Sarah vs the porno | By : KrazyIvan Category: 1 through F > Chuck Views: 15948 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Chuck and don't make any money from it |
An unexpected power failure from a blown transformer at the studio gave the crew a few days off, and although Sarah didn't go to the studio during that time, she and Alex still kept in touch via telephone and text messages. Sarah wanted to keep close contact with Alex and had a schedule of talking to him at least twice a day. She would specifically make the last call late in the evening, to give him the impression that she was the last person she would talk to at night. In reality, after she hang up with him, she used the down time to study some of the data the techs had been able to retrieve from Patlov’s computer, and also briefed Graham on current developments. She also further continued her manipulation of Alex by talking about the scene coming up, and how much she was looking forward to it.
Alex was beginning to develop real feelings for Sarah, which was exactly what she wanted to happen. Each day he looked forward to going to seeing or talking with her, not only because of her beauty, but because he though she was one of the most genuine and kindest people he had ever met.
Sarah for her part felt no emotional attachment to Alex at all. Her only concern was the mission, and depending on the current progress, would increase or decrease her displayed affection for him accordingly. In times like these when physical contact between the two of them was a rarity, she would amp up her needy girl talk to make him think she missed him.
She was nothing if not pragmatic in her approach to the upcoming event. Due to the change in circumstances, and her extended stay trying to track the warhead through Patlov’s computer, there was no way she could get out of doing the scene with Alex now. Her cover would be blown in an minute, and all of her progress would have been for naught. She began to develop a strategy that would enable her to, not only accomplish her mission, but also exploit other avenues to use in case Patlov got suspicious of her activities. She knew that the only real way for her to control the situation would be to turn Alex against his father, but that was not a trivial matter. She had planted the seeds for it earlier however, by exploiting his desires and agreeing to do the upcoming scene with him.
It was a risk, like all missions, but a calculated one. She knew that he was free of diseases, so she had no fear of that, but pregnancy was another issue. She had the implant, which would protect her, but the renewal date was now becoming a factor. She would not have an opportunity to get away and renew before the scene was to be shot, and trying to delay could jeopardize the mission. She knew that she would have to do it, but it didn't mean that she would become pregnant. She debated bringing up the topic of condoms with Alex, but she had reservations because she could see he was becoming more bold as their sessions went on. If she challenged him on this, he might become unpredictable, and if he was unpredictable then he would be difficult to control. Her only option then was birth control, but she knew her implant was wearing off, so she needed to get some pills. She contacted the agency a few days ago for a shipment and advised them that she needed them immediately.
She was just getting settled for the evening when she heard a knock on her door.
"Bryce! What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I missed you," he said as he pushed his way inside.
"Bryce you need to get out of here before somebody see's you," she said.
"Relax, Graham thinks I'm in Mexico."
"I'm not talking about Graham! I'm talking about someone from the studio."
"Oh you mean the porn company. If I didn't know better I might think you are enjoying this," he said smirking.
"Oh get over yourself. It's just a mission Bryce," she said.
"Yes. One which you ordered birth control pills for," he said as he tossed her the pills from his pocket.
"C'mon Bryce. You are getting all moral on me now? Mr. I stick my dick in anything" she fumed.
"I'm just here to make sure you are being careful," he said.
She knew it was a lie, Bryce was there because of his ego. Deep in her heart she knew that she didn't love him, or did he love her for that matter, he was only there for his own selfish reasons. Sarah had witnessed this pattern before with him, every time they were on a mission together that required her to seduce a mark, he always would insist on fucking her later. He used to approach like he was concerned about her and he wanted to make sure that she was ok. In reality all it really was a way for him to reassure himself that he was better then the other guy she just fucked. He would come on all sweet and concerned, she would feel guilty about her seduction, and it would lead to them in bed. As a matter of fact she got so tired of it that she just gave in to get it over with.
"Well thank you for your concern. I appreciate it," she said. Signaling to Bryce that she was ready to give him what he wanted.
"How appreciative," he asked with a smile as he unzipped his fly.
"You're such an ass," she said as she looked at his cock.
"Yes I am," he said as she knelt in front of him.
"You will be out of my hair for the rest of this mission," she said as she gripped his cock in her hand.
"Only if you swallow," he smirked.
"You dick," she murmured as she popped him in her mouth.
"Yes ma'am."
Unknown to the two lovers, across the street a lone figure was feverishly snapping pictures and recording their event.
24 hours later Patlov sat alone in his office contemplating his next move. He had recently got some unsettling information about his son's favorite costar, and was contemplating the best method to deal with it. Ordinarily he would just kill her, but he sensed a golden opportunity, as this information would clearly upset Alex, and that's what he needed. He was looking for ways to shape his son in his image and needed his so to despair. Despair leads to anger, and anger leads to ruthlessness, and ruthless was what Alex needed to be if he was ever going to take over Patlov's empire. He did not rise to his position by being a trusting soul, so when his son's fascination with Sarah really took off, he checked her out. The first few days they found nothing, but when Bryce came around, they were able to trace his identity and in a few short hours, had hers as well.
"You wanted to see me," Alex said as he stood outside his father's office.
"Yes come in and close the door" Patlov said without turning his attention from the computer screen.
Alex did as he was instructed and stood in front of his father's desk, until Patlov finished typing on his computer, and finally acknowledged his son.
"Here," Patlov said as he then a picture across the desk.
"What is this," Alex asked as he picked it up and looked at a picture of Sarah and Bryce in the throes of passion.
"It's the new girl Sarah. With her boyfriend," Patlov smirked.
"Her boyfriend? But I don't...I don't...," Alex mumbled exasperatedly.
"This was taken last night. What did you think you were special?" Patlov laughed as he saw his sons eyes begin to get misty.
"It gets worse, my sources tell me this girl is some sort of cop!"
Alex was in shock as he saw Sarah getting fucked by Bryce, and felt his blood boil with rage.
"So what do you propose I do about it," he asked his son.
"What do you mean?"
"The girl is playing you," he said.
"No I don't believe...,"
"Grow up boy! She is using you to get to me! You think she has any real feelings for you? Look," he said as he threw the pictures at him.
Patlov's phone rang and interrupted him from his continue berating of his son.
Alex was seething with anger as his mind seemed to work in slow motion. The sound of his father's screaming voice was drowned out as confusion swirled in his mind.
How could she do this to him? Was she just acting the whole time? Was his father right and she was just using him?
He knew that Sarah was an actress, but somewhere deep inside he felt maybe that her intentions and friendly interactions with him were genuine. He thought maybe she was different from all the other girls at the company who were just trying to become his father's next mistress, but she was not. As he thought about how much she had pushed him, he could easily deduce from her actions that she wanted something from his father, and was therefore just using him the whole time, but something inside of him was holding on to her. He didn’t want her to die, but he knew that his father would be pressing for that, so he needed to find a way to formulate a plan, that could ultimately satisfy his father’s lust for revenge, and win him his spoils.
As his father droned on, Alex’s vision began to crystalize in his head. Despite the evidence presented to him, in his mind, Sarah was in play. She may have a boyfriend, but that didn't mean that she was not going to be his. Over the last few sessions with her, Alex had become obsessed with her, and his desire for her was animalistic in its intensity. He knew in an instant what he wanted to do. He wanted to impregnate Sarah. He wanted to connect himself with her for the rest of their lives and one sure way to do it was to make her the mother of his child. She would be his.
His father wanted him to be a man and man would handle it this way, he thought to himself. In any competition between men to the victor goes the spoils. Even in the animal kingdom once a male wins the battle he mates with the female. Alex was going to be mating with Sarah, and he wanted his breeding rights!
His father slammed the phone down after his conversation and quickly resumed his assault.
"I'm going to have her killed!"
"No don't! Please." Alex pleaded as he tried to stall his father.
"Why? Let you deal with it? You don’t have the balls boy," Patlov screamed.
Alex was angry with Sarah, but he did not want her to die, and he needed to make sure his father understood that he could handle the situation
"No. I know what I want to do, but I need your help," Alex said.
Patlov had never seen the expression on his son's face, his eyes had a definitive rage in them.
"Go on," Patlov said.
"I will need your help with the planning, but this is what I want to do," Alex said and then went about explaining his plan to his father, who was clearly impressed by his son's thoughts.
"Will you help me dad," Alex finally asked after finishing.
""I have a meeting this week in Canada. You will go with me and we will work on your plan."
Father and son boarded the airplane and began preliminary work Alex’s plan for revenge on Sarah, and Patlov was very much impressed with his son’s ability to for deception and planning. Alex for his part was still feeling torn with his feeling for Sarah. Even though she had used him, he was still driven by a powerful lust that he had for her. In a strange way felt almost glad that she was using him, because it gave him a way to justify what he really wanted to do to her
The plan was relatively simple, and was geared toward impregnating Sarah. The first thing that Alex needed to do was make sure that the birth control Sarah was on would be "less then effective". He went about this by securing some experimental fertility drugs that his father sold in Eastern Europe. They were not approved for sale in the United States because proper testing had not been done on it. The highly controversial drug stimulated the corpus luteum to such a high degree that it basically turned women into baby factories, releasing so many a hormones that it was unable to be accurately tested for safety.
The only hurdle was that he needed to get Sarah to take them somehow, but how would he be able to do that was the issue. The pills had the same size and appearance of the of normal birth control pills, so they would be easy to switch out, but how?
"I have an idea," Patlov said.
He explained that since Alex was his son, he would require Sarah to provide the onsite "medical official" proof of birth control. The logic being that his empire needed to be protected from any bastard grandchildren. She would be required to bring the pills to Marina, who would then take them to the official, who would swap them out.
"Why Mom," Alex asked.
"Because Sarah trusts your mother. She would never suspect her."
Satisfied that would work, they move on to issue number two. He needed to keep Sarah longer to guarantee her successful fertilization, and that she would be forced to keep the baby. His father would help with that, by offering up little nuggets of information that would necessitate her being assigned longer, and preclude her from going off and having an abortion.
"Now what about your story," Patlov asked.
Alex went over the final draft of his scene and nearly blew his load as he thought about it finally coming to fruition. The basic plot was that he was a farmer visiting a temple of the goddess of fertility to offer a sacrifice for a bountiful harvest. Sarah would be playing a temple priestess whom Alex would offer the sacrifice to, and through an act of sexual congress with the farmer, the priestess would transform into the goddess. Then by "spilling his seed" in the goddess, the sacrifice would be complete and the farmer would have a very successful harvest. Alex was looking very forward to spilling his seed over and over again inside of Sarah.
The first step in the fertilization sacrifice, was the ritualistic cleansing. Both sexual organs that would be used needed to be purified before the event could take place. Stephanie, the girl from Sarah’s first day of filming, would be playing another Priestess, and she purify his organ, but Alex wrote specifically in the script, that only he could purify Sarah's. He wrote the scene so that they would fuck multiple times, each time he would cum inside of her, and was hopeful that the fertility drug would have done its job, and overridden any kind of birth control Sarah would have taken.
"This is sounding very interesting Alex. Are you sure you are up for it," Patlov asked eyeing his son with suspicion.
Sarah was just settling in for the evening when she received a text from Alex.
Need to go with my dad on a trip for a few days. Be back on Saturday. Will shoot scene on Saturday night.
The text from Alex was highly unusual and signaled to Sarah that something was awry. It was possible that she had been made by one of Patlov's men and it was only a matter of time until they moved on her. She advised Graham of the situation via secure database and waited for his response. 20 minutes later the screen on her laptop flickered to life and Graham came on, and after addressing he concerns, waited for him to respond.
"I understand your concerns Sarah, but we see this as a golden opportunity."
"How so sir?"
"Patlov is most likely going to a meeting in Nova Scotia. We believe that the negotiation for the arms deal will go down there. The fact that he is taking his son with him, and given Alex's fondness for you, will enable us to get a better indication of what Patlov’s final objective is."
"But sir what about the possibility that my cover has been compromised?"
"Well there has been no chatter on any of the usual sites that are indicative of your cover being blown. So at this time we will continue operations. You need to stay on the mission Walker. We are hearing chatter that Patlov maybe into something more then just weapon smuggling.”
"What do you mean sir?"
"Well it appears that Patlov may plan on using the device himself. I need you to stay on him Sarah. Request for leave is denied."
“I understand sir," Sarah replied.
"I appreciate it Sarah. I knew I could always count on you," he said as he switched off his feed.
A few minutes later she got a text from Marina inviting her for lunch the next day, which further alerted her spy sense that something was wrong. Despite what Graham said, Sarah remained highly suspicious about the timing of Alex's trip with his father. The entire scenario just screamed danger to her, and she felt that something had changed. She thought back and realized that the text came right after Bryce had been there. This had to be more than just a coincidence. She had swept her apartment for bugs, every night when she got home, but obviously she had missed something. Her backstory was airtight so the only thing that could have caused this was Bryce.
I'm so frigging stupid! Sarah thought to herself as she put it all together.
Frustrated at Graham's ignorance of her concerns, She decided to gauge Marina’s behavior at lunch the next day, and decide on her next course of action after that.
The next day Sarah could see that Marina seemed uncomfortable just waiting in the restaurant for her. She couldn't be sure if Marina knew anything, but she clearly had ulterior motives than just lunch, so she played along.
"Sarah! How are you! Is good to see you," Marina said in broken English as she warmly embraced her.
"I'm doing well. How are you," Sarah replied as she returned the embrace and they sat down.
"Very good! Thank you for coming."
"My pleasure. So what can I do for you?"
"I just thank you again for your help with Alex. He been very happy since you work with him," Marina smiled.
"Well he is a good kid."
"Yes he is. He talks about you all the time. He like you.”
"Well I like him too," Sarah replied returning her smile to keep Marina at ease.
"So what do you need to talk to me about," Sarah said forcing the issue.
"I sorry Sarah, but his father wanted...he wanted me to ask make sure that..,"
Sarah needed to keep her relationship with Marina strong, and needed to exploit her trust if she wanted to Gabon any useful information. So she wanted to act like a concerned friend to her, and exploit her for all she was worth.
"Just say it Marina," Sarah said while clutching her hand.
"His father want to make sure that you don't have accident, so he want me to verify you protected from getting pregnant," Marina said.
"Oh yes. Don't worry Marina I have pills," Sarah said.
"I told him this, but he want me to take the pills to doctor to be verified," Marina replied.
"I'm sorry Sarah, but he no trust anybody. He is such a monster..,"
"Marina it's ok. I understand, here you can take them to be verified by your doctor," Sarah said as she gave her the pills.
"Thank you Sarah. I get them verified today and have them back to you today."
"No problem."
"Thank you. Oh Sarah you save my son" Marina said.
"Oh nothing, I think he really likes you. Wants you only for himself! Let’s go to spa. You like the spa?"
"Sure. Everybody likes a spa," Sarah laughed.
“So I drop these off at doctor and then we go," Marina smiled again as they got up to leave.
Sarah just nodded along, but the information was very valuable. If Alex was keeping her away from the set when he wasn't there, then it meant to her that he was really smitten, and therefore under her control. Even if Patlov did make her, it was possible that that Alex could still be useful to her. He could possible still be used against his father, but now it would be much more difficult for her to work him. Sarah tried to probe Marina for more information regarding the unscheduled trip that Alex was taking with his father, but Marina really didn't have much information. The only thing she knew for sure was that they were going to a meeting in Canada for a few days, but what that meeting was in regards to, she didn't know.
"Oh here I almost forgot," Marina said as she handed her the pills back.
"The doctor said everything is good," she smiled.
After returning from lunch, Sarah went back to her apartment and tried to sort through her options. The safe play would be to abort the mission and find another way to get Patlov, but on the other hand, if Patlov did intend to use a nuclear weapon, then Sarah had the best chance to stop him. The only way for her to do that was to get to Alex, but now that her cover could be blown, trying to turn Alex would be almost impossible. She needed to bring something to the table that he would not be able to resist.
She put her purse down on the nightstand and her birth control pills spilled out of their bottle. Apparently the doctor forgot to close them properly she thought to herself, but when she went to pick them up, she noticed something was slightly different. The pills looked to be of a slightly different texture then she remembered. Given the possibility that Patlov might know about her real identity now, she decided to get them tested.
Alex would be back in 3 days and she needed the results before they shot the scene, so she had to act quickly. She couldn't afford to bring an agency courtier around, so she used one of her old contacts. Later that evening, after ensuring that there was no surveillance on her, Sarah took a run through a nearby park and dropped her pills into a mailbox, which belonged to the closest house bordering the park, then took out her phone and made a call.
“Its me. I need your help.”
“Officially or unofficially?”
“Understand. I’m on my way.”
Sarah ended the phone call, then after retuning home, debated about what to do with Marina.
Is it possible that Marina knew that those pills had been changed, and if so was she a willing participant? The answer to that question was yes, of course it was possible, but then why would she still be able to act so calm around me Sarah thought.
She could not be sure about Marina’s motivation, of course she could be getting played, but Sarah sensed that at her heart Marina was a good woman. She weighed out the possibilities and broke everything down into certainty and variables. There were many variables, but one overwhelming certainty.
The one thing Sarah was sure about was that Marina loved her son, and had spent years in close proximity to a scumbag like Patlov, just to ensure that she would be able stop him from turning into his father. Helping Patlov kill Sarah would seem to go against her nature.
Thank you for saving my son...Marina’s words kept echoing in her head.
Was Marina that devious? Could she be setting her up? She needed to find out quickly.
One of Marina’s jobs when Patlov was gone was to handle day-to-day operations of the company, and sign off on all new hires. She was very good at managing money, and was the reason that the porn company was the only one of his legitimate business that made money. Before Patlov had left for Canada, he had put out another casting call for girls, which they had been interviewing for this week.
The next morning, Sarah was in the office talking to Marina, when the same sleazy casting director who interviewed her interrupted them.
"My apologies ma'am. But the new girl is here," he said as he adjusted his fly.
"Show her in."
A tall red haired beauty slowly sauntered into the room.
"Here she is ma'am. This is Carina.”
"Carina. Nice to meet you," Marina said while extending her hand.
"Nice to meet you too."
"This is Sarah," Marina said motioning to Sarah.
"Sarah. A real pleasure," Carina said while shaking her hand.
"Me too," Sarah replied.
Later that day Sarah tried desperately to make contact with Alex. She had been texting him every few hours, but he had yet responded to any of them, which was another red flag for Sarah and her seasoned mind analyzed the situation.
He was clearly avoiding her, which meant that he must be hurt. Alex was young, and angry young men tend to vocalize or display their anger in some way, but young men that are emotionally hurt, tend to internalize. So if what Marina said was true, and she thought that he really liked Sarah, then Alex going quiet would most likely mean that he was more hurt than angry. Now the question became how could she manipulate that hurt. Could she still be able to turn him against his father? She thought to herself.
She reread the new script that he sent her before he left, and was mildly surprised to see how far Alex was going with this impregnation fantasy. It also gave her a bit of comfort though, because why carry this so far, if Patlov was planning on killing her.
Suddenly an encrypted text message came in on her phone.
Tested sample is not birth control pills. Sample is consistent with fertility enhancement.
"Son of a bitch," she said.
This was better news then she could of hoped for, and that meant that Sarah could still possibly be able to turn him. The new story, coupled with the fertility pills signaled to her that, although more difficult than before, she could still control him, provided she use the correct motivation. She picked up her phone and sent him a text, and although he had not responded to any lately, if she was right about him, he would defiantly respond to this one.
5 minutes later she smiled as her phone signaled an incoming reply.
Alex had spent the last few days in Canada trying to learn the family business from his father, but felt more like he was in the way. His father would be in meetings where Alex was relegated to sitting in the corner, and the excessive boredom began to fill his head with thoughts of Sarah. He had tried his best to shake thoughts of her from his mind, but despite her betrayal, he still found himself thinking about her. He had been reluctant to return Sarah's texts for the last two days, but his will was weakening. The last few days his father’s constant presence was a successful deterrent, but now that Patlov was heavily occupied in the meeting, and Alex just sitting in the corner, the temptation was really beginning to wear him down. He heard his phone buzz and looked down at the screen to a message that instantly got his cock hard.
I miss the feeling of you between my legs...I can't stop thinking about it...
Feeding into the ego of an 18 year old, Sarah pushed further.
As he was debating weather or not to respond, she sent him another text that just about blew him out of the water.
I want you back here now. I love the feel of your tongue inside of me, and I can't wait to have you inside of me. Nobody has ever been as good as are ruining me for other men.
Alex couldn't fight it anymore.
I'll be back day after tomorrow. He responded.
Getting Alex to respond to her was a big win for Sarah, now she needed to keep the momentum going by dangling the "proverbial stick" in front of him, and know she knew what to use. As soon as she read his script she saw a possible avenue to her mission goals, and like a master puppeteer, began to pull Alex's strings.
I can't stop thinking about the scene. The way you wrote it was so hot!
I can't wait to do it!
Me neither
I was thinking we should do a dress rehearsal when you get back. If you want to
A dress rehearsal?
Yeah. Just something for us before we shoot the scene. Help work out the bugs. What do u think?
It took Alex all of 3 seconds to respond.
Yeah I think that's a good idea.
Now she went in for the kill.
Also I been thinking about this, and it's up to you of course, but I don't think you should wear a condom.
Alex just about chocked as he struggled to type his response
Why not?
I think it's hotter without it! We have both been tested and are clean...Besides what kind of fertility ceremony would require a
Oh god this is even better then I could imagine, Alex thought to himself. He tried to remain cool, but his garbled reply gave Sarah an indication that she hit her mark.
WWhy whatt aboutg pregnancy?
I'm on the pill..and if something should happen I guess I'll be in milf movies lol...what do you think?
Are you sure about this?
Yes. As long as you are ok with it. Are you ok with it?
His reply just confirmed what she already knew.
Alex quickly closed his phone when he heard his father finish up his meeting. Alex and Sarah kept up texting each chance they could get.
The next two days were a whirlwind for Alex and he couldn't talk to Sarah as his father was constantly around, so they continue to text back and forth. Once Sarah read the script and saw how descriptive Alex was on his writing, she knew that the dress rehearsal would be her chance to get back control. She could not allow his father to be there, because she needed Alex totally focused on her. She went about arranging it, so that everything would be ready for him the night he arrived back, because she needed to get to him before he had anytime to second guess her intentions.
Patlov was spending one more week in Canada, so she arranged with Marina to close the studio for their rehearsal.
Alex boarded his father's private plane for home and tried to contain himself as he thought about what was going to happen when he landed. By the time the plane had reached its cruising altitude he was almost delirious with lust.
Not only was he going to fuck Sarah, but also he was not going to fuck her without a condom, an she was taking her "special" birth control pills.
My God what if it happens? What if I get her pregnant tonight?
He was practically bursting by the time the plane landed, and couldn't wait to get to Sarah.
Marina had the car that picked him up at the airport drop him off at the studio, and he was surprised to see two large curtains, and only a single light on.
"Hi are you Alex?"
"Yes. Who are you?"
"Oh sorry I'm Carina. Your mom just hired me this week. Stephanie called out sick so I'm filling in as the priestess tonight if that's ok?"
"Yeah sure."
"Sarah is in the back waiting for you. She had been going nuts getting everything together for tonight. You must be pretty important to her," Carina said with some emphasis as she pointed behind the curtains.
"Ah ok," he replied shyly.
"Well whenever your ready we will be just through the curtains there. Sarah suggested to start with the purification scene and then move to the actual fertilization scene, I that's ok with you?"
"Ah yeah sure," he replied.
"Ok well the pool is all set up, so I'll see you in a few," Carina said as she headed back behind the curtains.
Alex put down his things and then walked through the curtains. There was a small pool set up, and what looked like a stairway leading up from one end of it, leading up to a darkened hallway.
There was a sign written above the pool that said all mortals entering the sacred pool must be purified and no animal skins shall adorn your body.
Alex quickly removed his cloths and waded into the water.
"Are you ready," Carina called out.
"I’m ready," Alex said.
Alex was standing in the pool in a naked, while Sarah, wearing a robe, was lead down to the pool by Carina.
"The goddess will be purified now," Carina said as she removed Sarah’s robe to reveal her magnificent breasts encased in a white bra that looked overmatched trying to contain them, and a tight white thong.
Sarah submerged herself in the water 3 times and then rose up and then lay back on a slightly elevated cushion, that was by the edge of the pool. The cushion was cordoned off and acted as their "sacred chamber" inside the temple where the copulation would take place.
Alex saw that her thong and bra had now become completely transparent and her hard nipples and swollen lips were clearly visible through the thin fabric. His lust overtook him, and he reached out for her as she was leaving the pool, but Carina stopped him.
"What," he said as she restrained him.
"You need to be cleaned and purified before you can lay with the goddess," Carina said as she approached him with a jar of oil.
Alex's hard cock began to grow and sprang into view, as he watched Sarah. Carina saw it rise above the water as she approached, and did a double take.
"The goddess will be most pleased," she smiled while improvising the line.
"Bow down ," Carina said and pushed him down and poured the oil down on his head. She rubbed it into his hair and down his back, and then began to massage his cock.
"The instrument must be purified before it can be placed into the goddess," Sarah said from her chair as Carina knelt down in the water in front of him and grabbed his cock and began to pump it.
Sarah stared in rapt fascination as Alex's cock seemed to grow expediently in Carina's hand, and she had a wicked thought that even though she would really have to sell this tonight, she might not have to try that hard.
Alex bucked his hips to match Carina's pace, and She wrapped both hands around his massive shaft and began pumping faster and faster. She had many on screen lovers and many of the athletes, but none of them were ever hung as well as this kid.
Suddenly Alex arched his back.
"Oh God ..Oh Yessssssssss," he came with a tremendous orgasm which shot glob after glob of his seed up into the air and down into the pool and on Carina's face.
“The instrument has ben purified
"And now your seed must be purified as well. You may purify his seed," Sarah said as Carina opened her mouth and took him inside.
"oh ...oh god yeah,” he cried as he began to move his hips to match Carina's pace, all while looking directly at Sarah.
Sarah’s blue eyes never left his as Carina worked more and more of him into her mouth, while he ran his fingers through her hair.
“I love how you fuck me with those eyes… ,” he moaned looking at Sarah.
Carina continued her pace until she felt him begin to tense, and then increased her pace and deep throated him, while he held her tightly.
“I’m there…o",” he cried as he erupted inside of her mouth, and she swallowed all of his seed, then after stroking him a few more times, stood up to face Sarah.
"The seed has been purified my goddess. It is ready to rest in your womb," Carina said.
"Very good. He may approach," Sarah said.
Carina took Alex by the hand and led him to the edge of the pool, directly in front of Sarah.
"On your knees mortal," Carina said as she pushed him down, which aligned his mouth directly with Sarah's pussy.
"What is your request," Sarah asked him as she slightly parted her legs.
"I want to beg the goddess for a bountiful harvest," Alex said with lust filled eyes.
"What you ask requires purification of both the mortal flesh and the divine. The mortal flesh has been purified, but the divine remains umpire. Are you prepared to complete the purification ritual?"
"Yes my goddess. I am ready to feed off the nectar of your mortal body and purify your divine femininity," he moaned.
"Then feed from my body, and make me pure," she said as she grabbed his oily hair and pulled him towards her pussy.
"All for your glory my goddess," he said as he pulled her to him, and opening wide, took her pussy into his mouth.
“Oh yes...oh,” she cried as he began to suck on her through the thin fabric.
“Oh god please...oh please more please,” she cooed as he continued his feed.
He felt her legs widen to allow him further access, and stooping only to remove the thong completely, he then resumed eating her. When felt his tongue on her now naked pussy, she began to force his head deeper into her.
he sunk his tongue further and further into her, eliciting high moans of passion to escape from her lips.
“Oh god oh ...," she cried as she reached the pinnacle of her passion and waves of pleasure engulfed her and spread out through every inch of her body. He continued devouring her sex until she pulled him up and kissed him passionately. On his tongue she could taste her sweetness and she moaned with pleasure as he unclasped her bra and began to suckle from her breasts.
“Oh Alex….oh it so good baby...oh yes,” she cried as he began to lick and lightly bit her nipples while using his hands to gently kneed them.
"It's time for the fertilization," Carina called out as she pulled Alex off of Sarah.
Suddenly the gentle manipulation a of we breasts stopped and Sarah felt him leave. She opened her eyes and almost felt a tinge of jealousy when Carina was standing with Alex.
"The goddess is now ready to be penetrated. The goddess has been purified and the Devine womb is ready to be fertilized," Carina said as she helped Sarah adjust herself of the cushion, then knelt down behind her.
"Come forward mortal and announce your request one more time," Carina said.
Alex approached and stood over them.
"I wish for a successful harvest," Alex said looking down at a naked Sarah, with eyes glazed over with lust.
"Your request requires you to ask the goddess for permission to claim the divine womb. Is that what you want," Carina said.
"Yes," Alex said looking directly into Sarah's eyes.
"Will the goddess grant this mortals request, an allow him to claim her womb." Carina asked.
"Yes I grant his request. This mortal may claim my womb," Sarah said.
"Very well. The goddess has allowed your request and you may begin. On your knees mortal," Carina said as she reached up from behind, and slightly pulled Sarah's legs apart allowing Alex access.
Alex immediately kneeled between Sarah's legs and positioned his cock head directly over her moist pussy.
"Are you ready for me?"
"Yes," she moaned as she felt his cock begin to slide into her.
He pushed himself inside and in one instant laid claim to her womb. The lubrication from the mixture of oil, saliva, and water was more then sufficient to facilitate penetration.
"Oh god," she moaned as he gripped her hips and impaled her with his pole, squealing as he slid inside, feeling his cock burrow down deep.
"That's it go slow...oh...oh God...oh yes...slow...oh yes...oh my God," she cried as he slowly sank himself into her.
She could feel her pussy stretch as it tried to accommodate this huge organ again being forced deep inside. Her eyes widened as she felt his cock go deeper and deeper. It filled her completely and almost seemed like it would break her in half, as it just kept pushing forward. Finally, she felt the invasion end as their pubic bones met and his cock rested close to her cervix. He lay motionless on top of her for a minute, just adjusting to the new feeling of Sarah's pussy, then very slowly began to thrust.
"Oh Alex," she moaned as he continued to slowly pump in and out.
She was losing control now, and when Alex picked up his pace, she inadvertently let something slip.
"Oh feels so good..I feel so," she whispered in his ear.
Sarah was just responding to the feeling she was getting and didn't mean to imply any feeling of affection for Alex, but the damage had already been done. If se had said that to a regular 30 year old mark it wouldn't have meant anything, but to a 18 year old who, although angry with
her, was absolutely infatuated with her, it provided an amazing fuel for his desire.
She called me baby
His cock seemed to grow even harder inside her confines as he heard the words, and he became a man possessed as he began to fuck her with true wild abandon.
"Oh yes fuck me that's it...c'mon fuck me ...," she said as he pounded himself into her.
"I love being with you...oh you feel so good...I always thought you were so beautiful...oh your so fucking beautiful...Oh God," he cried as his cock continued to pound it's way home.
"Keep going...more...more...oh you sweet baby...give it to me," she moaned.
Harder and harder he thrust into her, putting every ounce of his strength into every thrust, making her squeal with pleasure. She was close now, and she pulled him closer to her and locked her legs around him as her pleasure continued to escalate and he continued to pound her.
"Oh yes...Oh God...Oh... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss," she cried.
Inspired by her reaction he continued to thrust into her, each time bringing his cock full out and then thrusting into her with all his strength. He moved his hands up to her breasts, and pushing them together, began to lick and gently bite each nipple. She pulled herself up against him as hard as she could and began to kiss his earlobes and lick his neck, as he continued to piston himself into her.
"Oh you're such a good boy... .oh yeah... ... Oh that's my good boy... .oh you're so fucking good baby," she moaned as she threw back her head and closed her lust filled eyes.
"Oh ... Oh Alex ... Oh... ...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she moaned as thunderous waves a pleasure erupted inside of her and she grabbed him and pulled him close to her as he continued to suckle from her breasts.
" Please! Oh fuck," she cried as she felt her orgasm building inside of her.
He was nearing his climax as well, and wrapped his arms around her tightly as he continued to pound. She held onto him tightly as her pleasure wave began to flow throughout every inch of her body.
"Oh ...sweet...oh...," she cried as she experienced a sweet release of pleasure. She closed her eyes deeply and pulled him closer to her as she sensed him about to release.
"Oh ...oh thank you Sarah oh GOOODDDDDDDD," he cried as he erupted inside of her and coated her womb with his seed.
He collapsed down on top of her, their heaving bodies drenched with sweat rose and fell with their labored breathing. She grabbed him and kissed him on the mouth, their tongues dancing with one another, as her hands gently stroked his hair. They lay there for a while just listening to the sound of their own breathing, and holding each other tight. She released him and leaned back on the cushion, her eyes glazed over with passion and her breasts rising and falling with her labored breathing.
“Wow! Can I be in on round 2,” Carina asked.
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