Anything For You | By : hatochiisai Category: 1 through F > Criminal Minds Views: 13844 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds, nor do I make any financial profit off of writing this story. |
Anything For You
Hatochiisai No own. Piss off. Slash warning Hotch/Reid, UnSubOC/Reid (non-con) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter 7 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* “—eid… Reid… come on, Reid, open your eyes…” Reid recognized the voice. It made him feel warm and safe… “… Come on, kid…” That was Morgan… Why did he sound like that? Long, gentle fingers on his hand. “Reid? Can you hear me?” “Let him take his time, for God’s sake! He’s been through enough! He may not be READY to wake up!” Emily and Rossi… What had he been through? “Reid? Spencer?” Hotch again. Reid turned his head and opened his eyes. “… Hotch!” He gasped, and sat bolt upright. And immediately regretted it. “AH!!!” “Easy!” Rossi scolded him. “Take it slow, Reid.” Reid leaned into Hotch, whimpering. “It hurts…” He gasped, fighting back tears, not from the pain, but from the sheer humiliation. He winced at a hand in his lower back, and an arm around his shoulders. The arm was Hotch, the hand was Morgan. Reid vaguely registered that his team had managed to get some pants onto his thin body, but his torso was bare. “Hotch…” Reid breathed, looking at the man. “Are… are you alright?” “What?” “You’ve been crying!” Reid gasped. Hotch stared at him with red, swollen eyes. He just stared back at Reid. “In case you haven’t noticed, Reid…” Emily said smiling. “We pretty much all did at some point…” “But… but he didn’t hurt you, right?” Reid gasped, staring at Hotch with wide eyes. Hotch blinked, then shook his head. “No… why would he?” Hotch asked. Reid looked down, then winced. “Hotch… ‘scuse me…” He said suddenly, pushing the man aside and stumbling to his feet. He yelped at the pain in his lower back, nearly doubling over and staggering towards the bathroom. There were strong arms around him and Hotch helped him. He guided Reid into the bathroom and closed the door, watching the young man slide down the wall to sit on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest. “Reid…” “He knows.” Reid gasped. Hotch frowned and knelt, rubbing Reid’s back. “Knows what?” He asked. “… About us. He knows that you and I…” Reid trailed off. “… So now he’s using me against you?” “… Yes.” Reid whispered. He looked up at Hotch, staring at the look of guilt in the dark brown eyes. “Hotch. Please don’t…” “Reid… he’s hurting you…” “And I’ll let him.” Reid insisted. “I love you, Aaron. I would die for you.” “Reid, I can’t let you do this for me.” “You would do the same for me.” Reid replied, firmly. “… Well, yes, but—“ “Hotch.” Reid cut him off. “He’s not interested in anyone else. It has to be ME. And if I don’t give in to him, it’s not just YOU that he’ll hurt… it will be the others, too. Just… promise me something…” “Anything…” Hotch murmured, kneeling before Reid and laying a hand on his face. “… Don’t stop loving me…?” Reid whimpered, fixing desperate eyes on the man. Hotch’s heart broke for him… “Never.” Hotch whispered, then leaned in and kissed Reid, ever so gently. “Never…” He breathed again, pulling Reid into his chest and holding him close. And finally, Reid was able to break down and cry. Hotch let him. He ran his hand up and down Reid’s back, resting his cheek on top of Reid’s head, and he rocked him gently. They stayed like that for a long time… Hotch looked up at a soft knock on the door. It opened slowly, and Rossi stepped in. He closed the door behind himself and stared down at Hotch and Reid. Reid was curled up, halfway in Hotch’s lap. His head was on the man’s shoulder, his arms around his waist. Reid’s eyes were half closed as he stared off into space. There were faint tear tracks on his face, but the tears no longer fell. Every now and then, a small whimpering mew would pass his lips. The boy looked drained. Rossi knelt, finally tearing his eyes off of Reid and looking at Hotch. The Unit Chief stared at the senior agent, his own eyes full of anger, pity and remorse. “How’s he doing?” Rossi asked, softly. “… About as well as can be expected.” Hotch said, not even pausing the gentle rocking motion he had managed to soothe Reid with. “Well… If anyone can get him through this, it’s you.” Rossi said. Hotch blinked. “Come on, Aaron. Did you really think I didn’t know?” “… I’m sorry?” Hotch blurted, looking startled. He stopped the rocking motion. “You and Reid.” Rossi said, smirking slightly. “You wear his birthstone in a ring around your neck. And he wears yours.” “… How… What are you talking about?” “come on, Hotch.” Rossi scoffed. “I saw it in Denver. We shared a hotel room. You don’t wear a suit and tie to bed.” “Oh.” “His fell out of his shirt once when he was sleeping on the jet.” Rossi continued. “At first, I thought maybe it was a class ring. Maybe it was really orange. Caltech. But it looked red. Then I saw your ring and it all came together. It was a ruby. Your birthstone. And I’ve noticed you two watching each other. And… I saw you two one night.” “What?” “… I happened to be in the neighborhood by Reid’s apartment. And I saw you two walking down the street. You had your arm around him.” “Oh.” “I’m not gonna tell anyone, Aaron. Believe me, I have NO right to say anything to anyone about fraternizing with other Agents.” Rossi snorted, and Hotch smiled, weakly. “From what I’ve seen, I think you and Reid have been good for each other. He’s never been happier.” “Now he’s never been more miserable.” Hotch snarled. “He’ll be okay, Aaron. Just be there for him. That’s all he’ll want.” “I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch…” Hotch hissed, tightening his hold on Reid. Reid squeaked slightly, blinking himself out of the trance he had fallen into. He turned his head and looked at Rossi. “What are you doing out of bed?!” He demanded. The elder agents blinked and looked at him, then both chuckled. Hotch pressed a kiss to the crown of Reid’s head. Reid blinked and sat up, looking alarmed. He looked back and forth between Hotch and Rossi. “He knows, Reid. It’s okay.” “He does? You told him?” Reid asked. “He figured it out.” “… Damn.” “Yeah. I know.” Hotch said. “We’re gonna have to be more careful. You need to make sure your ring won’t fall out of your shirt when you sleep.” Reid blinked, then narrowed his eyes. “And maybe YOU need to stop pulling me into your office to “scold” me about things!” The boy hissed back. Rossi blinked, then grinned and chuckled at the look on Hotchner’s face. “You two ready to come out now?” Rossi asked. “It’s been hell keeping Morgan from breaking down the door.” Hotch rolled his eyes, and looked down at Reid. “You ready?” “… I just wanna lie down…” Reid admitted. Hotch nodded. He slowly shifted out from under Reid and stood, then helped the boy to his feet. Reid winced, grateful for the arm around him. “Reid.” Hotch said, and Reid turned to look at him. Hotch reached up, gently caressing the side of his face with his knuckles, then leaned forward and kissed him. Reid closed his eyes, slumping against him. Rossi watched in silence, taking in the feelings of relief he sensed coming from the two younger men before him. When they finished with their tender gesture, he opened the door and helped Hotch assist Reid over to the bed. Morgan was immediately hovering. Reid found himself sitting ON a pillow and leaning up against several more with his team hovering just like Morgan. He looked around at them. “I’m not dying! Jeeze! Get back into bed before you smother me!” They ignored him. “Reid…” Morgan said, taking Reid’s hand. Reid stared at him a moment, then pulled his hand away. “When I want to talk about it, I’ll come talk to you about it.” Reid said, firmly. Morgan frowned slightly, but nodded. “right now, I just want to rest. I’m tired.” And so they let him rest. He rested until three in the afternoon. Then the dumb waiter whirled to life. Reid woke, but Morgan beat him to the thing. “… Finally. Something other than soup.” The man announced. Reid raised an eyebrow. “What is it?” He asked. “… Hamburger Helper.” “… Oh. Gross.” Emily said, making a face. “Hey. Don’t knock the Hamburger Helper. That’s about as gourmet as I get in the kitchen.” Hotch said with a slight smile. Reid looked at him and grinned. “I always call out for Chinese.” Rossi admitted. “Uhg… Men.” Emily sighed, rolling her eyes. “Hey now.” Morgan said as he passed out the dishes. “Be nice or you don’t get any!” Then he frowned. “We’re one short.” “He will expect me to eat with him.” Reid said, softly. The others stared at him. “Reid…” Morgan said, slowly. “Go ahead. I’m not really hungry, anyway.” “Reid. Your stomach just growled.” “I know. But honestly, the though of eating makes me feel sick.” Reid confessed. The others stared at him, concerned. But then, the door at the top of the stairs opened. “Here we go…” Reid sighed, standing. “Spencer?” “Coming.” Reid called, and limped towards the door. His team watched him go. Reid paused at the bottom of the stairs to look back at them. He hid the fear well… it didn’t show on his face. But they could see it in his eyes. He gave them a brave smile, then disappeared up the stairs. “I hate this.” Morgan gasped, shaking his head. “Just… letting him go like that.” “We have no choice.” Hotch said. “If Reid doesn’t give him what he wants, he’ll kill us.” “I think I’d rather die than let him hurt Reid again!” Morgan cried. “I KNOW!” Hotch suddenly shouted, standing and glaring at the man. “But Reid would never forgive himself. If this is how he feels it has to be done, then we will do it. All he’s doing is trying to ensure that we all get out of here ALIVE.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* “How are you feeling, Spencer?” Shane asked, grinning. He wrapped his arms around Reid and embraced him. Reid tensed up, eyes wide and breath catching in his throat. Shane frowned and stepped back. “What’s wrong?” Reid stared at the man in disbelief. “… Whuh… What?!” “Are you okay?” “… Uh… No!” Reid cried, shaking his head. “You r-- uh… you HURT me!” He caught himself before he used the word ‘rape’… That might anger Shane and trigger another snap and attack… Reid wasn’t sure he could handle that again… As it was, he was struggling to compartmentalize what had happened to him earlier that morning… “I’m sorry.” Shane said, looking down at the floor. The man seemed filled with remorse. “I didn’t mean to… it was just… so good…” And he moaned in appreciation of the memory. Reid however wrapped his arms around his abdomen and stared at the floor, clenching his jaw and focusing on the pain throbbing in his body. “… Spencer?” Reid jerked himself out of his thoughts and looked up at Shane. “Sit.” The man said, gesturing towards the little kitchen table. Reid blinked. Dinner was already sitting there… Lasagna and salad. Reid sighed and gingerly sat down, wincing. He ate. Despite his stomach’s protests. He felt ill. But he did what Shane wanted him to do. He “enjoyed” their dinner. Engaged in quiet conversation… allowed the subtle touch of Shane’s hand on his own… Allowed the brushes against him as they cleaned the kitchen together. Then, Shane gave him sneakers and a jacket again, while tucking a blanket under his own arm. Reid eyed him, nervously, but put them on and allowed the man to lead him out of the house by the hand… It was cold. Their breath misted on the air. “Where are we going?” Reid asked. “You’ll see.” Shane said, grinning. “It’s a surprise.” Reid wasn’t sure about that, but he didn’t resist. He followed Shane through the woods, shivering. They walked for nearly half an hour, before the emerged from the trees and stood on a small ridge, overlooking a fair sized pond. The sun was setting over the trees behind it, and the loons could be heard, their haunting calls drifting across the water. Reid was captured by the tranquility of the scene. It all seemed so surreal… that he could suddenly be in such a beautiful, relaxing place in the midst of a nightmare… In that moment, tears came to his eyes. Arms wrapped around him from behind, and for a moment, he imagined that it was Hotch holding him. And he leaned back into the strong chest and sighed. Shane moved them back and spread out the blanket he had brought and they sat down on it. Shane leaned up against a tree, with Reid sitting between his legs, leaning into his chest. He wrapped his arms around the shivering young man and held him close as they watched the setting sun, and the mist creeping out onto the lake, listening to the loons. The sky burned orange and gold, then darkened in shades of reds and purples, before darkening to a deep blue. And even then they didn’t move. Reid stared up at the countless stars, silently identifying constellations and the individual stars in them… Reid wasn’t sure how long they sat there… He grew tired. The moon was high overhead, shining from the heavens, and from the glossy surface of the lake before them. But eventually, the arms tightened around him. “You ready to go back?” Shane murmured, and the illusion shattered. Reid suddenly realized that he had fallen into a waking dream… he had been with Hotch, in a kind of moment that they rarely ever had with one another. But then the man holding him spoke, and it was Shane again. Reid felt the cold spread through his thin frame again. He left the serene place of beauty, and love… and fell back into hell… back into the arms of the devil. Those arms drew him to his feet and began to lead him back to the house that was his prison. They returned to the house and Shane took Reid’s jacket, hanging it on a peg on the wall. Then he pushed Reid into the bathroom. “Shower.” He told him, giving him a fresh towel. Then he closed the door. Reid sighed and turned on the water, stepping into the shower as soon as it was warm enough. He took his time, not to enjoy the shower, but to avoid going back out there to Shane. But he couldn’t put it off forever. So he finally turned off the water and dried himself off. Then he realized… he had no clothes. He inwardly groaned, wrapping the towel around his waist and walking out of the bathroom. Shane was staring out the window. He turned and smiled at Reid. “Go ahead and get in bed.” The man said. “I’ll shower and join you.” And he went into the bathroom. Reid winced and shuddered, clutching the towel tightly. He did NOT want to sleep in the same bed with this man. And he REALLY didn’t want to sleep NAKED with him. But he had no choice. Thinking of Hotch, he dropped the towel and slid into bed. Ten minutes later, Shane emerged from the bathroom, rubbing his hair dry. Reid’s eyes drifted to the man’s groin. He winced and turned away, swallowing the urge to gag. His stomach gave an unsettling lurch. A moment later, he felt he bed shift, and he was pulled into a hard, warm body. Reid tensed and waited. But nothing happened. Shane just lay there and held him. Then he leaned over and kissed Reid’s cheek. “Goodnight.” The man whispered, and settled down. Reid lay still as he could for a long time. Eventually, Shane’s breathing slowed and evened out. The man was asleep. Reid wanted to cry in relief. Slowly, he rolled away from Shane and closed his eyes. His fingers curled around the ring on the chain about his neck and he sighed. Slowly, Reid drifted to sleep, and dreamed that he was in Hotch’s home, in Hotch’s room, in Hotch’s bed. In Hotch’s arms.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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