The Fox and the Apocalypse | By : drkphoenyx Category: Supernatural > Crossovers Views: 1004 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Yu Yu Hakusho. I make no money from this story. |
Chapter Six: Flirting with Disaster
Kurama woke to the sound of voices in the kitchen. Cracking an eyelid, he realized that the sun was already up and a quick glance at the bedside table revealed that is was quickly approaching nine o’clock. A book skittered to the floor as Kurama stood slowly and stretched the kinks out of his back and neck. “Crap,” he muttered under his breath. He’d meant to wait up for Bobby’s return, but clearly he’d fallen asleep reading again. ‘Are the Winchesters back,’ Youko asked. Kurama concentrated on the voices downstairs, but couldn’t make out much. ‘I can’t tell. We’re still breathing; that’s always a good sign.’ Youko snorted, ‘As if a pair of measly ningens would ever get the better of me.’ ‘Careful, Youko,’ Kurama warned. ‘Your pride is what brought us together in the first place.’ Youko didn’t take the bait and remained silent as Kurama prepared to face the day. Kurama dug through the dresser and laid out clean boxers, a black button down shirt, and a pair of blue jeans on the bed. He’d taken a trip with Bobby to the local Wal-Mart on the first day after his arrival. Thanks to the hunter’s generosity, Kurama had a few changes of clothes and basic toiletries. He showered quickly and redressed. Standing front of the mirror, he fixed his long, wet hair as best he could. Kurama performed one final inspection in the mirror before exiting the room. The jeans fit snugly around his waist and hugged his toned thighs. His scarlet locks were secured with a tie at the nape of his neck. He left the first three buttons of the collared black shirt undone leaving a few inches of toned chest exposed. A silver pendant hung just below Kurama’s throat. It was a silver dragon with tiny red gems for eyes. The dragon was coiled protectively around a round black stone. ‘Some things never change,’ Youko mused. ‘You are so vain, Kit.’ ‘You’re a fine one to talk,’ Kurama retorted. Youko snorted, ‘Hiei will kill you if he ever finds out you have that.’ Kurama sighed dejectedly, ‘I know. I should never have taken the damned thing.’ Kurama had found the tear gem during the Dark Tournament. It was lying inconspicuously under his bed the night after Kurama’s fight with Kurasu. Kurama couldn’t remember much from that night; his injuries had been too severe. The gem suggested that Hiei had watched over him that night. Of course, one could also argue that the tear was a result of Hiei’s own injuries. But if that was the case, why was the gem in Kurama’s bed? Kurama sighed, ‘We won’t find out anything sulking around here. The sooner we get home, the sooner we can get some answers.’ ‘Agreed,’ Youko answered. ‘Perhaps one of Bobby’s visitors is the infamous Castiel.’ Bobby was sitting in the kitchen nursing his third cup of coffee when Kurama padded down the stairs. He looked up at his guests and shot one final warning, “That’d be him. Try not to scare him off just yet. If he isn’t human, then we’re still going to need some answers.” Shizuru shrugged nonchalantly and the twins simply glared. “We’ll see,” Hiei answered. Kurama strolled into the kitchen and froze as he saw Bobby’s guests. For a few moments, Kurama allowed himself to believe that Hiei had moved Heaven and Earth to find his fox, but Kurama’s hopes were quickly dashed. The differences between the Hiei at Bobby’s table and the Hiei Kurama knew and loved were quickly apparent. Bobby’s visitors were high B-class yokai. It was too high for Yukina, but also too low for Hiei. Like Kurama, Hiei was a low S-class yokai. This new Hiei had a ward on his forehead suggesting the existence of a Jagan eye, but his arms were bare. Most likely, this Hiei had never mastered the Dragon of the Darkness Flame. All of these thoughts passed through Kurama’s mind in seconds as he made his way towards the stove. “Would anyone like breakfast?” Kurama asked, attempting to appear indifferent to Bobby’s guests. “Cut the crap, Boy,” Bobby replied. “Show our guests that picture you keep in your wallet. These folks work for Lord Koenma and they just might be able to help you.” Steeling himself mentally, Kurama turned back to his teammates’ doppelgangers. Shizuru was staring at him with a cool indifference. Kurama was surprised to find that her spirit power was much higher in this world. If Kurama had to guess she possessed about as much power as Yusuke before Genkai had passed her power onto him. Yukina was openly staring at Kurama like he was some sort of delectable desert. He was used to these sorts of looks at the university, but coming from Yukina it was more than a little bit creepy. Hiei looked from Kurama to Yukina and back to Kurama and growled, “My sister is off limits, Boy.” Kurama stifled a laugh. For one, it was certainly the last thought on his mind. Kissing Yukina would be like kissing his sister. Not that Kurama had a sister, maybe someday… ‘Kit, the picture,’ Youko prompted, snapping Kurama out of his reverie. “I promise, I have no intentions of courting your sister,” Kurama answered and fumbled through his wallet. Yukina growled. “Not that there’s anything wrong with your sister. You are as radiant as the sun, My Lady,” he amended. “Can it, Kid. Nobody likes a kiss ass,” Shizuru replied and snagged the photo from Kurama’s hand. “Damn,” she muttered a few minutes later. “You really were telling the truth?” Kurama nodded, “I came here from another reality. It’s similar to this one, but clearly there are some differences.” “My brother, Kazuma, and his friend Yusuke,” Shizuru pointed to the two boys in the photo, “got into trouble with a yakuza gang a few years back. The gang was expanding territory and putting down roots in our town. The fool, Yusuke, tried to stop him.” Kurama nodded, “It sounds like something Yusuke would do.” Shizuru sighed, “Yeah well, my idiot brother joined him. Something about loyalty and saving little girls and kittens. I tried to stop him; Yusuke’d always been nothing but a worthless punk. Kazuma wouldn’t listen.” A sad small played across Kurama’s lips, “Also, very much like our Kazuma. What happened? I got part of the story from Atsuko, but parts of her explanation were incoherent.” “Yakuza pinned them down in a ramen shop. Kazuma and Yusuke’s girlfriend, Keiko, died in the shoot out. Yusuke died three days while enacting his revenge. He managed to take out the Yakuza’s leader before he was gunned down. The gang left after that. Keiko’s family closed shop and left town. I think Atsuko and I would have done the same if we’d had the money. About a year later I began working for Koenma and met the twins.” Deciding to ease some of the tension following Shizuru’s story, Yukina piped up, “Did someone mention breakfast?” Kurama moved to the refrigerator and began pulling out supplies. He had just begun working on breakfast when Hiei cleared his throat. “There’s one thing that still bothers me about this picture. I can identify everyone here…except you. Just how do you fit in?” Fortunately, Kurama was prepared for this question. “I had gained a reputation for being able to procure rare and often dangerous items.” Kurama slipped Shizuru’s wallet out of his own pocket and leafed through the contents until he found her ID. “Let’s see…Shizuru Kuwabara, age 25, height 174 cm, weight—“ “Hey!” Shizuru yelled and made a futile reach for her wallet. Kurama deftly danced out of Shizuru’s reach and commented, “This really isn’t a very flattering picture of you, by the way.” Shizuru stood so that she could take full advantage of her superior height. She punched Kurama hard on his right bicep temporarily stunning the fox. She used the moment of confusion to steal her wallet back. XxxLine BreakxxX Botan paced nervously in front of a quaint single story home on the Yokosuka naval base. Beside her, Hiei stared at the ferry girl with intense irritation and Yusuke looked expectant. “Well, it seems normal enough,” the former spirit detective commented. Botan nodded absently and continued her inspection of the house. Not much had changed since her last visit. Sure the garden was new and the house had recently received a fresh coat of paint, but that wasn’t what gave her pause. From her position on the opposite side of the street she could clearly read the name “Winchester” painted on the mailbox. Botan glanced at the slip of paper Koenma had given her to verify the address, a definite match. “You guys coming in or are you going to stare all night?” a woman called in heavily accented Japanese. Botan grinned like an idiot and grabbed Yusuke’s shoulder. She rushed to the front door to meet her old friend, dragging Yusuke behind her. “Pam! How are you? It’s been too long.” Botan unceremoniously dropped Yusuke off in front of the porch and rushed to embrace her old friend. Pamela Barnes had been working for Koenma on and off for years. The woman steadfastly refused to join one of Koenma’s Spirit Detective teams, but still provided valuable assistance when needed. Botan had always assumed that she and Koenma had some sort of payment system worked out, but the ferry girl knew better than to ask. The two women separated and Pam took a moment to study Botan’s companions. Her eyes wandered appreciatively over Yusuke and finally settled on Hiei’s ass. “Koenma’s new Spirit Detectives?” “Bingo!” Botan replied enthusiastically. “Allow me to introduce Yusuke Urameshi and Hiei. Boys, meet Ms. Pamela Barnes.” “Former Spirit Detective,” Yusuke corrected. Botan shrugged as if she didn’t recognize the difference. Pam couldn’t help but smile as she watched Hiei and Yusuke stare down Botan. She cleared her throat to get the trio’s attention. Ushering them in the door, Pam corrected Botan, “Actually Botan, it’s Winchester now. My husband is currently on deployment, which is probably a good thing. I haven’t told him about my work for Koenma. Dean knows I work as a psychic, but he just thinks that means I read palms and tarot cards for tourists.” The boys followed Botan into the house and Pam whistled suggestively as Hiei glided past her. The fire demon was looking increasingly uncomfortable as Pam led them to the dining room. Botan and Yusuke selected chairs at the dining room table while Hiei stood near the entrance with his back (and ass) resting against the wall. Pam continued into the kitchen to fix a pot of tea. The girls exchanged gossip until they had finished the tea. Yusuke attempted to remain quiet and polite for once. A sure result of Keiko’s “training” but it was becoming increasingly clear from his body language that he was bored. Pam had offered a cup of tea to Hiei as well, but he was pointedly ignoring it. With a sigh Pam returned the empty tea cups to the sink and rejoined her guests. Addressing Hiei, she stated, “Koenma already told me the basics, but I want to hear it from you.” Hiei shrugged, “Hn. Kurama was walking in front of me and then he disappeared.” Pam glared at Hiei, “Do you think you could be a little more vague?” “There’s nothing more to tell, Pam,” Botan assured her. “Koenma has exhausted all of his resources and we’re still no closer to finding out what happened to him now then when we started.” Pam looked skeptically at Hiei, “Well, I know a few scrying spells that might work, but I’ll need something personal of his.” Hiei pushed away from the wall and removed a small item from the confines of his cloak. As he laid it out on the table, the psychic couldn’t help but laugh. “A rose? Is this some sort of lover’s token?” Yusuke stared at the perfectly preserved dried rose and joined in on her laughter. “You’ve got to admit, Hiei. She has a point.” Hiei’s hand moved stealthily towards his katana and Botan gave him a pleading look. “Please Hiei, no maiming the stupid. Remember the conditions of your parole.” “Some people are only alive because it’s illegal to kill them,” Hiei growled and moved back a few paces. Botan returned her attention to Pam, “You have to understand. In Kurama’s hands, a rose is a very dangerous weapon.” “If you say so,” Pam said and removed a set of keys from her pocket. “We’re going to need pull a few things from storage.” Pam led the trio into the garage and started pointing out boxes to the boys. Yusuke grabbed the majority of the boxes and tossed the last one to Hiei. Hiei caught it easily and headed towards the living room. As he passed Pam, Hiei jumped and let out a quiet yelp. Botan and Yusuke worked to set up a folding table and chairs in the living room. Meanwhile, Hiei stood quietly by the door and stared at Pam, who was drawing circles and runes on a tablecloth. After a few minutes of sketching, Pam consulted a dusty leather-bound book and swept up the tablecloth. She draped it over the table with a satisfied smile and selected a chair. Botan, Yusuke, and Hiei joined her at the table. “What’s next,” Yusuke asked grinning. “Do we join hands and you call out to the spirits while Hiei spews ectoplasm?” “Yusuke!” Botan admonished. “My apologies, Pam. Yusuke watches way too much television.” Pam laughed, “It’s okay Botan, I’m used to people not understanding what it is I do. We’re going to start with a simple scrying spell. I’m going to need your rose Hiei.” “Ningen, what the hell are you doing?”Hiei shouted and bolted from his chair. “I need you to place the rose in the center of the table,” Pam replied calmly and evenly. “Remove your hand or I will remove it, permanently,” Hiei growled. Yusuke glanced under the table and began laughing hysterically, Botan joined in a second later. Hiei turned an alarming shade of red. “Shut up. Ningen, I will not tolerate this behavior.” The room turns deathly silent for a few seconds, and then Yusuke burst into laughing fits again. “I get it,” Yusuke gasped, “it’s because he’s always with Kurama. He’s not used to this sort of attention.” “Is that all you have to say? They’re last words you know?” Hiei growled and launched himself at Yusuke. Botan raised her voice in protest, but before Hiei could kill or maim the idiot both boys were sopping wet. “How about we all try being civil around here?” Pam asked in a saccharine tone. The psychic was holding a now empty water pitcher in one hand. Yusuke blushed and released Hiei’s collar. “Yes Ma’am,” he replied and lowered his head. Meanwhile, Hiei simply grunted and continued to glare daggers at the rest of the group. Pam was wearing a bemused smile. “Now, can we continue with the spell already?” she asked innocently. “Hiei, why don’t you trade seats with me,” Botan suggested. Hiei traded seats without taking his eyes off Pam. “I thought you were married now,” Botan asked Pam. “Married not dead,” Pam laughed. “The shrimp’s way too much fun to mess with, but honestly I would never cheat on Dean. Not only do I love him, his brother’s one of the best divorce lawyers in California. Alright Hiei, I’ll keep my hands to myself. Now, let’s try this again.” XxxLine BreakxxX For every paragraph you see here, there’s two or three more that I deleted. I had difficulties writing alternate versions of these beloved characters. You want/need them to be different, but at the same time you don’t want them to be completely out of character. Reviews are always appreciated.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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