SUREFOOT | By : Deggsy Category: Star Trek > Star Trek Views: 1329 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This is fan fiction based on and using elements from Star Trek, which is trademarked by Paramount Pictures and CBS. I do not claim ownership of Star Trek or any associated characters or the universe of Star Trek. |
USS Surefoot, Deck 2 - Cadets’ Quarters
Alpha Squad’s quarters were unevenly bisected, with the smaller side taken up by three sets of bunk beds and storage spaces for each occupant, and the larger side side by a desks, chairs, information and entertainment wall screens, and the door to the corridor, and the door to the toilet, sink and sonic shower.
“I only had to share with one person back at the Academy,” Neraxea groused, sitting on a bean bag on the floor, her boots and socks removed, rubbing her toes. “Now it’s six?”
“The Academy was planetbound, spread out over many hectares of area in San Francisco,” Jonas reminded her, sitting nearby perusing the files on the desk terminal. “Space is at a premium on these older, smaller vessels.”
“And it promotes teamwork,” Sasha added distractedly, glancing through the entrance to the sleeping area, where Eydir was occupying herself. She had been distant, silent, even more so than usual, since their arrival, and Sasha couldn’t figure out why. “We work the same shifts, learn to compromise, not hog the sonic showers, all that.”
“Hey, I’m not complaining,” the Bolian assured them. “I grew up with six brothers and two sisters. I just hope the toilet can handle what I have to offer.” She straightened out one blue foot and nudged Jonas in the rear. “Hey, you want to share a bunk with me, Scrappy?”
“Me? Why me?”
“You’re lighter, you’re less likely to rock the framework at night when you’re Polishing your Phaser.”
“What are you talking about, I don’t have-” He blushed beetroot and looked away again. “Don’t know what that means.”
Neraxea grinned. “Like I said, six brothers.”
“This isn’t right.”
Sasha’s attention turned to Giles as he spoke again, still sitting in the other side of the room, face still abject as it had been since he arrived and found out not only he was bunking with her - but that she was the Squad Leader. “To be fair, Tameris warned you.”
“But my Major’s Command.”
“And your Minor is Flight Control, like you told us when you were peacocking about on the transport. Every squad needs a member from one of the six Majors. And we needed a pilot on our squad.”
He looked up at her, sneering. “I bet you’re loving this. Being on Daddy’s ship, being made Squad Leader.”
“Weren’t you the one walking around before with a hard-on thinking you’d be made Squad Leader and get posted on your aunt’s ship?”
“That was different! It’s clear who would make the better leader!”
“Watch your attitude there, Giles,” Neraxea warned mildly, “Or you’ll end up on the Naughty Step again.”
“Stay out of this, Bolian! What would someone in Security know about career progression? Your job is to give up your life for everyone else around you!”
“I can make exceptions,” she assured him, grinning.
There was a loud, deliberate snapping of a case being shut from the other room. Sasha and Neraxea exchanged glances, before Sasha bit the proverbial bullet and entered. The tall, dark-skinned Capellan kept her back to everyone, standing there, doing nothing but holding her kligat, a three-bladed throwing weapon from her homeworld; though the girl was studying medicine, she remained as formidable as any other member of her people.
“What's wrong, Eydir? What did I do?”
“Nothing.” She set the weapon down on an adjacent table.
“Dishonesty is not your way.”
Now she spun around, her face one of taut anger. “I told that fool Giles Arrington that I would not abide nepotism or favouritism. Do you think I will abide it from my friend?”
“What? What the hell are you talking about?”
“This ship! Your father’s ship! And your position in the squad! Do not tell me it is a coincidence! Even that fool Giles realises it!”
From the other room, Giles voice called out, “You know I can hear you in there?”
Sasha ignored him. “You think I knew about this? It was as much a surprise to me as to the rest of us!”
“Are you saying you don’t want to be here?”
“Of course I want to be here! I want to be with my father! Is that so wrong? I spent six terrible years thinking he was dead along with my Mom! And then the Universe gave him back to me! As for my position, I earned it! You know I earned it before I even knew he was still alive, before he ever got this command!”
Sasha couldn’t believe this was a conversation she was having with her best friend. After all they had gone through to get here! She wanted to cry. She chose to fuel her anger instead. “Look, you can believe me or not, but I swear, you continue to be a bitch about this, I’ll hit you so many times you’ll swear you’re surrounded!”
Eydir scowled, hands balled into fists - but then, just as quickly as it had started, it ended, with her offering a relaxed posture. “I believe you, friend.”
“And another- wait, what?”
The Capellan embraced her warmly and roughly. “I needed to see the truth in the fire of your eyes. I have done so. Forgive my doubts. I have dishonoured you.” She straightened up formally. “I will cut off my right hand now in punishment.”
“What? No!”
But the smile in Eydir’s eyes told her not to worry about that.
“If you two have kissed and made up,” Neraxea called in, “You’d better get back in here.”
Curious, the girls returned, to see Giles halfway out the door, leaving it open as he looked back at them. “I’m not putting up with this. I’m getting this straightened out once and for all.”
“This isn’t right, and this isn’t fair.”
“I agree,” Sasha said, taking him and some of the others by surprise. But she had to stay calm, and had to try and reach him; he was a member of her squad, like it or not, and she felt a responsibility towards him. “And I’d probably be feeling the same way as you do. But think about it: how will Commander Tameris react if you storm up to her now and tell her she made a mistake? She’s not exactly a fan of impulsive behaviour.”
That gave him pause, though he still asked challengingly, “And what would you do?”
“Me? I’d do everything by the book. Make a formal, respectful query about the reasons why I got it and you didn’t. It will also demonstrate your professionalism.”
That actually seemed to sink into his brain. He pursed his lips and nodded. “Maybe you’re right.”
“And…” she added, though she didn’t expect to hear herself saying it, “I can accompany you and support your request for answers.”
He blinked, paling. “You’d do that?”
“Yes. Funny, isn’t it?”
Just then, a newcomer announced, “Excuse me, please.”
All eyes turned to the new arrival in the still-open doorway: a slender, hairless humanoid with smooth lime-green skin patched in blues and purples within the wattles under his extended face, wattles extending down to his flat chest, necessitating a cosmetic adjustment to his uniform. He had large red eyes with black vertical slits, open nostrils that flexed with each breath, and webbing on his long, slender fingers, which he now brought together in a self-clasp after setting down his bag. His voice was mild, like someone always commenting on the lovely weather. “Pardon my lateness in arriving, I was required to visit the Chief Medical Officer upon my arrival.”
Sasha smiled; she’d been reading up about the last member of their squad, and in fact had seen him onboard the transport, but never approached him. Now she did, imitating the clasping gesture. “We Stand Together, Kitirik Abyss Zuinthinem, uh, Emijiz.” She hoped she’d said it right, not having had much time to memorise it after reading his biofile in the squad roster.
The newcomers throat rapidly shifted in colour, and his eyes brightened as he lowered his arms. “We Stand Together. You honour me! Thank you! I am filled with delight!”
Sasha lowered her hands as well, grinning; he was like a puppy out on its first walk. “Did I get the name right? I was practising it in my head but wasn’t sure.”
“Very much so! Although if it is easier, I accede to answer to Kitirik alone, if that will be acceptable, or even Kit. I am told that Kit is charming.” He beamed at the very notion.
“It is, Kit. I’m Sasha Hrelle, Squad Leader.” She ignored the reaction from Giles as she introduced the others; as she proceeded, Kit clasped his hands together again and nodded to all of them.
“Bring any brandy with you?” Giles asked ruefully. “Could do with some.”
Kit looked to him, confused. “Forgive me, Respected Colleague, I did not know I was supposed to.”
“You know he’s not Saurian, don’t you?” Sasha pointed out.
Giles flushed. “Oh, uh, sorry.”
“Way to be racist there, Sport,” Neraxea chuckled. “Do all reptoids look alike to you?”
Kit turned to him. “No offence is received, I can assure. I am Qarari.”
“They’re a non-Federation world,” Sasha noted, glad she had the chance to skim through Kit’s identification files before he arrived; it made her look professional. “First contacted ten years ago; talks are ongoing now about their joining the Federation. And you’re the first of your race to join Starfleet.”
“Yes, indeed, I am the first, Respected Squad Leader. You are quite knowledgeable. Thank you for honouring me.”
She smiled. “I’m a quick learner. Guys, the party is in an hour; I figure that’ll give us time to choose our beds, unpack and unwind, maybe even get a look at a map so we don’t get lost finding the rec room.” She looked to Eydis. “You want the top or the bottom?”
“Top; I can watch for enemies better.”
Sasha grunted. “Right. And I believe Neraxea has claimed the second one with Jonas.”
The Bolian grinned at Kit, nudging Jonas again as she joked, “He’s my husband.”
“Not really,” Sasha clarified, seeing the Qarari’s - and Jonas’ - reaction. “So that leaves you and Giles.”
Kit turned to Giles. “I will gladly accept either bunk, Respected Colleague.”
Giles, for his part, shrugged and picked up his bag. “It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think this day could get worse.”
Neraxea chuckled. “Giles, you gotta stop saying things like that. The Universe loves a challenge.”
Sasha tended to agree, but kept silent. Giles was already worked up without her adding to it.
Deck 1, Mess Hall/Lounge:
“Oh, I don’t think I like the look of you.”
Tameris paused, while Hrelle just looked amused. The gathering wasn’t just a chance for the cadets to meet and greet the officers and crew of their new ship, but also for Tameris, who had never served onboard a starship before, her entire career having been centred around the Academy, and she had spent most of her time beforehand preparing the cadets rather than herself.
He probably should have warned her beforehand about Chief Petty Officer Grev, in charge of Engineering. He was Tellarite, a short humanoid with a snout, fur, hoof-like hands with just three fingers each, and deep-set eyes surrounded by rough skin. And for Tellarites, arguing was a sport; when meeting a new person they would start off by complaining to them, but if there was nothing to complain about they would simply resort to insulting the other - as he just did to Tameris.
But before he could mollify the situation, the Vulcan straightened up a little more and replied with, “Were you assigned to this vessel because you are as old and decrepit as it, and Starfleet thought you would feel at home?”
Grev grunted, approving. “Pleasure to meet you, Commander.”
“And you, Chief.” She turned as she noticed members of Alpha Squad mingling, and motioned for one of them to draw closer. “Mr Ostrow, this is CPO Grev, who will be your supervisor and instructor. Mr Grev, this is Engineering Crewman Jonas Ostrow. Mr Ostrow, I should warn you that Tellarites-”
Jonas stared directly at the Tellarite and finished with, “-Stink like a zertith pelt left in the sun too long. The smell must be awful in Engineering.”
Grev laughed uproariously, clamping a thick hand on Ostrow’s shoulder. “He understands the Banter!”
Jonas beamed. “My Mom works with Tellarites in her salvage company. I grew up around them. Despite that, somehow I managed to learn something.”
Grev’s beady black eyes fixed on Hrelle. “Ooh, I like him!” Guiding Ostrow away, he promised, “Come on, meet the others.”
Hrelle tried not to laugh as they departed. Elsewhere, he saw Nerexea Nemm with Security Chief Lt. Abed, a tall, robust-looking Terran with bronzed skin and short sable hair and beard, and a love for a lamb phall dish that the Bolian was currently spicing up with tabasco sauce.
Then there was the Chief Medical Officer Dr Ling, a Terran woman of Asian descent, with a flat face, narrow chin, and a stony demeanour that could put a Horta to shame. But her meeting with the equally implacable Eydir Daughter-of-Kaar took both women to a corner of the room to bask in their mutual taciturnity.
And the Qarari cadet, Kitirik, was chatting excitedly to the ship’s Counselor, Kami Rmorra, who seemed equally charmed by the newcomer.
Hrelle frowned to himself as he looked at Kami. In the weeks since taking command of the Surefoot, he found himself getting along with all of his small crew, just as he was getting used to being a Captain again, and just about everything else.
But Kami was something new and unexpected... they didn’t have Counselors onboard ships back in his day, though it was understandable that given his circumstances he would have to see her as a patient on a regular basis, just as she was there for the cadets, monitoring their mental and emotional health while they were participating in the AWE Program.
She was Caitian, too, the first one he’d seen in years: middle-aged, with distracting curves and a full mane of honey-blonde hair and darker fur, who preferred the minidress version of the new uniforms to allow her tail free access, as well as going barefoot to accommodate their people’s particular foot structure. As for her scent...
“Is there a problem, Captain?” Tameris asked.
He pulled himself from the distraction. “Mmm? Oh, uh, I think something’s up between Sasha and Giles.”
“‘Up’? For good or ill?”
“I’m not sure yet. They don’t seem to be at each other’s throats.”
“Indeed? I must confess to the notion that I might have erred in assigning him to Alpha Squad.”
“Erred? You?”
She raised an eyebrow. “I believe I stated ‘might’.”
As if hearing them, the two cadets approached. Hrelle couldn’t contain his delight at seeing her, though this time he did manage not to reach out and pull her in for another fatherly embrace. He did offer a nod at Giles, when Sasha spoke. “Sir, Ma’am, Mr Arrington and I would respectfully request clarification as to why I was selected for Squad Leader and he wasn’t.”
“Crewmen,” Tameris replied. “This social gathering is an inappropriate venue for this discussion-”
“Commander,” Sasha interrupted. ”With all due respect, we are scheduled to start our first work shift at 0800 tomorrow. It would be logical to settle any outstanding matters in order to maximise efficiency.”
Tameris gave her a look that Hrelle would have called amused derision at anyone trying to apply logic against a Vulcan – that is, if any Vulcan would ever admit to expressing such emotion. “Very well, if you are comfortable discussing this here…” She turned to Giles, folding her hands behind her back. “Mr Arrington, your Leadership scores are indeed high. But so are Ms Hrelle’s. However, she exceeds your scores in terms of Maturity, Empathy, Interspecies Relations and Teamwork. Your own scores in these fields may improve in time, with remedial courses and general life experience, but at the moment, she is overall a more qualified Squad Leader than you.”
He was clearly taken aback by the bald assessment. “That- That can’t be true- It’s her father’s doing-”
“Before you make any claims involving favouritism on the part of the Captain, you should be made aware that under the terms that allow Sasha to serve onboard with her stepfather, it was agreed that I would manage all decisions regarding the cadets, in order to avoid any such notions. The decision is mine, made logically and impartially. You will still study on the Command track, but your practical work will be based in Flight Operations.”
Giles face reddened, and for the first time, Hrelle felt sorry for him. He reached for a flute of champagne, his whiskers twitching as he brought the rim of the glass to his muzzle, hoping that the kid would take the hint and accept it.
But he didn’t. “Perhaps... Perhaps I can exchange places with someone on one of the other squads?”
“The selection of cadets for this vessel was carefully chosen; I will not create further inconvenience to satisfy your desires.”
Now he raised his voice. “No, but you don’t mind inconveniencing me, do you?”
Sasha looked to him. “Giles-”
“Sasha,” her stepfather said softly. “Go mingle.”
She looked to him, and then nodded and departed. Alone with Tameris and Giles, Hrelle focused on not letting his prior history with the boy and his family colour his words or tone. “Mr Arrington, when you’ve been in Starfleet long enough, rest assured you’ll be inconvenienced. You’ll miss shore leave, you’ll miss promotions, you’ll get transfers to places and positions that aren’t even your third choice much less your first or second. Holidays, birthdays… anniversaries… all get rescheduled, because the needs of the Service come first. And rank will mean nothing; in fact, the higher your rank, the more likely it will happen.”
“I wish to send a message to my father immediately-”
“Denied,” Tameris said flatly. “Submit your request through the prescribed channels, and a response will be made in due course.”
“Giles,” Hrelle said, drawing closer, resting a hand on his shoulder. “I remember being your age, planning on being Captain at age thirty, Admiral at age forty, and Ruler of the Universe by the time I died at fifty. And I hated anyone and anything I thought was getting in my way. I had to set aside the Command track myself as a midshipman and work up through the ranks of Security.
And you know what? It made me a better leader. I learned what it meant to swallow my pride and take orders, to serve, to help me see the responsibilities I had to those who would eventually be under my command. And I think this will make you a better leader, too.
In the meantime…” He pointed to a tall, thin Nordic woman with platinum blonde ponytailed hair. “That is Chief Helmsman Lt. Irina Velkovsky, your supervisor. Go introduce yourself. She’s had a fascinating career, and has even participated in the Delos 5000 Solar Race.”
But Giles continued to stand there, face reddening even more, until Tameris added, ”I do not believe that was a suggestion, Crewman.”
He turned and departed, and Tameris turned to Hrelle as if to speak.
But not before both heard Giles mutter under his breath, “The Bel-Zon must have neutered him when they cut off his tail.”
Hrelle’s vision had gone red as he stormed up to a frozen Giles, spinning him around, relishing the terrified look in the boy’s expression as the Caitian was in his face, teeth bared, nostrils flaring, voice still loud as he snarled, “Say that to my face! Go on, you little runt! Say it!”
Tameris was at his side, “Captain, allow me to deal with this-”
Hrelle ignored her. “You think that’s funny? You think it’s a big joke what they did to me? DO YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD?”
Giles had paled, looking like he would faint at any moment. He was terrified.
“Captain,” Tameris repeated, more forcefully.
Suddenly Hrelle was aware of everything again. Aware of everyone in the rec room starting at him. Aware of the smell of urine from Giles. Aware of the broken champagne glass in his hand, the blood now pooling into his fist.
He glanced at his First Officer, snapping, ”Deal with this. I’ll be in my quarters. I don’t want to be disturbed by anyone, understood?”
“Yes, Sir.”
He couldn’t flee quickly enough without actually running.
He was in his bathroom in his quarters, removing the shards of glass from his palm and washing the blood away – Mother’s Cubs, just how many litres did he have left in him? – when he heard his door slide open, despite his ordering a lock on it. He called out, “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
“I heard,” came a cheery, familiar, unwelcome female reply.
He poked his head out. “That includes you, Counselor.”
“I know,” she admitted, “And it’s adorable that you think that’s going to stop me.” Kami stood there, carrying a black medical kit on a sling under her arm, her tail swishing behind her. “I smelled the blood and saw the broken glass, and I knew a Big Proud Male like you wouldn’t be smart and go to Sickbay to get fixed up, so…” She indicated the kit. “Thought you’d like to play Doctor with me.”
“I’m not interested. Get out.”
She set the kit down on his desk, regarded him and smiled.
“What’s so amusing?”
“That expression of yours, that tone – it reminds me of my cub.”
“Your... cub?”
She nodded, opening the kit. ”When he was only knee-high, and refused to get in the bath. He’d stand there by the tub, arms crossed, scowl on his face as he declared, ‘No! No Bath!’ And as much as I wanted to leave him with his delusion that he was in charge of things, all I could see was this beautiful little naked cub that I made in my belly standing there trying to be fierce. And I’d sweep him up in my arms, spin him around and hug him and tell him how much I loved him… then I’d put him in the bath.”
He approached her, still clutching his cut hand. He wasn’t in the mood for her. “I’m not your cub, Counselor.”
“I’m glad to hear it, given all the filthy fantasies I have of you.”
“Get out!” he growled - baring his teeth in her face, knowing how wrong he was for doing so, even as he did it.
Swifter than he expected, her hand shot out, claws raking the left side of his muzzle, making him gasp, stagger back and clutch his face with his good hand.
She stood there, claws still extended from the tips of her fingers, no longer the facetious, flirtatious woman he knew, her eyes narrow, her face taut, her growl low and dangerous. “I’m your Counselor, and I’m your friend. But don’t ever bare your teeth at me unless you mean it. And if you do mean it, you better be prepared to explain to Dr Ling why she needs to reattach your balls. Do you understand me?”
He shook. He physically shook, as shocked by his own unforgivable action as he was by her reaction. Too long he had lived among humans, who bared their teeth to show pleasure rather than threat. He had forgotten what it meant to his people-
No. He knew what he was doing. And he was ashamed of it.
“I’m sorry,” he finally offered. “That was uncalled for. And I knew it as I did it. I’m... ashamed of myself. And I need your help.” He held his hand. “With this, as well as what happened with Giles.”
She regarded him, lowering her striking arm and retracting her claws. “Wow. Six open, honest statements from you at once. If I knew I could get that from you I would have scratched you from the start.” She indicated his chair at the desk. “Sit down, I’ll take care of the face as well as the hand.”
Too chagrined and defeated to argue any further, he complied, setting the wounded hand palm up on the desk while she withdrew the sterilisers, tricorder and autosuture from the kit. He watched for a moment, before looking away again. “What happened after I left?”
Kami ran the tricorder over his palm, confirming no glass remained in the cuts, though the bleeding continued. ”Well, Sasha demanded to know what Giles had said to get that reaction from you. She was ready to finish what you started, almost to the point of insubordination.” She snorted as she began cleaning the cuts. “Seven Hells, she may not be carrying your genes, but she’s certainly got your balls.” She smiled. “Anyway, her squad convinced her to back off and return to their quarters. Your First Officer then sent Giles to the brig.”
“The brig? Seriously?”
She nodded. “Article 89: Disrespect Towards a Superior Commissioned Officer. To be fair, I think her first choice might have been confining him to his quarters, but since he shares them with Sasha, that might have constituted capital punishment.” She paused and added, “The party fizzled out after that, so I guess we’re all eating leftover vol-au-vants and Andorian bhajis for breakfast. So… want to tell me what he said?”
He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, I didn’t have any right to get angry about it like I did- Oww!”
He almost pulled his hand away. Kami, still holding the autosuture, looked up innocently. “What? Oh, sorry, it’s the device. It not only knits and repairs cellular damage, it also apparently delivers a painful charge whenever you talk shit.” She shrugged as she resumed her work. “It’s probably best not to talk shit.”
He stared in disbelief. How had this woman managed to get a medical licence? “You can’t really believe I had a right to lose my temper over a stupid remark?”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m the Captain. I have to be held up to the highest standards- Owww! Stop that!”
She indicated the autosuture. “Told you, not my fault. And you can drop that ‘highest standards’ crap. How can anyone aspire to that? How can anyone relate? Nobody wants to serve under Captain Perfect, he sounds like a massive cock. So I’ll ask again, what did he say?”
He breathed out, wishing he’d had some liquor in his quarters. “He... made a remark about my losing my tail, that’s all.”
“Oh? What about when he mentioned you getting neutered?”
“You know about that?”
“Of course, I was there, I heard.”
“Then why bother asking me?”
“To catch you lying, of course. So, you were outraged, you got into his face and made him piss himself.” She nodded. “Good.”
“What do you mean, ‘Good’? It’s good that I scared some kid into pissing his pants?”
His hand was numbing as she continued to repair the cuts. “Look, Captain, it might not have been textbook Starfleet behaviour, but it wasn’t as if you went Full Klingon and gutted him, either. You never even touched him, just shook him up; sometimes stupid cubs like him need that. I’d have been worried about your mental state if you did all that and didn’t come back here to mope around like a self-pitying little bitch.”
He grunted. The woman was unbelievable.
Not that he didn’t like what she had to say."Sasha..."
“What about Sasha?”
“In all the years I was a part of her life, I never so much as raised my voice. Now, tonight…” He shook his head to try and dispel the memory. “I don’t- I don’t want her to be afraid of me- Arrgh!” Now he pulled his hand away completely. “Mother’s Cubs, stop that!”
Kami looked up at him unapologetically. “You know, if you keep spouting shit like this, your ass is going to get jealous.” She pulled his hand back for a final check. “Let’s get one thing clear: you can’t do wrong as far as that girl’s concerned. She’s defended you time and again when she thought you were dead, she’s stood up to senior officers, and she’d probably bare her teeth to the Great Mother Herself if she had to.” She tilted her head as she looked at him. “Your hand’s done. Now, let’s see about that face.” She leaned in with the autosuture from where she sat, but seemed to find the position awkward. “Wait.”
She rose, drew closer, and lifted up the hem of her uniform to straddle him without preamble, her legs wrapping around him, her tail snaking around one of his legs. “Yes, this is better.”
He gasped. “What the- Get off me!”
“Stay still, I won’t be long.” She shifted slightly. “Think clean thoughts, Captain, or I’ll be the first to know otherwise.”
He tried not to react, but the heat from her nethers on his lap was... Mother’s Cubs… “Are you usually this outrageous with all your patients?”
She leaned into the scratched side of his face, her voice a teasing murmur. “Seven Hells, no. Most people are actually easy to communicate with. Then there are brickheads like you who come in with their shields raised. They need to be constantly thrown off-guard, whether it’s with a flirt or a swipe across the snout. And it works.”
She moved the tip of the autosuture over the scratches she gave him on his muzzle, as her voice took on a gentler, more sympathetic tone. “Esek… I know you feel guilty about frightening the boy, no matter how justified everyone else thinks you were for doing so; that’s part of what makes you such a decent man. So... go to him. Don’t apologise - that will only let him off the hook in his head - but explain why you reacted the way you did. Cubs Giles’ age tend to say and do things out of ignorance. You two might even reach an understanding.”
“Assuming our First Officer hasn’t already arranged to ship him off to a penal colony.” He breathed out. “I don’t care what all the other Arringtons have done to me, I don’t have any desire to punish this kid.”
“There’s more of that decency.” She smiled. “You can always go to Tameris and appeal to the logic in minimising overall disruption to the Program by not punishing him.”
He thought about it, finally nodding in agreement. It made sense. “And the rest of the cadets, our crew? After my outburst, what are they going to think about me?”
She leaned back. “They’re probably going to thank you for making this very routine assignment a little less routine.” She switched off the autosuture, resting her hands on his shoulders. “There, all done, and you went a whole minute without getting shocked. I should get you a lollipop or something.” She grinned, shifting slightly in his lap. “Someone’s getting excited. Was it the thought of getting a lollipop? Kinky bastard.”
“Thank you, Counselor. You can get off now.”
Kami purred, moving teasingly on him. “It doesn’t happen on command for woman, you know.”
“I have work to do.” He tapped his combadge. “Captain Hrelle to Commander Tameris.”
A second later, the Vulcan’s voice joined the room. “Tameris here.”
“Report to my office, please, I’d like to discuss what happened tonight.”
“On my way.”
Kami smiled. “Guess this is my cue to get off your lap.”
“Excuse me, Sir?” Tameris asked.
He screwed up his face. “Never mind, Commander. Hrelle out.” He tapped his combadge once more to end the link. “Damn, I’ll never get used to these. Vacate my lap, Counselor, now!”
She was sniggering as she rose and straightened herself up. His eyes wandered - and then he looked away. “And you’d better have some underwear on the next time I see you!”
“Oh? Will you be checking?” She packed up the medical kit and slung it under her arm. “There’s no regulation against not wearing any. Oh, I prescribe you go to bed after your meeting with Tameris and give yourself a good tug. Your hand will be numb the rest of the night so it’ll feel like someone else is doing it for a change. Nighty night, Captain.” She winked at him as she departed, her tail swishing behind her.
Mother’s Cubs…
He hoped his uniform would grow less tight before his First Officer arrived.
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