Sarah Walker: the Volkov chronicles | By : Irishdrgon Category: 1 through F > Chuck Views: 22905 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don’t own chuck nor do I make any money from Chuck. This is just a story and is not real. |
Hello All,
This story is about wrapped up but I wanted to include how Jean finally turned Sarah. As you know this story follows into the ultimate milf, but I'm tying up loose ends at this site and with this fandom so here it goes:
You have to shoot,” he said.
Sarah tightened her grip on her pistol as she exhaled and focused the muzzle on the man’s chest.
“Do it Sarah. Kill me.”
One week earlier
Sarah returned to her room and slammed the door. She dropped a bag she was carrying and let it’s contents spill out onto the bed.
This can’t be happening...she said to herself, as she gripped her head on her hands and slowly sunk to the floor. It had now been a little over 3 months since she had been placed as the new nanny for Lafayette, and even though she had made some progress, she had yet to accomplish her mission.
Thus far, she had managed to keep Chuck locked in the back of her mind and was looking at this just as a mission, but now he came to the forefront of her mind, along with feelings of guilt and betrayal.
As she looked over the spilled contents of her bag, the reason for her feelings became apparent. A pregnancy test lay precariously on the edge of her bed, and a tear slid down her cheek. She was late!
I’m taking could this have happened...she thought.
In the end, it wasn’t so improbable. She was sleeping with Jean almost every night, and truth be told, there was very little sleeping going on. But every morning she would take the pills that the CIA procured for her to ensure that pregnancy would not happened.
This evidently didn’t happen.
To make matters worse, Jean was due to go on a business trip with his father soon. Sarah needed to move faster to get into Lafayette’s safe, or she would have to extend the mission. She could not let that happen. She knew she was beginning to lose it, and needed to end this now.
She could not deny the fact that Jean was getting under her skin, nor the fact that he, at 20 years old, was by far the best lover she ever had. She and he were separated by over 10 years of age, however on a very primal and sexual level he understood her. They matched perfectly. None of her other lovers had been able to get to this point with her, not even Chuck. It was if Jean had her owners manual, and that is what frightened her most. The fact that she was very close to giving up control.
What she felt was hard to describe, she didn’t love I she way, and she didn’t need him, it was something stronger. Something very primal, she was beginning to crave him. His body, his touch, but more importantly, what he did to her.
The physical pleasure that she got was unmatched by any other lover , but for the first time in her life, the feeling that she got when she knew she gave him pleasure was on a whole other level.
She could not let this go on.
She would need to take the initiative. He would tell her the combination, or he would die.
Rising on shaky legs, Sarah picked up the pregnancy test and went into the bathroom.
Svetlana watched her on the hidden camera and smiled. Now she could send her away..she thought to herself, then thought about what she did about a 40 days ago.
Svetlana waited until Sarah went for her morning work out, then entered her room. She knew what she was looking for, and exactly where it was. Svetlana had been trying for years now to control the family fortune, and the best way to do that of course was to control Jean.
She knew Jean well enough to understand that he wouldn’t recognize any of the children that he had already fathered since he impregnated Svetlana. Her son was the first born and would eventually inherit everything, but she knew something was wrong. The new nanny was distracting Jean and taking him away from her. Svetlana knew that her child would be taken care of, but in order to ensure that she was taken care of, she built a “quasi” family with Jean.
Lafayette’s son would inherit everything when he died, and therefore she needed to have Jean. She had no love for Lafayette, and no real love for Jean either, but the heir to the Lafayette fortune had come from Svetlana’s loins.
She could not afford anymore distractions, and Sarah was the ultimate distraction. She knew now after watching them last night that Jean liked Sarah, even more than the other ones, even more than her. This was simply unacceptable.
She needed to get Sarah out of the way, and she had an idea about how to do that, as a matter of fact, it was how she got all the other girls out of the way. She knew that Jean never wore condoms and given that they had been fucking for the last month, she figured Sarah would be on birth control.
After multiple searches of her room she instructed the housekeeper to find them and tell her where they were. Now she was going to get them, and replace them with sugar pills. After making the switch, she quickly left the room.
Sarah returned from the bathroom and her hands were shaking as she read the result from the stick. The tears flowed freely down her face now...Jean must die...
“It’s done,” she said as she began to prepare herself mentally.
Earlier this evening
Jean had just settled back into his hotel room after meeting with some rather unsavory characters. He was getting ready to be entertained with a “lady of the evening” that would be provided by his hosts.
Two floors down Sarah was preparing. The
intended hooker was easy to intercept and was currently bound, gagged and unconscious is the closet. This was obviously not a high class operation as she was dressed in blue spandex leggings and a shirt that could be best described as a sheer tube top.
She had removed the hookers cloths and was just sliding them on, the girl was a bit shorter than Sarah, and a bit a skinnier, so the pants were much tighter on her, but did show off her curves in great detail. The top could hardly contain Sarah, and her breasts looked like they were plastered against her chest.
“Well I look the part now,” she muttered as she saw herself in the mirror.
She had taken the extra step of tucking her blonde locks under a pink wig, and wearing a baseball hat. A bit of heavy makeup and eyeliner completed the deception.
She hid a small .22 in the lining of the wig, as she knew she would be searched, or rather fondled, by Jeans security man outside the room. She steeled herself for what she was about to do, and left the room.
She made her way upstairs, and was more than a little surprised, that there was no security outside the door. She quickly assessed the situation and went to the door. Debating weather or not to pick the lock, she decided against it and knocked.
There was no response. She knocked again and still nothing. Waiting 3 minutes she knocked once more, and after no response, she decided to pick the lock. She slipped quietly inside and heard the shower running.
Jean was just finishing his shower when suddenly the lights went out and he was grabbed and pulled into the room.
He looked up and saw a pink headed girl holding a gun in her hand.
“Well what do we have here,” he said.
“Give me what I want and you will live,” she said in her most intimidating tone.
His response was not what she expected.
He laughed out loud and pointed to the tv behind him. There on the screen was a live stream of Sarah’s hotel room.
“I’m sorry to laugh, but the pink hair is a great touch.”
Sarah remained silent.
Then finally, “give me what...,”
“Agent Walker, cut the bullshit,” he said as he got up walked over to the bed and pulled out a file that was in a bag then threw it out her feet.
Sarah watched as pictures of her fell out, including one of her and Chuck that had the word boyfriend written on it.
“Fuck you,” she said as she cocked the hammer of the gun and strode toward Jean, placing the gun against his chest.
“Give me what I want and you will live,” she said menacingly.
Present time
“I’m not bluffing Jean,” she said.
“Neither am I,” he said.
“You’re going to have to shoot me. I’m not giving you the code. Kill me.”
Sarah blanched at this, and ever so slightly, Jean saw her hand begin to tremble.
“The only way to get what you want is to kill me Sarah. You know that, or you would never of come here tonight,” he said.
Jean, still naked after being pulled out of shower, calmly reached up and pulled the pink wig off oh her.
“Don’t fucking move,” she spat.
“I like you better with blonde hair,” he said ignoring her.
“Put the gun down Sarah. You know you can’t pull the trigger.”
Sarah knew that she was in a no win situation. The fact that Jean had no security out front should have tipped her off, and if she had been on her game it would have. But she wasn’t, she was distracted and therefore a liability, but she needed to put up a resistance.
“If you don’t I will...,”
“Kill me? Go ahead I don’t care,” she said.
“ No I won’t kill you. I will kill him,” he said picking up the picture of Chuck on the floor.
“You know I will do it Sarah,” Jean said.
“Fuck you,” she spat.
“Charles I Bartowski...,” he began as he read out loud the file, detailing everything about him, including his sister, home address and other vital statistics.
The tears were streaming down her face when Sarah dropped the gun.
“Wow that was faster than I expected. Is it love?...oh it is isn’t it Agent Walker,” Jean smiled.
“Does he love you?”
“Yes,” she replied in a sad tone.
“Does he understand you,” Jean said turning the picture of Chuck to her.
“Leave him out of this.”
“Does he really know you? Really know who you are?”
“Stop it,” she yelled.
“I know that you couldn’t pull the trigger on me Sarah. I’ve known the whole time.”
“You want to know how I knew that?”
Sarah remained silent as Jean began to slowly circle her.
“All your life you have been used. I know how it feels to always do someone’s bidding.”
She remained silent as Jean nuzzled up to her, his naked cock pressing against her spandex covered crotch.
“To always hide who you are. To never have anything of your own,” Jean moved his hands into her pants and pushed them down, stopping to remove a knife she had stored strategically between her thighs.
“Does he know you like I know you? Like someone who has been manipulated? Tired of being manipulated? Tied of always being used as a pawn?”
She remained silent, just a single tear fell down her cheek. She was powerless to stop him, and he knew it.
“When was the last time someone gave you anything? When was the last time the real Samantha Burton experienced joy.”
It caught her by total surprise that he knew her real name, but before she could react, he took the knife and cut away her top, freeing her breasts from their confinement.
“Does he know about the baby,” he asked as he gently stroked her pussy through her moist panties, while he lightly drug the knife around her body.
Her breath caught in her throat.
“What,” she said barely above a whisper.
“Does he know you’re pregnant with my child? Of course not,” Jean smiled smugly.
All that remained on her were her panties, but Jean quickly cut those away as well.
“Nothing to say Sarah,” he chuckled.
“So you are going to fuck me before you kill me,” she sneered.
“Kill you? Why would I do that? I would never kill the mother of my child,” he said casually slipping a finger inside her soaking wet pussy.
“Then ...what do you want from me,” she moaned.
“I gave you a gift. That is my gift to the real Samantha. The one who I understand,” he said as he began to finger her faster.
She moaned as he continued.
“You are carrying my child because you want to. You are here because you want to be. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes...,” she moaned, her eyes closed and chest heaving.
She reached down and began to strike his cock as he continued.
“Is he as good as me?”
“No...not....not even close...,” she moaned.
“I want you to do something for me,” he said.
“I will do anything for you,” she moaned.
“I want you to have my children. No other man will ever impregnate you. You are mine. Your blood will only mix with mine.”
“Yes...,” she moaned as he now had 3 fingers in her.
He turned and laid down on the bed, and without thinking, Sarah followed and positioned herself above his cock.
He gripped her hips and moaned as she impaled herself on his pole. She squealed as she slid lower, feeling his cock stretch her inside to the limit, and felt completely full as their pelvic bones met.
They lay motionless on top of each other, as his cock was buried deep inside of her, then she slowly began to ride him.
“Fuck me like you love me Sarah.”
She threw her head back in the air and began to thrust herself harder into him, as his hands began to massage her breasts. She looked down at him and bent down to kiss him, while his hands now traveled around her firm ass.
His hands gripped her hips harder and he began to slam himself up harder to meet her thrusts. Harder and harder he pounded into her as she used her full weight to slam into him.
“That's it...that's what I want...that's my baby...harder...oh don't lose it baby...oh don't stop baby," she yelled as she felt his cock invade deeper and deeper inside of her.
Waves of pleasure were beginning to form in her and attempting to muffle the scream she knew she would make, she bit her lip and covered her mouth. Slowly she could feel the release coming and building like a 5-alarm fire, and when he reached down and rubbed her clit one last time she knew she reached her breaking point.
"Oh .. oh... yeah Babbbbbbbbbbbbbby," she came with a momentous release that caused her to shake and her eyes to tear.
He felt her pussy constrict around his shaft and his release also came.
“Now...," he cried as he reached his orgasm with a tremendous ferocity and stream upon stream of his seed launched deep in her womb.
She collapsed on top of him and after a few minutes they parted and he went to the shower.
The hotel suite he was in had a small kitchen area, and he got out of the shower and made his way back to the kitchen. He saw that Sarah had decided to make coffee naked and her magnificent ass was 9 feet away from him, his cock was ready for another round.
She was unable to hear him do to the sound of the coffee pot percolating and jumped with a startle as she felt his hands cu her breasts and his cock brush the small of her back.
"Whoa baby...again." she giggled as he began to knead her breast.
"You are going to tire me out! Don't you want any coffee," she moaned as she felt his hand move down to her pussy.
"The only thing I want is you," as he took her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom.
On the desk was her gun, and while looking directly at him, she made her way to the desk and put the hun in the trash can.
“I don’t need this anymore,” she said, as he sat down on the bed.
She left the desk and walked slowly and seductively towards him. My God she looks sexy he thought to himself, as he saw her coming to him with her large breasts swaying and her slick covered belly and legs. His cock at full attention, she lightly kissed him on the mouth then slowly kneeling down in front of him, took him into her mouth.
"Oh yeah," he cried as she slowly pumped him in and out of her luscious mouth.
She circled her tongue around his manhood and began to work him further into her mouth. as his hands roamed all through her hair as she continued to work him deeper inside her throat. She was feeling him begin to tighten inside of her mouth, and began to pound him even harder as his moans grew louder.
Harder and harder she thrust down on him, drawing more of him into her mouth with every thrust. He was in heaven as she continued to suck him for all he was worth, and when he told her he was close, she responded by sucking even harder.
"Oh.. close...oh God...I'm....Ohhhhhhhh'" he cried as he exploded and shot stream after stream of his seed into her mouth.
She clamped her mouth down harder around his cock and swallowed every drop until he was dry. As she continued to softly stroke him, she was amazed to feel him begin to get hard again. She then released his cock from her mouth and kissed her way back up to his mouth, and fell back with him onto the bed and they continued their embrace.
Suddenly he stopped her and pulled her up to him. He lovingly suckled from one of her nipples as he slowly turned her around.
“I want you from behind," he said as he walked her back to the desk.
Sarah braced herself against the desk and moaned deeply as he tightly cupped her breasts and slowly slid his cock into her aching pussy from behind.
"That's it go slow...oh...oh God...oh yes...slow oh yes...oh my God," she cried as she felt him thrust up deep inside of her.
She moved her hands and braced herself of the edge of the desk, and as he continued to thrust into her, began to push herself back against him to meet his thrust. He moved his hands down to her lovely hips and grabbing on, began to pound harder
"Oh me...oh....," he said as he continued to pound into her.
She was forcing herself back against him as hard as she could, and each time felt his cock go higher and higher into her. This was sheer animalistic fury as they continued to slam into one another.
"I know...I am yours have me forever......and I want to be with you," she said as she turned around and gazed at him through lust filled eyes.
Harder and harder he slammed her almost lifting her off the floor with his thrust. She felt the waves of pleasure building up in her now and began to slam her perfect ass against him harder and harder.
"Oh...Oh God...Baby...arghhhhhhhhhhhh, she screamed as she pushed herself against him as hard as possible and felt her pleasure explode deep inside of her.
He grabbed onto her waist and pulled her tightly towards him as his pleasure began to build.
"Oh ...," he cried as he gushed deep inside of her.
He pulled her close to him and held her tight, with his cock still buried deep inside of her, as his pleasure subsided. They released and kissed each other tenderly as their sweat-covered bodies began to dry in the cool morning air.
Sarah lay there silently as Jean slowly flowed out of her once again, knowing full well know that Agent Walker had been turned.
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