The Lesbian Diaries | By : MTL Category: S through Z > Vampire Diaries Views: 18670 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries or Legacies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Dear Diary
Something weird is going on. Well, a lot of things. My best friend is a Witch, other supernatural creatures exist, apparently, and I spent the last week having lesbian sex with my best friends. All that definitely qualifies as weird, but what happened earlier, it just makes no sense. None whatsoever! And it just... sucks!
Like said the past week I've been having lesbian sex with my best friends, and it's been wonderful, but at the same time, it's been kind of frustrating because I've basically been forced into the role of the pillow princess. Well, if I'm lucky they'll let me fuck Caroline with a toy, but they won't let me eat their pussies! God, I'm starving for pussy!
It's all I've been thinking about lately. When I'm in class trying to concentrate, or at home trying to study or do my homework, or at cheerleader practice trying desperately not to embarrass myself too much, but especially whenever I'm alone in bed. I just think about pussy. How good Vicky's tasted. How the second I tasted it, I knew I was gay. How that I'm sure as good as Vicky tasted, Bonnie and Caroline taste even better. Maybe it's because we're close friends, or maybe it's just because they naturally do, I just know it in my bones. And God, I used to masturbate thinking about eating them out before, but now I can barely keep my hands to myself as I dream about their sweet little cunts.
Tonight was going to be the night I finally tasted them, and they kept teasing me how I was going to love it, how they were going to let me eat one and then the other for hours, before they finally took their payment from me. And really, giving up my anal cherry feels like a small price to pay for a night of pussy heaven. Especially as they promised they would let me taste them again, and again, and again. They promised!
They promised, and yet a few hours ago Bonnie told me the whole thing was off. I asked her what I had done wrong, and if there was anything I could do to change her mind, and begged for forgiveness, but she wouldn't tell me. Hell, whenever I asked her something she'd get this far away look in her eyes, like she had been hypnotised, and just repeated the same things to me. Caroline was the same way when I confronted her, and I'm really worried about them.
Sure, at first I was angry and frustrated, and I very nearly wrote a very nasty entry in you, but I went for a long walk to think about it, and then I remembered something. Bonnie gave me a bunch of old books her Gram's had, which she tried to get Caroline to read and failed, and I looked it up and apparently vampires can do some kind of mind control, and I'm worried that's what happened to my friends. I just called them up to tell them this, but they seemed fine, and I'm not sure what to do. And the worst part of it is, I'm still just so horny and frustrated, I can barely think coherently. I want to be smart, but I also just want to eat pussy. I want it so bad I ache.
God, what's wrong with me? I was never this bad, I swear. Even after Vicky, I could just about function, outside of cheerleader practice. But now? It's like there's something in the water. But I should focus on my friends, and the feeling I've been having lately, like I'm being watched, like right now, but
Elena abruptly stop writing in her diary and looked up as she was suddenly hit with a feeling of being watched. Which she'd felt plenty of times before, especially over the last few weeks, and nothing had been there, which just made her feel silly. But this time there was something there! Or more accurately, someone. A girl, who was about her height, except with curly brown hair instead of straight brown hair and... and then Elena lost the ability to think coherently because the figure standing in front of her bed looked exactly like her. Not resembled her, but had her exact face. It was like she was looking into a mirror, except one which gave her reflection different close and a different hairstyle.
For a few long seconds she just stared with disbelief at the figure, and then her body suddenly tensed as she prepared to panic and scream, but in a flash the other woman was kneeling in front of her, and staring into her eyes and telling her, "Don't scream! Relax! Yes, that's it. There's no need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. Unless of course, you want me too."
Somehow Elena couldn't fight the urge to do exactly what this woman said, which was truly terrifying. As was the fact that just how quickly her mirror-image had moved, and again, the fact that this woman looked exactly like her. And again, she couldn't panic like she wanted too, and the other woman paused for a few long seconds, giving her a chance to think, and glanced down at the books she had been reading. She would have thought it was impossible only about a week ago, but... super speed and mind control? Seeing and experiencing were believing, and if those were real, if that's what this was... then this woman was probably a vampire, which meant that Elena had to be very careful what she did next.
"How, how is this possible?" Elena finally asked softly.
The other woman cocked her head, "Which part?"
Elena gulped, "How do we look exactly alike?"
The other brunette smirked, "You're asking the wrong questions. Or at least, not the most important ones."
There was a brief pause, and then Elena asked, "Who are you?"
"Finally, a good question... I'm Katherine." Katherine introduced herself with a wicked smile, "Katherine Pierce. And you're Elena Gilbert. A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance."
Another brief pause as Elena's mind raised, and then she cautiously asked, "Are you a vampire?"
Yet another pause, this one the longest yet, as at first Katherine just stared at her, then a wicked grin slowly crossed her face, which was telling enough, before she even revealed, "I see someone's been doing their homework. Good girl."
"But how-" Elena began.
"How did I get in? Looking like this? Seriously?" Katherine mocked, "That's actually something you were going to ask? Really Elena, that's the worst questioned so far. Because really, it couldn't have been easier to get myself an invitation. All I had to do was straighten my hair, and act like a repressed lesbian slut. And of course, once I have an invitation, I can come and go as I please. And I have. Oh yes, I've been in and out of here all the time, watching you, judging you... reading these diaries of yours."
With inhuman speed and strength Katherine snatched Elena's diary out of her hands, and all the poor human could do was cry out, "Hey!"
"Dear Diary, I'm starving for pussy!" Katherine mocked, "I'm still just so horny and frustrated, I can barely think coherently. I want to be smart, but I also just want to eat pussy. I want it so bad I ache."
"That's..." Elena gulped, "That's out of context."
"Really?" Katherine raised an eyebrow, and then with an evil chuckle offered, "Then how about a full passage?"
Knowing that wouldn't help matters Elena lowered her head and grumbled, "No thank you, I-"
"Dear diary!" Katherine abruptly interrupted, completely ignoring her doppelgänger and reading with a grin, "I did it! I had sex with Vicky, and it was better than I ever dreamed. I know for sure I am gay now. There's no other explanation for how incredible she made me feel, or how hard she made me cum. But my favourite part was when I got to go down on her. OH MY GOD, she tasted so amazing. I love the taste of pussy."
Katherine yelled at the OMG, which to be fair had been in capital letters, but she didn't have to laugh in between words, or mock her for them, resulting in Elena grumbling, "Okay, okay, okay, fine! You've made your point! Now leave me alone."
"Oh I don't think so." Katherine sing-songed almost casually, closing the diary, putting it down and approaching her pray again, "I'm just getting started with you."
Elena tried to keep a brave face as she asked, "What do you want?"
"Finally! You've ask the important question. And the only one that really matters." Katherine grinned, jumping on the bed in front of Elena and staring at her for a few seconds, before admitting, "Honestly? My freedom. It's the thing I've most wanted for 500 years, and now finally it's in my grasp. And normally, I'd do anything to get it. But now I'm here, looking at you... and I just... I'm not sure what I want more. My freedom... or you."
"Me?" Elena murmured in disbelief.
"Uh-huh." Katherine leered at her pray, "I thought about stepping in before your little friends got to you, but honestly, virgins can be so exhausting. I like my newbies with at least some experience. Also I was still making up my mind when I first got here, and I thought you'd totally back out the last second, but you didn't, and I am so proud of you for that. It made me want you even more."
"But, when that be weird?" Elena frowned, "We look exactly the same, so there's a good chance we're related."
"We do not look exactly same!" Katherine snapped angrily, her pleasant mask dropping for a moment, before she smiled, "And trust me, if we are related, it's so distant it doesn't count."
"It's still weird." Elena protested.
Katherine smiled, got right into Elena's personal space and then said softly and firmly, "Tell me the truth... are you attracted to me?"
"Yes." Elena answered without hesitation, then blushed and questioned, "What was that?"
"Compulsion." Katherine answered, "Just a little way vampires get what we want."
"By forcing me to say something?" Elena questioned bitterly.
"No, by making you tell the truth." Katherine grinned, before compelling her again, "And that was the truth, wasn't it?"
"Yes." Elena was again forced to admit, blushing furiously again because of it, and the way the other girl chuckled, before she protested, "It's still weird though."
"Yes, it is." Katherine admitted, as she slowly straddled Elena's lap and cupped her face upwards, "That's part of the fun. Mmmmmmm, and trust me little Gilbert, you haven't seen anything yet."
As Katherine spoke their lips got closer and closer together, and while Elena would like to tell herself she was only moving because of the mind control, deep down she knew it was something much more sinister. That she was intrigued by the idea of kissing her mirror image, especially given that Katherine was so alluring and sensual, and perhaps more to the point effortlessly dominating and controlling in a way Bonnie just wasn't. Bonnie had been sweet, respectful, and asked. Katherine was just taking. Which shouldn't have been a turn on, but it was. And oh God, Katherine stopped just before their lips met and lingered there for a few long seconds, literally making Elena whimper with anticipation.
This in turn made Katherine grin wickedly, and then finally close the distance between them in a surprisingly gentle kiss. She'd had a lot of kisses with Matt and Vicky, and especially lately Caroline and Bonnie, and they had all been good, but nothing could compare to this. This was fireworks right from the start, a connection more than simply sexual, something everyone yearned for, but some never got to experience. And she was experiencing it with her doppelgänger. Oh God, she was experiencing it with someone who looked just like her. This was so fucked up. Especially as this was a vampire who had unspeakable plans for her, which again shouldn't have been a turn on, but it was.
After a few long minutes of gentle kissing Katherine pulled away and gasped, "Wow."
Elena mumbled the same thing about the same time, and then asked breathlessly, "You felt it too?"
There was a long pause, then Katherine wrapped her hand around Elena's neck and growled, "Look at me. Look at me! From this moment on, you're mine. I own you! Every single part of you belongs to me! Do you understand?"
"No." Elena whimpered, unable to say anything else.
"No, you don't..." Katherine agreed with a growl, before smirking, "But you will."
Katherine then kissed her doppelgänger, unable to do anything else. She had been with many, many people over her long lifetime, but she never found anyone so alluring as her mirror image. Which probably said a lot about her, but she didn't care. The point was that for 500 years she had taken whatever she wanted, and tonight would be no different. Although from reading Elena's diary she suspected she wouldn't have too. Sure enough, after kissing the other girl for a few long minutes Katherine used her superspeed to position herself on the edge of the bed in less than a second, and then slowly began to take off her clothes, which captivated Elena's attention. Oh yes, the little slut blushed and looked away for a second, but she just couldn't resist looking back and staring as a body so similar to hers was revealed to her.
"Do you like what you see?" Katherine asked.
"Yes." Elena blushed, trying to tell herself it was just the mind control forcing her to say that, although the way that Katherine grinned made her question that thought.
"I knew you would. I mean, why wouldn't you?" Katherine grinned cockily, doing a little twirl, before prompting, "Now, since I showed you mine, it's only fair that you show me yours, don't you think? Mmmmmmm yeah, take off your clothes. Show me that beautiful body of yours. You know you want too."
"I... I..." Elena blushed again, hesitating briefly.
"Take off your clothes!" Katherine ordered firmly, having no patients right now for this lesbian slut to act like a shy virgin.
Which Katherine somewhat regretted, as it meant instead of slowly and cutely taking off her clothes Elena did it quickly like a truly mindless fuck doll, which wasn't her preference. However it was almost worth it for the privilege of seeing Elena Gilbert in all her glory, Katherine just staring for a few long seconds before returning to the bed and kissing the other girl again. She then became so lost in kissing that automatically Katherine made her way down to Elena's neck, her true face breaking through as she dug her fangs into that soft flesh and drank deep. Immediately she had to pull away, otherwise she was afraid she was going to lose control completely and truly kill her doppelgänger, which would be a tragic waste.
"Ah God!" Elena screamed as teeth tore through her flesh, and then when Katherine pulled back with black eyes, she exclaimed, "Oh God, you really are a vampire."
"And you taste incredible!" Katherine practically whimpered, and then moaned, "Oh God, I've never tasted anything so good. Mmmmmmm, oh Elena, you are just the perfect little toy. And I can't wait to play with you. Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhh, and I think it's time my new toy tasted me. Ohhhhhhhh yessssssss, mmmmmmm, taste me Elena. I tasted you, and now you taste me. Yes, taste me the way a lesbian slut like you craves. Oooooooh yesssssssss, eat me! Eat my pussy you little slut! Oh yes, that's it, ooooooooohhhhhhhh Goooooooooddddddddd yeeeeeeeeesssssssss, nice and slow, nice and slow. Worship my beautiful body like the little dyke whore you are."
Before Katherine could even clarify what she meant Elena was giving her exactly what she wanted, namely rolling in front of her and slowly kissing her way down her body. This included gentle kisses to the vampire's neck, while the human was still bleeding, which greatly amused Katherine. She would have to remember to give Elena some of her blood soon though, just to make sure she didn't pass out when she was supposed to be performing her new duties as Katherine's fuck pet. Duties which Elena seemed only too happy to perform. Yes, Katherine could have compelled her to do it, but deep down they both knew she didn't have too, and Elena wanted this, as badly as she did. Maybe more, given just how 'pussy hungry' her diary had revealed her to be.
Although Katherine had no doubt that Elena was pussy hungry, both from her diary and just from the way she looked at her, doing a good job of living up to that by spending plenty of time on her lips, before then moving down to her tits. Something she knew from compelling Bonnie and Caroline that Elena hadn't had the privilege of doing since Vicky, and she really wanted to go to town on those titties, kissing up one slowly and then back down again up the other. Elena repeated that process over and over again, each time taking a nipple into her mouth and sucking on it before swirling her tongue around it. Sometimes she would lick it, then suck it, but either way it was good. Especially when she began increasing the force and the speed. Oh yes, Katherine like that the best. Of course, it wasn't long before she wanted more.
"Lower!" Katherine practically growled, before softening her tone when Elena immediately obeyed, "Ooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhh, I want that pretty little mouth of yours lower. Mmmmmmm, eat me Elena! Eat my pussy like the hot little lezzie slut you are! Yessssssssss, I want your mouth right down there on my fucking cunt you little baby dyke! Ohhhhhhhhh, fuck yeah, lower. Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk!""
Elena had been waiting for that command, so she quickly positioned herself between Katherine's legs, barely taking the time to press any kisses along the way before she reached her destination. That didn't stop the scary vampire from continuing her commentary, but the human sticking out her tongue and sliding it over the other girl's pussy did. Oh yes, that first long, slow lick, which started at the bottom of Katherine's cunt and then worked all the way up to the top, turned this effortlessly confident and threatening monster of fairytales and horror movies into just another woman crying out in pleasure, and Elena could handle that. Which was something she proved by repeating that lick over and over again.
All of a sudden Katherine didn't seem so scary. No, she seemed like a beautiful woman, the type of which Elena had been constantly thinking about ever since she hit puberty, and had kicked into overdrive when she first actually did things with Vicky, and then even more when she started fooling around with Bonnie and Caroline. Elena hadn't thought it was possible for her to become a bigger lesbian slut, but surely having sex with someone who look just like you was a whole new level of sluttiness? Or was it vanity? After all, Elena wanted to deny it, but she found the fact that Katherine looked just like her alluring. Besides, this was also having sex with someone she just met a few minutes ago, which was like the definition of being a massive slut.
She was weirdly proud of that fact for some reason. Almost as much as silencing the terrifying vampire who could so effortlessly control her, and kill her and the ones she loves. Something she should never forget about this whole ordeal, but she did. Hell, Elena forget about everything else in the world except the taste of that pussy. Because fuck, she'd loved the taste of Vicky's pussy, but it was like comparing a cheap hamburger to a gourmet meal. Hell, while Katherine was busy crying out joyfully as Elena's tongue began sliding across her pussy lips for the first of many times tonight, Elena was busy letting out an almost equally happy sound.
That pretty much continued to be the case as Elena repeated that lick with another, and another, and another, desperate for more of that heavenly flavour. She did that pretty mindlessly for a while, when she got the ability to think back when the first things she thought was whether whatever made herself and the vampire identical also made them so compatible. After all, hadn't Katherine described her blood as delicious? Which was super creepy and gross, but maybe it was telling? Which made Elena wonder if there were any more like them, and if those other versions of herself would allow her the privilege of tasting their twats like the pussy hungry little slut she was becoming more and more proud to be.
Katherine knew for a fact there was no one else in the world like herself and Elena Gilbert, because she had been searching for another doppelgänger for over 500 years. Of course, the intention had been to just give Elena away as a gift, something which Katherine should still be planning on as she had always chosen herself in the past, but now she was even more sure she could no longer do that. After all, how could she possibly get rid of the perfect pussy pleasing pet? Oh God, there were so many wonderfully nasty things Katherine wanted to do to Elena, that she didn't even know where to start. And yet, she wasn't sure she wanted to do anything else, and let this naturally born rug muncher do what she was born for.
Which was the only explanation Katherine could think of for why Elena was this good already when it came to eating pussy. She certainly hadn't had enough time with Vicki Donovan to get this good, and she knew for a fact that Elena hadn't been given the privilege of going down on her best friends. Then again, maybe she had learned these incredible skills from them? If so, which one was the naturally born muff diver? Probably Caroline. Katherine could just tell by looking at her that there was a girl who loved cunt. Then again, it could be fun if the otherwise dominant Bonnie was amazing at eating pussy. Either way, Katherine fully intended to give both of them the privilege of eating her out so she could find out.
For a moment Katherine allowed herself to indulge in a fantasy she'd had ever since the first time she had watched her doppelgänger have sex with her friends. No, if she was being honest with herself it was a fantasy she'd had since she first found Elena, and started following her around from the shadows. Because Elena might be too sweet and innocent for her own good, and definitely too repressed for a lesbian slut like her, but she had great taste and friends. Probably because on an unconscious level she had been looking for dirty little dykes like her that would make all her dreams come true. Or at least, that explained why they continue to be friends. Whatever the case, now they were friends with benefits, giving Katherine wonderful fantasies.
Her favourite being the one where she was the centre of attention, while Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena took turns having the privilege of eating her cunt. Perhaps Katherine would even spread her legs painfully wide and allow all of them the privilege of worshipping her together. Oh yes, she knew for a fact three sets of mouths and tongues felt wonderful on, and inside of, her pussy, and to have one of them belonging to her doppelgänger would make it even better. Especially when she came in their mouths, and all over their faces. Or she'd make one of them rim her, the other worship her tits, while the other got the privilege of having her twat all to herself. Oh fuck yeah, Katherine would love that. And afterwards she could reward them by using a nice big strap-on cock on their fuck holes. All of them.
Unfortunately Katherine couldn't focus too much on those wonderful fantasies right now, because they were just turning her on too much. Already the sheer joy of having her mirror-image eat her pussy was enough to make her want to cum, and after only a short time those fantasies made it almost unbearable. Not that it was easy coming down from that high, because although she was very experienced, Elena had an almost ridiculous amount of natural talent, easily proving that unlike with some people there was no need for Katherine to fantasise about anything else. Indeed, thinking of anything else was a great disservice to this amazing cunt lapper who deserved every ounce of her attention.
Suddenly their eyes locked, and Elena just gave her this wonderful expression, which Katherine adored so much it made her want to freeze this moment in time and live in it forever. The moment Elena Gilbert was still licking her pussy, but looking at her clearly desperate for approval, and yet somehow bashful because of it. Almost like she was ashamed at just how badly she wanted to please her with her tongue. Because she was a girl? Because she looked just like her? Katherine couldn't know for sure, but it didn't matter, because it was adorable. Katherine both wanted to cure Elena of any embarrassment or hesitants, and the same time enjoy the delicious irony of receiving such a look from this girl.
Ultimately it also made Katherine's desire for more unbearable, and she just had to moan, "More, mmmmmmm, don't make me cum yet, ohhhhhhhh, but push me as close to it as you can. Yesssssssss, lick my clit more, oooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmm, you know what to do you little slut! You know exactly what to do. Mmmmmmmm fuckkkkkkkkkkk!"
Before Katherine could order her to give her what she wanted Elena gave it to her, namely more attention to her clit. And no gently touching it with every other lick. No, Elena went straight to lingering her tongue over it, which was exactly what Katherine was in the mood for. Fuck, Elena even took it into her mouth and sucked on it, all without completely neglecting the rest of her pussy, officially making her one of the best pussy lickers Katherine had ever had. Which made it extremely hard to not instantly beg for more, but Katherine couldn't allow that. No, she had a reputation to uphold. More importantly, she was trying to make Elena her bitch, and begging just wouldn't do. Hell, she couldn't even demand it for a few wonderfully torturous minutes, simply because Katherine was trying to maintain her dominance.
Of course as soon as she thought it was acceptable Katherine ordered as firmly as she could, "Fuck me! Tongue fuck me you bitch! Mmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhh yesssssssss, make me cum in that hot little mouth of yours, ooooooooooh, and all over your face, ah shit, fuck me bitch! Oh yes, that's it you little dyke whore, oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk!"
Again the little lesbo slut did not need detailed instructions to do as she was told. Thankfully she also didn't make Katherine wait, pretty much giving her what she wanted right away, which was of course a tongue being pushed into her pussy. God, it was so hard not to cum just from that. But again, Katherine had a reputation to uphold. Also there was something so thrillingly torturous about the feeling of denying herself, and she had no doubt her eventual climaxes would be that much more satisfying. And sure enough, soon Elena started thrusting her tongue in and out of Katherine's cunt, giving the older brunette no choice but to cum in the younger one's hot little mouth, and all over that beautiful face of hers. Something Katherine got to do over and over again as Elena worked tirelessly to please her.
Elena cried out joyfully when Katherine's cum hit her taste-buds. She had been expecting it to be like the best ever, considering how heavenly her regular pussy cream was, but this somehow blew her expectations away. It was like the first time she tasted girl cum, times by like a thousand. To be fair she had still only tasted one cunt before, that being Vicky's, and maybe Bonnie and Caroline tasted this good, but Elena doubted it. Just like Elena suspected that the fact that they were identical was probably why Katherine tasted so good to her. Which was an incredibly twisted thing to think, but at least in that moment Elena couldn't deny the truth. Which was another reason she cried out joyfully, even that sound was completely drowned out by the wonderful sounds Katherine was making.
Of course Elena didn't have time to focus on those sounds, or even the heavenly flavour that was Katherine Pierce. Her moment of contemplation had already cost her from swallowing so much precious liquid. It was practically a crime. Okay, so some shot straight down her throat, and she swallowed a little automatically, and even the amount that ended up on her face wasn't a waste, because it simply marked her as the cum slut that she was. But still, that moment Elena was desperate to swallow every drop she could, and more importantly to make Katherine cum again. Thankfully she had to achieve the latter to receive the former, and she had a certain amount of practice, and natural skill to achieve it.
So that's exactly what Elena did, pushing her tongue as deep into the other girl as it would go again, after automatically pulling it out so she could swallow her cum. Then she tongue fucked Katherine to orgasm after orgasm, always pulling out her tongue, just so she swallow that heavenly liquid. For the next few climaxes she even got pretty much every drop, but she knew from experience that probably wouldn't last. And sure enough Katherine shoved her face deeper into her cunt and started grinding onto her face, making it impossible for Elena to even swallow the majority of the girl cum. Although again, having it end up on her face wasn't the end of the world as it marked her as a pussy loving whore, and better yet, in this moment she was being her doppelgänger's pussy loving whore.
What made this significantly different to the previous times was that instead of being content with laying back and grinding from below Katherine switched their position so that she was on top and riding Elena's face at an inhuman speed. Which again, shouldn't have been hot, but it was. But it was also scary, especially as it dramatically decreased Elena's ability to breathe, to the point where she was sure she was going to pass out. Then, just as abruptly as it had started, Katherine got off of her at lightning speed, and then started to really kiss her. Which also made it difficult to breathe, but at least Katherine broke the kiss occasionally to slowly and teasingly lick her own cum and pussy juices off of Elena's face and grin at her, before ultimately kissing her again.
After a few minutes of that Katherine pulled back and admitted, "Not bad."
Elena gave her a look, "Not bad? Really?"
"For a beginner." Katherine shrugged, rolling off of her and laying on her side next to the other brunette, "With the right training though, I think you could be something special."
"And who would give me that training?" Elena asked flirtatiously.
"I have a few ideas..." Katherine said cryptically, before using her vampire speed to retrieve something, namely her strap-on, and when she was fully equipped with it, "But I'm curious to see how you handle one of these. Not good, I'm guessing, considering what a lesbo you are. But that's okay, because I can guarantee you some training with this."
Katherine then smirked down at her pray, fully expecting prim and proper Elena Gilbert to protest at this latest development. At the very least, she had expected her to be a little hesitant, because to agreed to let a friend use one of these things on her was one thing, but to let a stranger do it was another thing entirely. But her mirror-image gave Katherine another wonderful surprise in the form of just staring at her lustfully, then reaching up to grab hold of the dildo and stroke it like it was a real cock, pressed her lips against it teasingly before opening her mouth and then wrapping her lips around it. Which, even though Katherine couldn't feel it like a guy could, caused her to moan with sheer lust.
She found herself doing that over and over again as Elena began gently bobbing her head up and down the dick and sucking loudly. Oh God, Katherine so badly wanted to grab the back of Elena's head and face fuck her with every ounce of her vampire strength and speed until the rubber cock literally slammed through Elena's skull. Or at least caused her to choke and gag violently, and eventually pass out from the rough treatment. Which was something Katherine was definitely going to do at some point, but not right now. No, she just wanted to spend a few long minutes watching Elena Gilbert gently sucking her cock. Besides, it wasn't like she needed the whole thing lubricated for the other girl's pussy, as she could probably smell how wet and ready was even without her enhanced senses.
Impressing her even more Elena actually tried pushing the dildo into her throat, something Katherine knew from reading her doppelgänger's diaries that she hadn't tried with any of Vicky's toys, or Bonnie's for that matter. Elena even gave her this challenging look while she tried to deep throat that dildo. Which was adorable, and again made her want to throat fuck this innocent girl really badly. Especially as she was practically begging for it. But again, it was just fun to watch, especially as this time it meant watching perfect little Elena Gilbert fail at something. Of course it was just a fun preview for what Katherine had planned next, something she couldn't wait any longer to enjoy.
Well, she did yank Elena up by her hair, meaning they were face to face, and Katherine just couldn't resist sneaking a quick kiss before ordering her new plaything, "Bend over! Mmmmmm fuckkkkkkk, it's time for you to get fucked."
Without having to be told anything else Elena got into the centre of the bed with her ass pointing at Katherine. She even grinned and giggled in delight, and then once in position wiggled her butt invitingly at the woman intent on fucking her. If only she knew exactly what Katherine had planned, she might not have been so flippant to do something like that. Not that Katherine was complaining. No, she was too busy rubbing Elena's saliva onto her cock, kneeling down in front of the amazing prize, and pressing her fingertips against Elena's hot wet pussy. She then began gently rubbing it, while grinning in triumph at the happy little sounds this caused the other girl to make.
Elena was kind of disappointed by this, because she felt like she was so wet and ready that Katherine could shove every inch of that strap-on inside her cunt in one hard thrust and all she would feel was pure pleasure. Of course, it was hard to complain when another beautiful woman was making her feel so good. And it felt even better when Katherine switched from just rubbing her pussy to sliding a finger inside her, causing Elena to cry out loudly in pleasure. She then found herself doing this again as Katherine began pumping that finger in and out of her, eventually adding a second finger, and then curling them inside her pussy to get an extra loud cry out of her.
Shortly after that Katherine softly asked, "Mmmmmmm, so wet for me. You must really want my cock, huh?"
"Yes." Elena moaned without hesitation.
"Tell me!" Katherine pushed, "Mmmmmmm, oooooooooh yessssssss, tell me just how badly you want my girl cock inside your little lezzie cunt!"
"I want it, mmmmmmmm yessssssss, I want it so bad." Elena quickly began begging shamelessly, "Fuck me! Ohhhhhhh yessssss, fuck me with your big girl cock. I want it inside me! I want it all! Please give it to me! Please? Ooooooooh, fuck my pussy! Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeessssssss, fuck it with your girl cock! My lesbian pussy wants your girl cock!"
"Your little lezzie cunt?" Katherine pushed again with a grin.
"Yes! My little lezzie cunt wants your girl cock!" Elena cried out, desperate now, "Fuck me like a dyke whore! Please Katherine, fuck me, ooooooooohhhhhhhhh Goooooooooddddddddd!"
Finally Katherine pulled her fingers out of Elena's pussy, and pretty much instantly replaced it with her cock. Which was bigger than anything she'd had inside her before, but Elena was so worked up she felt nothing but pleasure, even during the initial penetration. It was the same story as Katherine slowly pushed every inch of that big dildo into her needy little cunt and then started gently pumping in and out of it, making Elena swoon with delight. And not just because of the pleasure the dick was giving her. No, it was from the way Katherine was working her body like a musical instrument, effortlessly making her feel far better than anyone ever had before.
While Elena had enjoyed fooling around with Vicky she had been a switch at best, most likely a bottom, unable to dominate her in the same way Katherine was effortlessly doing. Bonnie might've been able to make her feel the same way, and it was difficult for Elena not to indulge in that fantasy now. One that she'd been having quite a while, since even before finding out about Bonnie swinging that way, and being with Caroline. There just always seemed to be something about her, which suggested that she could fuck Elena the way that she had always craved, which was seemingly proven by the way she effortlessly dominated Caroline. Of course, Katherine was now effortlessly putting Bonnie to shame, and it seemed wrong for Elena to think about her friends, or anything else except this wonderful woman when she was making her feel this good.
Strategically Elena had positioned herself so that she could just about look in her mirror and see her mirror-image fucking her. Although that turned out to intensify things, so much that she just couldn't focus on it in case it made her want to beg to cum too soon. And Elena didn't want that. No, she wanted Katherine to fuck her like this all night long. Or at least for a few hours. Thankfully it seemed that Katherine was fully intent on doing that, fucking her slowly and gently in a way which seemed too much at first, and then when she got used to the sensation it felt like more than teasing. Little did Elena know this was nothing compared to what her doppelgänger had planned.
Katherine kind of wanted to lie Elena down on her back and take her in the traditional way, but the bond between them was already proving to be ridiculously strong, and the last thing she wanted to was fall in love with this girl, at least right away, and such an act felt like it would guarantee it. Perhaps in time she could allow herself to show some affection for the little slut, but tonight was about proving herself the Alpha female Elena's diaries had made it clear that her doppelgänger had always craved, and more importantly to claim what was rightfully hers. Oh yes, Elena Gilbert was always supposed to be hers, something Katherine made crystal clear with every thrust. And made even more clear what she had planned next.
In these moments Katherine regretted not making her presence known sooner, or better yet returning to Mystic Falls sooner so she could have claimed all of Elena's virginities. Yes, she didn't like to waste her time with complete virgins, but she could have made an exception for Elena, and it would be fun teaching her all of the naughty things she could do to her. Well, there was still a lot Katherine had to teach her, but at least for a few minutes she was more than satisfied with taking Elena's pretty little cunt. Of course, she couldn't forget about what position the other girl was in, and the fact that her perfect little ass was on display for her. Oh yes, they sure did have amazing asses, both of which were about to belong to Katherine, one way or another.
Moving her hands from Elena's hips to her ass cheeks and spreading them Katherine smirked as she admired the prize waiting to be taken. The one Elena had been about to give to her best buddy, when it was rightfully Katherine's to take. Which momentarily made Katherine a little mad, even though there was no need, as she'd been able to intervene in time. Perhaps she should even reward Bonnie for not taking Elena's anal cherry when she had the chance. Yes, Katherine decided she like that idea, she thought with a wicked smirk. Of course she would decide exactly what that was later, as for now she was too busy collecting some escaped pussy cream on her finger, pressing it against that virgin rosebud, and then taking what was hers.
"Oh my God!" Elena exclaimed as a finger was shoved up her butt.
"You're mine Elena!" Katherine growled, "Mmmmmmm, and soon you will learn that every part of you is mine."
Something which Katherine was expecting Elena to protest about, but instead the little slut continued crying out in mostly pleasure as Katherine finished burying that finger inside her bottom, and then started pumping it in and out of her. Which seemingly proved that Elena Gilbert was the perfect little bottom, just waiting for a real woman to come and claim her. And that's exactly what Katherine was doing. Or at least, preparing Elena to be claimed. Oh yes, in Katherine's experience there was no better way to make another girl hers than to fuck them up the ass. Of course first she needed to properly stretch that ass out, hence the several minutes of gently pumping both of Elena's fuck holes, adding a second finger along the way and twirling her fingers inside the other brunette, which of course the little whore loved.
"You were going to give your ass up to Bonnie..." Katherine said almost conversationally, "It's a good thing you didn't. Otherwise I might have been upset. But as it is, mmmmmmm, you're ripe and ready for the taking. And you do want to be taken, don't you Elena?"
"Yes." Elena whimpered.
"Prove it!" Katherine pushed, "Spread your cheeks, and beg me to take your butt cherry!"
"Oh God." Elena blushed, deeply embarrassed that she not only obeyed, but spread her cheeks slowly to entice Katherine, while shamelessly begging, "Please Katherine, fuck my ass! Fuck my virgin ass! Ohhhhhhhhh Goooooooddddddd, I've wanted to give up my ass to a top ever since I watch Bonnie butt fuck Caroline. I, I wanted it to be her, but you can have it. Mmmmmmm, I just want something up my butt! Ooooooooh yessssssssss, as long as it's a girl cock, I don't care who's taking my anal virginity. I just want it taken. So please, do it. Take my butt cherry Katherine, oh God! Oh fuck! Ah fuck! fuck me! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh shit, fuck me now!"
Elena cried out loudly and then whimpered as Katherine first removed her fingers from her ass hole, and then her strap-on from her pussy, leaving her feeling horribly empty. Which was unfortunately a feeling she got to savour for a few long seconds as her doppelgänger seemed to revel in it. Then Elena almost missed that feeling, as she felt the tip of Katherine's cock pressed against her butt hole and started to slowly force it open, causing her to cry out loudly and whimper again. God, the feeling of being stretched back there by an invading object was so very humiliating and painful, a feeling which only increased the more her back hole stretched, until the head of the dick slid through that tight anal ring and into her virgin ass.
She officially lost her anal virginity to a woman who she had just met, making Elena feel like the biggest slut in Mystic Falls, if not the entire world. And it was someone who looked exactly like her, which definitely made this more perverted. Also a vampire, but bizarrely that seemed very low when it came to her priorities right now. All Elena could really think about was how much of a slut she was, and just how painfully humiliating it was to have a cock in her ass, causing her to let out the loudest cry and whimper yet. God, she wanted to beg for mercy, beg Katherine to take it out of her, but she could practically taste the other woman smirk of triumph and twisted enjoyment, which told her she would get no sympathy from the vampire.
Thankfully the pain eventually subsided, mostly because Elena loved feeling like a slut, which continue to be a help as Katherine pushed another few inches into her poor little butt hole. Surprisingly she did then stop for a few long seconds, giving Elena some much-needed time to adjust to the feeling of her back passage being stretched. However, Elena knew from watching Bonnie sodomising Caroline, and even doing it herself, that there was a lot of perverted enjoyment to be had from watching a cock slowly disappearing into a hole, especially a forbidden one. It was hot, in a really twisted way, and it had just made Elena feel so powerful and dominant, just as now she felt humiliated and submissive, which was a whole different type of high for her.
The pain continued to be pretty bad, but not unbearable, and even though places inside her were being stretched wider than they ever should be Elena was really starting to get off on the perverted nature of it. And like before, just how slutty it made her feel. Although bizarrely, she also felt enjoyment from pleasing Katherine. Again something she knew she was doing without having to look, but this time Elena couldn't resist. Oh yes, she looked back and what she saw initially terrified her, namely dark eyes and fangs breaking out of Katherine's wide grin. But that look, and the way that she was staring at where their bodies met, was hot in a really, really twisted way, and Elena just couldn't stop staring at it.
Katherine had taken many different types of cherries before, but none more satisfying than taking her sweet doppelgänger's anal cherry. They just really did have the best ass ever, and it was truly breath-taking to spread those cheeks wide open and watch as the head of her dick disappeared into that virgin rosebud. Especially because of the adorable little cry that Elena let out as she was anally violated for what would be the first of many times, Katherine promised herself that. Oh yes, Elena Gilbert would be getting sodomised on a daily basis from now on. Perhaps even an hourly basis, depending on Katherine's mood. After all, Elena was going to be her anal loving bitch, and nothing would change that now, so really it would be a crime not to take advantage of that fact.
Of course, Katherine couldn't get too distracted thinking about the future when there was still so much cock to stuff into Elena's pretty little butt hole, so with a twisted smirk, she began pushing inch after inch of dildo into the much younger girl's tailpipe. She paused every few inches, not for Elena's benefit, although that was a good side effect if she was going to train her doppelgänger to think of her shit hole as a fuck hole, but the main reason was by far so that Katherine could prolong this act and savour watching every single inch slowly slide into Elena's bowels, until the precious moment it was all the way in. And when it was, when every single inch of her dick was inside Elena's rectum, and her thighs were against her cheeks, Katherine just had to celebrate. Luckily, she knew just how to do that.
"Every inch." Katherine growled lustfully, smacking Elena's butt and practically moaning as she added, "That's every, single inch of my big dick in your ass, sweet doppelgänger of mine. Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhh, do you know what this means Elena? Huh? It means your ass is truly mine! Oh yes, I own it, and I own you!"
It was only then Katherine looked up from Elena's ass hole that she realised her doppelgänger was staring at her. She also realised that in her lust she had let her mask slip and revealed her true face, which momentarily worried her, and she didn't know why. It wasn't like Elena's opinion really mattered to her. Did it? It shouldn't, and yet she found herself wanting to be desired by her mirror-image regardless. However that actually seem to be the case, as Elena seemed intrigued, and perhaps even turned on by seeing what she truly was, and what was truly taking her ass. Which caused Katherine to chuckle with delight, and reward the little slut by officially beginning to fuck her virgin butt.
Again she started out slow, mostly for her own benefit as the beginning of sex was something she always dearly like to savour like a fine wine, but again it wouldn't hurt to make this easier on her bitch in training. Thankfully that seemed to be the case, as Elena let out mostly pleasurable sounds as Katherine slowly began thrusting her hips back and forth, causing the dildo to pump in and out of her forbidden hole, and thus officially start the sodomy. Katherine was officially starting to sodomise her own doppelgänger, a fact which echoed in her mind over the next few minutes, which was truly overwhelming. Luckily this was far from her first time bending another girl over and taking her ass, so Katherine effortlessly ass fucked Elena even if her mind did wander a bit.
Elena should have been terrified by that 'true' face, and she was, but to her shame she was also turned on by it. Turned on by the fact that she was being butt fucked by a dangerous, powerful monster who could kill her at any moment. One that even with dark eyes and fangs looked hot to her. And it had her face at that, which was even more perverted. Although maybe not as perverted as having every single inch of that cock in her ass. Oh yes, Katherine was fucking her tight little virgin ass hole with every inch of that big dick, and Elena was now loving every second of it, even the pain adding to her twisted enjoyment. And even that faded away, and was replaced by pure pleasure. Either because Katherine was just that skilled, or Elena was just that slutty.
Whatever the case Elena felt a growing need for more. To be butt fucked harder! For her ass to be fucked as hard as possible, by a girl no less. Oh yes, Elena wasn't just a lesbian slut. She was a lesbian anal slut. Or at least, Katherine had turned her into one. Not that it mattered. All that mattered was that she got her little ass hole drilled hard and deep, so she could cum like a little bitch with a dick in her ass. Oh God, she couldn't believe she wanted to cum like a little bitch with a big hard girl dick in her tight little ass, one which her own doppelgänger was wearing. It was so humiliating it took Elena several long minutes to build up the courage to actually ask for what she wanted, and even then it sounded really pathetic.
"Harder! Fuck my ass harder!" Elena whimpered pleadingly, "Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh, pound my butt hard and deep and make me cum! Please Katherine! I need it! You say my ass is yours? Prove it! Mmmmmmm yessssssss, prove it by slamming my slutty little back hole and make me cum like a bitch with a dick in my ass! Please? Oh please... make me your bitch. Oooooooh Goooooooddddddd, make me your anal loving little bitch! That's what you want, right? Mmmmmm yessssssss, ooooooooh, me as your bitch? Well do it! Make me your bitch, mmmmmmmm, make me yours by making me cum! Please? Oh please Katherine, just do it! Fuck me! Wreck my shit hole! Oooooooh fuck, I need it!"
"You need it, huh?" Katherine smirked, before pushing, "Prove it! Mmmmmm yeahhhhhh, thrust yourself back at me. Help me to make you cum, and prove just how badly you want to be my anal loving little bitch! Yesssssssss, that's it, mmmmmmm, good girl! Good little anal loving bitch! Ooooooooh yesssssssss, mmmmmmm fuck, cum for me you little bitch! Fucking cum!"
Only too happy to oblige Elena started slamming herself back against the dildo, making sure that her butt hole was pounded even harder and deeper than it was before. It got her so close to orgasm she could practically taste it, only for Katherine to constantly deny her by slowing her thrusts, and even forcing Elena to slow down with the vice like grip she had on her waist. Which made Elena whimper and cry pathetically, and Katherine chuckle evilly. Elena also tried to beg for more again, but all she could do was repeat the words 'please', 'fuck me' and simply Katherine's name over and over again as she was too delirious to do anything else. Well, that and the constant whimpers, gasps, moans and cries.
Then all of a sudden Katherine reached down, grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked it back so that Elena's back was now pressing against her doppelgänger's boobs, as she could feel her hot breath against her neck, and again, Katherine grinning wickedly. Katherine then teased her by licking her neck and then giving it a few kisses, before driving her teeth deep into her flesh, breaking the skin and drinking deep from her. At the same time she picked up her speed rapidly to an inhuman level, easily giving Elena the climax she had been craving. Although to her shame that was as much from the biting and blood drinking as it was from the butt fucking. Which was so wrong, but Elena just couldn't care at that moment. In fact, she didn't care if she died. It was the price she was willing to pay for just another moment of this ecstasy.
Katherine had no intention of killing her doppelgänger before she met her, and now she couldn't imagine anything worse. Fortunately she was no baby vampire, and had done this several times, so she knew just how much to drink to increase both of their pleasure without putting Elena in danger. Admittedly it was harder to stop than ever before, as Elena's blood tasted better than anything else she'd ever tasted, but she was strong, and able to stop. Besides, at that point, she had to concentrate on not cumming herself, which was incredibly hard with that sweet taste in her mouth, the other end of the harness bashing against her clit and most of all, the sheer joy of fucking sweet, innocent little Elena Gilbert in the ass, and making her cum from it.
Nothing had ever been more satisfying than the last thing, and Katherine revelled in every single part of it. Which thanks to her enhanced senses she got to enjoy a lot more of than regular people. Such as the sound of Elena's heart hammering in her chest, every tiny sound of pleasure she made, and smelling her delicious cum squirting out of her cunt, and being so aware of that last thing it was like it was practically happening to her. Which briefly bought back some memories she was trying to repress, but it was easier than ever to ignore them in favour of focusing on the girl she was sodomising, especially when she pushed Elena back down on her hands and knees, reinforcing that Elena Gilbert was now her bitch.
From the sounds of Elena's heartbeat Katherine knew she had been lying a few minutes ago, but that didn't mean this girl wouldn't be embarrassed about the things she had said once she came down from her high, and would probably try and back out of them. Of course, that was completely unacceptable. It was clear to Katherine now that Elena was born to be her bitch, her anal loving bitch, and that was exactly what she was going to be. Oh yes, Katherine was going to make sure Elena kept her word, at any price. Perhaps she would even collar her, and tattoo the words 'Property of Katherine Pierce' on her pretty little body, probably as a tramp stamp, so she could easily show it off.
That was the thought which finally pushed Katherine over the edge of what was easily one of the most satisfying climaxes of her life. Admittedly it wasn't as powerful as what she had felt when she was cumming in Elena's mouth and all over her face, but Katherine loved it even more as it seemed like she was putting her doppelgänger in her place. Which was a thought which made it easy for her to power through that climax and the others that followed, to make sure that Elena came so hard and frequently she would truly want to be Katherine's sex slave. Sadly humans didn't have the same stamina as vampires, and ultimately Elena collapsed face down and passed out much sooner than Katherine would have liked. Especially given that it was no fun fucking unconscious bodies, forcing her to stop.
On the bright side, she got to savour the moment of triumph, regain her composure, and then slowly pull her cock out of Elena's butt hole, watching lustfully as inch after inch slowly slid out of it. What was even better was the moment the toy came loose with a popping sound, leaving Elena Gilbert's most private hole gaping wide open, Katherine spreading those butt cheeks apart so she could get the best possible look of her handiwork. Which also made her smirk with wicked delight. Because how could she not? Gaping butt holes were so cute, at least when she was responsible for them, and considering who this one belonged to made it even better. Although given that Elena was now stirring Katherine had a chance to make it perfect.
"Spread your cheeks for me! Show me that pretty little gape!" Katherine ordered firmly, smacking that cute little ass to emphasise her words.
Again she was expecting Elena to protest, but once again her seemingly innocent doppelgänger pleasantly surprised her by reaching back and spreading her cheeks. Which to be fair was the second time she was doing it, but it was still impressive. Even more so when she didn't complain about Katherine using her phone to take a little memento of her handiwork. Admittedly that had to be at least partly because Katherine grabbed the phone using her inhuman speed, meaning she had already taken the photograph before Elena could complain, but it still brought her great joy. Then, wanting to see what else she could get away with, Katherine walked around slowly until she was right in front of her pray and gave her another twisted order.
"Suck my cock!" Katherine ordered, "Mmmmmm yeahhhhhhhh, clean my big cock of all your slutty little ass juices."
This time Elena did hesitate briefly, right after taking her hands off her cheeks and lifting her head up so that her lips were practically touching the cock. However this could have been because of exhaustion, or simply the slutty little bottom savouring the moment. Most likely it was a combination of both, but whatever the case Elena eventually closed her eyes and wrapped her mouth around the head of that ass flavoured cock. Then of course, she moaned happily, because again, she was a total bottom, so of course she would love the taste of her own ass. Which cause Katherine to chuckle wickedly with triumph again, reached down to stroke the long, brunette hair in front of her, while providing a little more verbal encouragement.
"Yesssssssss, that's it you little slut, suck it! Suck my cock, ooooooooh yeahhhhhhhh!" Katherine moaned happily, "Ohhhhhhhh yesssssssss, mmmmmmm, you know Elena, for a total dyke whore, you make a pretty good cock sucker. Must be because that dick is a girl dick, and it's covered in girl butt. Oh yeah, mmmmmmm, that's why you like it so much. I can tell. Oh yes, I can tell exactly what kind of girl you are. Mmmmmmm fuck, just as I can tell we're going to have so much fun together. Ohhhhhhh, fuck yes, take it deep. Deep down your throat you little bitch! Oooooooohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss, fucking suck it!"
Even before Katherine got to that point Elena was trying to push that cock down her throat, eager for more of her butt cream, which again was just proving the more dominant woman's point, making her smirk and chuckle with triumph. And for a few long minutes Katherine very much enjoyed the show which was in front of her, and thoughts about what kind of fun they would have in the future. Which was mostly a repeat of what they did tonight, except maybe with Elena's friends involved. Then again, there was another option. One which involved Elena taking her place, and receiving what a former lover wanted to give to her on a regular basis. Then for the first time tonight, Katherine found herself unable to stop thinking about Rebekah Mikaelson again.
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