The Fox and the Apocalypse | By : drkphoenyx Category: Supernatural > Crossovers Views: 1004 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Yu Yu Hakusho. I make no money from this story. |
Chapter Seven: Game Over
Bobby, Kurama, and Shizuru watched the twins spar from the comfort and (relative) safety of Bobby’s front porch. Koenma had convinced the twins that airport security would confiscate their beloved katanas, therefore the twins were using a pair of machetes borrowed from Bobby’s collection. The unfamiliar weapons made the twins’ movement a little less graceful than Kurama would have expected, but no less deadly. Try as he might, Kurama couldn’t stop watching the pair. “Hiei’s not going to take too kindly to you ogling his sister,” Bobby remarked, but Kurama didn’t hear him. Noticing Kurama’s inattention, Shizuru smirked, “I don’t think Yukina is the problem.” Bobby looked at the young woman incredulously. “Just what do you mean?” “Come on, we both saw that photo. Under normal circumstances Hiei would kill anyone who dared to touch him. Besides, his eyes are following Hiei’s movements, not Yukina’s,” Shizuru replied. “You can follow all that?” Bobby asked motioning towards the twins. Both were moving faster than an ordinary human could track. “I wouldn’t make much of a Spirit Detective if I couldn’t. The question is, how can he?” Shizuru asked motioning towards Kurama. The twins’ duel ended rather abruptly when Hiei’s machete shattered. Hiei raised his arms in defeat as Yukina’s blade stopped inches from his throat. The ice maiden laughed softly and moved to find Hiei’s broken weapon. The fire demon looked to the porch to find Shizuru, but found Kurama staring instead. One moment Hiei was standing next to Yukina and the next moment he was behind Kurama on the porch. “I don’t know what your game is ningen, but I think I made myself clear,” Hiei spat. Kurama smiled deviously, which only set Hiei off again. “You will stay away from my sister or I will remove that pretty little head of yours.” Kurama shrugged and hopped over the railing. He ran towards Yukina and called back, “You’re assuming that you can catch me.” Flames literally formed around Hiei’s body as the demon let out an incomprehensible scream. Hiei ran into the house and inspected the weapons littering every wall and horizontal surface of Bobby’s house. Finding an old katana half buried under a stack of newspapers, Hiei charged back outside in search of Kurama. Hiei didn’t need to look far. Kurama was still in the front yard and appeared to be flirting with Yukina. Shizuru and Bobby were watching in rapt fascination from the edge of the porch as Hiei sprinted towards the couple. “That idjit must have some sort of death wish,” Bobby remarked still stunned by Kurama’s performance. “It was nice knowing the kid,” Shizuru commented as she took a long drag from her cigarette. “Hiei! Remember, Koenma will kill you if you kill that boy. Even if he is a moron!” Kurama motioned towards Yukina’s machete. “Could I borrow that?” he asked politely. Yukina carefully passed the machete to the charming young man. Kurama quickly tested the weight and brought the weapon back up just in time to block a blow from Hiei’s katana. Hiei was momentarily stunned, but stayed on the offensive. Kurama deftly blocked each attack but lost ground each time. With each parry Hiei’s next blow came faster and Kurama inched closer and closer to the woods at the edge of Bobby’s property. Back on the porch, Shizuru turned to Bobby. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Bobby shook his head. “I haven’t been able to see anything for a while now.” Since Kurama’s speed had been increasing gradually, Hiei had yet to notice just how fast Kurama’s blocks were. Both fighters were already moving at superhuman speeds and only one of the fighters was even really trying. Kurama’s back hit a large maple tree and the fox smiled. “You’re on my turf now,” he taunted. Kurama went on the offensive for the first time. He caught Hiei off guard as he lunged forward. Taking advantage of the ephemeral distraction, Kurama raced deeper into the woods. Hiei gave chase, but the fox was illusive. Kurama changed directions quickly and often used the obstacles provided by the terrain. Hiei cursed colorfully as he stumbled out of a patch of brambles and into the clearing where Kurama was waiting for him. “About time you got here, Hiei,” Kurama taunted. Hiei roared and moved towards Kurama only to fall flat on his face. “What the hell?!” Hiei felt a sharp pain in his left ankle. Looking back, he found the blackberry brambles had latched around his ankle. The fire demon quickly hacked away at them with his katana, but for every bramble he dislodged two more returned to take its place. Hiei was being pulled slowly but steadily back into the woods. “Are you ready to listen?” Kurama asked smugly. Hiei’s sharp gaze found Kurama sitting peacefully in the center of the clearing. The fox was sitting cross legged with his machete lying on his lap. Another vine snaked around Hiei’s prone form and ripped the katana from Hiei’s hands. Disarmed, Hiei’s temper snapped. He raised his chi, setting the brambles and much of the surrounding vegetation aflame. He snatched the katana from a still smoldering patch of leaves and turned to Kurama. “Who are you?” Kurama had discarded the machete and drawn one of his signature rose seeds from his mane. He waited until he was sure Hiei was watching and transformed the seed into a rose. “So you’re a yokai after all,” Hiei smirked. “Good, now I don’t have to worry about accidentally killing you.” Kurama smiled back and dropped some of his shields to give Hiei a taste of his true power. “Rose whip,” Kurama said calmly. Hiei’s eyes widened but he was never one to back down from a fight. The smaller demon charged, but Kurama never let him get close enough to strike. Away from Shizuru and Bobby’s prying eyes, Kurama went on the offensive. He lashed out with his rose whip constantly keeping Hiei a safe distance away and leaving a trail of small cuts and abrasions. “I will have your head,” Hiei growled. “I don’t see how,” Kurama teased. The fox shredded Hiei’s shirt with a flick of his wrist. “Yumm,” Kurama remarked suggestively. Hiei flushed and returned to the fight with increased vigor. Kurama sighed heavily and finally let the fire demon in close. Hiei let out a triumphant cry as his sword plunged towards Kurama’s chest, but Kurama sidestepped at the last second. The fox struck Hiei at the base of the skull knocking him unconscious. Kurama sighed heavily and returned the rose seed to his hair. He took a moment to check Hiei’s wounds before gathering the demon in his arms and heading back towards the house. He chose to leave the katana in the clearing in case Hiei were to wake up before they could return. Someone could always fetch it later. Back on the porch, Shizuru waited anxiously. She didn’t want to see one of her teammates locked up or imprisoned because of some stupid kid. Surely Koenma would understand that Hiei had been baited. Shizuru moaned, Koenma would understand, but it wouldn’t matter. King Enma’s orders regarding Hiei were quite clear. One screw up and the fire demon fries. “I need to stop them. Koenma will have both our asses if I don’t,” she called back to Bobby. “I’ll get the first aid kit,” Bobby answered grimly. “I thought the kid had more sense than this.” Shizuru trotted down the porch steps and came to an abrupt stop. In the distance, flocks of birds rapidly vacated the surrounding woods. “Shit,” the young woman hissed. Bobby darted into the kitchen for a shotgun and rejoined Shizuru on the porch. “What’s going on?” the hunter asked. “Yukina, get up here!” Shizuru called across the yard. “There’s another yokai out there; its spirit energy is through the roof. High A Class or possibly S Class.” “The twins?” Bobby asked quietly as Yukina joined them on the porch. Shizuru looked nervously at Yukina as she answered. “High B Class. Honestly, I’m not sure Hiei has a chance.” Just as Shizuru finished her statement, Hiei’s chi faded. “Brother,” Yukina whispered forlornly. Shizuru stiffened as she realized that the other yokai was headed directly towards them. “Yukina, Bobby, I need you to buy me some time. Our best bet is for me to use the Spirit Wave, but I’ll need time to prepare.” Yukina and Bobby nodded grimly. Yukina inspected her machete and Bobby went back inside for extra ammo while Shizuru watched the treeline. “Guys! It’s coming!” Shizuru yelled. Shizuru stayed on the porch and Bobby and Yukina took up defensive positions in the yard. Yukina stayed in the open closest to the woods, determined to take revenge for her brother. Bobby crouched behind an old Volkswagen where he could easily defend Shizuru or Yukina’s positions. To the three fighters, it seemed like an eternity before Kurama stepped out of the woods carrying Hiei’s limp form. Bobby’s lips tightened as he saw the cuts marring Hiei’s small form. By contrast, Kurama seemed unscathed. “Brother!” Yukina yelled as she caught sight of Kurama. “Stay back, Yukina! It’s him! Kurama’s the yokai!” Shizuru yelled. She’d felt Kurama’s energy when he’d lowered his shields earlier. The Spirit Detective was no longer fooled by Kurama’s mild mannered exterior. Yukina’s hand tightened around the machete as her eyes lifted from her brother to Kurama. The young man seemed different. The boys walk was more confident and determined; he didn’t even pause at the sight of Yukina or Bobby’s weapons. His eyes gave Yukina pause, green flecked with gold; they seemed colder than she remembered. Kurama’s eyes never left Yukina’s as he gently lowered Hiei to the ground behind an old Cutlass Sierra. The fox continued to advance slowly towards the awaiting fighters. The crack of Bobby’s rifle broke the standoff as a bullet pounded into the ground before Kurama’s feet. Kurama stopped and raised his hands. “I don’t want to fight,” he called out. “We gave you plenty of opportunities to tell the truth,” Bobby answered. Kurama smiled, and produced a rose. He held it out like he was about to give it to Yukina. The ice maiden growled, “I’ll kill you for what you did to my brother.” Before Kurama could answer, Bobby’s rifle barked again. Kurama moved with superhuman grace and speed. As a result, the bullet just grazed his left arm. Kurama hissed and dropped the rose. “Petals and Thorns!” he shouted. The rose burst apart before it could hit the ground. The petals moved with sadistic purpose towards Bobby. The hunter’s gun fired again, but this time the shot was wild, hitting an old Buick five feet to Kurama’s left. The hunter swore as the petals left dozens of shallow cuts. Kurama moved quickly to Bobby’s side and snatched the shotgun. Bobby growled, but he was in no position to stop the old fox. Kurama unloaded the rifle and tossed it as far as he could before advancing towards Yukina. Yukina watched her quarry carefully as he approached. Her sword was steady and only her eyes portrayed her fear. “Who are you?” she barked. “Lower the sword Yukina. I don’t want to fight you. Your brother is fine. Please, go check,” Kurama replied in a placating tone. Yukina’s eyes flickered subconsciously to her brother. She could just barely see him out of the corner of her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she noticed the steady rise and fall of his chest. “All the wounds are superficial,” Kurama assured. “He should wake up at any time.” Yukina glanced back to Kurama. The warmth had returned to his eyes and there was a small smile on his lips. The ice maiden nodded and slowly lowered the machete. “Yukina move!” Bobby yelled. Yukina’s eyes widened as she felt a power build up behind her. With speed rivaling Hiei’s, Yukina dodged right. “Spirit Wave!” Shizuru yelled. By the time Kurama saw the attack, it was too late to dodge. XxxLine BreakxxX The sudden power release startled Hiei awake. The first thing he noticed was that his head felt like it’d been used for soccer practice. The next thing he noticed was that his sword was missing. ‘Someone will pay,’ the fire demon vowed. He stood up slowly fighting off a bout of nausea. “Brother!” Yukina yelled happily. The ice maiden stopped abruptly in front of her brother and began checking his wounds. She was happy to note that most of the cuts were already beginning to heal. “Are you alright, Brother?” “Fine, just my head,” Hiei grumbled while rubbing a sore spot on the back of his head. Yukina moved to heal the wound, but Hiei stopped her. “Leave it. It’s my fault.” “Well that certainly wasn’t what I was expecting,” Bobby commented. “Looks like Crowley had it right after all.” Yukina and Hiei joined the others who were currently standing over a silver fox the size of a German shepherd. Hiei counted the tails twice thinking his first count was in error. ‘Six,’ he confirmed. “Have you two ever seen a kitsune before?” Shizuru asked the twins. Hiei thought for a moment before answering. “I don’t think so. Why?” Shizuru shook her head, “I can’t help thinking of a story Koenma once told me. It was right after I started working as a Spirit Detective. Atsuko and I took him to a bar and got him shitfaced. I remember Atsuko crying over how she wasn’t a good enough mother and—“ “Is there a point in this story somewhere,” Hiei asked caustically. Shizuru glared, “After a few beers, Koenma finally opened up about his mother. King Enma caught her in bed with a thief. He had his wife executed, but the thief slipped away. The thief was a powerful kitsune and King Enma’s spies tore the Makai apart hunting down any and every fox they could find. It took close to fifty years, but Enma finally cornered Youko Kurama in the last kitsune village. Youko turned himself in on the condition that the rest would be spared.” “So this is one of the survivors?” Yukina asked. Shizuru shook her head, “Enma held a very public execution for Youko and then slaughtered the rest of the village.” “So Crowley performed a summoning spell for a kitsune, but there are no kitsunes,” Bobby said thoughtfully. “So it snagged Kurama out of a parallel dimension,” Shizuru finished sounding a little skeptical. Bobby shrugged, “I don’t have any better ideas, do you? What did you hit him with anyways? That was an S Class yokai.” Shizuru smirked, “A trick I learned from Genkai, the Spirit Wave. No evil yokai can survive it.” “Then why is this one still breathing?” Hiei asked. XxxLine BreakxxX I wanted Kurama’s secret out in the open and I couldn’t resist writing a fight scene between Hiei and Kurama. Remember, this Hiei is much weaker than the one from Kurama’s universe. Reviews are always appreciated.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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