and kiss my feet. Mmmmmmmmm, work your way slowly up to my pussy, Mommy."
"Mine too." Lizzie quickly added, "Oh yeah, kiss my feet. Grovel before me, and prove just what a slut you really are. Mmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhh, the kind of slut who wants her own daughters to use her like the rug munching little slut she is. Then maybe, if you're lucky, we'll fuck you like the dyke whore you are, and make you our lezzie bitch."
"Yes Mistress Lizzie, yes Mistress Josie." Caroline replied eagerly and with a wicked smile as she did as she was told.
It was truly mind blowing to see their own mother say those words, especially when it involved her getting on her knees in front of them, leaning down, and pressing a soft kiss to Josie's foot. She then went back and forth between them, while Lizzie scooted closer to her sister, making it easy for them other two include her in the mix. And sure enough, that was exactly what happened. Oh yes, pretty much as soon as Lizzie was in position, her Mom moved from her sister's feet to hers. Her own mother, the woman who had given birth to her and Josie, Mommy Caroline was kissing her feet, which again truly blew poor Lizzie's fragile little mind. Which continued to be the case for the next few long minutes, as her mother went back and forth, kissing all over their feet, before finally moving upwards.
Despite where that mouth was headed it actually gave Lizzie a chance to get a grip. Especially because she knew exactly where those lips were headed, at least initially. Oh yes, Josie had been the first one to specifically order it, so was only fair that she was the first to get her pussy licked, which was exactly what happened. Just as Mommy Caroline was reaching that destination, Lizzie did consider calling over Hope, or maybe Elena to pay her some attention. After all, she knew from experience that having two bottoms going back and forth between licking hers and Josie's pussies was an incredible rush. However, considering this was a first time, it was probably better to just concentrate on the one submissive bottom, and give the two sisters sometime to recover in between lickings, especially considering who this pussy licker was.
Josie was still very much having trouble thinking at that moment, especially as her Mom's lips got closer and closer to her cunt. Then she pretty much lost the ability completely when, without hesitation, Mommy Caroline reached her destination, and then gave her daughter's pussy a long, slow lick, starting from the bottom, and then working her way up to the top. Mommy Caroline then repeated that lick over and over again, making sure that Josie continued struggling to think for what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was only a few minutes. Well, probably. Honestly, it was hard to tell in her current state of mind. Hell, all she really was aware of at first was the amazing pleasure she was receiving, and the fact that she was constantly crying out loudly in pure pleasure.
Even as she felt herself slowly getting back to her conscious state Josie didn't try and stop making those sounds. Mama Bonnie had been trying to teach her to hold back on them, especially when it came to being pleasured. Apparently she was supposed to make a bottom work for it. But Elena and especially Hope worked for it plenty, and therefore her reaction seemed natural. Especially considering she was in love with Hope, and had been her whole life. And while she didn't have the same feelings for Elena, having the oldest friend of her two Moms do this to her was one hell of a rush. And really, how was she supposed to stop herself from letting out these kind of reactions when it was her own mother doing this to her? Surely not even Mama Bonnie could blame her for that?
Luckily Mama Bonnie certainly seemed understanding, at least for now. Maybe later Josie would be scolded, although it was kind of a funny thought. Funny, and hot. Oh yes, Josie thought it would be funny and hot to be told off for making too much noise while having her own Mommy lick her pussy. And for it to be her other mother who was upset with her, not for the incest, or the fact that this was technically Mommy Caroline cheating on her wife with her daughter, but because Josie was enjoying it too much. No, Josie didn't need to worry about that, because Mama Bonnie was enjoying the show almost as much as she did. Elena too, given that she seemed to move closer for a better look. Not that Josie could blame her.
Another good sign was that Lizzie had the same reaction when Mommy Caroline finally switch to licking her other daughter's pussy. The initial switch caused Josie to let out a cry of disappointment, but it was a short-lived feeling, as she had no doubt that it was only a matter of time before she was being pleasured again. In the meantime, she was more than happy to watch Lizzie receiving it. After all, it was a regular occurrence for them. Oh yes, the Saltzman twins were good sisters, who happily shared their pussy lickers. Admittedly Josie never thought they would be sharing one of their Moms, even submissive little Mommy Caroline, but she was so glad they were now doing that, because she loved to watch Lizzie being pleasured like this. It made her so hot, as did what happened next, which again, made sharing easy.
Elena did move closer so she could get a better look at this amazing show, but it wasn't the only reason. She felt emboldened from topping Hope, which put her in the mood to do the same to Caroline. Which she could easily do independent of this little get together, either with Bonnie, or just with Bonnie's permission. But as much as she wanted to just watch Caroline getting topped by her daughters, she really wanted to be involved in that equation. To her delight, it had been the idea that Bonnie and especially Caroline fully supported, as they had worried about their daughters being hesitant about this. Which actually seemed ironic now. As was the fact that originally, the intention was for Caroline to go down on Elena first to put the Saltzman twins in the mood to receive the same attention from their Mommy.
While Elena couldn't be too mad how things worked out, she definitely wanted some of that treatment herself, which was why she got in the perfect position for it, namely right next to Lizzie. It was very, very tempting to just grab a firm hold of Caroline's hair and pull her away from Lizzie and directly into Elena's cunt. Caroline definitely wouldn't have complained. No, the little slut probably wouldn't even hesitate to start eating pussy, like the shameless little pure bottom she was. Besides, Josie would definitely be too polite to argue with the other woman, and Lizzie might not want to push her luck, while Bonnie would probably be amused. So yes, Elena could probably get away with it, but she didn't want to be rude, and there was definitely something to be said for asking.
"Do you mind if I have a turn?" Elena questioned as casually as if she was asking for the remote control, not to get her pussy licked by a submissive little lesbian.
As a result Lizzie was initially stunned into silence, before turning to Mama Bonnie, who told her, "Don't look at me. You girls are old enough to make these decisions for yourselves."
There was a brief pause as the twins thought about it, then once again proving she was the nice one, Josie softly pointed out, "We do owe her a favour, for all those times she let us practice on her."
"I suppose." Lizzie grumbled, hating to have someone else to share with, but also finding the idea quite hot, so eventually she added, "That was Mama Bonnie's idea, and this slut just went along with it. And she's mostly a bottom, on Mommy Caroline's level, no less. But you're right Jo, mmmmmmmm, so go ahead Elena. Have a turn. Ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh, make my Mommy your cunt licker."
"Oh, she was long before you were even born." Elena pointed out with a wicked grin, before turning to her best friend, "Isn't that right, Care?"
"Yes." Caroline moaned as she reluctantly pulled her mouth away from Lizzie's pussy, "I was your cunt licker first... Mistress Elena. Please allow me the privilege of licking your cunt again. Mmmmmmmm, I want to lick your cunt, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, and the yummy pussies of my daughters. I want to tongue fuck you all, ooooooooooh, and make you cum."
"So do it." Elena ordered, "Eat me Caroline. Mmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, eat my pussy, ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkk!"
"Yes Mistress Elena, thank you Mistress Elena." Caroline mumbled, just before she gleefully got to work.
It was weird to hear herself be referred to as Mistress Elena again after so long. Weird, but incredibly hot. Of course, this wasn't really an achievement. Caroline and maybe especially Hope were the biggest bottoms in their social group, if not the entire world. Elena wasn't sure that she wanted to top anyone else, but for now this was more than enough for her. Oh yes, she was more than satisfied with feeling her old friend, formally Caroline Forbes, and now Caroline Bennett, slid her tongue over her twat nice and slowly, avoiding the most sensitive places for now, while giving her a silent promise to touch those places in the future. Oh yes, for now this was more than enough, especially considering who was watching them do this.
Actually, it was maybe a little too overwhelming, so Elena closed her eyes and just focused on the two of them. During that time, and when she opened her eyes to focus on Bonnie, it was like they were back at school, experimenting for the very first time. Well, not exactly, Caroline had vastly improved over the last few decades, but it was still quite the blast from the past. And once Elena had her fill of these pleasant memories, and just enjoying watching Bonnie's face as her girl Caroline licked Elena's cunt, she then turned her focus to the watching friends, and gave them a smile. Something that she kind of paid for, given that shortly afterwards one of them demanded some attention, and it wasn't the one she thought it would be.
"My turn?" Josie questioned hopefully.
"She's your Mom." Elena pointed out with a wicked smile, "You want her back? Take her."
Lizzie was surprised, and was impressed, at Elena Gilbert of all people being so bold. But of course, she'd be happy to put this slut in her place if Josie couldn't. And she didn't like to root against her sister, but in that brief moment she couldn't help it, simply because she wanted the chance to impress so much, and knock that smirk off of Elena's face. For better or worse, Josie proved herself more than capable of doing that. Then she cast a few of those words, and their mother floated through the air, and down between her legs. Not to be left out Lizzie did the same thing a short while later, the two sisters entering a tug of war with each other, and Elena, even if the vampire had to get up and literally drag Mommy Caroline to her.
Towards the end Lizzie and Josie would do it physically as well, something that typically Josie would never have dared otherwise, but clearly they were getting lost in the moment. Which was incredibly hot, but the obvious downside was that it pushed them towards orgasm faster than perhaps any of them would've liked, but especially Lizzie. Oh well, if she was able to impress, this wouldn't be a one time thing. In fact, Lizzie was determined that it wouldn't be. That she and Josie would be topping Mommy Caroline on a regular basis from now on. Ideally teaming with Mama Bonnie in the most perverted family bonding possible. Not that she could really concentrate on that thought, as again it was pushing her closer to climax.
What really, really didn't help matters was that Mommy Caroline interpreted the constant swapping as her cue to pick up the pace, and no one wanted to be the one to tell her no, in case it made them look weak, maybe especially Lizzie. That meant that whenever her Mom was in between her legs, her clit was getting an increasing amount of attention, at first Mommy Caroline lingering her tongue against it, and then taking it into her mouth to suck on it. Also the speed and force of the licking and sucking increased, and that wicked little tongue teased her entrance, and it was pretty clear from their reactions Elena and Josie were receiving the same treatment. Then came the last straw. The thing which pushed Lizzie over the edge. Namely, hearing her sister ordering their Mommy to make her cum.
"Make me cum Mom! Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Goooooooooooodddddddddddddd, make me cum!" Josie whimpered, and then cried out, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh, make me cum Mommy Caroline! I wanna cum in my Mommy's hot little mouth, mmmmmmmmm, and all over her beautiful face. Oh yes, you're so beautiful like that, Mommy. On your knees in front of me, mmmmmmmmm, greedily eating my pussy like the cunt craving slut you are, oooooooooooooooh, fucking your own daughter like it was your job. Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss, fuck me Mommy, oh fuck me! Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss, OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!"
"Me too!" Lizzie moaned once she got the chance, "Ooooooooooooooh yesssssssssss, make me cum! Make me cum like you made Josie cum you little Mommy Slut! Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, make both your daughters cum! It's only fair. Mmmmmmmmmm, fuck yeah, don't play favorites Mommy Caroline. Tongue fuck both your baby girls! Oooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, I wanna cum in my Mommy's hot little mouth, mmmmmmmmmm, and all over her pretty face. Oooooooooooooh fuckkkkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmm, fuck me Mommy! Fuck me fuck me oh FUCK ME, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, FUCK ME, OOOOOOOOOOOOOH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"
"Don't forget about me Care!" Elena chimed in, thoroughly enjoying the show, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, eat my cunt, mmmmmmmmm, the same way you eat your daughters' cunts. Oooooooooooh yesssssssssssss, mmmmmmmmmm, you always did love pussy, mmmmmmmm, but I didn't think you loved it enough to go down on your own daughters! Oh my God Caroline, you really are the biggest slut in the entire world! Even bigger than me. And I love it. Mmmmmmmmmm yessssssssssssss, and I love you, oh God, fuck me Caroline, fuck me with your tongue! Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss, fuck me daughter fucker, OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"
It was hard for Lizzie to tell whether Josie really couldn't take it anymore, or she was just taking pity on her stubborn sibling. Or maybe she was taking pity on all of them? That was certainly a possibility, as Josie was the purest soul Lizzie had ever known, so of course she would want to ensure that not only her sister, Elena and herself could cum, but their cum hungry mother could have her fix. The thought of which, and just watching Josie cum so very hard, soon had Lizzie following suit, and getting exactly what she wanted. Then it was Elena's turn, giving the Saltzman twins some much-needed time to recover, so they could solidify this new twisted part to their relationship with the woman who had given birth to them.
Caroline had never been more grateful to be a supernatural creature with superspeed, as it meant at first she could get every drop of pussy cream, and then girl cum, that her little girls had to give her. At least at first. Certainly during the initial pussy licking and the first time she made her daughters cum for her it was easy, as they stayed nice and still, completely tensing up as they were overwhelmed by the pleasure they were receiving. Not that Caroline could blame them, given that in those moments, she completely lost the ability to think, and became especially mindless when the heavenly flavour of girl cum hit her taste-buds. Thankfully she had experience with that, and her body simply kicked into autopilot, but it had never been quite this could, even with her beloved wife Bonnie.
What was really weird and ironic was how this reminded her of the first time she ate pussy. Back then she had been indulging in a forbidden fantasy she'd had for a few years, but it truly felt like an eternity, and the fantasy was completely blown away by the reality, changing her life forever. It was the exact same thing when it came to going down on her own daughters. Or at least, Caroline hoped it would. Oh yes, she hoped this would change their lives forever, and that her baby girls were no longer see her as just their Mom, but a cunt craving slut, who desperately needed to be used by more dominant women like them. Who was such a slut, that she wanted them to do it. Oh God, Caroline actually wanted to be topped by her own daughters in a regular basis, and she was determined to do anything to make that happen.
That definitely included using every trick she knew to maximize the pleasure of the other women. At first that just meant shoving her tongue inside them, which was all it took to push them over the edge of orgasm. Then Caroline took her tongue out of those pretty little pussies and wrapped her mouth around them in the blink of an eye, so she could swallow every drop of that precious liquid. Caroline then repeated the process over and over again, albeit this time being able to give each girl a serious tongue fucking in between climaxes. She also just rubbed her face in those yummy cunts, so she made sure she was still attacking their clits, while drenching her face in their girl cum, marking her as their cum loving lezzie whore.
She used a few more tricks, but it was hard to keep track, especially as she wasn't in charge of which pussy she was worshiping. No, towards the end she was pulled back and forth, to the point that she only knew who she was eating out by the flavour of the cunt in front of her. Well, Lizzie and Josie were equally heavenly, and very similar, so she really only noticed when she was pushed into giving Elena the same treatment, but she was at the very end of this wonderful experience. Which was kind of disappointing, because as much as she loved Elena's girl cum and pussy cream it washed away the forbidden flavour she had been craving for like an eternity, which was the last thing she wanted in that moment. Although it was hard to be upset, considering what was about to happen.
Bonnie came from a combination of thinking about exactly what was going to happen next, the beautiful show in front of her, and of course, the fact that she just couldn't stop fingering herself. Which had been the plan, as she had been supposed to just watch, and maybe finger herself a little bit, get her in the mood to join in on the fun. However, when the time came to speak up she decided she would let Caroline keep her strength for being fucked. Oh yes, Bonnie really wanted to get her cunt munched by her loving wife, but what she wanted even more was to fuck her. So she simply kept watching, a fact which was hard to be upset about, considering the amazing show she got.
It was so amazing that part of her wanted it to last all night. To just watch her wife go back and forth between her daughters and that best friend until even Elena supernatural strength and stamina failed her. And maybe finally get some of that action herself. But no, they had a plan and Bonnie was determined to stick to it. So after enjoying a few very satisfying climaxes, and allowing her baby girls and Elena to have even more, Bonnie slowly pulled her fingers out of her own pussy, bought them up to her lips, and sucked them clean. While doing this she caused a harness to appear around her waist, and then for in each of her daughters, and then finally Elena while pulling her back.
Then Bonnie ordered, "Caroline get over here and sit on my dick. Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhh, it's time that you got fucked, by all of us."
"Yes Mistress Bonnie." Caroline eagerly replied, and obeyed.
Probably wanting to make it extra nasty Caroline spat on the dick and rubbed that saliva into the head, before positioning her pussy over it and pushing herself down. Something which was proven by just how easily Caroline took it inside herself, the vampire letting out a very long, loud cry of pleasure as she penetrated her pussy, and then again pushed herself all the way down the shaft. Once it was fully inside her Caroline closed her eyes and just savoured the feeling of full penetration, before slowly opening her eyes and smiled at her wife. Something that had happened countless times, but neither one of them would ever get tired of it, maybe especially not Bonnie. Especially as it was followed up by her girl being to bounce herself up and down her cock. In this case, while their girls watched on lustfully.
Strictly speaking, Bonnie should have probably ordered one of them to rim their Mommy Caroline. Really make them earn the ultimate forbidden hole. However, Bonnie just couldn't wait that long to DP her wife with her daughters, so instead she chose to slid a couple of fingers into her mouth, suck on them for a few long seconds, and then use them on Caroline's ass hole. Oh yes, she pushed first one and then two fingers deep inside the incredibly slutty, and yet, thanks to supernatural healing virgin tight hole. And she used her other hand to keep one of the cheeks spread, so that their daughters would get the best look at Mama Bonnie finger fucking Mommy Caroline's butt hole, while the little slut continuing bouncing her pussy up and down her cock.
After a few long minutes of that Bonnie spread those cheeks and questioned, "So, who wants to butt fuck Mommy Caroline first?"
"Well, if you're offering..." Elena teased.
"I was talking to my daughters." Bonnie chuckled good-naturedly to show that she understood the joke, but also made sure to shoot Elena down.
"I know." Elena chuckled back, before both long-time friends turned their attention to the younger girls, with Elena gently pushing them, "Well?"
"You should do it." Josie offered sweetly as the twins turned to each other, "You two are closer, and you're kind of her Mini Me. So it would be more appropriate. And hotter."
"I don't know, I for one am really looking forward to watching you fuck Mommy Caroline." Lizzie confessed with a wicked grin, before pointing out, "And you were the one to let me take Hope's anal cherry, so as much as I hate to admit it, shouldn't you be the first one to butt fuck Mommy Caroline? Surely, it's only fair?"
"Maybe..." Josie admitted hesitantly, biting her lip, before adding, "But... I couldn't. I want too, I really, really want too. But I couldn't."
"I don't care who does it, just please, somebody, fuck me!" Caroline whimpered, before shamelessly begging, "Oh please, Lizzie, my love, mmmmmmmmmm, my sweet Josie, fuck me! Oh God, somebody fuck my slutty little ass. Somebody, anyone, pound my slutty little ass hole! Slam fuck it hard and deep and make me your little anal bitch! Please? Oh please do it, mmmmmmmmmm, oh fuck, fuck me! Fuck me please, ooooooooooooooh, fuck me like the little DP whore I am! Oh fuck, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk, mmmmmmmmmm, fuck that ass, mmmmmmmmmm, DP me, oh God, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!"
Josie and Lizzie were taken aback by their mother's shameless begging, especially considering exactly what she was begging for. Which should've been a wake-up call to them to bring an end to this madness, but it wasn't. In fact, it was the exact opposite for Josie, who was suddenly emboldened by those words. So much so she found herself taking Lizzie up on her offer, and more importantly taking Mommy Caroline up on hers. Oh yes, all of a sudden she was kneeling behind the woman who gave birth to her, lining up her cock with Mommy Caroline's most private hole, and ramming forwards. Oh God, sweet little Josie Saltzman anally penetrated her own mother! And the most twisted part of all, was that she liked it. Oh fuck, she loved every second of it.
Maybe especially watching the head of her dick easily stretching open Mommy Caroline's slutty little ass hole, then sliding through it and deep into her cute little butt. Which in turn, caused the older woman to let out a cry of pain and pleasure, which reminded her so much of her precious Hope. Oh yes, it was so weird, but Josie had first-hand experience now that her girlfriend and her mother were so very much alike. That they were both pure bottoms, who loved anal sex. And maybe especially when she was the one doing it. Oh yeah, they both loved taking a dick up the ass. Josie's dick! Loved it so much, that they even got off on the initial anal penetration. Oh God.
Something that, just like with her precious Hope, Josie allowed Mommy Caroline to savour for a few long seconds, before she began slowly pushing forwards, causing inch after inch of her big dick to slide into her Mom's butt hole, something which was on perfect display thanks to her other Mom spreading those cheeks for her. Which to be fair, were two things which everybody got a chance to savour. Even Mama Bonnie, who couldn't exactly see right now, but sensing enough to know exactly what was happening. Especially as she had a close up look on her wife's face. And of course, Elena and Lizzie moved closer, so they could also get the best possible view of this incredibly twisted sight.
Wanting to give everyone involved a show Josie continued as slowly as possible, and definitely slower than was necessary, given what a massive anal whore Mommy Caroline was. Because sure, thanks to supernatural healing her ass was virgin tight, but as a vampire she'd suffered a lot worse than having her back door and back passage ripped open. And again, from the initial crush she let out, it was clear that she enjoyed that. Although not quite as much, as when Josie's thighs came to rest against her cheeks, announcing that the daughter had buried every inch of her strap-on deep within her Mommy's bowels. Something which again, Josie allowed everyone involved to savour for a few long seconds, before beginning to thrust her hips back and forth, causing the cock to slide in and out of Mommy Caroline's ass hole, which meant that she was officially sodomizing her own Mom for the very first time.
Lizzie had seen her sister doing the same thing to Elena and Hope what felt like countless times now. In reality it was only a handful of times, but that really didn't matter, because now she was seeing something she never thought she would. The nastiest fantasy she'd ever had. Other than of course, herself being involved. That being watching her sister butt fuck their submissive mother. Which was such an overwhelming turn on for Lizzie that she didn't mind the fact that she became pretty much forgotten for the next few long minutes. Oh yes, for once it was Lizzie Saltzman who didn't mind taking a back seat to Josie Saltzman, as long as it meant more of watching her sibling sodomizing Mommy Caroline.
Especially considering that their other Mom continued holding Mommy Caroline's ass cheeks as wide apart as possible, meaning that Lizzie and Elena got the best possible look of a big dick sliding in and out of it. Which could have been Lizzie's dick, if she wasn't trying to be a good person. God, why did she have to choose now to try and ignore her selfish instincts like that? But that was okay, because she was going to get her chance to join the fun any second now. Any second. Because surely the nice twin, would offer Lizzie her chance to have some bum fun, without needing to be prompted? Wrong apparently, but Lizzie couldn't really blame her, given what an amazing view she was getting. And how much better it must be for Josie.
Of course, there was a limit to her patience, and ultimately it was not long before Lizzie faked a cough, and then pushed, "Josie, it's my turn!"
"Oh, right." Josie blushed.
She then immediately moved to the side, suggesting that Josie had been so lost in butt fucking Mommy Caroline that she had completely forgotten about her sister. Which was more than a little rude, but again, Lizzie didn't blame her, especially as there was a very good chance she would do the same thing. Hell, for a few long seconds, she just became lost in staring at her prize, and the way Mommy Caroline's ass hole was already slightly gaping. Then she tried to make up for her hesitance by closing the distance between them, and shoving her cock pretty much straight up her Mom's ass. Something which would make most women cry out in agony, but Mommy Caroline was just like Hope, as she cried out in pure pleasure from the fast and rough anal penetration, followed by butt stuffing.
It even caused Mama Bonnie to chuckle with wicked delight, telling Lizzie that she was on the right track. So she kept going like that, and as a result, it wasn't long before every inch of her dick was buried deep inside of her Mom's ass. Lizzie thought it was understandable that she would want to take a few long seconds to savour that fact, which was exactly what she did. In the meantime, Josie made this even better, making Lizzie and Mama Bonnie chuckle and smile with wicked delight. Of course Lizzie had no intention of being outdone, so it wasn't long before she started pumping her hips back and forth, officially sodomizing her own mother for the very first time. And hopefully, the first of many.
Josie thoroughly enjoyed watching the fun for a while, but it wasn't long before she re-joined it by walking around until the strap-on cock which had just been buried as deep as it could go into Mommy Caroline's ass was almost directly in front of Mommy Caroline's lips, and then the teen asked, her insecurity briefly coming back, "Do you want to, you know, suck it?"
"Oh yes, mmmmmmmm, please honey, give it to me!" Caroline immediately started begging, understanding that was what was expected of her, "Give me your cock. I want to suck my daughter's cock! Mmmmmmmm yesssssssssss, Mommy Caroline wants to suck her own ass off of her daughter's dick, ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk, while her other daughter is fucking her in the ass. Oh my God, mmmmmmmmm, all of you please, fuck Mommy! Fuck me! Oh God fuck me in all of my holes! Make me air tight! Oooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhh, I wanna be fucked in all my slutty little fuck holes by my wife and our daughters! Please Josie, sweetie, give it to me! Give Mommy your ass flavoured cock! Please? Oh please, ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss, mmmmmmmmmmm fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!"
Caroline moaned in delight as her daughter's cock was pushed into her open mouth with more force than she would've thought her sweet Josie was capable of, at least when it came to using it on her. Which honestly, was a really, really nice surprise to go along with the fact that Josie was going to do this at all. Of course, at that moment she was more focused on the yummy flavour of her own ass which was setting her taste-buds on fire. Something which Caroline savoured for a few long minutes before starting to bob her head up and down the shaft, both so she could get more delicious butt cream, and so that mouth could be fucked, just like her other slutty little fuck holes.
Once she cleaned the first half of the shaft Caroline lingered there for a while, just so she could savour exactly what she was doing. Namely that she was being made air tight by her closest family members, with her wife's strap-on inside her cunt, while their daughters were fucking her ass and mouth respectively. Oh God, Caroline hadn't thought it was possible for her to find a greater source of wonderful humiliation and submission than she had over the last two decades of being the biggest lesbian bottom in town, but this was a whole new level of debauchery. And God help her, she loved every single minute of it. Oh yes, she couldn't get enough. Would never get enough of being taken in all her holes, by her own family.
Sadly that couldn't last, and inevitably Elena was given the chance to fuck her ass and then mouth again for the first time in years, which was amazing in its own right, but just not quite the same. It was however pretty close, given that they all considered Elena to be part of the family. And it was hard to complain, when this just meant there was an extra person to fuck her slutty little butt, and then 'force' her to go ass to mouth for them. Which was something that Caroline never, ever wanted to end, but inevitably it had too, and as much as she tried to use every trick she knew to resist, ultimately it just became too much having girl cock after girl cock sodomizing her, and then when it was properly flavoured pushed into her mouth. Especially when it was her best friend and her baby girls doing it.
So next time there was an appropriate break Caroline cried out, "Make me cum, oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Goooooooooooooddddddddddd, please, someone make me cum! Somebody, mmmmmmmmm, anybody, fuck me and make me cum! Please? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh please, ooooooooooooh, fuck me! Butt fuck me, oh my babies, pound Mommy's butt hole! You too, Elena, mmmmmmmmm, and Bonnie, fuckkkkkkkkkkk, my sweet Bonnie, pound me! Pound me, wreck me, mmmmmmmmm, ruin me! Oh fuck! Fuck! Oh yes, OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS, FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"
Thankfully her childhood friend and her daughters took pity on her, and almost immediately gave her what she wanted. Honestly, she had waited so long, it felt like more of a need, so much so she wasn't really aware of who was actually inside her ass right now. Although that was partly because, not wanting to be left out, Bonnie had forced her down into a kiss as soon as she became completely incoherent, and started thrusting upwards into her greedy little cunt. Because of that, it was also hard to tell who made her cum, but that didn't matter, because it was like all three of them. Especially as almost throughout someone made sure there was a cock in her mouth, meaning Caroline continued to be triple stuffed, just as she so loved.
Elena was the one who had the privilege of making Caroline cum first. Or at least contributed to it. In reality, it was probably a joint effort between her and Bonnie. And honestly, she was happy to share her old friend like that, just like old times, which only made it all the more special. Admittedly, Elena considered backing off so that one of Caroline's daughters could do it. Most likely Lizzie, as Josie had been the one to first fuck that ass tonight. However, when she looked to the younger girls, they simply gave her encouraging looks and smiles, and it really didn't take much for Elena to follow through. Besides, they could always stop her, and she was sure they would have plenty of chances to do later. And honestly, she didn't know if she would.
It didn't take long for her to realize she had made the right choice, as while occasionally Elena could switch it up a bit and top someone, at least when it was a total bottom like Caroline or Hope, she was easily put to shame by first the Saltzman twins, and then their precious Mama Bonnie. Oh God, they were like a family of tops, minus Caroline, something which Caroline definitely benefited from as each one in turn fucked her through climax after climax. And at one time, they did it all together. Namely, when Elena stumbled back, having exhausted her considerable supernatural strength, only to be replaced by Lizzie, while Josie was still fucking her Mom's mouth, and Bonnie was fucking Caroline's cunt with even more enthusiasm than when Elena had been butt fucking her wife, which was really saying something.
Of course, when she had the chance, Elena gave it her all, slowly building up her pace, as soon as she was sure that everyone was happy with her doing it, until she was using every ounce of her strength to brutalize her best friend's butt hole, and make the other girl cum nice and hard. She then resisted the urge to cum herself for so long so she could, but inevitably the other end of the dildo bashing against her clit and the sheer joy of sodomizing another girl, and making her air tight, no less, pushed her over the edge. Even then she pushed herself through that orgasm, and several more, just so she could maximize Caroline's pleasure. And admittedly to do herself proud, at least by her standards. But it still wasn't enough. Not compared with natural tops.
Honestly Elena had been able to focus on dominant feelings and thoughts for the past few minutes, because just like Hope, Caroline was so submissive it naturally bought out a side of her which had been mostly dormant for the past two decades. But also just like with Hope, Elena found herself admiring the work of other tops as she came down from her high. Especially considering for the most part, it was all tops who had topped her already. And never was that more true than with Bonnie, who had topped her almost as much as Katherine and Rebekah. Which was enough to make Elena hope that Bonnie and her daughters would top her. After all, the night was young, and Elena's greedy little fuck holes were feeling very jealous right now. On the other hand, Elena was having a lot of fun seeing Caroline take it, while she begged for it, especially considering it was her girls and wife giving it to her.
Bonnie had been very good, patiently waiting for her chance to shine. Well, not really, if she was honest, but she definitely taking a backseat for quite a while, while her daughters and their mutual friend got to put on much more of a show, until it was Bonnie's turn to take centre stage. Of course, it was only fair, because while the other tops got to take a break every so often, Bonnie had been constantly in it. Literally. Oh yes, her strap-on had been inside Caroline's cunt, meaning that she had constant pressure on her clit, and of course, the joy of fucking her submissive wife, along with their best friend, and their daughters. Which was too much, even for her experience, and she just couldn't resist cumming.
To her credit though, Bonnie was able to push herself through each and every one of them to be consistently part of the equation, and even put up a decent showing when it was finally her turned to pound Caroline's slutty little ass. Admittedly, the orgasms became a lot more powerful when she took complete control, meaning that combined with her exhaustion, she wouldn't last as long as she wanted too. However, that was okay, because there were a few tricks available to her, to make this extra effective. Even if her daughters and friend didn't resort to them. They didn't need too, and especially her daughters were concentrating on this wonderful moment. But Bonnie did, and she used them very effectively.
Namely, smacking that ass, pulling on that pretty blonde hair, and most of all, Bonnie offered up verbal encouragement, "Yessssssssssss, take it Care! Take it take it TAKE IT! Mmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhh, take it in your ass you slut! Oooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhh, take it hard and deep, and cum like a bitch! Cum like a bitch with a dick in your ass! My bitch! Oh yeah, mmmmmmmmm, you're my bitch Caroline! You've always been my bitch! No matter who fucks you, you're mine! Elena? Those bitches Katherine and Rebekah? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk, not even our own daughters can compare to me when it comes to owning you and your hot little fuck holes! Yesssssssssssss, mmmmmmmmmm, you're mine! Mine, mine, MINE, OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"
Which had the expected results of making Caroline cum hard and frequently, despite everything she had already been through. Luckily their supernatural abilities, and years of doing this, help them both to pursue these initial orgasms, and do themselves proud. Maybe even show their daughters, and Elena how it was done. Well, Bonnie did, while Caroline proved how to be a good little anal slut. Which admittedly Elena and Hope were already very skilled at being, but maybe even they could learn something from this shameless submissive whore. And of course, they were both proving to their daughters just how big of an anal loving sub bitch Mommy Caroline was, and just what a dominant butt buster Mama Bonnie was.
Of course, while those thoughts filled Bonnie with pride, they were also a contributing factor to her eventually collapsing on top of Caroline in exhaustion. Although to be fair, at that point even Caroline's impressive stamina had run out, and she collapsed face down on the bed, truly becoming nothing but a fuck hole for Bonnie's pleasure. Then they lay there in a sweaty heap for a few long seconds, before a tiny cough from their daughters reminded them they weren't alone. And from the looks of it, Josie and particularly Lizzie were happy to see them fuck, and being involved in the equation, but apparently seeing them snuggle was just too much for them to handle. Which was amusing, especially considering they enjoyed what followed far more.
"Something wrong?" Bonnie quipped with a raised eyebrow.
"No..." Lizzie said unconvincingly, before pointing out, "It's just... you were upset that we were showing our bitch too much affection, and well... hypocrite, much?"
"She's my wife, there's a difference." Bonnie countered.
"Sure there is." Lizzie dismissed, before grinning wickedly, "So, are we done here, or..."
"Absolutely not." Bonnie grinned, rolling over and yanking her dick out of Caroline's ass in the process, "Spread your cheeks bitch! Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhh, show me, Elena, and our daughters, our handiwork. Oh fuck yeah, show off your slutty little butt hole, that me, Elena, and our daughters all work together to gape nice and wide."
"Yes Mistress Bonnie." Caroline moaned happily, doing as she was told, as quickly as she could in her exhausted state.
Hope prided herself on being a well-trained lesbian bottom, but the last few minutes had been very difficult for her. How could they not be, when her Mistresses were effortlessly reminding her what amazing ass fuckers they were? And how amazing their Mama Bonnie was at pounding a slutty little bitch ass like Hope's. Which made her desperately want to be the one getting all that attention, especially as Caroline got the privilege of being made air tight. And now she got to see the proof of that dominance. Of Caroline pushing her butt into the air, reaching back, and spreading her cheeks nice and widely to show off her gaping butt hole. God, Hope had seen pictures of her own gape, and glanced at it in the mirror, and she had even seen Elena gaping open a few times, but that gape was truly epic.
For a few long seconds the tops seemed content with just admiring their handiwork, staring deep into Caroline's bowels via that gaping crater. However Hope's eyes couldn't help but drift to the strap-ons which had just been used to hammer the deepest part of Caroline's rectum, something which made her mouth water. Because without a doubt Caroline would be rewarded with the taste of her own ass, but maybe if Hope was lucky she would also be given that yummy treat. Ideally from both of her Mistresses, but she would take whatever she could get. Probably for sweet Josie, who had confessed she hated to leave Hope out. Unfortunately, she was out of luck.
"Very good girls, mmmmmmmmmm yesssssssssss, that's a pretty little gape." Bonnie praised, before smirking, "But there is room for improvement."
"Well, I'm sure you both could help us, practice." Lizzie grinned.
"Indeed." Bonnie chuckled, before ordering, "But the night is not over yet... Caroline, you know what to do."
"Yes Mistress Bonnie." Caroline quickly and happily did as she was told.
Which caused Hope to let out a high-pitched whine, her inner wolf voicing her disappointment. Josie was nice enough to give her an apologetic look, while Lizzie simply gave her a 'don't embarrass me' look, both of which Hope totally understood. And she was a good little bitch, who wouldn't dare offer up a real complaint. But she just couldn't hide her disappointment, couldn't stop herself from licking her lips hungrily as she watched Caroline wrap her lips around the first cock, and then moaned happily at the taste of her own butt. Something she got to enjoy over, and over, and over again, as she went back and forth between those dildos and cleaned each and every one of them, while her family members stroked her hair lovingly, and gleefully offered her encouragement.
Normally Hope loved that kind of encouragement, but this time she really didn't hear it, instead focusing on picturing herself in Caroline's position. Which honestly, she'd been doing throughout, and not just with her beloved girlfriends and their Mama, or even Elena. Well, she really, really wanted to be topped by Elena, as Hope couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing, considering she had topped Elena plenty of times, and the doppelgänger had a reputation for being the biggest bottom in town, even if that wasn't true. But all of this hot lesbian incest had Hope imagining herself going through the same thing with Auntie Katherine involved in the mix. Maybe even Aunt Rebekah too. And her Mommies, Mommy Hayley and Mama Freya. Oh God, was that something which could actually happen? The answer should probably be no, but in that moment, anything seemed possible.
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