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Reviews for Sarah vs. The Exchange

By : MV007
  • From ANON - DoubleD on March 02, 2016
    "DoubleD - chiming in only to say that you specifically hate the direction of the story and will not be participating is not constructive criticism or stating an opinion"

    Don't be an idiot. I never said I wouldn't be reading. If you'd bothered to read to the end of my post, I specifically ended it with, "I can see myself enjoying this."

    The rest of your response is just warped bullshit stemming from that.

    The lowercase anon is mostly right. People like you are really no different from people like Steve. Bashing others because they think differently from you. There have been several posts in here offering legitimate criticism (Steve notwithstanding). Nobody has said "this is all bad writing" or even "please stop this story". Posting your thoughts isn't "d-bag behavior" or "trying to bend the story" or whatever other argument you wanna make up. It's posting your thoughts.

    I don't know why so many people immediately jump to an author's defense by attacking people that post things they don't like about the story. Why not just reaffirm how much you enjoy it instead? Certainly that's more constructive, especially to an author. At least it is for me.
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  • From ANON - Matt on March 02, 2016
    @ last anon review I agree with you 100% on everything you said
    This Sarah is supposedly doing this to find chuck but she was getting wet at the thought of fucking other men before she even left for the assignment
    As you say these men are going to be technically raping her but yet she's gonna enjoy it straight away just cause she finds the man attractive
    There's no point in giving her a credible excuse to fuck other men then completely make it unbelievable as soon as the smut starts
    As for your views on the itwasmerlin story I agree as well
    She says this is for chuck but it's not its for her own selfish fucking reasons that's she's fucking he best friend I also find that inexcusable
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  • From ANON - JoeBob on March 02, 2016
    @Anon. Huh? She enjoyed the sex? What sex? There hasn't been any sex yet. She noticed that he had pretty eyes. I think you're getting way ahead of where this story is. Let's wait and see where the author takes this. If what you're fearing happens, if Sarah enjoys this without some serious explanation, you might have a legitimate OOC complaint. But fearing that it will happen isn't legitimate. Be fair to the author and let him tell his story. If you feel it's OOC, say so. As long as you do that constructively, I have no issue.

    Sarah allowing Morgan to blackmail her into a sexual relationship requires some suspension of disbelief. I don't know ItWasMerlin. But I think he would be the first to agree. Most stories do. I mean the show is about a guy who loads a computer in his head, lol. I would say that the bar for realism is lower on this site than many others. Wouldn't you agree? But once I accept that idea, I'm enjoying the story a lot. In fact, I'd say that the Sarah of that story is very believable. She hates Morgan. She even hates herself because she gets an involuntary thrill sometimes. If I wasn't enjoying it, I'd stop reading and move on.
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 02, 2016

    It isn't the concept of Sarah being a sex slave, and it isn't the concept of Sarah protecting Chuck. I accept both premises, it's the execution that has me rolling my eyes.

    It's when authors turn Sarah into this sex slave under the guise of 'protecting' Chuck and yet clearlyyyy show her enjoy the sex and find the person who is fucking her (apparently against her will under the mentality of it being 'for' Chuck) attractive and a good fuck.

    I don't get why people try to keep realism (give Sarah a reason to fuck these people) but yet throw it out the window straight away because of how she views these people that are essentially raping her. It makes her look like a slut, it makes her look weak. None of those can be true at the same time as her 'protecting Chuck', it just doesn't work that way.

    That's why it is anti-charah to me, because the motivation of Sarah doesn't hold up to any sort of reality, not when she enjoys it in 20 minutes of the stranger having his dick down her throat or in her hand.

    I also disagree when you say 'i believe she hates the mark'. There is no way this version of Sarah hates the mark in the first chapter of 'The Exchange', it just doesn't read that way at all.

    Merlin made Sarah an idiot (in terms of how she is being blackmailed), but he's kept her 'feelings' toward Morgan sincere, this story hasn't done that so far.

    "But I could see the purely physical response that ItWasMerlin has her feel. That’s believable to me. " = It isn't believable at all, not if you believe her reason for doing it, her entire reason for 'going through this' is to find/protect Chuck.

    Sarah isn't protecting Chuck in Merlin's story for starters, she's fucking Morgan because she doesn't want her original lie to come out, it's selfish and pathetic from her. She's protecting herself.

    This story does have the Chuck protection angle, but the quickness of which she is enjoying this and finds the person attractive, doesn't coincide with the rationale with her doing this.

    So in essence, my problem isn't with the idea of Sarah as a sex slave, it's the WTF nature of having her believe that it's "for Chuck" when the audience clearly sees she is full of shit. In Merlin's story she doesn't do the right thing, her fucking Morgan is inexcusable. In this story, her doing this is "for" Chuck's protection, but her enjoying it/finding the guy attractive makes it no longer be about finding Chuck, thus invalidating the whole plot.

    Both stories are very well written, and I enjoy reading them. But to suggest the plot makes any sense, or Sarah's actions/feelings are realistic in any completely idiotic to me.

    Looking forward to reading chapter 2 :)
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  • From ANON - JoeBob on March 02, 2016
    I hate the term ‘Crazy Shipper.’ But even if you are one, I don’t see why that disqualifies these stories. In this story, Sarah is going undercover as a sex slave to find and rescue Chuck. In ItWasMerlin’s story, she is submitting to Morgan to protect Chuck. You have to accept the premise to enjoy the story. But once you do accept it, it’s not anti-charah. I’d argue the opposite.

    In both cases, I believe she hates the Mark.

    Someone said earlier that Sarah is a very strong person. I agree with that. Having her ‘enjoy’ or look forward to being forced into sex would be a turn off to me. But I could see the purely physical response that ItWasMerlin has her feel. That’s believable to me.

    Here it would be interesting if the mark secretly knew Sarah was an agent. I would love to see that battle of wills. The mark is trying to break an agent. The strong willed agent is playing a role to rescue the man she loves.

    Who wins that battle? Being a Sarah Walker fan, I would hope that she would. But I could also see the mark winning, or, at least, appear to for a while.
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  • From ANON - ItwasMerlin on March 02, 2016
    The one thing I've never understood is the need , as a few have pointed out , is to state things like this is stupid, redicolous etc . It's fantasy people , I mean in my story i have Morgan/Sarah as the main 'couple' ( obviously not romantic) but it's the strange coupling's i enjoy , along with the strange situations and thats what i prefer to write , and definitely prefer to read when it comes to smut . The main thing I've noticed about when MVOO7 reviews my story , is that they enjoy the idea of Sarah and other men . And that's why in my opinion hes penned this story , because its something he enjoys and wants to write about . Some will like it , ie me , some wont . But if you don't why comment things like this will be more boring then watching paint dry etc? if your interested in Chuck/Sarah why not try MoreCharahPlease's story just a game ( Amazing btw) or another story , You can clearly see from Author's descriptions what the story will have . Offering constructive criticism is different aslong as it's not just trying to shoe horn your own beliefs about how the story should go in . I mean i remember putting in my story at the end of Sarah and Morgan;s first time that she had slightly enjoyed being used and people jumped down my throat about it . So before you type , remember there is someone on the other side of the screen who wrote the story for free , in hopes people would enjoy it , most of us finding writing something of a release from every day life and a bit of fun. So try to criticize constructively to help , not just because something happened you dont like .

    And keep writing MVOO7 , this is a good start ..... lets keep non charah alive haha

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  • From ANON - Just One Reader on March 02, 2016
    DoubleD - chiming in only to say that you specifically hate the direction of the story and will not be participating is not constructive criticism or stating an opinion... It's grandstanding.

    MASKED as criticism. Or "my right to an opinion". You have a "right" to be an ass too, and many people can't help but exercise that right. Have your opinion. Fine. But explicitly stating that the potential audience for the story is now 7 billion MINUS ONE is fundamentally stupid.

    It's pretending that you are so important that if some readers come and go that's fine but you just had to announce your presence with authority and do a mic drop on the way out. Unfortunately, new writers still thickening their skin may take just that comment to heart.

    As an author (elsewhere), I can see over the course of a story whether readership has declined IN GENERAL. But expecting anyone to care about whether you will be participating is just being thirsty for attention.

    It is laughable and worthy of ridicule.

    "Oh, well if YOU don't like it I supposed I will reconsider everything..." Not gonna happen.

    As for "anonymous" droning on about white knighting and victimized mentality... I don't know who that was directed toward. "a" seemed to be taking both sides. But there's calling a spade a spade when d-bag behavior occurs or lobbying for a story you enjoy to continue. Calling it "white knighting" is just a way to excuse idiotic behavior. Steve acted "victimized" by the mere existence of this story. Vote with your feet (or mouse clicks on this case).

    This garbage occurs throughout fan fiction and you can only hope that a writer perseveres despite one or two self-important wieners trying to influence stories to their taste or "squeeze out" material not to their taste.

    I want more in this fandom (and others I frequent). And I want people trying to crush that to BE called out for the jag offs that they are. And I'll exercise my right to state THAT opinion whenever I see that behavior.

    Rant over.

    Now... Chapter 2, please?
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  • From ANON - KrazyIvan on March 01, 2016
    I like the premis of the story. The problem that many people who try to explore this genre experience is that there are so many people who are so "pro Chuck/Sarah" that they destroy the experience for the rest of us. I'm sorry but I don't get excited for Chuck and Sarah's cute, but not hot! Granted it's just one man's opinion, but the most popular stories on here tend to go non Chuck and Sarah pairing. The only way to really show your appreciation for a story is to review it and rate it, especially a non Chuck/Sarah pairing, because the haters out there tend to be ever vigilant against these types of stories. I find no point in seeing people review a story and saying "I'm not reading anymore" or "this is not for me" that type of review is for meaningless as it designates that the reviewer feels the author should write to suite the reviewer! It's not about the reviewer!!! I take reviews I get from other published authors on this site as invaluable, because those are the ones that at least open themselves up to the criticism.

    In my review of this story I would say that te author should go the way he or she wants to. Authors are giving us a free gift on here so let them express their opinions and story's!
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  • From ANON - Ehoh on March 01, 2016
    The chapter is good, even if the idea (Sarah a sex slave) has seemingly become 95% of all Chuck stories on this site.

    One thing that makes me confused, I've never understood the idea that Sarah is so weak-willed that she'd just start falling for these guys and enjoy fucking these people against her will, it's borderline disrespectful to women and I hate the PC/femnazi environment we live in these days. Sarah is shown to be a very strong individual, yet writers on this site seem to break her and bring her down so quickly.

    This isn't focused at you specifically by the way, it's just a trend I've noticed lately.

    Anyway, overall a good start. Curious where you go from here.
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  • From ANON - anonymous on February 29, 2016
    the only person doubled called a moron was the guy trying to dismiss other people's views. Not the author. Nothing wrong w/ that review. The incorrect white knighting later on just makes you look like more of a martyr lol. I think the issues those ppl have critique you on aren't things that can be saved by an author's justification. Basically I don't think your intent as an author changes anything about those aspects of the story, at least with how they relate to chapter 1. Anyway directing namecalling toward an author is disrespectful and straying toward flaming but that really only happened in steves comment. This victimized mentality that people love to take is almost as bad as flaming itself.
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  • From ANON - JoeBob on February 29, 2016

    I think it’s a writer’s job to paint a picture, and then allow the reader to see that picture with their own eyes and imagination. When I read this, the thing that popped into my mind is Phase Three. Sarah said she would do anything to find Chuck. If Phase Three had been a story on this site, the Thai Drug Lord would have demanded sex. To me, that’s a very interesting question. Would the Sarah of the show have given up sex to save Chuck’s life? We’ll never know. But I say yes.

    So here is the picture you’ve drawn for me so far. The Sarah Walker I see in my mind’s eye would hate this guy. She’d be looking forward to throwing a knife in his throat the second she could. Until then, she’s playing the sex slave role to get Chuck back. So the last thing she would notice is his pretty eyes. I can see Casey lusting after Sarah. Who wouldn’t?

    What I love about this story is that this guy is going slow. The temptation for a story on this site would be for him to rip her dress off, throw her over the loveseat, and fuck her brains out. But he seems to know what he’s doing. He wants to break her. That’s hot as hell. If the Sarah Walker I know is going to be broken, it would go slowly and take some time. So I hope the next thing is just a little more demanding, and then a little more. Maybe he’ll demand that she smile and pretend to enjoy it. And maybe she will even come to enjoy it. Maybe someday, she would notice his eyes, but not now. BTW, that’s exactly the same thing I would say to ItWasMerlin. I’d like to see Morgan demanding a little more slut-iness each time. As they break her will to resist.

    So I’m really enjoying this. I don’t think anything is ridiculous. It’s not crap. And you’re probably not a moron.

    I’m really looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 29, 2016
    I hope u share ur intentions then we can get a better understanding of why u wrote it like that
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  • From ANON - JoeBob on February 29, 2016
    DoubleD, you're missing the point. Of course someone can say what they don't like. But words like ridiculous, crap, and moron make it trolling. I think anyone who would be so bold as to post a story here could accept some constructive criticism. But it should be done with respect for the effort that the author put in.

    It's that rude, obnoxious behavior by a very few that is killing this forum. So keep it up and we soon won't have anything to talk about. Works for me.
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  • From ANON - DoubleD on February 29, 2016
    Stating what you don't like and why you don't like it is far from trolling. Trying to label anything that disagrees with your view as "trolling" truly makes you look like a moron.

    That being said, I liked this. Prompt isn't too original, but then again it doesn't really need to be. I agree with the first reviewer that I definitely rolled my eyes at "something stirring within her" and her being "transfixed." That's just teenager-y nonsense. I have no problem with Sarah having sex with others, so don't brand me as one of those people. But it's certainly possible for her do to so (and for her to begrudingly enjoy the sex) without falling head over heels with an immoral jackass like some high-schooler. As long as that stuff is kept to a minimum, I can see myself enjoying this.
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  • From ANON - Reyes on February 28, 2016
    That was a great start. Looking forward to see what happens next.
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