The Lesbian Diaries | By : MTL Category: S through Z > Vampire Diaries Views: 18670 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries or Legacies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Dear Diary
The most wonderful thing has happened!
I told you a lot about my inappropriate feelings for my best friends, the kind which I thought would make them hate me, but I was wrong. So wonderfully wrong.
Instead of being disgusted they welcomed that information with open arms. And their lips and tongues.
Oh God, my best friends Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes are as gay as I am, and in love with each other, and they fucked me! Invited me into their bed, and double teamed me, giving me the pleasure I've been dreaming about for years. Only it was so much better than any of the fantasies in here.
God, I thought Vicky was good at eating pussy... I mean, she is, but Caroline puts her to shame. Oh yes, Caroline ate me out sooooooo good, and now whenever I see her, or even think about her, I get wet thinking about just how amazing her tongue felt against my pussy. Especially when Bonnie was sucking my tits and kissing me.
Caroline is such a slut! And I love it!
Oh yes, right after she went down on me Bonnie fucked her in the butt and she loved it! Caroline loves it up the butt! And it wasn't just a butt fucking, which is a weird thing to write, but a DP! As in, they made me wear a strap-on so Caroline could ride me with her pussy while Bonnie was pounding that tight little ass of hers. God, she loved it! And she came so fucking hard!
It's enough to make me wonder... what it would have been like in that moment. You know, for the both of them.
I was kind of hoping to try it afterwards, but Bonnie insisted on us getting some rest. They even sent me home, which annoyed me, but it was probably for the best. It gave me time to think whether I want to do this again, and exactly what I wanted to do. The first part was easy, as while I'm risking our friendship I just can't stop thinking about them, and desperately need to be with them again. But what exactly do I want to do?
Eat their pussies, obviously. That's the thing I've been thinking most about, and I am starving for their cunts. Oh yeah, I can't wait to bury my face in between their legs and tongue them until they cream in my mouth and all over my face! Maybe Caroline could even give me some pointers on the art of pussy licking, because while Vicky said I was good Caroline proved I have room for improvement.
Speaking of Caroline, I definitely want to feel that tongue of hers in between my legs again, but I also want to see what Bonnie can do. Hell, I'd love to 69 with them, if it didn't leave someone out. Maybe a daisy chain? I've always wanted to try that with them, and I think it would be so hot.
But what else? Do I want to try taking it up the butt? Fuck Caroline's slutty little ass? DP Bonnie? God, I didn't think it was possible for me to fantasise about my friends more than I already was, but I am, and those fantasies have become a hell of a lot more twisted. Which I actually think they'd like, especially in Caroline's case.
I can't stop thinking about it, especially as I'm moments away from getting what I want...
"What ya writing?" Caroline asked in a tone which made it clear she already knew.
"Nothing." Elena lied unconvincingly, before putting her diary away in her bag as they pulled up to Bonnie's house.
Elena felt incredibly nervous, which was kind of embarrassing considering there was no doubt in her mind that she wanted this. Then again, she supposed it was natural to be nervous given the circumstances, and it was even a good kind of nervous. One which made her feel so incredibly alive, her entire body buzzing as she got out of the car and followed Caroline to the front door. Her best friend had a key, which show just how serious she and Bonnie were about each other. It was enough to make Elena smile warmly, and yet it made her even more nervous. And not just nervous about the sex, but nervous she was going to be a homewrecker, when that was the last thing she wanted to be.
Despite that worry Elena didn't hesitate to follow Caroline into the house and up to Bonnie's room, because she just couldn't do anything else. She was a desperate little pussy slut, who felt like she physically needed to have lesbian sex. Lesbian sex with her best friends, and nothing would stop her. Not even the surprising revelation she was in for. Because once they open the door, they found Bonnie waiting for them, a hand outstretched with what looked like a feather floating beneath her. It was an impressive magic trick, but nothing Elena hadn't seen on TV before, and she was confused why Bonnie was showing off now. Was she bored while waiting for them, or was this some misguided attempt to impress her?
"Bonnie?" Elena began.
"Just watch." Caroline pleaded, revealing that not only was she not surprised, but she was in on this.
Shortly after that Bonnie bought her hand all the way down, the feather coming down with it until it joined a collection of them. Then Bonnie rubbed her hands together and did it again, only this time half a dozen feathers began floating, which was admittedly more impressive. She then repeated the process, only this time every single feather flew up into the air, and not just underneath Bonnie's hand, but all around them, making it the most impressive magic trick Elena had ever seen. Honestly she had no idea how Bonnie was doing this, and she didn't really care. The point was it was so cool, she and Caroline giggling as they just walked through the feathers for a few long seconds, Elena picking one out of the air and holding it, still unable to see anyway this could be happening.
"I'm... I'm a Witch." Bonnie stammered, "It's, it's impossible. It's crazy. But, somehow it's true."
"I believe you." Elena said softly, not sure what else she could say.
There was a brief pause and then Bonnie asked softly,, "Does it bother you?"
"Why would it?" Elena briefly frowned, before grinning, "This is so cool."
"And you were worried." Caroline grinned, sitting down next to her girlfriend and giving her a gentle and a far too brief kiss, as sadly the conversation wasn't quite done yet.
"Worried?" Elena frowned again.
"Bonnie was worried you'd feel differently about her when you knew the truth." Caroline explained casually.
"Well, that's silly." Elena scoffed.
"That's what I said." Caroline said.
"Okay, but if this is real, then probably everything else my grams told me is true." Bonnie said solemnly, wanting to change the subject, and bring up this important topic, "That means vampires, werewolves, and God knows what else actually exists in our world, and we need to be on the lookout. Apparently some vampires can walk around during the day, some werewolves can transform whenever they want, and well, not every witch is as nice as me. And, I know Caroline thinks I'm being paranoid here, but I have this weird feeling in my gut that something is coming. Something bad. Something very bad. And I keep feeling like I'm being watched! Seriously, does anyone else feel like they're being watched?"
"Actually, yeah..." Elena admitted bashfully.
"Awww, why all the doom and gloom?" Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes, before exclaiming excitedly, "My girlfriend has superpowers! Can we just take a moment to celebrate that?"
"Caroline's right." Elena agreed, "This is a good thing, isn't it?"
"I don't know." Bonnie admitted, "I guess, we're just going to have to find out."
"Great, so... how should we celebrate?" Elena smirked.
"Oh, I have a few ideas." Caroline revealed with a wicked grin.
With that Caroline leaned over, cupped Bonnie's face and gently pulled her into a deep kiss, which had Elena softly murmuring 'awww'. They really were a cute couple, which made her momentarily feel guilty again for what she was here to do. However it quickly went away when Bonnie broke the kiss with Caroline and beckoned her to join them, Elena quickly accepting with a playful smile and getting on the bed, facing them so they were in a sort of circle. They then took it in turns kissing each other for a few long minutes, giggling with delight at first in between kisses, but as things became more serious the girl not being kissed began sliding her lips over the necks and shoulders of the other two, quickly intensifying everyone's desire for more.
"So, can you make our clothes disappear?" Elena cheeked after a few long minutes of kissing.
"Yes, but not by magic." Bonnie admitted.
"Then I guess we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way." Elena grinned, moving in for another kiss.
Caroline both giggled and rolled her eyes at the cheesy line, before moving in to kiss Elena again while helping her out of her top, just like her best friend had done for Bonnie moments ago. Bonnie then returned the favour with Caroline, the three friends continuing to take each item of clothing off one by one in between kisses until they were all naked. Then in a preplanned attack Caroline and Bonnie pushed Elena onto her back in the centre of the bed, pinning her down with their body weight while they both attacked her neck like a couple of vampires. Which was mostly met with a giggle and moan of delight from Elena, but there was definitely an undertone of annoyance to it, which certainly didn't surprise Caroline.
After all, Caroline didn't need to have magic, or read Elena's diary, to know that her best friend was eager to return the favour after Caroline had so graciously shown her everything she was capable of the other night. Which was of course something Caroline wanted to give her, or at least see her give Bonnie, but her more dominant girlfriend had other plans for the evening. Plans which admittedly Caroline loved, especially if it got them what they wanted, but in this precious moment, she couldn't help being a little regretful that she wouldn't be tasting Elena's pussy again tonight, and more importantly Elena wouldn't be tasting hers. Oh well, she would just have to be content with the awesome reward coming her way.
"Wait!" Elena gasped sharply, and then when her best friends stopped and looked at her expectantly she continued, "I, I don't want this to be like last time. I want to taste you too. Both of you! Mmmmmm, ideally one after the other."
"We were hoping you'd feel that way." Bonnie grinned, "But I felt a little left out last time in the pussy eating department, and I really, really want to taste you."
"I have no problem with that..." Elena admitted bashfully, "But couldn't Caroline sit on my face while you're doing it? Mmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, I'd really love to try that."
"Me too." Caroline was unable to stop herself from admitting with a smile, before quickly adding, "But if you want that, you have to earn it."
"Anything!" Elena insisted as she looked at her friends hungrily, "Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it."
"You haven't heard what I want." Bonnie pointed out nervously.
"It doesn't matter. I'll do it." Elena promised.
Briefly Bonnie hesitated, then insisted, "Can we table this until after I go down on you? I just really, really want to taste you so badly."
For a moment Elena looked like she was going to protest, then she sighed and leaned back, "Fine... eat my pussy."
The first part was said with annoyance, but then it was replaced with humour as Elena obviously realised she was sounding reluctant to get her pussy licked, when that couldn't be further from the truth. It was enough to cause Caroline to chuckle, and Bonnie to smile, as the two friends descended on Elena again, each kissing her in turn, before making their way back down to her neck, and then lower. Caroline was the first to go, simply because she thought Bonnie was being too cautious, when Elena clearly wanted some attention, and if they didn't want to really annoy her they should give it to her. Luckily Bonnie agreed with her, and soon followed, the two of them beginning to give those tits some much needed attention.
Working in unison they swirled their tongues around Elena's nipples, kissed the surrounding flesh, and most importantly sucked on those sensitive bundles of flesh, much to the delight of her best friend who moaned happily at being once again worshipped. Things continued like that for several long minutes, the only pause coming when Caroline kissed her way to the other nipple so she could give her girlfriend a quick kiss. She was then able to time it perfectly so that the nipple got in between their lips, allowing them to share it. Bonnie then joined her in sliding her tongue over the other nipple, the two girlfriends going back and forth a few times before Bonnie began heading south. Which made Caroline a little jealous, but again she reminded herself that a wonderful reward was soon coming her way.
Bonnie meanwhile was about to get her reward for allowing Elena into their bed, and while admittedly that was a favour for Caroline, Elena and herself it still seemed appropriate to give herself a reward. One which she wanted to savour as much as possible, and after perhaps rushing her attention to Elena's tits Bonnie did her best to linger on her best friend's stomach and thighs, kissing the area surrounding the other girl's pussy so she could savour the moment. Also, the sight, the smell, and perhaps most of all the little whimpers and gasps of need Elena was letting out. Actually, most of all though she savoured the moment she stuck out her tongue and pressed it against her target, instantly causing Bonnie to moan happily as of course Elena Gilbert was just as tasty as she looked.
Which was only reaffirmed as Bonnie slowly pushed her tongue upwards and over Elena's centre, lingering on the other girl's clit to maximise her friend's pleasure. It was extremely hard to avoid that clit for the next half a dozen licks, especially considering it caused Elena to whimper in disappointment, which was the last thing Bonnie wanted. However Bonnie knew from experience that easing off now would make sure the other girl came harder later, and just as importantly right now it would allow them both to savour the first time she went down on Elena, which no matter what happened after this would be a special moment they would never forget. Oh yes, there was plenty of good stuff to come which Bonnie wanted to savour, but perhaps this most of all.
It was also worth noting that Caroline had done the exact same thing when she was in Bonnie's position, and Elena had hardly complained. In fact she had not complained very loudly, and this time was no different, as whatever initial disappointment there was was quickly replaced by Elena relaxing back and allowing her friends to have their way with her. And oh, she made the most wonderful sounds in the process, moaning, gasping, whimpering and crying out just like her sweet Caroline did whenever Bonnie went down on her. Which admittedly, wasn't nearly as frequent as it should be. To be fair it wasn't like Bonnie didn't offer, but Caroline preferred giving oral. She suspected Elena was the same way, but it was fun to imagine her not being, if only briefly.
For those brief moments Bonnie imagined herself and her friends warming up and then ending up with Caroline eating her out, while Bonnie ate Elena's tasty pussy. Oh yes, in that moment that seemed like heaven to Bonnie, especially as her own pussy was aching for some attention. Which she would make sure she would receive eventually, but for now she very much wanted to focus on Elena, and again, savouring this precious moment. So she forced herself out of her own mind and concentrated on how good her best friend tasted, and the weirdly relaxing act of licking pussy. That, and the occasional glance up to see what Caroline was doing, receiving a welcome sight in the process.
Caroline was terribly jealous of Bonnie right now, and totally wished she was in her place. After all, she was the only proud bottom here, and going down on women seem like literally her job. And Elena had such a tasty twat! Not quite as tasty as Bonnie's, but still yummy enough to make her mouth water just to think about it. However also because Caroline was a proud bottom was the reason she wasn't complaining, as she totally agreed Bonnie deserved to have a turn sampling the delicacy that was Elena Gilbert's pussy all by herself. Although, Caroline very much hoped that soon they would share it. Oh yes, she could imagine it now, the two of them laying in between Elena's spread legs, practically kissing with their friend's cunt in between them, like they had with Elena's tits earlier.
Despite the fact that she should really know better by now Caroline couldn't help get lost in that fantasy for a few long seconds, which ironically meant that she was doing a lousy job at pleasing another woman. When she realised this she was ashamed of herself, and silently promised Elena she would do better. Although to be fair, the entire time she had been dreaming about the future Caroline had been gently sucking on one of Elena's nipples, which was probably the right thing to do given Bonnie's gentle treatment of their friend's pussy, which was Elena's main focus anyway. Still, Caroline wasn't about to be forgotten about within the threesome, even for a second.
So, out to make her mark, Caroline kissed her way to the other nipple and unlike last time gave it her full attention, sucking it with perhaps more force than she should have, and being rewarded for it by an extra loud cry of pleasure from Elena. She then moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment, then back and forth for some very exciting, enjoyable minutes. Then Bonnie gave her a hard strike to the butt, making Caroline cry around the nipple, and glare down at her girlfriend. When her girlfriend glared back she then rolled her eyes, and diminished the force of the suction, before moving up to give the same treatment to Elena's neck.
For a second Caroline got a flash of Elena's lips on her neck... or someone who looked like Elena, but wasn't. And she was biting her, hard. Which hurt, but it also turned her on. Maybe it was just a vivid fantasy, but for a few long seconds it almost felt like a memory, despite the fact that Elena hadn't got the chance to do that to her yet. Then Caroline shrugged it off as a fantasy in favour of kissing Elena right on the lips, her best friend kissing her back passionately while Bonnie continued pleasuring her. Caroline then reluctantly broke the kiss in favour of going back and forth between Elena's lips, neck, and tits in random orders, making sure each one of them got some attention, while Bonnie hogged that pussy all to herself, pushing Elena into giving her the reward the two girlfriends were both craving right now, but only one was going to receive.
Elena had been dreaming about this ever since the last time she was in this position. Well, more accurately she had been dreaming about a lot of things, most of which were echoing in her mind right now, especially her frustration at not being able to return the favour. After all, the only thing that could make this better was if Caroline was sitting on her face right now as Bonnie continued eating her out. Maybe they could even swap places? That would be fun. Because Elena loved being the centre of attention, but she also wanted her best friends to know the joy of that. But yes, she'd be lying if she hadn't selfishly thought of doing this again, and now Elena was once again the centre of attention it seemed ridiculous that she had actually complained about it. And kind of insulting to the friends which were now making her feel so good.
Of course thinking of all the things she wanted to do to them to show her gratitude combined with everything they were doing soon made the urge to cum to become a burning need, however selfishly Elena ignored it so she could receive more pleasure. Which probably wasn't fair on her friends, but they seemed perfectly content with worshipping her, and after all, they were the ones who had talked her into being on the receiving end again, so why not give them what they wanted? What they all wanted? What Elena wanted so badly. So much so that she was willing to let the need to cum to become literally painful before she finally asked the other girls to make her cum like the little lesbian slut she was.
"More!" Elena finally whimpered, "Mmmmmmm, please give me more! Oh Bonnie, fuck me! Fuck me with your tongue, ohhhhhhhh, just like your little girlfriend did. Oh yes, mmmmmmm, tongue fuck me like your slutty little girlfriend! Oooooooh yessssssss, Caroline fucked me with her tongue, and now I want you to fuck me with yours. Yesssssssss, mmmmmmm, I want both of my best friends to fuck my pussy like the lesbian sluts they are, and make me cum like the little lesbian slut I am! Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh, that's it, fuck me like a lesbian slut! Oh my God, we're all lesbian sluts! Oh God! Ohhhhhhhhh fuck yeah, oooooooohhhhhhhhh Gooooooooddddddddd yeeeeeeeesssssssss, FUCK ME!"
As she was speaking Bonnie began concentrating on her clit, making it harder and harder for Elena to speak until she was being completely incoherent. Bonnie had been touching it more frequently, with every stroke of her tongue, even touching it with every lick, in a clear sign that she was ready for Elena to cum, but once Elena initially started begging Bonnie wrapped her mouth around her best friend's clit and began sucking it with increasing intensity, bringing Elena to the very edge of orgasm. She then slowly switched tactics, shoving her tongue as deep as it would go into the other girl's pussy an instantly triggering that orgasm that Elena had been craving.
Meanwhile Caroline was squeezing her nipples playfully with both hands, and biting down hard on Elena's neck, which for some reason felt so right to Elena, and the fact that this happened just before Bonnie's tongue entered her made the moment so perfect for her. It made for an orgasm far more intense than any she had had with Vicky, and the only time that could compare was the last time she was the centre of attention. Like the first wonderful time with her best friends Elena was then pushed over the edge time and time again as Bonnie and Caroline work together to give her so much pleasure she thought she was going to pass out. Which only made her more determined to return the favour, or at least repay it somehow.
Bonnie was definitely looking forward to collecting on this favour, but it wasn't exactly what was on her mind right now. No, she was far too focused on just how amazing Elena's cum tasted, and more importantly, trying to swallow as much of it as she could. Oh yes, Bonnie couldn't afford to dwell on how predictably amazing Elena's cum was, because she had significantly less experience than Caroline in this position, meaning that inevitably some of that precious liquid went to waste, and all she could do was try and swallow as much of it as she could. Although, even then having another girl's cum covering her face made her feel exactly what Elena had called them, a lesbian slut, a feeling Bonnie savoured as she firmly showed her best friend everything that she could do when it came to eating pussy.
She had clearly done an excellent job at teasing Elena, given how hard her best friend was now cumming, but now Bonnie could really go to town, and show just what she had learned from playing with Caroline. Things like inserting her tongue into Elena's cunt as soon as the other girl's orgasm was over so she could use it to fuck her friend to another one. And then another, and then another, and then another, Bonnie feeling more proud of herself with every climax. Then again it was easy to make Elena Gilbert cum like this because again, she was a lesbian slut, a fact which couldn't have been more obvious in that moment, and a fact Bonnie delighted in.
As much as Bonnie wanted to swallow everything Elena had to give her to prove she was a lesbian slut too she just couldn't. She just didn't have Caroline's experience, and there was just so much of that precious liquid to swallow. Of course, Bonnie's true goal was to make Elena cum as much as possible, and for that she would sacrifice swallowing that liquid to do something Caroline was less comfortable with, but Bonnie would revel in her superiority over. Namely pushing a couple of fingers into Elena's needy little cunt, pushing two in right off the bat, and then eventually adding a third because her friend was just so ready for it. She then frantically fingered the other girl through climax after climax, while her mouth was busy sucking on her friend's clit. Which Caroline had tried, but Bonnie was confident she was putting her to shame. Just like Caroline had probably done a much better job at eating Elena's pussy.
Looking up at her girlfriend Bonnie watched lustfully as her best friends were now frantically making out with each other. Which admittedly muffled Elena's sounds of pleasure, which Bonnie had been so enjoying, but the added visual was worth it. Although it also made her a little jealous, as in that moment she wanted to be the one kissing them. And to be fair, she didn't want to fuck Elena into unconsciousness, as she had other plans, so Bonnie somewhat reluctantly removed her mouth from Elena's clit and moved upwards to kiss the other girls, both of whom happily welcomed her with their lips. Mostly because it allowed them both to taste Elena's cum, something all three girls shared as Bonnie continued lazily fingering her friend, before telling her exactly what she wanted, sneakily keeping her fingers inside of her while doing it so she'd be more likely to say yes.
"So..." Bonnie broke the latest kiss with Elena and smiled, "You still want to go down on us?"
"No..." Elena moaned needily, before practically growling, "I need to eat your pussies! Please Bonnie, mmmmmmm, let me! Mmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, I wanna worship you both with my mouth and tongue. Thank you both for making me feel so amazing. Oh please, please Bonnie, mmmmmmm, let me eat you! I'll do anything if you just let me eat your yummy pussy!"
Bonnie was taken aback from hearing Elena Gilbert talk that way, which was no doubt the point, then with a gulp, she asked, "Anything, huh?"
"Anything." Elena confirmed firmly within another long moan.
"Will you let me do what I did to Caroline last time?" Bonnie blurted out.
"She means fuck your ass." Caroline added helpfully when there was a pause, as she thought it was best to clarify exactly what her girlfriend meant, "Bonnie wants your butt cherry Elena, mmmmmm, and you should totally give it to her. She's amazing at fucking girls in the ass. And I should know, I let her do that to me all the time. And I love it! You saw! Can you imagine feeling that way?"
"You don't have to answer right away. Just think about it." Bonnie quickly added, "Until then, we thought we'd give you another gift. Provided you're up for it."
"I want you to fuck my ass." Caroline explained, unable to contain her excitement, "You see, we didn't expect you to be so good at fucking my cunt, but you were, so I wanted to see how you would do with my other hole. My favourite hole. Ohhhhhhhh yesssssss, mmmmmm, in case you haven't noticed Elena, I love anal. I love it more than regular sex. Ooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhh, I'm a total butt slut, so you don't have to worry about hurting me. Just try your best, and if you need help, Bonnie will be here to show you how it's done. And then, you girls can spit-roast me! Oh God, I've always wanted to try that. You know, being taken at two ends at once. Not as much as I wanted to try a DP, which is why we did that first, but I'm really looking for to this. After all, what could make me feel more like a slut?"
There was a long pause and then Bonnie quickly added, "Or we can just DP Caroline again. That was fun."
"No, no, no, I just..." Elena stammered, and then whimpered with disappointment as Bonnie pulled her fingers out of her. Although they had been pretty still throughout that pause, her friend clearly nervous by her lack of reaction, which Elena had to put a stop too, "It's just a lot of information to process, you know?"
"Yeah, I know." Bonnie said softly.
"But I'd love to butt fuck Caroline." Elena insisted, and then briefly pausing to think how weird it was to say that out loud. Then she quickly added before her friends had another chance to get nervous, "I think it sounds fun. Actually... I think it all sounds fun."
"Yeah?" Bonnie smiled.
"Yeah." Elena confirmed, "And, honestly? Before this, I was going crazy. And you two have made me feel things I couldn't have imagined. And I love you both so much. So really, how could I possibly say no?"
"Meaning?" Caroline pushed with a wicked grin.
"Meaning, you can have my ass Bonnie." Elena promised, before quickly adding, "As long as you promise to be gentle."
"Of course." Bonnie promised gleefully.
"And can it wait until next time?" Elena asked, before turning to the blonde, "I wanna butt fuck Caroline tonight."
"Absolutely." Bonnie grinned, before also turning to the blonde, "Caroline, go get us a couple of strap-ons."
Caroline practically squealed with joy as she quickly obeyed, retrieving Bonnie's favourite harness and one for her friend, before returning to their sides. She was extremely relieved to see that in her absence her best friends had fallen into another kiss with each other, a sign that Elena was relaxed and on-board with what was about to happen. Things might not stay that way, but Caroline was confident she and Bonnie this wouldn't scare Elena off. Besides, that kiss was the perfect opportunity for her to equip those toys around the waist of the other girls, first Bonnie, then Elena so she would end up in between her friend, and lazily stroking her newly acquired cock.
Then Caroline gave a little cough to get the attention of her friends, before explaining, "Actual lube is technically better, but personally, I've always preferred all natural lube..."
With that Caroline wrapped her lips around Elena's dick and started gently bobbing up and down it. What she said was true, but it also turned Bonnie on, and would probably do the same with Elena, putting her even more at ease. Although admittedly, Caroline also loved it because again, it made her feel like a slut. Now more than ever before while doing this act because she had another cock to suck. Oh yes, Caroline had another cock to suck, and the best part was while she was sucking on Elena's strap-on she could start stroking Bonnie's with her hand, and move over at a moments notice to start sucking the other one. And vice versa, Caroline starting to go back and forth between them, and rubbing in her saliva with both her hands and her mouth, making sure those dildos were nice and ready for her slutty little ass hole.
Back when Caroline had still been questioning her sexuality she could vividly remember watching threesomes on the internet. Mostly with two girls and a guy, easing into what she truly wanted, but she had tried watching it with two guys and a girl, and kind of liked the idea of submissively kneeling down and going to work on two cocks. Of course, she liked it better when she finally started watching all girl threesomes, and they would use strap-ons to make each other feel good. She had even seen them do this very act, and it made her want to do it, and she was so grateful for Elena and especially Bonnie for fulfilling this particular wicked fantasy. Even if it couldn't compare to what was about to happen to her.
"Okay, that should be enough for your slutty little butt." Bonnie grinned, before ordering, "Bend over! Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhh Caroline, bend over and give Elena your slut butt."
"Yes Bonnie." Caroline eagerly obeyed, turning around and bending over in front of Elena, before reaching back to present her with her slutty ass.
"No, I want to do that." Bonnie confessed, "Mmmmmmm, I want to spread your cheeks, and give Elena your ass hole to fuck."
"Oh yes Bonnie, mmmmmmm, give Elena my ass hole." Caroline agreed eagerly, obediently taking her hands off her cheeks.
Just when Caroline didn't think it could get more kinky Bonnie somehow found a way, making Caroline love her even more for it. And for the fact that Bonnie didn't simply spread her cheeks. No, after that she grabbed onto the little butt-plug which had been keeping Caroline nice and ready for this moment, and then started sliding it in and out of her, her girlfriend butt fucking her once again. Which wasn't nearly as good as being sodomised with a strap-on, but it was a wonderful tease of what was to come, and helped prepare that slutty little fuck hole to be violated even more. And maybe best of all, Elena couldn't have seemed more into it, stroking that saliva into her strap-on and moving as close as she could to watch the show.
Then finally, Bonnie pulled the butt-plug all the way out of Caroline's ass hole and ordered, "Now beg our best friend to fuck your ass!"
"Oh please Elena, fuck me! Fuck my ass!" Caroline begged shamelessly and without hesitation, "I want to be butt fucked by my other best friend. Ooooooooh yessssssss, there's nothing I love more than taking it up the butt for Bonnie, but now I want to give up my ass hole to you! Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, I want you, sweet and righteous Elena Gilbert, to fucking sodomise me. Fuck me in the butt Elena! I want it! I need it! I crave it! Please give it to me. Mmmmmmm yessssssss, give me your cock! Shove it right up my ass and fuck me like the little anal whore I am! Ohhhhhhhhh yesssssss, mmmmmmm, fuck me, oooooooohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk!"
Elena just had to pause to savour the moment, and one of her best friends begging her to fuck her in the ass, then she grabbed onto the dildo sticking out of her waist and pressed it firmly against Caroline's butt hole. Her hands were trembling in the process. Out of fear of hurting her friend? Out of excitement for what she was about to do? Both? Yeah, it was probably both, but in the end there was a wide grin on Elena's face as she pushed forwards, and Caroline's slutty little back door swallowed the head of the strap-on with ease! Fuck, the little anal whore even cried out joyfully as her most private hole was violated, and followed up that sign of approval with more words.
"Oh Elena yes, fuck me!" Caroline moaned, "Fuck my ass, mmmmmmm, get every inch of your big dick up my butt, oh my God!"
"Shut up, and suck this!" Bonnie ordered, slapping Caroline's ass, and then stuffing the butt-plug which had just been in her girlfriend's backside directly into her mouth, before turning her attention back to Elena, "You heard the little slut, fuck her. Oh yes, she wants you to fuck her Elena. Fuck her right up the butt. So do it! Ass fuck my girlfriend in front of me. It's what she wants, so do it! Ohhhhhhh yesssssss, fuck her!"
Seeing Caroline gleefully sucking the butt-plug which had been buried in her ass took Elena off-guard for a second, but she had no idea why. Hell, this was practically trivial compared to some of the things Caroline had done, and that they were going to do. But it didn't make things any less hot, and Elena very much enjoyed the show. And Bonnie's encouragement. Although mostly, she thought how this was her big dick in her best friend's ass hole. That's what Caroline had called it, and although it wasn't flesh and blood in that moment it felt like part of her. Part of her was stretching Caroline's shit hole obscenely open, which was so very gross, and weird, and hot. Oh God, Elena found it obscenely hot, and she couldn't get enough of it.
It somehow got even better as Elena steadily pushed forwards, forcing inch after inch of 'her cock' up Caroline's butt. No matter how easily her best friend was taking it Elena felt it was important to go slowly as possible, so she was causing Caroline the least amount of pain possible. Also she was providing the best show possible for herself and Bonnie, silence filling the rooms as they became completely lost in watching Caroline's greedy butt hole gobbling up eventually every inch of that cock. Oh yes, in one slow thrust Elena pushed every inch of her big dick into another girl's shit hole, the little anal whore moaning happily around the ass flavoured plug in her mouth, especially when thighs came to rest against butt cheeks, announcing the back door stuffing was complete.
Shortly after this, Caroline spat out the plug and moaned, "Ooooooooh yessssssss, fuck me Elena! Butt fuck me with every inch of your big fat cock! Mmmmmmm, ass fuck me with your girl cock like the filthy little lesbian anal whore I am! Oh Elena! Ohhhhhhhhh Goooooooodddddd yeeeeeeesssssssss, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssss, fuck me!"
While it would almost certainly been better to give her friend some time to adjust to having a huge strap-on in her butt Elena just couldn't resist pretty much immediately beginning to sodomise the greedy little anal whore. And to be fair, she was instantly rewarded by the most wonderful moans, gasps, whimpers and cries coming from Caroline as she established a steady rhythm, thrusting her hips back and forth, and officially beginning to fuck one of her best female friends in the ass. Butt fucking her bestie! That's what Elena was doing! Oh yes, she was anally dominating another girl, and it made her feel so alive, and happy, and like she never wanted this to end. Which was bad, because they were supposed to be sharing Caroline's slutty little ass, but in that moment Elena wasn't sure she could ever stop violating her best friend's butt hole.
Bonnie forgot all about sharing for a while too, which wasn't surprising, as there was nothing she enjoyed more than sodomising Caroline Forbes, the best girlfriend anyone could ever have. Hell, she'd never shared this part of Caroline with anyone, and she was expecting to hate it. After all, that was her personal fuck hole. Hers! All hers! And it always would be, but Bonnie couldn't deny there was something incredibly hot about sharing it with her best friend. Especially as it was so good to see Elena happy again, and even while getting her pussy eaten out by herself, or the far more skilled Caroline, Bonnie wasn't sure she'd ever seen Elena more happy. It was enough to make Bonnie question whether Elena really was a top, and maybe she should adjust her plans accordingly. Which wouldn't be so bad.
Actually, it would be a lot of fun to be a couple of butt busting tops, giving Caroline the attention that a super bottom like her deserved. Maybe they could even find Elena a girlfriend half as submissive as Caroline, and butt fuck them both at the same time. Oh yes, for a few long seconds Bonnie got a really vivid image of herself and Elena side by side pounding a couple of strap-ons in and out of the bottoms of the two slutty little bottoms bent over in front of them, Caroline and another faceless girl, she and Elena laughing about how slutty they were, and how good it felt, and complement each other's technique as they put a couple of submissive bitches in their place. They could even swap holes! Oh yes, truly share their bitches with each other. Fuck, that would be amazing!
Of course imagining that just made Bonnie want to get in the action herself, so she let go of Caroline's butt cheeks, straightened up, and looked Elena right in the face and told her, "Pull your dick out of my girlfriend's ass"
"What?" Elena nervously snapped out of her trance, "I-"
Quickly realising she had been too firm, and Elena had taken it the wrong way, Bonnie jumped in, "I'm not mad, just horny. Mmmmmm, please Elena, pull your big dick out of my girlfriend's butt hole so I can get a piece of that ass. Mmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, let's really share her. Yessssssss, let's spit-roast her like the slut she is!"
There was a brief pause, then Elena grinned, "Of course Bonnie. After all, she's your bitch."
"Damn right she is." Bonnie chuckled, "Oh, but don't stick your cock in her mouth. Not yet. Mmmmmm, I wanna get a rhythm going, before we officially spit roast her."
"No problem." Elena lied, disappointed at not only having to pull out but step away from the action for a few moments, although totally willing to do it for her precious best friends.
Then without needing to be asked Elena took over spreading Caroline's cheeks, Bonnie's childhood friend offering up her other childhood friend's ass hole in a beautiful reversal of what they had just done. Except this time instead of being stretched by the plug Caroline's ass hole was also stretched out, although rapidly closing as it hadn't received a proper pounding. At least not yet. However that was about to change, Bonnie was going to make sure of that, and so was Elena, the two friends sharing a wicked smile, before the black girl violated the beautiful little white booty in front of her. Only unlike Elena, she wasn't gentle in the slightest. Mostly because Caroline was now nicely stretched out, but also because she knew what her girl could take.
"Oh my God yesssssssss, fuck me!" Caroline quickly cried out, "Mmmmmm, fuck my ass and use me like a whore! Mmmmmm, an anal whore! Oh Bonnie, I'm your fucking anal whore! I love being your whore! Fuck me, ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh, fuck my ass, mmmmmmm, fuck my slutty little ass hole, oh Bonnie! Bonniiiiieeeeeeee ooooooooooh fuckkkkkkkkkk!"
Which only confirmed Bonnie had made the right decision, causing a wicked grin to cross her face. It also caused an amazed grin to cross Elena's face, as with a series of hard thrusts Bonnie buried her dick in her girlfriend's booty, and began sodomising her at the same pace, and yet, Caroline still cried out joyfully and beg for more like the complete anal whore she was. Oh yes, Bonnie was gleefully proving just how much of an anal loving slut Caroline was, and could happily do it for hours. However the time had come to give Caroline her special treat, so Bonnie managed to restrict herself to just a few minutes of teasing her girl with a gentle sodomy, before giving Elena her marching orders.
"Okay, you can let this ass to mouth whore taste her own butt while she's getting sodomised." Bonnie grinned wickedly at Elena, "Mmmmmmm, provided she asks nicely for it."
"Oh yes Elena, spit roast me!" Caroline immediately started eagerly begging as her best friend took her hands off her cheeks and slowly moved round until she was in front of her, cruelly keeping the butt flavoured cock just out of reach, as Caroline continued shamelessly begging, "Mmmmmm yessssssss, stuff me front and back! Take me in both ends! Turn me into a fucking finger trap! Whatever you want to call it, just do it! Stick a cock in my mouth and one in my ass. Please? Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmm, please Elena, stick your big beautiful cock, which has just been in my ass, into my mouth, while Bonnie butt fucks me. That's what I want! Please give it to me. Ooooooooh yesssssssss, give me your cock Elena, while Bonnie gives me hers. Yeeeeeeeesssssssss, ooooooooohhhhhhhhh yesssssssss, oh fuck me, oh fuck!"
Caroline felt like it took forever, but finally Elena shuffled forward and allowed her to wrap her mouth around the cock which had just been in her butt, while Bonnie's cock was currently in her butt. Oh yes, Caroline loved ass to mouth, and she loved butt sex, so to experience the two at the same time was freaking heaven. So much so that for a few long seconds she just had to savour the incredible sensation of having them both at once. Well, that and of course tasting the deepest part of her bowels on that big dick. Something she would like to have savoured for longer, but Caroline guessed as soon as she cleaned it the sooner she would get more butt cream. So instead she greedily sucked the head of the strap-on clean and then started bobbing her head up and down it, taking more each time until it hit the back of her throat.
That didn't take very long of course, and from there Caroline pushed the toy into her windpipe, where she began choking and gagging on the cock, making her feel like even more of a slut. Of course, it was enough to slow her descent, and eventually she got every inch of that dick down her throat, and with it every drop of her precious anal juices. As she correctly guessed that was quickly followed by Elena and Bonnie swapping places, under Bonnie's orders of course, meaning that soon Caroline was getting sodomised by her best friend again, this time while cleaning her butt off her girlfriend's cock. Something she got to enjoy again and again, as the two girls gleefully swapped places, while providing her with wonderful words of encouragement.
"That's it Care, suck my cock!" Elena ordered, still getting a thrill out of saying such things, "Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh, suck it good. Suck your own butt cream off of it you nasty little whore! You ATM whore! Oh yes, oooooooooh yessssss, that's what you are Caroline. An nasty little ass to mouth whore, mmmmmm, who loves the taste of her own butt on a cock."
"Yeah she does." Bonnie agreed with a wicked chuckle, "Mmmmmm, my girl is a total ass to mouth loving slut. And an anal slut, and cock sucking slut! Just look at how much she enjoys it! Mmmmmm yesssssss Elena, just watch how your best friend, and my girlfriend, takes so much cock into her mouth and down her throat. Yeahhhhhhh, mmmmmmm, she takes it all like a good girl. My good girl. My good little slut."
Most girls would probably be put off by such talk, but Caroline wasn't most girls. No, she loved that kind of talk, and it easily gave her the strength to continue sucking those cocks, even more enthusiastically than before. However it was also a double-edged sword, because it fuelled her desire for more, her desire to cum, into something which was increasingly painful. But Caroline did her best to hold back on that desire for as long as she could, as this was one of her greatest fantasies come true, and she just couldn't get enough of it. Plus that would mean pausing the cock sucking, and Caroline really, really didn't want to do that. Of course in the end, she didn't have a choice.
So when it all became too much, and she was given a chance during a switchover, Caroline begged, "Harder! Please fuck me harder! Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh, fuck my ass and make me cum like a little whore! Mmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, an anal whore! Oh yes Bonnie, I'm your anal whore! Yours and Elena's! Please, oooooooooh, please use me like one! I wanna be butt fucked like the shameless little anal loving whore I am! Please? Oh God, fuck me and make me cum! Ass fuck me! Ass fuck me hard and deep and make me ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeessssssssssss, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
Giving a wordless nod Bonnie stood back, eager to see what Elena could do, but not quite as much as Caroline. They both got their wish, as after initially pulling her cock out Elena rammed back inside of Caroline's butt and quickly began sodomising her at the same pace as before, and then gradually increasing the pace. Which was all that it took to give Caroline the kind of amazing orgasm that made her so addicted to anal sex. To be fair, the fact that for the very first time it was Elena Gilbert doing it, a girl she couldn't imagine doing something like this before now, and the first girl to do this who wasn't her girlfriend, while her girlfriend watched, had a lot to do with the quickness of her climax. Also the fact that she came so hard and frequently. But Caroline didn't really care about what caused it. All she cared about was getting as much of it as possible.
Elena pretty much came at the same time, the other half of the harness bashing against her clit and the sheer joy of butt fucking one of her best female friends easily enough to make her cum. Not quite as hard and as frequently as she had when Caroline and then Bonnie had gone down on her, but it was still pretty satisfying. More so than the last time she had worn a strap-on, as back then she had merely contributed, whereas right now she was causing every ounce of pleasure Caroline was currently receiving. Which was more than enough to make Elena want to do this again, and again, and again. Perhaps even be the only one to ass fuck her friend, then she would really be responsible for 100% of her pleasure. Especially if Bonnie was watching, as she was doing now.
Any ounce of guilt or hesitance over what she was doing in front of this girl's girlfriend was gone, mostly because Bonnie had been nothing but supportive the entire time, and was now watching lustfully as Elena butt fucked Caroline to climax. Which may have been because she was fantasising about doing this exact thing to Elena, which was now both a terrifying thought, and something Elena was actually excited about receiving. After all, she couldn't imagine her own ass stretched as wide and as deep as Caroline's was now, but she also wanted to imagine herself cumming as hard as Caroline was. And to feel the total submission she must be feeling. Just as Elena was feeling totally dominant right now. Oh yes, Elena was feeling more powerful and dominant than she could ever imagine before, and she couldn't get enough of it.
It was further proof that the label of switch fit her better than top or bottom, something she intended to prove right now. After all, she had been submissive plenty of times by letting Bonnie and even Caroline take the lead, and now she would prove that she could be dominant by pounding Caroline's ass through climax after climax. Which was a lot harder than Bonnie made it look, but somehow Elena found the strength, or probably more accurately the adrenaline, to push herself through her initial climax and onto another, and another, Caroline having several more in the process. Something which Elena dearly wished could have lasted forever, or at least a little longer than it did.
To be fair given her experience Elena thought she did herself proud. Hell, given the way Caroline started slamming her ass back at her like a mindless animal looking for more pleasure it was impressive that she was even able to hold on, and keep the anal pounding going, but she did. Besides, the advantage to not fucking herself into unconsciousness was that when she pulled her dick out of Caroline's ass she didn't do something embarrassing, like collapse in exhaustion. More importantly, at least in that moment, was that Elena got to watch Bonnie takeover and show her what a hard butt banging really looked like, which was invigorating enough, Elena only staying upright just so that she would get the best possible view of her two female best friends having butt sex.
Bonnie wanted Elena to go first, both in the anal penetration and the hard butt pounding, and she was impressed with what she saw, and disappointed. Impressed because Elena really did a fantastic job at both twisted acts, but that was also why she was disappointed, as selfishly she had hoped Elena just wouldn't be able to get into it, and that she really would be the bottom Bonnie had originally thought she was. Hell, between this, and how Elena had acted during the DP the other day, she just might be a top. But Bonnie wouldn't accept that without a fight, as she really wanted a shot at Elena's perfect little ass, something she had every intention of reminding her best friend she was promised, so if Elena wasn't a switch already Bonnie could turn her into one.
Wanting to increase her chances that Elena would agree to honour their deal when it was her turn with Caroline's ass again Bonnie barely spent any time working up a rhythm before she started giving it everything she had and making her girlfriend cum as hard and as frequently as possible. Of course she also did that to give her girlfriend as much pleasure as possible. Both as a reward for earlier, and just because she loved her. But Bonnie would be lying if she claimed her main goal wasn't Elena's virgin ass hole in that moment. Although pounding Caroline's slutty little ass was incredibly satisfying. So much so that she too came. Not as hard and as frequently as Caroline, but it happened.
Having the added bonus of Elena watching them, after she had watched Elena sodomise her girlfriend no less, made those always incredibly satisfying climaxes even more satisfying, something Bonnie wouldn't have thought was possible before they added their best friend into the equation. Which combined with the fact that she was trying to impress the other girl only pushed Bonnie to put on the performance of a lifetime, pounding Caroline's butt through climax after climax for herself and her girlfriend, before she was finally forced to stop. She came dangerously close to just collapsing, but considering she was trying to impress that just wasn't acceptable. So instead Bonnie got as close to it as she could, before abruptly stopping.
This caused both herself and Caroline to miss out on a climax, causing her girlfriend to let out an almost heart-breaking whimper, until Bonnie reminded herself just how many orgasms they've had. Besides, the moment passed, at least for her, and she was left feeling very satisfied. Especially as Elena was smiling bashfully at her, Bonnie returning that grin, and then yanking her dildo out of Caroline's ass, causing Elena's expression to change. Which was almost so enjoyable Bonnie didn't look down to admire her handiwork. Almost. But honestly, how could she resist. Especially when Caroline gaped so beautifully, this being by far no exception, as that well used butt hole was left a cavernous ruin.
Elena gasped when she saw just how widely stretched Caroline's ass hole remained after what she and Bonnie had done to it. She somehow hadn't registered it when she had initially let Bonnie take over, but now it was all she could see, and it was so freaking gross, and wrong, and made her feel so, so guilty. But also it felt like an achievement, and even turned her on, which made her feel even worse. Elena expected Bonnie to be disgusted with her for this, but when she turned to her friend she seemed weirdly just as proud of what they had done, and looking just as lustfully at it. Especially when Caroline actually reached back to spread her cheeks, showing off her gape like she was actually proud of it. Because apparently, she was...
"Do you like my gape Elena?" Caroline asked with a wicked grin, turning her head awkwardly so she could see her friends.
"I, I..." Elena stammered.
"Because I do, and so does Bonnie." Caroline quickly explained.
"It always makes me feel so naughty and dominant, to know that I did that to her." Bonnie explained with a grin.
"And it always makes me feel so naughty and submissive, to know that she did that to me." Caroline explained with a grin of her own, "Mmmmmm, which I love so much."
"Me too." Bonnie confirmed, before quickly adding, "Only, it wasn't just me this time. It was you, too. Mmmmmm, I shared my girlfriend's ass hole with my best friend, and we fucked it together."
"And I was shared like a common whore." Caroline beamed, "And this, mmmmmm, this is my reminder of that. Oooooooh, something I'll definitely be feeling tomorrow. And the rest of the night. Which will remind me of what an anal whore I am for my best female friend, and my girlfriend."
"But how does it make you feel Elena?" Bonnie pushed with a hint of nervousness, "Is it too much for you? Do you think it's weird and gross, or cool and hot?"
There was a brief pause, and then Elena blushed and smiled, "I think it's weird and gross... AND cool and hot."
"Told you." Caroline grinned wickedly, proudly at her girlfriend, before crawling over to Elena, "Mmmmmm, and you already know what else we like to do after anal."
The answer to that question was definitely yes, as Elena hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. And sure enough Caroline crawled in between her legs, grinned up at her and then took Elena's cock into her mouth. The cock which had so recently been up her butt! Oh God, her best friend Caroline was tasting her own butt on a cock strapped around her waist! Again! And the little slut was moaning in pure pleasure because of it. Oh fuck, Caroline's eyelids fluttered closed and she clearly savoured the deepest part of her butt on that strap-on, before she began bobbing her head up and down it, taking more and more into her mouth each time. And Elena loved it! It was so, so wrong, but she couldn't get enough of watching her best friend sucking her ass off of her cock. Then just when she didn't think it could get any more perverted, it did.
"Lay back." Bonnie ordered, gently pushing Elena as she did so, which was all it took to pushed the poor overwhelmed girl down onto her back. Bonnie then kneeled over Elena's face and ordered, "Suck."
Elena blushed, "What?"
"Suck my cock." Bonnie ordered more firmly, before pointing out, "Come on Elena, if you're going to submit to me, you might as well get some practice in now, right? Mmmmmm yessssssss, so this is a preview for tomorrow. Or wherever we do this. And it's only fair, considering how quickly Caroline is sucking your cock. For the second time, BTW."
There was a brief pause, then Elena pointed out, "So, I'm not allowed to eat your pussy, but I can suck your cock?"
Bonnie chuckled, and pressed her dick directly against Elena's lips, "How about you put that smart mouth of yours to better use?"
She replied with a smirk, and then Elena wrapped her lips around that strap-on and started gently sucking it. The little conversation had filled Elena with confidence that she wasn't really feeling, and she was able to fake whatever else she needed, but secretly she was very nervous. Admittedly she would be lying if she claimed she hadn't been thinking about doing this since she watched Caroline do it, but actually going through with it was a whole different thing. Hell, it was honestly more nerve wracking than the first time she ate pussy, because she had been thinking about that for much longer, and was more sure that she would like it.
While she wasn't sure about this thankfully it wasn't that bad. Weird, but not bad. In fact, she kind of grew to like it, simply because it was so naughty. After all, here Elena was, sucking another girl's ass juices off of a different girl's strap-on. More to the point, she was sucking Caroline's ass off of Bonnie's cock, something she was sure no one could ever imagine her doing including her before learning about the truth about her best friends relationship with each other. And yet here she was, slowly being to like the taste of ass more, and more, while beginning to bob her head up and down Bonnie's cock, and staring up into her friend's eyes and silently telling her she was increasingly looking forward to what her friend had planned. Little did she know that plan would be hijacked by a familiar face, which would truly turn her world upside down.
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