Death in the Mountains | By : AtanaBlackfox Category: Supernatural > Crossovers Views: 7158 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the television series that this fanfiction is written for, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author note: I started writing fan fiction here, and eventually started posting over at Livejournal. I forgot to post the last chapter here! I guess nine years late is better than never. It started off weak, got pretty good, then we got overambitious and the story wandered a bit. This story has seen paintercrow and I through some pretty tough times in our lives. I’d like to thank everyone who read our story and especially those who commented. You have been loyal readers and we appreciate each and every one of you.
The final chapter of this story is really a beginning and not an ending. Life is ever unfolding and so it is for our characters.
Thanks again for all of you who have taken this journey with us.
Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again to all of you!
Will waved Sam and Maryanne into his office. He was a busy man, so the two of them had not seen much of him around. Considering they had only been at the Priory for ten days, Sam was worried when Will’s personal assistant called and said he wanted to see them.
The two of them sat down in front of Will's desk, an oddly conservative office considering how free wheeling the Priory seemed. Maryanne held Starlight, petting her in her lap. Her ability to communicate with animals helped him understand Star much better. Maryanne had made Sam realize that Star was about the equivalent to a human five or six year old and not to expect her to do the things that Griffin did. Helping track demons through violent thunderstorms would not be something she could do for a while. Sam didn’t mind, he enjoyed watching Star grow up.
Turning his attention back to Will, he tried to push down his anxiety over being called into the office. "Is everything okay?" Sam was worried about Dean. He reached out for their link and even at a distance, he could tell Dean was awake and irritated-- a usual state for him, so he relaxed.
"Yes, as a matter of fact it is," Will grinned. "You've both done well enough that the two of you are ready to go home."
Maryanne lit up like Broadway, "When?"
Sam was startled, "What?"
Will smiled at Maryanne, "You are free to go any time, especially now that your sister is out of the hospital. Your ability works mainly with animals and is strongest when you’re at home. I don’t think you’re in any danger from bounty hunters and your sister needs you."
Maryanne did not waste any time getting up, "Not that your hospitality wasn't nice, but yeah. Is Dean or some of my kin coming to pick us up?"
"I haven't told Dean yet. I was leaving that up to you two. However, Mike arranged to have a truck dropped off this morning, so you can drive yourselves back."
He held out the truck keys and Maryanne snatched them out of his hand. She looked over her shoulder as she walked out the door. "Don't worry Sam; I'll pack Star's things too."
After staring after Maryanne’s quickly retreating form, Sam worked up the nerve to ask Will the questions that he was almost afraid to ask. "Do you really think it is safe for me to go back?"
"Yes, you've learned the basics and other than an occasional telekinetic accident, you're more or less in control. People will drop by the farm to check on you and give you more lessons if you need them. I suggest you stay on the farm; going into town might be a little hard on you for now. The important thing is the Comacines no longer have a reason to snatch you."
Sam looked down for a moment, his desire to get home and see everyone, especially Dean, clashed with some of his worst fears. "I was thinking more about the demon. It's still out there waiting for me and I don't want to put anyone in danger."
Will leaned back in his chair. "Sam, Emma might not be a psychic, but she is a powerful magician and priestess. Don't make the mistake of underestimating her."
He looked away. "So was Vera."
Will regarded Sam in a chilling manner, "Vera was exhausted before you came along. She pulled every bit of her coven's energy pool and all the power from the farm's wards to save you. Otherwise, it never would have gotten in. I'm not saying what happened was your fault, but it did happen in part because of you. You need to go back to the farm to help Emma reset all of the wards. Half Moon Farm is a working farm and with Jay gone and Vera hurt you need to pull your weight, especially if you’re going to be living there."
Sam never liked his mistakes rubbed in his face; he had enough of that from Ravenmocker. Knowing a dismissal when he heard one, he stood up and offered his hand to Will. "Thank you for taking us in."
Will relaxed and stood up, taking Sam's hand. He was always surprised at how small the head of the Priory was. "You've learned more here than you realize Sam. If you have trouble you can come back, but you need to learn how to deal with your abilities on your own. I'll be coming up in a few days to check your process."
Sam gave him a wry smile, "It sounds like a lifetime of learning. Goodbye and thanks again."
"When you stop learning you die."
* * *
Vera stared up at the all too familiar ceiling, wondering who would be the next person to come check on her when she heard Emma's measured tread. Vera had become adept at recognizing who was coming in the room from the sound of their steps.
"Time for breakfast," Emma said firmly in her 'you are eating this and no arguing' tone of voice.
Vera looked over to glare at her old friend. She recognized the smell. "Oatmeal again?"
"Once you can sit up to eat you can get more variety. Now eat and be glad that thanks to Mike you don’t need a colostomy." She put a spoonful to her mouth.
Vera ate a little before complaining, "Why hasn't Jay come to see me?"
She could actually hear Emma grinding her teeth, "I told you already, they took him to Hawaii first. Today, Sahba and Jeremy are coming home, so you'll see them."
"The brat could have called."
Emma grunted, it could have been in agreement or just as an acknowledgment that she heard. Another spoonful of oatmeal came into her line of vision. "Okay, do you want some juice now?"
"I'm not a child! Gods!" Vera protested, becoming increasingly cranky with her paralysis.
Emma, as usual, was unmoved by her outbursts, "Then stop whining. You still hungry?"
"No, and how am I whining? Where the hell are you sending me to again?" She heard them talking about moving her somewhere but the details kept slipping away from her. Her almost constant companion rolled his eyes at her. Vera found it offensive only she could see him and no one else could.
Ah, yes. Hawaii. Now she remembered, "But why Hawaii? Why can't I stay closer to home?" She had an almost irrational fear of being left there; she was afraid Mike couldn’t work the miracles he promised to her.
“Pity doesn’t look well on you.” Vera rolled her eyes to the other side of her bed to glare at Ravenmocker. She hated it when he spoke to her while she was talking to someone else. It made it hard to keep up with both conversations and she was sure it was making her seem more spaced out than she really was.
"Cause that's where your doctor works out of, he's finding it hard roughing it here on the farm. Not up to his usual standard of accommodations." Emma's voice sounded both amused and condescending as she noticed Vera glaring off into what appeared to be empty space.
“It’s your own fault, you know,” Ravenmocker said sternly. “If you simply told them of my presence they would understand. Dean, Samuel and Michael have all seen me.” Vera had refused to tell anyone about her ‘imaginary friend’. She didn’t really want to let them know that she was so depressed she needed the almost constant companionship of a spirit not to slip into despair. Vera turned her head back to Emma, ignoring Ravenmocker when she heard Mike coming down the hall.
"Ha! How long has she been awake?" Vera disliked Mike’s brash personality. A sense of your own competency she could understand but his asinine arrogance set her teeth on edge.
"About a half hour," Emma replied.
"How's she been?"
Vera grunted in anger, tired of being ignored. "I'm right here!"
Ravenmocker chuckled and she couldn’t help but glare at him again as he answered Mike, “Bored, cynical and feeling sorry for herself.”
Vera hated it when Ravenmocker did that; he always told Mike the truth. The healer never responded to him, not even a flicker of his eyes to where Ravenmocker stood. She wondered if the doctor could really hear him or if Ravenmocker did it to annoy her.
"So? Answer the man," Emma snapped back.
Mike looked at Emma with deep admiration, "You sure you don't want that job I offered you?"
Emma shook her head. "My place is here, not coddling a bunch of sick hunters."
Vera tried to will herself asleep before Emma and Mike continued their little love fest. Despite everything that happened, Mike and Emma had become fast friends almost immediately. She was convinced that it was because they were both really cold-blooded reptiles masquerading as humans.
She would never admit it to him, but she was touched when Ravenmocker began stroking her hair and face as she drifted off. As much as he annoyed her, she was glad he stayed with her.
* * *
A few days after he came back to the farm, Sam brushed sweaty bangs out of his eyes and could not help shooting Will a glare. He knew he should be honored that the head of a major Order was taking the time to train him personally, but he did not understand what the point of this lesson was. It did not help there were only a few more days before Dean left with Vera. He would much rather spend the time with them.
“Shields,” his trainer said calmly and Sam knew that he was leaking empathically again.
He grumbled under his breath. It was difficult holding his shielding while he was psychically panning for gold while perched on a rather wobbly rock on the side of a small creek. It was late afternoon in early September. The temperature was hot and both he and Will had taken off their shirts.
Taking a deep breath and reminding himself he should be grateful, Sam started again. There were small deposits of gold in these old streams and for some reason Will wanted him to find them. What he did not understand was why.
With a huff, Sam turned his attention back to the small but broad stream, picturing himself wandering up stream and finding shining bits of…
Something smacked him on the arm, breaking his concentration.
“Okay Yoda, now what?” Will was just grinning at him in that infuriating look he had, like the entire world was one big joke.
“You’re supposed to be using your remote viewing to find the gold, not trying to prompt a vision of when you will find it. Turn your attention to the stream; look at it bit by bit.”
“But why?” Sam felt his jaw thrust out in anger. “Why am I sitting on a rock looking for gold?”
He was taken aback when Will tapped the center of his forehead; it felt like he had just been doused in cool water.
“That is why,” Will told him in a firm voice, pointing at the fairy cross he wore. He had chosen the cross as his inheritance from Old Rattler’s possessions. “Do you know what that is?”
Sam fingered it protectively. “It’s a fairy cross.”
“That’s right, a fairy cross; a stone called Staurolite and these mountains are one of the few places in the world it is found. Twined crystals, and only rarely do they form a perfect cross such as the one you wear. That is a natural stone, it hasn’t been cut.” Sam fidgeted at bit under Will’s cool gaze.
“Do you know what Vera did the night she saved you?” He was at first surprised then guilty by Will’s question. He just looked away, his eyes focusing on a bush across the stream.
“Some sort of exorcism?” He answered without looking at Will. Sam still was not sure what Vera had done. He had been too lost in his nightmare of pain at the time. That one night felt like an entire lifetime.
“It was more than that. She offered you an Initiation, and on some level you accepted it.”
His head snapped back as he was entirely bewildered. “But I’m not Pagan.”
“No, you’re not. Vera and I believe that Priests and Priestesses have a duty to minister to people of all religions, not just their own. Initiation provides you with a connection to the Divine, in whatever form you follow.”
“So I can make holy water? Exorcise things without the Latin rite?”
“Yes.” Will was so forceful about it Sam found himself even more bewildered.
“From what Emma and Dean have told me, the night of the thunderstorm Vera channeled the power of the storm and land here to save you. During the rite, she unintentionally mixed her blood with yours. The reason why you so eagerly accepted what she offered was not simply that she was cleansing you; it was because she was also offering you a home, a home in a sense that Jay and Vera have here. Something you must have wanted. You have bled for this land; your blood soaked this earth when you sacrificed yourself for the people that live here.”
“So I have the same link, the same power here they do?” He asked slowly, still trying to keep up with all of these concepts.
“No, not yet. You have a whisper of it. Power held in potential. It is interesting that you chose something from this land from the old Guardian’s estate. Old Rattler must have foreseen you staying here or he wouldn't have left his land to you. But it is up to you to decide what to do with this opportunity.”
Sam blinked. His subconscious need for a place to call home had brought him to this point.
Will nodded. “Why do you think I had you leave our headquarters as soon as you had a little control? You need to finish your training here to strengthen your connection to this land. You’re looking for gold out here not just to learn to use your abilities, but to find enough gold to make a setting for your fairy cross. Gold from what is becoming your land.”
He looked down at his fairy cross, which Jay had wrapped in wire so he could wear it. His fist closed around it again and his hand tingled slightly. Will’s knowing look made him a little uncomfortable.
“Okay.” That single word was the only acknowledgement he gave to Will that he had said anything. He turned his sixth sense back to the stream, asking the earth to help him.
* * *
"Why'd you ever pick a backwater like this? You've got a doctorate and you're checking books out," Mike sneered as he scribbled in Vera’s chart.
"You wouldn't understand," Vera grumbled, fed up with Mike’s constant badgering.
“Yes, he does,” Ravenmocker shook his head, “Why are you so foolish to fall for him baiting you?”
Mike did not react to Ravenmocker’s presence at all, even though the spirit assured Vera he could both see and hear him. "Why am I putting you back together? So you can run after kids for their late fines. You’re wasted out here."
They’d had various versions of this argument before, but Mike seemed to be getting more cutting and sarcastic with each one.
"Maybe it's because your idiocy got me here in the first place!" Vera glared at the ceiling as Mike was not in her direct line of vision, infuriating her further. If Mike had not interfered during the ritual, she'd still be walking.
Ravenmocker, standing at the foot of Vera’s bed turned to Mike and said, “She has a point.”
Mike moved closer to the bed so he could stare down at Vera. "Noooo," he drawled, "I think taking on a demon single handed wins the idiocy award."
"It was not single handed! Besides, one person can be enough if the circumstances are right."
Ravenmocker sighed, “Vera, you are wasting your breath. Leave it be.”
The healer snorted in disbelief. "Well Dean wasn't being too much help to you at the time and Sam looked like hamburger meat."
"What do you mean?"
"Sam was down and Dean was just standing there while you were chanting this gibberish..."
"That gibberish helped kill it!" Vera interrupted, frustrated.
"No, the bolt of lightning finished it off. You're being delusional now," Mike said dismissively.
"Delusional! Why do you think the lightning hit it in the first place? Besides, you're the one that thinks you're going to get me walking again."
Mike had one of his annoying smirks that she longed to slap off his face. "Of course, I can make miracles happen, it's proven, a fact. You believe in all this hocus pocus."
"You ass!” Vera was rather surprised at how well she could project. “If I get better I'll show you what hocus pocus can do."
Mike smiled unexpectedly, a genuine smile before he patted her on the head and left. He couldn’t help but grin at Dean in the hallway just outside of Vera’s room. She was still shouting at him, her voice stronger then it had been since she was injured.
Dean shook his head. “Why do you get her so worked up? I’m usually the one that has to calm her down ‘cause Emma doesn’t have the patience to.” He wouldn’t admit he’d much rather calm her down then pat her hand when she gave in to despair.
He was surprised to see the grin vanish from Mike’s face, his expression turning to one of fierce concern. Dean was surprised, once again, at how quickly Mike’s expressions could change and how he looked old for his years.
“If she’s angry with me, then she is distracted from feeling sorry for herself. She needs the intellectual and emotional stimulation, something to prod her into some sort of activity.”
Dean nodded slowly, finally understanding.
The healer continued for a short way down the hall before he turned back to him. “Oh, I’ll need your help moving her a little later on today.”
Dean paused, his expression quizzical.
Mike's trademark malicious grin unfurled itself across his face. “I’m having a flat screen TV installed on the ceiling so she can watch it. Then I’m going to make her watch every poorly made and inaccurate supernatural documentary I can find. I already have my secretary in Hawaii working on it.”
Dean could not help but smirk back.
“Thanks for the warning. I’ll get earplugs on my next grocery run.”
* * *
Dean surveyed his family. His adopted sister, Maryanne, was helping him and Sam search for more bodies. Now that they knew Maryanne's psychic ability was to talk to animals, he called her Dr. Doolittle. She was not amused. It looked like she was trying to talk Griffin or Star into taking a crap on his bed. Dean snickered, not his faithful, fluffy cat, not going to happen. Star was too much in love with Sam to consider doing it. She pitched a fit anytime Sam made her stay at home.
It was a way to relieve the tension. It had been hours of hacking their way through brush and brambles, knowing they were looking for bits and pieces of bodies. Dean's estimation of the work search and rescue people did grew daily. It was hard and tedious with no thrill of adrenaline rush like in a hunt. It did have its moments though. With each body found, they provided at least some closure for family and friends of the victim. There was an unspoken drive among all of them to find and identify as many victims as possible before Thanksgiving.
It was a grim gift, but it was better than the uncertainty.
Now he just had to remember to ground his brother. He was not too pleased when Sam told him about his connection to the land. It took him back to the night when they were searching for him and Vera had a mystical moment. She was defenseless, just standing there in the middle of a storm, staring blankly. Dean had to slap her hard to get her out of it. It scared him badly and there was no way he wanted to go through that again with Sam.
“Dude, would you stop that?”
“Stop what Sammy?”
“Stepping on the back of my heels!”
“Just trying to keep ya grounded Haley Joel. Keep you from getting lost in your massive abilities.”
“I can’t get lost in my abilities if I can’t use them in the first place.”
“Come on Sam, you have the whole earth connection thing going on. All you need to do is hug a tree and that’ll tell you all you need to know.”
“Can you be any more annoying?”
“Yup. Want me to try?”
“I take no responsibility for my actions if you do. Can we concentrate on looking for this body? There’s been sighting of what might be ghost out here. I’d like to keep the number of corpses we have to find down to a minimum.”
“Yeah, but count on it taking a few days.”
“A few days? This is a standard salt and burn.”
“Yeah, you see, the problem is the local wildlife likes gnawing on things and bringing home leftovers. We’re looking at rounding up at least a dozen body parts to burn. Once they cool down, we put ‘em in a bag and take them to the local funeral home to identify the remains so we can send them home. Look for anything that can ID them, like a wallet or jewelry or clothing.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. It’s a brave new world Sammy. Welcome home!”
Sam looked over at Maryanne and she nodded. It was time to gang up on their ‘leader’. There was a thick and glorious patch of poison ivy up ahead.
Only half-paying attention, Dean tagged along behind Emma and Sam as she showed them how to set up the farms wards. Rock salt worked well enough for him and they had already done the wards on the house itself. The wards along the farm’s boundaries were larger and more general wards than he would need to use on a day-to-day basis even while hunting. What caught his attention was a set of wards Emma taught him that could be used with psychics. Wards could not only keep things out, they could keep them in as well. A few well cast wards would keep a psychic’s wandering mind from going on a field trip while they were asleep, sick or hurt. Those he not only paid attention to but made notes as well. Working with so many psychics it was going to come in handy.
He had a new journal now, one that Emma, Vera and even Mike was helping him put together. There were a few nuggets there from Dad, but the rest was much clearer and well organized. It wasn’t a challenge to find the information he needed.
“Alright Sam, the next layer of wards are bind runes, remember when we talked about them last night?” Emma’s voice was crisp as she led them through their next practical lesson.
* * *
Emma was relieved to see Vera go even though she also knew she would miss her ten minutes after she left. Her incessant whining had been getting on everyone's nerves but the silence she left behind would be even more painful. She knew Mike would keep his promise to heal both Vera and Jay. She made sure of that.
She knew Dean did not trust him and she knew all about the subtle manipulations to convince Vera and Jay to work for the Comacines in Hawaii. That did not worry her; Jay and Vera would never abandon their beloved mountains. Unlike so many young people from the area, Jay refused to get rid of his accent. After two words out of his mouth; most people thought he was an idiot. He liked to be underestimated.
The trip to Hawaii was hell. He hated flying and he hovered over Vera annoying the Comacine’s medical team. If it weren’t for Griffin’s calming influence he’d have lost it.
Finally, the landing strip came into view. Cheryl had told him the Comacines owned most of the eastern end of the island of Molokai.
He only glanced out the window when the other Coms told him to look at the island coming into view. It was just under 40 miles long and only 10 miles wide. The sheer cliffs were breath taking, tumbling waterfalls, green valleys and unspoiled pine forests.
As he got off the plane, with Griffin tucked under his arm, he saw the lush rain forest and trackless, white sandy beaches. The air was balmy and there were many good-looking women on the base. He kept looking around for Sam. It just didn't feel right being there without his brother looming over him.
A tropical paradise. Trouble was, he didn't belong in paradise.
Sam was on the phone to Dean and smiled, "Hang on Dean," He held the phone away from his ear, "Kelly had the baby, called him Daniel. Everyone's fine."
Jane Arrowood smiled, "That's good news." There was a chorus of agreement around the table. It was ladies' night on the farm; Jane and Emma were playing bridge against Louise Wyler and Sahba Mackay.
Sam listened some more and then called out, "Jay left the hospital this morning, he and Dean are living at Ben's place now. Vera moved her toes." Emma looked relieved.
"So Dude, how's Cheryl doing?" Sam couldn't resist teasing Dean. "Back to Canada? Her uncle is in the hospital. Sorry to hear that. Yeah, we're all doing well here. It's bridge night. Found another body today. Spencer hired on a new deputy sheriff, one of Betsy Rice's sons moved back with his wife and family. They're living out at the campground."
Sam looked up as Leroy, Ruby's younger brother walked in. They had worked out an arrangement; Leroy would teach Sam how to ride horses in exchange for tutoring for his SATs. "Gotta go Dean, time for my riding lesson." Sam made a face at Dean's comment and replied, "Shuddup." He hung up. It struck Sam that was the most normal conversation he ever had with his brother. Looking around at his new family, Sam realized he finally had what he always wanted--a normal family and a home. Well, his family would never be normal but he now had a home.
It was early spring, the weather still cold, wet and raw as they stood in the Bonesteel graveyard behind Nora’s cabin. The earth was brown, slightly muddy and bare as a strange, moist wind whipped Vera’s long, unbound hair and made Nora’s cheeks red. The trees should look like skeletons, but they didn’t, because skeletons didn’t sprout leaves, flowers, and fruit…
He and Dean were standing over a freshly dug hole, two foot square and slowly lowered in two urns of ashes. Pastor Bruce began a simple graveside service for their parents as they were surrounded by friends and what was now family. Spencer and LeDonne looking reserved, the Wylers standing in silent support, the residents of the farm, Betsy Rice and her grandchildren had all came out to honor their parents. Jay was tucked comfortably against his side and Sam relished his warmth . . .
The sound of a camel cricket chirruping somewhere in the house dragged Sam out of sleep, cursing. This was his first night in the newly renovated carriage house. The second floor was now a two-bedroom apartment for him and Dean. The ground floor was still under construction. It was going to be a training/exercise area, an office and Dean insisted on having a pool table and dartboard. He claimed it as training expenses since the Coms were paying.
He knew he had a vision and not a dream. Nora had assured him that even the most controlled of Seers would have vision-dreams so they no longer scared him. He and Dean had already planned a trip to Kansas and California to bring their parents ashes home.
Chirp. It still chapped his ass that with all of his supposed psychic ability he could not find the cricket. He tossed trying to get back to sleep when his phone began ringing. Only one person would be inconsiderate enough to call him in the middle of the night.
“Dude, how's it going on the farm?” Sam managed to mumble something vaguely threatening into the phone before Dean talked right over his response. “Guess what? Vera took her first steps with a walker today and Jay is raising hell even though he has a long ways to go. His dumb ass physical therapist was having him play video games to get his eye hand coordination back. I went in today and took over, showing him how to break down and clean a Glock. He can’t do it yet, but it’s actually something he needs to know. When he gets better I’m going to teach him how to pick locks.”
“Dean, you took a gun into a medical building and gave it to a brain-damaged guy as part of his therapy?”
“Calm down Sam, I took out the clip, checked for a bullet in the chamber, then broke it down and put it back together myself before I even got there. Outside the door, I checked it again, and pulled the trigger into a mulch pile a bunch of times before I gave it to him. I’m not stupid. Besides, he liked it.”
Sam bit his tongue and remembered what Dean had told him in an earlier e-mail. There was almost no cell service on the island and very limited Internet connections. Dean had to make long-distance calls on a landline and access the Internet only via dial up or a DSL connection. The Comacines controlled and monitored all communications in and out of their base. The island was one of the most isolated places in the country. He was glad that he and Dean had a code words to use in case either one was in trouble. So far, Dean hadn’t used any of them.
* * *
Sam crammed the pillow over his head again. After almost a week, he still hadn’t been able to find that stupid cricket. Originally, he planned on catching it and letting it go in the fields. Now he planned to flatten it with his size 13 shoe. Tossing restlessly, he finally began to drift off, barely aware that the chirping had stopped.
Sam woke with a start. Something had tapped him on the chest. Groggily he looked up to see Star, her white coat making it easy to see her in the dim light of his bedroom. Hearing her making muffled noises, Sam quickly snatched her up off his chest as he sat up and turned on the light, afraid she was choking.
As soon as he saw her he started laughing so hard, he almost dropped her.
Hanging out of her mouth was the cricket that had tormented him for the past week. After he set her down on the bed, she dropped the dead bug and batted it around on the bed, tail held high and pride in every line of her little body. Snatching it up in her jaws, she presented it Sam again, purring loudly.
Sam laughed heartily. He picked up his small familiar and cuddled her to his chest in a gesture that unknowingly echoed Dean’s when Griffin brought him a dead squirrel.
Dean was gone but Sam knew he’d be coming home soon, with Vera and Jay in tow. He had to admit, as much as he loved the farm and Wake county, he was yearning for the open road again, one last trip in the Impala with just him and Dean. Afterwards, there was a tricked out Chevy Suburban for hunts and a garage for the classic car. They already had it planned; a cross-country trip to California, picking up their mom’s ashes in Lawrence then on to Fort Bragg, California where Nora told them Dad was buried. Cremate his body and bring his ashes home, too.
They had company to go hunting with them occasionally, Jay, Ruby, Maryanne and LeDonne. Vera and the coven on the farm supported them from a home base.
He pressed his cheek to Star’s warm fur and purring body, feeling the vibrations shaking her as he tried to hold back tears. This wasn’t what Sam dreamed about having.
It was better then anything he could have imagined.
The sun crested the mountains to the east, glowing through the curtains. Sam wiped away tears and gladly rolled out of bed, ready for a new day in a new life.
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