Repetitions of the Future | By : gallygaskins Category: 1 through F > Ashes to Ashes Views: 1491 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ashes to Ashes and I do not earn any money from this fanfiction. |
Chapter 6 – The trail is warming up! DS Ray Carling waltzed into CID with purpose, being the first to arrive he switched on the lights and made his way through the office to the kitchenette in order to make himself a brew. As he walked past the Guv’s office he noticed the snoring form of his boss hunched over his desk, his arms folded under his head supporting it. “Christ!” Ray spat out and went to help him. “Boss, boss?” He called out, edging his way around the DCI’s desk and tentatively beginning to nudge the sleeping figure. Ray pushed Gene’s side; he called out louder hoping to wake him, “Guv’?” Finally Gene was awake. He stretched his whole body up from the desk and began opening his eyes, struggling against the bright lights of the office. “You makin’ a brew?” He asked Ray as he noticed him from the corner of his eye. Ray was soon back on his route march as Gene got up from his chair and followed him. Rubbing his chin he decided he needed to have a shave and found his shaving kit in the drawer by the sink. “Long time since I’ve done this, eh?” He mentioned as Ray carried out the task of making two mugs of steaming hot sweet tea. “Aye, Guv’. Long time since any of us ‘ave. Are you feelin’ any better this mornin’?” “I won’t feel any better ‘til we’ve found Bolly. I’m gonna go and see that Evan bloke, so I’ll leave you in charge for a bit. Need Chris to go over the records for Layton’s boats, those that weren’t seized. ‘Ave this suspicion that he may ‘ave her held captive on one of ‘em.” “Why, boss? ‘E’s got plenty of ‘em lock up’s in Shadwell, shouldn’t we be lookin’ there first?” “Ray, this is one of ‘em moments that I were talkin’ ‘bout yesterday. Alex were shot by Layton, on a boat. She also came to, on one of ‘is boats, remember, that day we found ‘er dressed like a prossie. There’s some connection there but my gut instinct isn’t goin’ to be enough on its own. We need evidence and we need t’ know what we could be up against, need a bit of surveillance.” “Right, ok boss, I’ll get ‘im onto it as soon as ‘e turns in!” “Good, right I’ll swig me tea and be off.” ********** It was hard to imagine that Gene was once more stood in front of the imposing Victorian Villa with the huge black painted door that had once been, was, the childhood home of Alex Drake, Alexandra Price. The last time he had been there he had been the bearer of bad tidings, having to ask Caroline Price why it was that a murdered man had explicit photographs of her with Evan White. He remembered as if it were yesterday, the way Alex had laid into the person he now knew to be her mother. At the time he’d thought she was some kind of lunatic that was a couple of pence short of a pound but he now realised why she had reacted in the way that she had. And quite rightly so, he’d have reacted in a similar way had he been the one in Alex’s shoes. Still, he’d been surprised when they continued with their friendship after that and then finding them in the interview room that day, crying and cuddling. He felt ashamed at what he’d said, but he’d had no idea at the time. He passed through the half open iron gate and found his way up the steps to the front door; he rang the bell waiting patiently, looking around him at the scene that would have greeted Alex when, as a kid, she’d have stepped out of the house to the waiting outside world. It was perfect, so quiet and friendly he hardly believed himself to be in London. The door was opened and there she stood, Alexandra, looking up once more into the face of the man that had shielded her and taken her out of harms way in his arms the day her parents had died. “Hello, little lady. Remember me?” She nodded her head, the tiniest smile creeping over her tear stained face. He looked her over trying to make out the smallest details of comparison of the woman this girl was to turn into. Her hair was lighter than that of her older self but there was no mistaking the eyes, those warm hazel irises that he was forever getting lost in. He coughed, slightly nervous at his minds train of thought whilst attempting to recover his disposition. “Is Mr White about, I need to ask ‘im a couple o’ questions?” She opened the door wider so that he could cross the threshold. Closing the door behind him he stood in the centre of the hallway, waiting for her to return or Evan to appear. Evan soon emerged from the living room, strode over to Gene and put his hand out for Gene to take. “DCI Hunt, thank you for your help so far with the little matter of my guardianship of Alex.” “Gene, please,” he said as he took hold of Evan’s hand and gave it a firm shake. “And as for helping you out, Mr White, it’s a pleasure. I know that Alex will be in safe hands wit’ you.” He wasn’t entirely sure if he liked what he said but his Alex seemed to have been brought up well, Evan must have been able to do something right, with the kid at least. “It’s Evan. Please, come into the dining room. I’ve asked Alex to stay in the living room for the time being in case there is anything we talk about that would be inappropriate in front of her.” Evan walked into the dining room; Gene followed closing the door behind him. “So, what is the problem? What can I help you with?” “It’s Alex,” Gene began realising he needed to correct himself, “DI Drake, she’s gone missin’. I need to ask you a couple o’ questions about events leading up t’ the bomb, is that ok?” “Yes, of course. What do you want to know?” Evan replied, taking a seat at the table. Gene followed suit. “Could you please explain to me why it was that you tendered your resignation the day of the bombing?” “I didn’t believe that what Tim was doing was right. He used every trick he knew to get Layton out on a technicality. After the court overturned the initial ruling, I confronted Tim. We argued. I resigned. I wasn’t prepared to work for a man I couldn’t trust anymore.” “But you still lent ‘im your car?” “Yes, but that was for Caroline really, and Alex. I loved her you know, Caroline. I would have done anything for her. Anything!” “Mmm. So, how come you were sprinting across the common before the bomb went off?” “Alex, DI Drake I mean, when she’d panicked about Tim borrowing my car I couldn’t help myself. I had to get there, for Caroline and Alexandra. I knew Tim was extreme but I’d never have believed he could want to … well … harm his family over one indiscretion.” “Sometimes that’s all it takes, Evan one little indiscretion. It’s enough to send some people over the edge.” “Yes, but not like this.” “I take it then, you were at Wormwood the day before the incident to talk to Layton?” “Yes, Tim was so insistent that he was innocent, I was there to find information that we could use to plead his case. I didn’t like it but then I was still being bullied by Tim at the time.” “Thank you. That’s all I really needed to know, unless … ?” “What, Gene?” “You wouldn’t happen to have any information on Layton would you, possible addresses, accomplices, boats?” “As a matter of fact,” Evan got up from his seat and walked over to his briefcase. He put it on the table, opened it and pulled out a folder. “I thought you’d ask me about him at some point in time, everything is there. I was going to bring it over when I had a moment. Take it with you.” He handed the folder to Gene who thanked him with a nod. Gene got up from his seat readying himself to leave. He stopped and turned back to Evan, he didn’t seem that bad really. Jealousy, Gene decided, was probably one of the main factors that had made him distrust Evan in the first place, the fact that Alex had wanted to spend time with Evan rather than himself. Obviously, he hadn’t known then that he was actually her godfather; he hadn’t known a lot then really. He’d assumed too much. It was now time to give something back. “How’s she coping?” He asked, tipping and nodding his head toward the living room where Alex had been asked to take sanctuary. “Very well, considering. The funeral’s next Friday so I’m expecting a lot of heartache then. We’ve got to wait for the inquest before details of the estate will be released. Everything will come to Alex and I shall need to find out what she wants to do. I think eventually she’ll want to move away from here, a fresh start. It’ll be good for both of us.” Gene nodded, “I think that would be wise, Evan.” He made his way back to the front door and opened it. “Bye then,” he said, turning back to Evan and noticing that Alex had stuck her head around the living room door frame. “Bye little lady.” He smiled. She smiled back and waved. “Goodbye, Gene. Maybe our paths will cross in the future.” “Aye, maybe. You know where I am if ya need anythin’!” It was Gene’s turn to extend his hand. Evan gratefully took it. “Um … before you go, could you give Alex a message when she turns up?” Gene nodded. “She’ll always be welcome if she wants to chat or anything.” Gene nodded again. “I’ll tell her, Evan,” knowing full well that even if he did her mind would be firmly set against it. He descended the steps and turned back noticing the door was now firmly closed. He surveyed the outside of the building before he finally departed. All was at peace, save for a look of anguish on the face of a young girl named Alexandra, the same look he had received on many previous occasions from the woman that he knew as Alex Drake; the woman, he realised at that very moment, he loved very much. ********** At last, Gene had come to rescue Alex, her knight in shining armour, picking her up with such tenderness as she’d laid there completely helpless on the floor. In what seemed like seconds she was safely surrounded by the familiar bodywork of the red Audi Quattro, and within a few more she was in his apartment. He’d carried her again from the car finally settling her on the end of his bed. Miraculously, her leg had healed between being taken from the boat and arriving in Gene’s flat, ‘if only that could happen in real life’ she’d thought. He’d knelt in front of her as he’d done so those few nights before, helping her to take off her boots, telling her that he would let her rest once his task was completed. But rest was the last thing she’d needed especially if she was to be left on her own again. What she needed most was company. She struggled to get up from the bed initially but once she was on two feet she was able to make it across the room to the half open door. She tore it open and strode decisively into the hallway looking for her prey, finding him with her eyes and out manoeuvring him, cornering him quickly. She swiftly closed the distance between them, readying her limbs for action. She wanted him, why was it now he had chosen to be a gentleman? Her arms snaked around his neck pulling his head toward hers as she went in for the kill. A moment later and her mouth was on his, tentatively at first, ascertaining and gauging his reaction to her kiss. It soon became clear that he was responding and she used this opportunity as a sign to take it further. His mouth parted allowing her the access she needed, her tongue darting about seeking out his own. Finally, they found each other and their kiss deepened. He blindly found the kitchen worktop behind him and placed his glass on the side; his hands began their assault on her body, finding her waist first and then moving south to stroke and cup the peaches of her bottom. She moaned; an indication for him to carry on but he felt the need to take back some control if this was what she truly wanted. Reluctantly he pulled away, his bright blue eyes searching her cool hazel orbs, “Alex?” He asked, as she tried to retake his mouth with her own. He pulled his head back to put distance between them, a grim look on his face. “Do you really want this overweight, over-the-hill, nicotine-stained, borderline alcoholic?” Confused by his question she straightened herself up, the length of her body crushing against his by her action. ‘Yes!’ Both her head and her heart screamed before her mouth motioned into gear. “Yes, Gene, the reason I’m here doing exactly this is because I love the overweight, over-the-hill, nicotine-stained, borderline alcoholic, you. And I want to show you just how much! Don’t you want this posh, mouthy tart with a head full of brains and the common sense of a grain weevil?” “Yes!” He exclaimed, “very much so. I’ve wanted you since the first moment I laid my eyes on you, only then I thought you were a prossie, remember?” He grinned. “Lest we forget!” She returned, smiling. “So?” “So … I love you, Bols. An’ I want to show you ‘ow much, but I’m just concerned that this is all because of what happened on that boat. Not two day ago you were tellin’ me that you could only be me friend an’ not my lover!” “That was two days ago. And I was most definitely wrong!” She moulded herself to his body not wishing to let go for fear of not being able to show this man exactly how much he meant to her, she hoped it was enough to show him he was under no illusion and that she wasn’t under the influence of anything narcotic. He questioned her once more with his eyes and she nodded her acceptance of him giving him the green light he needed. It was his turn to now take the initiative, bending his head back to hers and arresting her mouth with his. He urgently pressed on hoping that this wasn’t just some dream, that what he was party to was very real. He pulled away, “Are you really sure about this? There’s no goin’ back for us once we’ve crossed this line.” Smiling generously at him she nodded, this was what she wanted and it felt right. Never before had it felt so right, not even when Molly was conceived had it felt like this. Thankfully, her reaction to him was enough, Gene hauled her bodily into his arms, his hands supporting her buttocks as she crossed her legs around the back of his waist. They kissed again as they crossed the short distance from the kitchen into the bedroom only stumbling as they reached the bed, falling tangled onto the mattress beneath them. Their clothes strewn all over the room, their love making done and their bodies spent, they curled together into their familiar blissful pose. Gene kissed the top of Alex’s head and brought her closer to him never wanting to let her go. “I love you, Alex Drake, I ain’t never goin’ t’ let you go!” Alex smiled, “and I love you, Mr Hunt!” She said, safe in the knowledge that there was nothing that could part them. A look of contentment shone over Alex’s face as she woke from her nights sleep. She knew she’d dream of Gene and wasn’t disappointed at the resulting images that had invaded her mind. It had almost been like he had been watching over her saving her from misery and disappointment, making it seem as if he really was her guardian angel, always there to look after her even if he couldn’t physically be there with her. She just prayed that it wouldn’t be long before he found her and then she could truly tell him how she felt about him. She no longer cared that she may have to leave him at some point, she only cared that she told him and if they acted on it then … so be it. Life was too damn short if you looked at it in perspective, having him for a short time was surely better than never having him at all. She was resolved; it would be the first thing she would tell him. Providing of course, that she ever got out of this situation alive. ************ Gene strolled back into the office and dropped Layton’s case file on Chris’ desk. “Christopher, that is the case file from the Prices’ legal team on Layton, go through it there may be something interesting in it. Something that will give us some clues. Do we know anything about these boats of his?” “Err, yes Guv! The two we impounded were ‘Lady Di’ and ‘Prince Charlie’, there’s four more.” “Ok, Ray get surveillance down to the …” Ray cut him off, “already covered, Guv’! But nothing happenin’ yet.” Gene did a double take. Did he really just hear that his DS had taken the initiative? Still not quite believing it he asked him, “is there anything else I should know?” “Yes, Guv’!” Ray answered, his smug grin firmly planted on his face, his arms crossed over his chest as he lent back in his chair, “Layton wasn’t the only one to be freed by Tim Price, Edward Markham was too.” “Shit,” Gene exclaimed, “that up’s the game plan a bit!” “Why?” Chris asked. “Because I shot him in the foot?” “No, Ms Drew,” Gene spat out in exasperation. “This is more than just personal now, this is about losing money. This is about business!” ************ Twilight was falling over London when Alex was once again treated to Layton’s company and a fish and chip supper. “I can’t keep eating this stuff,” she exclaimed, “I’ll end up the size of a house!” “Don’t worry, Alex. Everything will soon be over. Now,” he started, sitting on the chair in the middle of the room, “I need you to tell me a few things about the future.” “Like what?” She said, her feisty nature rising to the surface. “You’ve said some strange things to me in the past, Alex. I just want to know what you meant by them.” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you!” Layton got off the chair and kneeled down directly in front of her, shoving her legs out to each side he moved between them. Taking both of her wrists in his left hand he positioned them above her head. He had a knife in his right hand and put that to her throat, “try me!” He breathed out menacingly. Too frightened to move, Alex conveyed her story to him, he laughed at her but didn’t disbelieve her, he was going to get his empire back if it was the last thing he did. “You should’ve died before, Alex. In the car when the bomb went off. I wonder who I was blackmailing.” “I have absolutely no idea!” Alex stammered. He let her arms go and grabbed her chin with his now free hand. “Maybe this’ll make you think,” his mouth sunk down on hers with a force that she couldn’t handle, his tongue forced her mouth open and their teeth clashed as he carried on his tirade. She tried to escape but she hadn’t the strength, her arms felt like lead as the blood was still trying to drain back into them from being above her head, they were no use. He’d straddled her legs and his weight meant that she couldn’t fight back there either. He pulled back, ending the kiss, and looked into her fearful wide eyes, “You taste good … Bolly!” He watched as a loan tear escaped Alex’s eye and rolled down her cheek. “Don’t know what you’re worried about. Gene will soon find you; you’ll be together soon enough!” And with that he was gone, shutting her off from the outside world. She lay down on her bed and wept. Layton’s cruel assault had made her weary and she longed for sleep. She didn’t want to eat, his taste was still in her mouth and no matter what she’d done she knew she’d still be able to taste him. But the thing that worried her most wasn’t what he’d done or what he was yet capable of, it was what he’d said, he was setting up a trap and she was the honey pot. She called out to him, “please be careful, Gene. Layton is capable of anything. He wants to destroy you.” *********** Two undercover officers sat in their unmarked car, shadowed by the derelict factory that towered above them. Watching the boat intently, they recorded their findings and radioed the station. Layton had been spotted going onto the ‘Prince Eddie’ and within ten minutes he had gone back to his car and driven off. He’d taken a packet resembling a wrapped up supper from a chip shop along with a drinks can onboard. When he left he carried nothing. The information was relayed to DCI Gene Hunt, who decided to deploy resources to that boat. A shift pattern was set up, Gene wanted to make sure this wasn’t a one off, he wanted proof that someone was aboard that boat and Layton was the one keeping them there against their will. “Bear with me, Bolly,” he whispered, “I’ll find you soon enough!” It was then that she appeared in his head, all insistent as usual, she began pleading with him. “Please be careful, Gene. Layton is capable of anything. He wants to destroy you.” “Does he?” He mocked, “well, he’ll have to get up bloody early to come anywhere close to destroying the Gene Genie!”
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