Step by Step, We'll Get There | By : Sasunarufan13 Category: S through Z > Teen Wolf Views: 4732 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf nor profit of it. Jeff Davis owns it. |
Author's note: It's been a tiring week for me and I'm not entirely happy with this chapter, but there's only so much rewriting I can do *sighs* I hope it isn't too bad *winces*
Warnings: Hm, nothing in particular I think
I hope you'll like it!
Chapter 17
He was so close … So close to finding her. She couldn't be that far away from him anymore, he was sure. He just needed to search for a bit longer, track her scent as best as he could and then he would win their game. Easy peasy.
Creeping forwards, he halted behind one of the trees, studying the clearing carefully. A grin lit up his face when he spotted what he'd been looking for: a flash of dark hair, a shadow retreating behind the thick, old tree.
He sprinted towards the tree as fast as he could, not wanting to give her the time to slip away again. He'd finally found her and he wouldn't let her escape now! He swung himself around the tree and launched himself at her. Peals of bright laughter filled the air when she caught him swiftly around his waist, whirling him around before plopping him back down on the ground.
"I found you!" he said triumphantly, grabbing her elbows. Now that he'd found her, he didn't want to let her go.
"Yes, you did, sweetheart," she smiled and sank down, until she ended up sitting with her back against the ancient tree.
Ancient but still robust. He looked up in wonder, catching the sunlight filtering through the leaves, watching the multiple branches tower above them, forming a natural roof over their heads. This was a tree that would stand strong against anything that would try to take it down; one that would still be left standing when all else had long since perished.
"You did an amazing job with finding her, my love," Mom praised him; her eyes glittering as she tugged him softly down, running her fingers through his hair.
He preened at her, before the words actually registered and he became confused. "Mom?"
"I've always known you were destined for great things," she continued; still smiling, though her eyes darkened slightly. "The second you were born, kochanie, I knew."
"Mom? What are you saying?" He stared at her bewildered. Hadn't they just been playing Hide and Seek?
"I wish you could have discovered your strength in another way, but so be it." She grew sombre and his belly squeezed together in an uncomfortable way. "Ah, kochanie, the trials you're about to face … I wish I could be there for you."
"I don't understand," he said helplessly, shivering when the wind suddenly picked up, rustling the leaves above them violently.
When he looked up, he could no longer see the sun through the foliage; instead the little he could see of the sky was turning rapidly dark grey, announcing that a heavy storm was brewing.
"Mom, I think we should go home now," he said apprehensively and clambered upright, pulling at her wrist. "It looks like a storm is coming." He really didn't want to be caught in it; it looked dangerous.
She gazed up pensively. "So it is," she murmured, but didn't make any move to get up.
"Come on, mom, we need to go before it starts raining," he urged her, but still she wouldn't budge.
She just smiled at him, caressing the back of his hand before pulling it to her lips and brushing a kiss on it. "You need to go. My time has already passed, but yours is only just beginning, Mieczyslaw."
"I don't – I don't understand," he said helplessly; jarred by her use of his real name. No one had called him that in such a long time.
But wait, it couldn't have been such a long time, right? Mom was right here and she always used his real name. Why was it so weird then to hear his name?
"I know you don't, but you will soon," she promised and stroked his left cheek with her index finger, leaving a single fiery trail of heat behind. "Now it is time for you to go back."
He opened his mouth to protest, to call out, to say something that would make her continue talking, but his surroundings suddenly started swirling in front of him fast, like he'd been thrown in a rollercoaster which was going at top speed, spinning him around and around and around, until he could only see colours dancing in front of his eyes.
He was going to be sick any second now, he just knew it. His stomach was churning, flipping upside down, twisting around and he was starting to feel sick, wondering when the hell everything was finally going to stop. He just wanted everything to stop; he just wanted to go back to his mom, go back to talking to her, being with her, because he hadn't seen her in such a long time and –
When he opened his eyes, he was staring at a white ceiling with some cracks running through it like a spider's web. He blinked and slowly breathed out, his fingers twitching against the stiff cloth they were resting on as he took stock of how he felt.
His skin felt pulled tight as if someone had tried to push it down against his bones as much as possible. His muscles felt wrung out, twisted and alarm bells went off in a panic in his head when he tried to lift his right hand. Wincing, he relaxed it again. All right, so moving around was out of the question for now.
There was a fierce headache pounding away in his skull and his throat felt like someone had shoved a bunch of rusty nails through it, whilst on fire. On top of that he felt queasy and he squeezed his eyes shut.
Everything hurt and he had no clue what had happened.
A shocked gasp had him twisting his head around a bit until his neck protested and he had to clench his teeth in order not to shout out in pain. Melissa was standing in the doorway – oh, so he was in the hospital then? – and her eyes were wide as she slapped a hand in front of her mouth.
She was quick to regain her wits, though, and she snapped in the corridor, "John, he's awake!" before approaching him quickly and resting a hand against his forehead.
"How are you feeling, sweetie?" she asked worriedly; her dark eyes sharply assessing him.
Before he could give a reply, his dad practically crashed into the room and she was barely quick enough to step aside, dad's arms slipping around him immediately, crushing him against his shoulder.
"You scared the hell out of me, Stiles!" Dad swore and the younger man could feel him trembling; his breathing harsh and uneven. "Don't ever do that to me again, I thought I'd lost you!"
"I'm sorry, dad," Stiles croaked out, ignoring the fire flaring up in his throat when he spoke. He forced one arm to reach up and curl around dad's shoulders, hugging him back as tightly as he could. "I – I couldn't leave her there. Is – is she okay?"
His fingers cramped up and dug into dad's shoulder when Cora's terrified face flashed past his eyes. He'd been so sure that he had led Theo away from her, but he couldn't actually remember much of what had happened after he'd pushed her through the window. He remembered Theo finding him and then chasing after him through the woods. Then there was a whole blank space in his mind and the only thing he could recall before losing consciousness was thinking he would never be able to breathe again, because everything had hurt for some reason.
What had happened? Where was Theo now? Had Cora managed to get safely away? God, he hoped so.
Melissa made a move as if to wave dad back, but he stepped away slightly, giving her room to examine Stiles more thoroughly. He kept a hand on Stiles' arm, though, clearly not wanting to relinquish his hold completely.
"She's okay," he reassured him. "She managed to go back home and tell us what she knew."
Stiles breathed out in relief, sagging back against his pillow. "Oh, thank god. I wasn't sure – I'm so glad she's safe."
"We all are," Dad murmured and then his eyes sharpened in that peculiar way that never failed to make Stiles squirm uneasily.
As it was, he could barely twitch without pain flashing up and he winced when Melissa briefly checked his eyes with a small flashlight.
"Mind telling me what on earth you were thinking, going into that house? You could have been killed!" Dad said, and his hand cramped around Stiles' arm. "Why didn't you come to me with your suspicions? For that matter, how come you started suspecting him? There was nothing that tied him to any of the victims."
Stiles took a deep breath; he had known dad would have questions, even if the confrontation had ended in a different way than this one, but that didn't mean he was looking forward to this particular conversation. He didn't need his dad to tell him what he had done had been beyond stupid and too dangerous, but he would get that scolding nevertheless.
A part of him was secretly glad that he was still alive to receive the scolding. He honestly hadn't thought he would survive the encounter with Theo.
"I know you need at least some kind of evidence to get a warrant to search the house, so I went there to check if I could find Cora there. I know I should have told you about my suspicions, but do you really think Theo would have just admitted to killing all those people and kidnapping Cora?" He peered up at his dad, who scowled at him.
"You should have called me the second you saw her in that basement, Stiles. That would have been more than proof enough to arrest him and search his house."
"I know, but I just couldn't leave her there! I thought I'd be able to get us out of there before he came back home." Stiles grimaced; the pain in his muscles reminding him that he had thought wrongly.
Dad pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something soundlessly before he said, "That still doesn't explain why you suspected him. What made you think he was behind all this, Stiles?"
"I …" Stiles hesitated, debating just how much he would tell.
It had all started with him realising that Theo had fucked with his injection and the resulting car crash his dad had been in, followed by the Alpha's threats. But he couldn't … He didn't want to tell his dad how close Theo had been to taking advantage of him. Theo being a murderer was one thing, but if dad found out he'd been planning on raping his son during his heat …
He couldn't care less about the bastard, but he didn't want his dad to go to prison because of him. There was no way he could tell his dad about that part. He didn't know where Theo was now, what even had happened in the clearing, but he had no trouble envisioning the Sheriff hunting the Alpha down and killing him for what he'd tried to do to his son. The absolute last thing he wanted was for his dad to land in prison because of something Theo had tried to do.
And it wasn't as if – nothing had happened. The doctor had said so. And he'd spent his second heat at Erica's place, so he'd been safe then.
No, he would keep that part to himself. He would tell his dad that he knew Theo had been behind the car crash somehow, but his dad would never know what else Theo had tried to do.
"I smelt Cora on him last time we met," he eventually admitted. "The scent wasn't that strong; I guess he'd taken a shower before meeting me, but it was enough to make me suspicious. I didn't want to alert him, so I acted like I hadn't smelt anything, but I needed some kind of proof, so I decided to go to his house to check whether she was there."
"You know that was too dangerous, son. I wish you'd told me," Dad said softly.
Melissa was now checking his reflexes and Stiles briefly wondered just what had happened to him for her to give him such a thorough examination.
"I know, but you needed proof before you could act," Stiles pointed out and licked his lips. "I didn't want to give Theo a chance to escape his punishment, all because of some legal bullshit. What – where is he now?"
Obviously he hadn't succeeded in killing him – if that had been Theo's plan to start with – but where was he now? Was he held at the precinct or had he somehow escaped? Ice filled his veins at that thought. If Theo had escaped, then …
Dad dragged the chair closer to the bed and finally sat down, though he still kept a hold of Stiles' arm. His face was completely blank when he said, "Why don't you tell me first what you can remember?"
That – didn't sound very reassuring. Swallowing, Stiles began, "I can remember telling Cora to start running once we heard Theo inside the house. I hid myself in the basement and grabbed one of the shackles to defend myself."
Approval flashed up briefly in dad's eyes.
"Once Theo got near enough, I slammed the shackle against his face and ran upstairs, but," he swallowed again and lifted up his hand weakly to point at the cut on his face, "I accidentally set off a trap when I got Cora free and a knife with some kind of poison on it cut me, so I couldn't run as fast as normal."
Melissa nodded and stopped her examination, pursing her lips. "You had a very strong strain of Wolfsbane in your blood, thanks to that cut," she told him; her claws briefly popping up – the only sign she was affected by what had happened to him. "It's no wonder your speed was limited. We had to flush out your entire system to get rid of it and that wasn't easy. You've been unconscious for two days. It's Friday now."
"Oh," he said in a small voice, sucking in his lower lip. He hadn't – he hadn't realised just how strong the Wolfsbane had been. He'd known it hadn't been any good news when he'd got cut, but … It seemed he'd been in more danger than he'd assumed.
That was something his dad appeared to realise too, because his face darkened for a moment before he murmured, "Can you remember anything else after that?"
"I know that I ran away from the house to the woods because Theo was chasing," hunting me down, "after me. I remember getting sick and then suddenly I was at the clearing mom used to take me to and then …" He shook his head frustrated, his headache growing worse as he tried to recall anything else beyond that point. "I know that I suddenly was in a lot of pain, but … I can't remember anything else. What happened? How did you find me?"
Dad exchanged a look with Melissa. "The Hales heard you screaming for help," he answered after a pause. "Talia called me, but Peter, Derek and Laura rushed to your side. Erica and Boyd followed too. Derek got you out of there and the others went after Theo."
"Did they catch him?" Stiles' mouth went dry as the desert and his fingers dug into the sheets.
Dad clenched his jaw and looked away, breathing harshly through his nose before he composed himself and turned to face him again. "No, they didn't," he said curtly. "They chased him all the way to the edge of the Preserve, but he had someone waiting for him there in a car. They escaped and my men lost track of them thirty miles away from here."
It felt like all the air was slammed out of him and Stiles couldn't quite supress a whimper of fear. Theo was still out there. He was still free, staying out of reach for now, but he would come back. That, Stiles knew without a doubt. There was no way Theo would just let all of this go without a fight. He would come back, he would find Stiles and then …
His chin was grasped and pulled around so he was forced to look dad in his eyes. The older man's eyes were blazing with determination and he stated, "I've got men patrolling every possible entrance to the town. The moment Theo gets within a mile from here, we'll know and we'll be ready. He won't lay another finger on you, I swear."
Stiles blinked, only just now becoming aware that his vision was starting to become a bit blurry, and nodded, his fingers clutching at dad's wrist. He wanted to believe his dad, but if Theo had managed to land his dad in a car crash without even being physically there, how could he be so sure that they would catch him when he tried to go back to Beacon Hills?
"I swear, Stiles, he won't get anywhere near you," Dad said, his voice quiet but steadfast. "We'll get him and he'll pay for what he has done, I promise you."
"Yeah, okay," Stiles nodded and then regretted the action immediately when another stab of pain shot through his back into his skull. "If the Wolfsbane's out of my system, why does it still hurt so much?"
Melissa exchanged another glance with dad and both of them got a peculiar look on their faces; one which set Stiles on edge. What did they know?
"That's something that Deaton will be able to explain to you later," Dad said.
"What? No, I want to know now!" Stiles protested, narrowing his eyes.
Dad shook his head. "Sorry, son, but you'll have to wait for a bit. If I try to explain it, you'll only have more questions, and Deaton's the only one who can give you decent answers. Hell, kid, I don't even know half of it myself."
"You're not very reassuring now," Stiles accused him, wondering whether he should start panicking. He'd thought the worst was over, now that the Wolfsbane was out of his system and he was no longer in danger of whatever Theo had been planning, but his dad's evasiveness was making him worried again. Had something else happened to him during that time he'd been unconscious? Had Theo managed to do something before the Hales had arrived?
Panic was starting to bubble up, wrapping thick tendrils around his chest, but dad squeezed his arm, drawing his attention.
"I promise you, nothing bad is happening to you. You'll feel better soon, now that the Wolfsbane is out of your system," Dad said and there was no lie or deceit in his face when Stiles stared at him.
"Fine, I'll wait until Deaton comes then," he huffed, scowling half-heartedly.
As long as he wasn't in danger of dying of something, then he supposed he could wait until the enigmatic man showed up. He could only hope his answers would actually be clear this time, unlike all those other times he'd ask the druid something, only to get some vague, mysterious reply in return.
"Good," Dad smiled faintly and stood up. "Now there are some friends of you impatiently waiting in the hallway to see you, so I'll let them in while I'll go talk with some deputies. But Stiles, we will talk about that stupid stunt you pulled once you're out of here." With that warning hanging in the air, the Sheriff left.
"I'm glad you're awake, Stiles," Melissa murmured before she quirked an eyebrow. "But I very much prefer not seeing you again in this position, understood?"
"Yes, Mrs. McCall," he squeaked, knowing that dangerous glint in her eyes all too well. He supposed he should feel glad that he was still feeling like shit, because otherwise she would have given him a great scolding.
He didn't know which scolding was worse: his dad's or Melissa's.
"Good," she said resolutely before her face softened and she came up to stroke his hair back. "I'll tell your visitors they can see you for a little while, but only per two."
Scott and Lydia were the first ones to rush inside. Scott immediately hugged him tightly before Stiles' pained groan alerted him that he had to be a bit more careful and he pulled back with a hasty apology.
"Shit, Stiles, you scared the hell out of me!" Scott said in a strangled voice; his brown eyes wide and still with an edge of panic in them. "You dick, do you have any idea how worried you made us all?"
"I'm sorry, dude," Stiles said, squeezing his wrist quickly. "I didn't mean for this to happen."
Lydia crossed her arms. "You're not half as sorry as you'll be by the time I'm done with you when you get out of here," she hissed; her eyes sparking with anger. "You promised me you'd leave the second I called you and what did you do?!" Her voice gained a shrill tone at the end and he flinched.
"I know, I know, Lydia, and I'm really sorry, but I couldn't just leave her there!"
"You nearly died, Stiles." Her voice was now deadly quiet and she stood next to his bed frozen like a statue.
Only now did he realise her face was completely bare of make-up; her eyes slightly puffy looking as if she'd been crying for a while. That only made him feel worse and his guilt got kicked up a notch. Fuck, he'd really screwed up badly, hadn't he?
"I only agreed to your plan, because you'd promised me you would keep yourself safe!" she continued; trembling slightly. Roughly she wiped the back of her hand across her eyes. "And then you refuse to listen to me and you nearly died! I swear, Stilinski, next time you pull a stunt like this and die, I'll drag you back from the dead myself to end you!"
She whirled around and stalked out of the room; her heels stamping on the tiled floor and her red hair whipping around her.
"I pissed her off," Stiles grimaced, realising he would have to do a lot of grovelling to get back in her good graces.
"Can you blame her?" Scott stared at him troubled. "The doctors had to work for hours to get the Wolfsbane out of your system and mom said – she said that they weren't sure whether you would make it."
"I'm really sorry, Scott." Stiles looked down ashamed, staring at the sheets. "I didn't mean – I just couldn't leave her there, you know? Theo might have moved her to another place then and then we would never have found her on time. I had to do something."
"I get it, dude," Scott said quietly and sank down on his bed. "And I'm glad you got her out of there, but it was still very dangerous. Why didn't you ask me to join you? I could have helped." Hurt simmered in his voice.
"I didn't think of it," Stiles muttered, but in truth, he hadn't wanted to bring yet another friend of him in trouble. He'd only asked Lydia's help because he needed someone to distract Theo, and even that he'd done so reluctantly. If there had been a way to do everything on his own, he would have, because the last thing he'd ever wanted was for his friends to get hurt.
"Well, next time you're going to rescue someone, I'm coming with you, all right?" Scott grinned, and even though it was a weak one, Stiles returned it.
"You got it, dude," he said and lifted his fist.
Scott's grin grew a bit wider and they fist bumped. Stiles knew they were okay then. Scott had never been able to stay mad at him for long.
When Melissa came to retrieve her son, because their time together was up, Scott gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Lydia will come around, you know. She's just worried."
"Yeah, I know," Stiles sighed. "I didn't mean to make you all worry."
Scott nodded. "I'm sure she'll forgive you if you go shopping with her," he said lightly.
Stiles shuddered. "I'm not sure whether I want her forgiveness that much if that's the price," he joked and Scott left the hospital room laughing.
They both knew Stiles would gladly suffer through the torture of shopping if that meant earning Lydia's forgiveness. It was the least he could do after breaking his promise to her.
To his great surprise Cora and Laura visited him as well. Cora looked better already now that she was no longer subdued by the Wolfsbane and the shackles and she ranted at him for having been so fucking stupid. She would have personally brought him back to life somehow if Theo had managed to kill him, just so she could kill him herself.
Laura translated her ranting into "Thanks, Stiles, for saving my baby sister."
He seemed to have formed a tendency to surround himself with women who would gladly kill him themselves for being stupid enough to risk his life.
"I'm glad you're okay," he told the youngest Hale with a smile.
She huffed and crossed her arms, looking away. "Yeah well, you look like shit, loser," she muttered, pulling up her nose. "Next time listen to me when I tell you to get away and stop being such a hero."
"You're planning on getting kidnapped again?"
That earned him a vicious pinch in his thigh and he yelped, eyes watering with pain.
"You're an idiot, Stilinski!" she growled at him before storming out of the room.
"She doesn't want you to know this, but she was really worried about you," Laura said and for once every trace of amusement was gone. "She's been beside herself these past two days, scared you wouldn't wake up."
She paused and her eyes softened when she looked at him. "We were all worried," she amended and brushed her fingers against his cheek. "Don't scare us like that again, okay? You even freaked out Uncle Peter and that's saying something."
"I'm sorry." He'd lost count of how many times he'd said that already since waking up. "I just couldn't leave her there."
"We're really grateful that you saved her," she reassured him and quirked up the corners of her mouth in a faint smile. "Just – if something like this happens again, though I hope to the gods it won't, come to us. We'll help you. After all, we're not bound by police rules." A spark of humour lit up her eyes.
"I'll keep that in mind," he smiled.
"Good, get some rest now," she told him and slipped off the bed. "I heard you've got a talk with Deaton ahead of you and we all know you're going to need all your energy for that."
She left the room cackling, while he groaned.
He was left alone until lunch, although he was aware that someone was stationed right in front of his door. A deputy most likely, making sure that nobody unauthorised could enter his room.
He was slowly starting to feel better and right when he started contemplating whether he could ask Scott to bring him some actual decent food – the hospital had a strange view of what they considered 'decent food' – the door opened slowly.
Turning his head, he expected to see Melissa again or even his dad, and was therefore very surprised when Derek slipped inside the room. He nearly upended his tray in his haste to sit up a bit straighter, even if that move still made his muscles protest.
"Derek, hi!" he said startled.
"Hi," the older man said quietly and came to a stop a few feet away from the bed. Cocking his head to the left, he wondered, "How are you feeling?"
"Like I've been run over by a steamroller," Stiles answered bluntly and shrugged half-heartedly. "But I'm starting to feel a bit better. I, er, I heard you got me out of there. Thanks." His tray with the pudding cup lying on its side was quite interesting all of a sudden and he picked at the corner of his napkin.
"Thanks for saving my sister."
The words might have expressed gratitude, but his voice was brusque, bordering on snappish and when Stiles cautiously looked at him, Derek was standing there with his arms crossed, his muscles bulging, and a dark look on his face.
"You sound a bit … mad," Stiles said tentatively.
Derek visibly clenched his jaw and for a moment he looked ready to turn around again and leave. Then he shook his head sharply and took a step closer. "Yes, I'm mad. I'm mad because you could have died there, Stiles," he said in a low, dangerous voice. "You could have died there and we wouldn't have known about it until it was too late! Why the hell didn't you tell anyone what you were planning? I know you're not dumb, but that has to be one of the stupidest things you've ever done!"
"Lydia knew where I was!" Stiles countered, but even he knew his argument was weak. "I fucked up, I know, but I got Cora out of there, didn't I?"
"And you nearly died!" Derek snapped. "Do you really think that would have been better?"
"But I didn't! I'd think you would be happy to have your sister back!" Stiles snapped back, hackles raised, even if a part of him acknowledged that Derek had the right to be angry at him.
"Not if that meant you would have died instead!" Derek growled, his eyes flashing with anger. "Her life isn't worth more than yours! Why the hell didn't you come to us when you suspected Raeken? We could have helped you!"
"Because I …!" didn't want Theo to paint a target on your back, he wanted to say but bit back the last part. "Because I wanted to keep you safe," he settled on instead.
Derek snorted. "You really think Raeken could have taken on several of us? If you thought we would be in danger, why the hell do you think you would have fared any better against him?"
"I survived," Stiles muttered petulantly, not appreciating the dig at his abilities. He knew he wasn't as muscled as Derek or some of the other Hales were, but that didn't mean he was weak.
"Barely," Derek said harshly. "If we'd been any later, you would have died from the Wolfsbane poisoning!"
"But you weren't later and I'm still here!" Stiles threw out his arms in a "Tada!" gesture.
The Beta growled angrily and started pacing back and forth agitatedly, muttering something darkly underneath his breath. Stiles was pretty sure they weren't favourable things about him. Pursing his lips, he looked away and stared out of the window, watching the sun slowly disappear behind the clouds. He had had enough scolding already about his reckless behaviour; he was sick of being berated by every person who came to visit him.
Yes, he'd been stupid! He realised that! But he would do it all over again if that meant saving Cora.
The chair creaked in protest when Derek dropped down heavily on it. "Look, I - …" He sounded uncomfortable and Stiles unwillingly turned to look at him.
Derek was staring at his hands, as if they held all the answers. "I – I panicked when I found you. You were bleeding black out of your mouth and your nose and I could barely hear your heartbeat anymore and – I thought I'd lost you, okay? I don't want to feel like that ever again." He sounded raw, the words dragged out of him by a hook, and when he lifted his head, Stiles' breath hitched at the pain he could see lurking in the depths of those hazel eyes.
"I could have lost you before I even had the chance to have you and …" He shook his head slowly. "It was hard seeing you like this."
"I'm sorry. I mean it, Derek. I never meant for all this to happen," Stiles said quietly and ignoring the ache still drumming in his bones, he reached out to grab Derek's hand. "I should have asked someone to join me, I know. I just didn't think about it. I thought I'd be able to get her out of there before he came back."
"Your problem has always been that you think too much," Derek huffed, but laced their fingers together nevertheless.
The sensation of those warm, strong fingers against his had his stomach flipping in an entirely different manner now and he licked his lips, all too aware of the way the other man's eyes tracked the movement. "Yeah, I guess that's true," he snorted, before saying softly, "I'm glad you found me."
"I'm glad you're here," Derek replied; his eyes soft now when they gazed at the Omega.
Comfortable silence fell between them and for once Stiles saw no reason to break that with his chatter. Instead he just revelled in Derek's presence near him and the fact that everything was okay for now at least.
AN2: Well, at least Theo is out of the picture - for now *hums*
Please leave your thoughts behind in a review; should you spot any mistakes, please point them out to me.
I hope to see you all back in the next chapter!
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