Repetitions of the Future | By : gallygaskins Category: 1 through F > Ashes to Ashes Views: 1491 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ashes to Ashes and I do not earn any money from this fanfiction. |
Chapter 22 – One little fantasy doodle! Over the last few days of their trip to Manchester, Gene had reluctantly shown Alex some of his old haunts, they’d spent some time seeing a few of Manchester’s better sights, they’d shopped for a few bits towards their wedding and they’d taken Gene’s mum out on the Thursday evening. “So, Gene, what are we going to do today?” “Your choice!” “Take me to the Met then, I want to see where you ‘cut your teeth’!” “Do we ‘ave t’?” “Why the reluctancy, I’d have thought you’d want to go and see your old work colleagues, see Sam, or are you ashamed of me? Don’t want to show me off because suddenly they’ll see you in a different light and not as the hard Manc Lion that you once were.” “How could I be ashamed of you? If the boot were on the other foot I’d understand it, a beautiful girl like you hangin’ ‘bout wit’ me!” She gave him one of her looks, the kind that said ‘don’t start that again!’ “I just don’t think it will be such a good idea!” “Burnt some bridges there, have we, DCI Hunt,” she teased. “A few, there’s no love lost between me an’ the Super!” She rolled her eyes, was he ever going to learn. “Well, we’re not going to see the Super are we? We’re going to see Sam!” “Right, ok. Let’s get it over wit’, the sooner the better. Why are you so damn curious?” “Because! The more I find out about you Gene, the more I understand why you are the way you are!” “Bloody psychobabble again!” He spouted out nonchalantly. “Maybe, but I’m finally beginning to realise why it was you started putting all those walls up around you, why you closed yourself off, from everything and everybody. You’ve had a pretty dreadful time of it really, I only wish I’d realised how bad much sooner, I would never have been so quick to judge you. Why did you join the force?” “I suppose it were out o’ a sense of doin’ the right thin’. I didn’t want people getting’ away with stuff like me dad had been able to when I were growin’ up. Why did you?” “I was good at reading people, Evan suggested that with a psychology degree I would be able to use my skills and profile criminals, he persuaded me to look into it. I’m glad I did, I love my work.” “’Ere or in 2007?” “Both! It’s refreshing being able to actually do something constructive here. The future is full of too much bureaucracy, there’s far too much paperwork and it’s too political. Everything just seems simpler here; life’s far too complicated in the years to come. Obviously, I’d taken it for granted growing up through it all; but now, after living here for just over a year, it’s difficult to believe that such drastic changes are going to take place in 25 odd years.” Gene had pulled the Audi into the car park as Alex had continued to speak; he’d listened to her intently. “So, are you saying you prefer it here then?” He said turning in his seat to face her. “Yes, I do. And it’s not just because of the way of life, it’s because of the people in my life, one in particular, I hasten to add!” Her breath caught in her mouth as she caught his eye, she could tell the fire behind them was blazing for her as she realised that she hadn’t seen him quite so open to her. “I’m still tearing down those walls of yours, aren’t I?” Gene nodded, “Yeah, but there’s not much left!” He purred, his voice heavy with emotion. “I’ll soon be completely lost to you!” “No, Gene, not lost. Uncovered, maybe! Heart and soul, you’ll be found by me. And this is where you’ll stay,” she picked up his right hand and placed it over her heart. “Forever!” They drew closer to each other seeking their lips, a crash of mouths ensued. As it heated up slightly in the car, Alex could’ve sworn that she had given Gene a little piece of her soul through their embrace. “Is this the met, then?” She asked as they parted. “Yep!” “Shall we go in?” “If you still want t’!” “Come on! I’ll hold your hand and make sure that you don’t get bullied by the older children!” “Thanks, much appreciated! Alex?” He queried, just as she was about to step out of the car, “I know I keep tellin’ ya, but I ‘ave to keep sayin’ it! I love you!” “Well, keep saying it! I’ll never tire of hearing you say it!” She returned, “I love you too, Gene, very much!” “I know,” he whispered. They strolled up the steps and through the swing doors of the station, arm in arm. A hush descended over the crowd of officers that were gathered within the vestibule, all eyes turned to look at both Gene and Alex. He looked down to her, she was brimming with confidence as she always was, and he was a train wreck waiting to happen. Alex gently squeezed his arm giving him the reassurance he needed. On the day he left, he’d vowed he’d never return, and here he was stood in the entrance way, waiting as if they were going to lynch him. “It’s ok,” he shrugged, “I’ve not come back t’ work ‘ere!” “We were hopin’ you were?” A familiar female voice laced with sarcasm shouted from behind the desk. “Sorry to disappoint, Phyllis! I’ve missed your banter but I get t’ pit me wits against someone ‘oo’s ten times better at it! Now what do I ‘ave to do t’ get a cup o’ tea for me an’ the missus!” His bravado was returning. “Hunt!” His name was shouted with disgust, he turned to face his old Superintendent. “I thought we’d seen the last of you when you decided t’ pack up your stuff with half me officers in tow an’ bugger off down South.” “Well, you know what it’s like, panderin’ t’ the wishes o’ the missus! She wanted t’ see where I worked, told ‘er the problems I’d had but she were adamant. Plus, she wants to see Sam.” The Superintendent crossed the hallway, “don’t understand what any woman would want wit’ the likes o’ you.” He said taking Alex’s offered hand and politely kissing it. “I ‘ope ‘e’s lookin’ after you!” “You wouldn’t believe by how much. DI Alex Drake!” “Charmed, Superintendent Brownin’. I’ll tell you, this man led us a bloody merry dance when ‘e were ‘ere, but ‘e were a good copper! I miss you, Gene, in a professional capacity, to be ‘onest.” “Thought I were leavin’ the place in good hands, is Tyler not workin’ out?” “Of course, ‘e’s the best DCI this force has had, bar you! ‘E’s just so bloody serious all the time, not as much fun as ‘avin’ you ‘bout. Even miss Ray and Chris.” “Sorry, Sir! ‘Owever, we’ve all settled down a bit too, Chris ‘as ‘imself a young lady an’ me an’ Alex are due to be wed at the end o’ the year, unfortunately, I don’t think Raymondo ever will. Promise you this though; I’d gladly take Sam off your ‘ands if I get promotion!” Alex looked up to Gene. Promotion, he’d not mentioned anything before, perhaps he was just pulling the Superintendent Browning’s proverbial leg. “So, are we able to see ‘im?” “Of course, DCI. You know where CID is! Pleasure t’ meet you, Alex and many congratulations. Good luck!” He shook Gene’s hand and walked through the entrance and out onto the street. “He didn’t seem too bad,” Alex observed as they began walking across reception toward the lifts. “Mmm, time is a great ‘ealer, isn’t it?” “What did you do?” They stepped into the now waiting lift. “You don’t really want t’ know!” “It can’t be that bad, surely!” “That depends!” “On what? Stop being so evasive!” “Ok, I … I …,” the lift stopped at the floor for CID. “Anybody would think you slept with his wife or something?” He grinned as he backed out of the lift. Her mouth fell open, there weren’t many times she could say he’d rendered her speechless but this was definitely one of them. “You didn’t?” She followed him out, he nodded, “Gene, how could you?” He shrugged, “it were Christmas, I were extremely pissed, I’d also just had me ‘Decree Absolute’ through so I were celebratin’ an’ she were handin’ herself t’ me on a plate. I needed an itch scratchin’ an’ she obliged. Dozy cow went ‘ome an’ told ‘im though.” Alex laughed, she’d done some pretty stupid things in her time but nothing could compare to that, “and you turned me down, slightly hypocritical don’t you think?” “Ah, but I were doin’ the right thin’ wit’ you! You can’t ‘old that against me!” “No, I suppose but I still think you owe me.” She looked him up and down appreciatively; his body shook involuntarily as her gaze swept over him. “I’ll have to think of a suitable punishment for you before we get back to the hotel! I take it Sam’s office is through here?” “Yes,” he said holding the door open for her and allowing her to walk through before following. Again, all eyes were on the couple as they walked through the bank of desks towards Gene’s old office. He knocked on the door and waited. “Enter!” Gene opened the door and again ushered Alex into the office before walking in behind her and shutting the door. “I didn’t think you’d ‘ave the balls to walk in ‘ere, Gene.” Sam said as he got up from his seat. He walked around the desk and hugged each of them in turn. He went to the stand and pulled on his coat, “let’s get out of here, shall we? Have a spot of lunch!” Alex, looked at her watch, Gene had certainly rubbed off on more than one person. “It’s 5.00 o’clock p.m.!” “Yes, Bols! Some thin’s ne’er change do they! ‘As your curiosity seen enough now so that we can get out o’ this place?” Gene asked. She nodded, “let’s have lunch then!” ************* Alex was determined, there was one last thing she wanted to do before she got married, and after their trip to Manchester they’d both been busy at work whilst sorting out the arrangements for the wedding as well. And now everything was set. They’d decided to marry at Westminster Registry Office as they were in the days of religious ceremonies and frowned upon second marriages; especially when both of theirs had ended in divorce. Besides, neither had been particularly keen on the pomp and circumstance of a church wedding and everything that that would entail. So the 18th December was the date set and they were fast approaching it. The flowers, photographer, cake, respective clothing and car had been sorted out in double quick time and Luigi had offered the restaurant up for the reception as his gift to them. They had gladly accepted, knowing full well that it would only be the usual band of close family, friends and work colleagues that would be attending. They had only sent a handful of invitations out, it was going to be intimate. It was going to be perfect. Gene had insisted on playing his part and had offered to sort out the rings and the honeymoon. They’d gone for a final fitting for the rings that afternoon between a couple of small calls. Alex had cried when she’d tried hers on, it was beautiful. She’d never imagined that he could have chosen the perfect style for them both. Both rings were platinum and had a satin finish, but hers had a row of tiny diamonds around the centre. It winked at her as she played with it on her finger. Overwhelmed at her reaction, Gene had simply taken her hand to his mouth and kissed just above where the ring was sitting. Although he would never have admitted to it, Alex could see that he too had watery eyes; she took his head in her hands and gently kissed the lid of each one. She’d asked about the honeymoon but he’d told her that that was to be a surprise apart from their first night which would be at the Savoy, in their ‘normal’ suite, Donald had made sure it was clear for them several months before hand and had told Gene that the room would be filled with flowers, food, toiletries and plenty of Bollinger. He’d also laid on a Rolls Royce to take them to Heathrow, so that they wouldn’t have be worried about getting there on time, an alarm call would be set up. However, he had told her to make sure she packed enough clothing, swimwear and underwear for 3 weeks. ‘And,’ she’d thought ‘if Gene was going to have his secrets then she was going to have hers too.’ That very afternoon she had gone to see Donald and asked him to put something in the room for her when he was absolutely sure that Gene wouldn’t find her surprise for him. He’d said that he’d do it just before he left the hotel on his way to the registry office knowing that Gene would already be on his way with Sam, as they would both be staying at the hotel the night before the wedding. Annie and Danny would be staying with Alex in the house, along with Charley. Even the arrangements for their respective hen and stag do’s had been sorted out. Gene was having his Stag night on the Friday, she knew he’d be able to cope with the amount of alcohol he’d invariably pour down his neck but she’d made Sam promise that they wouldn’t do anything too stupid, like put him on a train to Brighton, butt naked with only a £20 note sellotaped over his privates. “That’s a good idea,” he’d mocked over the telephone, “but £20 is a lot of money in 1982, he’ll get back on a fiver from there!” “Yes, but a £20 is the only note large enough,” she’d heard herself say quite loudly, as quizzical eyebrows shot up around the office in a mini Mexican wave. ‘Bigger in every department,’ she’d heard Gene say again in her head as she’d worriedly looked to him sitting in his office totally oblivious to her conversation with his best friend. “Don’t worry, Alex.” The reply had come, “I know Carlin’ is thinkin’ off somethin’ untoward, so it’s a good job Gene picked me to be best man and not ‘im. We’ve got to send ‘im off right but I’ll make sure ‘e gets back to the hotel relatively unscathed.” She’d thanked him. And her hen night was going to be tomorrow night, whilst Gene and Sam were sat at home looking after the kids. Luigi had offered to put on some food and copious amounts of wine and spirits for her small party of herself, Annie, Shaz and Iris. She was looking forward to it. She looked at her watch; he should be here any minute. She got herself ready, turning off all the lights apart from a small lamp, closed the blinds and sat down in the chair. Not entirely sure that what she was doing was a good idea she realised that even if it wasn’t she could do nothing about it now. She picked up the bottle of whisky she had left on the top earlier and swigged some of the rich burning fluid down her throat. Her nerve began to falter, ‘come on, Alex, pull yourself together, this is Gene your doing this for,’ she thought, “yeah, for Gene!” She said quietly to herself. She sat back in the chair, stretched her long legs over the corner of the table and waited. “Alex?” Gene shouted as the outer office door crashed open before swinging closed behind him. “Alex, what the bloody ‘ell are … Christ on a bike!” Gene slowly walked into his office and closed the door behind him. ‘She’s dressed like a tart and she’s in your office,’ his mind wandered, ‘like an expensive tart, mind!’ He looked skyward and gulped. “God ‘elp me!” His gaze slowly drifted back to her, she hadn’t moved, she was sitting back in his chair with her magnificent shapely stockinged legs lent over the corner of his desk, a pair of killer heels on her feet. He could make out a tiny black leather skirt, the hemline sitting where the stockings finished and she wore a satin blouse with the buttons undone to where he could just see the exposed centre of her bra, with a little bow sewn in the middle. He knew which one it was, the sheer one from the night she’d worn that dress again, the dress from their first date. He removed his coat and hung it over the door handle, sealing them in completely from the naked eye at least. He walked around to her noticing things were missing from his desk. “Where’s the computer?” She motioned over his shoulder, he looked back. “Oh, probably the best place for it anyway, clutterin’ up me desk as it was!” She smiled at his comment. He picked up her legs at the ankle and swung himself under them, sitting on the corner of the desk and placing them back over his own. He picked up the whisky and poured two glasses, he knew he needed a shot and after handing a glass to Alex, watching her sip at the shot in her glass, he threw his head back and gulped his down before pouring himself another. Since Gene had walked in, Alex was actually now very comfortable with her decision. She watched him pull at his tie and undo his top button, was it getting warm in here or was he nervous? The Manc Lion. Nervous, never, only it actually seemed like he was, and he was turning into a pussy cat. She let her legs fall down his legs finding a resting place on the floor beneath, then quickly got out of the chair and stood over Gene’s sitting position on the desk, her legs straddling his as she sunk her head to his and took his mouth with her own. She heard him moan as she sunk her tongue into his mouth in search of his own, deepening their kiss with every move she made. Soon his hands were on her back rubbing over the silky material at first, before grabbing and pulling the hem from within the confines of her skirts waistband. He pushed his hands under the fabric, seeking the silky smooth skin that he knew would be waiting for him, all nervousness lost. She was willingly giving herself to him; he was going to get his fantasy. He moved his hands around to the front of her blouse and slowly undid the buttons to reveal the black bra he knew was waiting for him. His face went to the first needy chiffon encased nipple and as he caressed it with his mouth and teeth, Alex threw herself at him pushing herself into his grasp, his hand subtly playing with the other nipple. He pulled at her bra and with no strap it easily gave way to reveal the soft flesh beneath. His attentive mouth now swapped to the uncovered breast whilst his hand stealthily uncapped the other revealing her to him. He sat back looking at her, taking her in, realising that even though this was to be the umpteenth he’d plunder her body, he’d never tire of it, of her, no one had ever been able to do this to him, only Alex. “How exactly do you want to do this?” She asked, enjoying the moment, her desire ever rising along with her bravery. “Do you want to take me from behind like in your drawing or is there some other fantasy lurking in that head of yours? Not that it matters, no one will get passed Ray until we’re finished!” “You are trying t’ kill me! Death by kinky sex, that’s what they’ll read in me file!” She giggled, bending over the desk and pulling up her skirt much as she had when she had waited for him to stamp her bum. She went to pull at the knickers but he stopped her. Slowly he peeled back the fabric and laid wet butterfly kisses over the exposed peaches letting the underwear drop when they were able to on their own, he helped her step out of them by moving her left leg and found his way to her clit with his fingers, she was wet but he didn’t believe she was quite ready for him yet. He began stroking the mound, caressing her silky folds, massaging them before inserting his thumb inside of her and seeking the little button that he would push to send her hurtling towards her orgasm. She sucked in a breath as he began to stroke her spot, he watched her begin to writhe under his control. With his free hand he quickly undid the belt and zip that were keeping his trousers fastened on his body, they slid down effortlessly. His arousal was hardening as he began to pull at the boxers edging them down as he continued his assault on her. Finally he was free and withdrew his hand from her centre gently edging himself inside her, he felt her allowing him in as her vagina opened up to him and he slowly began to ride in and out of her, his hands now firmly on her uncovered hips helping her to move with him as the two of them became one. She contracted around him, her usual protestations she was trying to keep somewhat quiet but as she was fast losing control of her faculties so her voice increased, “I’m coming, Gene!” She almost shouted. “So am I!” He cried back, riding their wave of ecstasy together. As their bodies slowed he reluctantly pulled out from within her soft folds and turned her over so that she was facing him, “was that good?” She laughed as she nodded her head, what a sight she must have been her breasts hanging out of her bra, her sex on show to the world with her skirt hitched up to her waist. She looked over to Gene and laughed at him too, still stood with his jacket, shirt and loosened tie on, his trousers pooled on the floor at his feet and his boxers half way down his thighs. “What a bloody mess we must look,” she said. He sniggered. He pulled her up to sit in front of him, pulling his boxers back up over his manhood as he did so. He bent down to help her back into her knickers but she was having none of it. She pulled them from his grasp as she arranged her skirt back down to her knees. Putting her hand around her back she unclipped the bar and dispensed with that too, just doing up the buttons that were required to keep her decent. He’d pulled himself together by this point and was staring at her as she walked toward him. She stuffed her musky underwear in the handkerchief pocket of his jacket, her scent evident, “I think we’ve given the desk enough of a test drive for one night, don’t you think?” He nodded still in shock from the little underwear episode he’d just witnessed. “Bols, you’re gonna catch you’re death out there?” “No, I’m not, I’ll be fine, especially with the Gene Genie looking after me,” she smiled innocently. “Besides, what we’ve just done has given me a taste of something I quite enjoyed, didn’t it you?” He had to agree, the idea of getting caught had been the fundamental reason for his decision to let her do what she wanted to do for him. It had been a risk but she’d obviously given it a lot of thought. Who was he to hinder her if she’d wanted to help him play out one of his fantasies? “So what else ‘ave you got planned?” “Well, maybe a peep show on the way home seeing as my underwear is in your pocket. Then a repeat performance when we get home, that’s why I left the underwear off it’ll be quicker for you to get to me say, a quickie on top of the kitchen counter or halfway up the stairs, even on the sofa or in front of the fire. Gene, what are you doing?” She asked as she watched him take his underwear off and stuff them in one of his other pockets. “’Elpin’ out, might even treat you to a little peek on the way ‘ome if you’re a good girl!” He went to retrieve his coat. “Bols, you alright?” “Yes, I have a slight problem though!” “Which is?” “I don’t think I can wait until I get home!” And with that Gene left his coat over the handle and went back to his woman, satiating their needs.
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