Sympathy for the Devil | By : Danyealle Category: Supernatural > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 5952 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural nor do I make any money from this work of sick and twisted fiction. It's just something I do to keep what remains of my sanity from being eaten away by rabid plunnies from the lowest level of hell. |
Chapter 7
(Tags: anal, M/M)
Late that night, long after most in the house had gone to sleep, including his vessel, Lucifer lay in his bed watching the television. Unlike Sam, who couldn't stand the news anymore as it made him ill to watch what was going on the world, the Prince of Darkness adored watching the havoc and destruction play out across the thing. It gave him a sense of accomplishment to see what he wanted put into play then the video of it splashed across the screen as everyone reacted in horror to what was going on. Yes, indeed, in that area, his plans were going just as he wanted them to.
While the destruction of the earth, and its inhabitants, played out, the arch-angel's mind began to wander elsewhere to what he wanted from his vessel. Pressing himself closer to Sam while it did, he focused on that situation. From what he could tell thus far, that was going well. It was, even from his meager observations, affecting everyone. Dean seemed rather disturbed, something that amused him quite frankly. From what he saw earlier, the older Winchester brother was having a difficult time even looking his younger brother in the face. That told Lucifer it was probably working well and according to plan. Though there was suspicion on the part of his three house guests about Asmodeus' presence, something that he expected, they weren't voicing that aloud nor were they trying to, overtly anyway, figure out what might be going on. Sure, with the way the three were and what they were known for doing, he was certain that they were trying to do it alone but as long as it remained that way, things would be fine. Shifting around in the bed as Sam moved in his sleep, grumbling something unintelligible, Lucifer waited for him to settle back down before returning to his thoughts. Once his vessel slid back into the deeper waters of sleep, Lucifer relaxed once more and went back to thinking over what was going on. He fully planned to push things further as fast as he could. That energy surge from Sam that started this whole thing was driving him on. He wanted that, badly, so he was going to accomplish it, no matter what. To get to that point, he was already taking steps in that direction by ensuring Sam spent time with his brother and friends. If he could have managed to stick Sam and Dean together all the time without raising the suspicions of Dean or the others, he would have done that but he didn't think that was possible. So, instead, he was trying to ease into it another way. The letting Sam around his friends was one part of it, a big one that was working well, but he was making other small changes as well. That night he had started instituting all of them sitting down to dinner together. That included Jesse and his family so that it wouldn't look strange excluding them. During that time, he let Sam have free rein of the body and he just observed. It was something Sam had asked to be allowed to do before so granting his wish didn't look like a plot of any kind. Though there might be some raised eyebrows as to why he decided to do it now, no one questioned it too much and went with the flow after hearing that Sam had asked for it. During that time, he could quietly observe the interactions between the brothers to gauge what was going on then figure out what to do where with what to push things along. It was during that dinner that he noticed Dean's inability to even look Sam in the eye, telling him other things were going well, moving along at a pace he approved of. Along with that indulgence for his vessel, he was having those that were here as staff keep a close eye on Dean and the others, but mostly Dean. He was getting very detailed reports about who talked to whom about what and the things they did when alone. That's how he was aware of Dean's wet dream earlier in the day. Couple that knowledge with his inability to look at Sam later that night and he was certain the two were related. That pleased him. It meant that what Asmodeus was doing was working well. On that front, he let the Lord of Lust know so he could amp up what he was starting slightly to push things faster. He also made sure that Asmodeus stayed out of sight as much as possible, leaning the others towards thinking that he was busy. As the dandified demon didn't take this badly, seeing it as a time to take a break and indulge in some of his vices, he was more than happy to do so and just weave his web the way Lucifer wanted him to. It also meant that he, himself, had to start on his end with Sam. That, honestly, he didn't think would be a problem. Shifting the body both of them were occupying around slightly, Lucifer grabbed the remote control then flipped on the DVD player. Already, he had something loaded in there that he was sure would stir things up with Sam. He had, when he sent the beings out to get movies and such for the others, requested a few for Sam beyond what was considered normal or stuff his vessel had asked for specifically. Taking into account what he learned that Sam seemed to enjoy when it came to the area of arousal, he had put in a specific order for a certain type then had the being in charge of that mission scouring all over for them. What was in the player was one of those. It was a series geared towards gay men. Though it was for adults only, it wasn't the out and out pornographic kind that left nothing to the imagination, more like the steamy kind that was designed for arousal but left something to the imagination. He hoped this would start to inspire something in his vessel, even just by hearing it in his sleep. If that worked then he was going to press things further when Sam did wake. On that front, though confident that he could manage it, he was having to work at picking through Sam's memories to ensure that he did things right. As this would be his first foray into matters of the flesh, he wanted to make certain that he did it right and didn't cause his vessel any pain. If that happened, or he messed it up, then Sam would be more reluctant to go there once again, something he couldn't allow. This was something that would be pivotal when it came to pressing things with Dean. But he was certain that he could manage, like he did in all things. There was just some odd logistical things to work out in how to go about it so it didn't seem too strange to Sam was all. Plus, he wanted it to be as pleasurable as possible so Sam would want to, willingly, go there again since he had a big plan on something to do that might press Dean there faster. Though this was putting the horse before the cart, so to speak, something Lucifer didn't normally do, he was already starting to plan out how going there with Sam could work into his plans for Dean. Like any good leader, he was well aware of the personality of his 'opponents' and, when it came to Dean, he had ensured he knew the elder brother as well as his quirks. Though Dean was a strong one, he had chinks in his armor and a big one of those was Sam. He would do anything for his brother, that was obvious and self proving in the past. But that didn't mean that it would translate to what he wanted. No, that was going to be more complex but he thought he had something that would work with what he knew of Dean's personality; jealousy. Though, normally, the older brother wasn't the type to let that affect him, the fact was when Sam went his own way with something Dean became very upset with him. Though he wouldn't admit it to even himself, let alone anyone else, he was jealous that someone else was getting his brother's attention. That was what Lucifer wanted to play on, that feeling Dean wouldn’t even admit to. His plan? Well, it was twofold really. First, he was going to do everything in his power to make Sam enjoy what they did thus ensuring he craved more of it. He hoped that it would also involve them sequestering themselves away for long periods of time, thus arousing the suspicions of Dean and others. Since he wasn't human, he didn't have the limitations of their bodies and could keep performing long after a human would collapse, ensuring that Sam would end up satisfied in a way that he hadn't been before, thus craving more. Then, after he succeeded in doing that, he planned for Dean to walk in on them. No, he didn't plan on it being in flagrante delicto but in an intimate situation none the less. It was his hope, after seeing such an(a) thing and that Sam was taking pleasure in it, Dean might be pushed closer to wanting to pursue his own desire for his brother, of course, with the help of what Asmodeus was doing. The combination of the two should be enough to get him to act on his desires. At least that was his hope. Since he was usually right about these kinds of things, he didn't expect it to not work. Turning the volume up on the remote, he spooned up more against Sam's body and waited. Normally, Sam didn't sleep through the whole night, having dreams that tended to disturb him so he woke several times, thus Lucifer hoped that waking to something stimulating such as this show would lead to other things. Now, all he had to do was wait.Sam stirred into the waking world accompanied by some strange noises. At first, from the sexual sounds that were bombarding him, he thought he was still partially asleep. But when he opened his eyes and they didn't stop, he was confused. Eyes darting around, they landed on the TV. That's where the noises were coming from. Eyes widening at what he was seeing played out there, he quickly shifted his gaze away then muttered something about needing to use the bathroom.
Expecting that from what he knew of Sam by now, Lucifer used the remote to pause the show, “Alright. Just want to pause this so I don't miss anything. It's pretty good, actually.” Cheeks flushing, the younger Winchester muttered something and steadfastly avoided looking at the screen while he got up and trudged to the bathroom. Amused by the expected reaction, the whole way to the bathroom and back, Lucifer rattled on about the plot of the show, talking about how he found it enjoyable. Once they were back in bed, lying on Sam's side, he immediately turned it back on, spooning up against Sam to watch it once more, telling his body mate that he should pay attention since it was good. Since this was something that happened quite often with some movies when it came to Lucifer, Sam just rolled his eyes then, trepidatiously, shifted them to the TV to pay attention. He knew if he didn't, Lucifer would just annoy him until he was so it was best to cut that off before it happened and at least pretend he was paying attention to it. But, quickly, he found himself drawn into the well acted drama and asking questions about what he had missed, who was who and things like that. Smug, pleased with himself, Lucifer explained what was going on and answered the other questions his vessel had about the show. Really, he did enjoy it, especially how it portrayed some of the beings. But it was going to serve another purpose so he was anticipating that. By the time the next steamy pseudo-sex scene took place, Sam was glued to the set because of the plot of the show. Though, as normal, he was embarrassed by seeing the steamy scenario play out, he couldn’t pull his eyes away from it either. And, as one would expect, he found it highly arousing, his flesh rising in response. That was something he didn't want. Though, the last time, with what happened with Lucifer was more satisfying than taking care of the issue himself, it was embarrassing and humiliating to him, not something that he wanted to repeat. Though used to attending to things in the bathroom with company now, he still didn't like it. This was even worse than that. It also didn’t help matters that there was no way for him to hide such things from Lucifer. He could read his thoughts so would know that it turned him on. Lying there, Lucifer was dividing his time between watching the DVD and listening to Sam's angsting thoughts. Honestly, he found Sam, when he did this, highly amusing and tended to let it go on for just that reason. But, this time, he wasn't going to let that happen. It would be counterproductive to what he hoped to accomplish. So, it was best to nip it in the bud before it went on much longer. Nuzzling his vessel's head in what he knew was a reassuring manner, he also gave him a squeeze then sighed before saying, “Sam, don't worry about it. I understand this is human nature. You can't help it!” Stiffening up, Sam said nothing, feeling his face heat up from the embarrassment of being called on it. Mentally rolling his eyes, Lucifer didn't say anything about that, just continued on, making sure his voice remained soothing, the kind of thing that he knew worked with his vessel. “Sam, I'm not going to be judgmental about any of this. Think about who I am. I don't care! Nor do I see any harm in it! This is arousing so why fight it? You like men. Big deal! I don't care nor am I going to lecture you about such things. This is just you and part of you. I accept that!” Though he didn't think that was going to soothe things, Lucifer waited for his vessel's reaction. Still not able to look in the mirror to 'face' the other being in his body, Sam huffed then said, softly, “Look, it's just me, alright? I'm... just not used to anyone knowing some of this. Nor am I comfortable with it. It isn't like you and I are lovers or close that way. So, that's not comfortable for me.” Going in, Lucifer had known this wouldn't be easy. Sam wasn't someone that was known for listening to simple reasoning, rather he was more apt to let his angst and anxiety for situations overwhelm him. So, usually, that meant a great deal of work on his part to get his vessel pointed the right direction and moving the way he wanted him to. This was another case like that. Pressing tighter to his vessel, one arm draping over him, his hand slowly rubbing small circles on Sam's belly, he sighed then said, “Sam, you and I are closer than anyone else on this planet, save the other beings that are possessed by demons or angels. The difference is, I allow you to co-exist with me whereas they don't. I do that because I like you and want to be able to talk to you this way, sharing things. I don't see what you're feeling, like or want to do as something wrong or disgusting. It's part of who you are! I also like sharing such things and the feelings that come along with it. It's not something I was able to do for many a millennium. Why deny both of us such a thing? Let's both of us enjoy something that is in human nature!” Once he was finished talking, Lucifer pressed forward. Knowing Sam by now, he wasn't even going to attempt to reason with him further, getting him to see things from his point of view. Rather than do that, he decided to just push things forward and go from there. Sliding one hand down the front of his vessel, he cupped then rubbed the bulge that was growing there while he started to kiss and nibble along Sam's neck. Though not one for showing affection or having even done this before, he had pulled from Sam's thoughts what he liked then decided to go with that to press into the area where he wanted to go. He was certain that he could do a good enough job that Sam wouldn't realize he had an agenda for doing such things. Though Sam started sputtering and trying to push his hand away, Lucifer persisted. Slipping his hand down the front of Sam's pajama pants, he grasped his erection, something that was starting to wilt, then began to stroke it the way he had seen when he pulled such things from Sam's memory. Biting his neck softly, he then mumbled, “Relax, Sam. Enjoy! I assure you it's something you'll like.” Sucking in breath, stiffening up, Sam couldn't help his body's reaction to the stimulation he was receiving. Though his mind was screaming in revolt, reminding him that the being doing this to him was the devil himself, literally, but part of him wanted some relief. Though he wasn't Dean and didn't dip his wick into a body in every town they were in, he was used to being more sexually active than he had been lately so his body and mind wanted some relief. Nor did he care if it was a man or woman. He just wasn't all that keen on the being that was doing it was all. While stroking on Sam's cock until he was fully erect, Lucifer began to grind against his ass, letting him feel that his cock was erect. Or, honestly, since what Sam saw of him was the shade of his former vessel, Nick, it was Nick's cock that was doing the rubbing. Stopping the soft bites, he grinned wickedly, knowing that Sam wasn't looking in the mirror, then said, voice what he hoped was a sensual growl, “I want to fuck you, Sam.” Freezing in place, Sam's eyes immediately went to the mirror to get a look at the being behind him to see if he was pulling his chain or not. Lucifer had, by then, wiped the grin off his face and was looking at his vessel intently. Giving Sam's cock a squeeze and grinding against him again, he said, softly, “I mean it, Sam. Let me! You get some relief this way and I fully plan to enjoy it.” Sucking in a breath, Sam's eyes widened even more than they already were as he stared into the mirror, looking at the lust that seemed to be reflected in Lucifer's face. That's when his brain went into overdrive. First thing was that it was still screaming this was Lucifer and there was no way he wanted to have sex with the ultimate evil. But, somewhere, there was also the fact floating around that, since the defeat of Michael, Lucifer hadn't forced him to do anything he didn't want to do. In fact, he had gone out of his way to ensure that he wasn't uncomfortable or exposed to things that would upset him. His life was comfortable and, other than what he dealt with internally, good. He also pretty much got anything he wanted or craved. Maybe this was just another way to do that? He didn't know. Certainly, Lucifer always had an agenda and, most times, he didn't know what that was but it wasn't anything that hurt him in any way. Knowing Sam, Lucifer wasn't going to let him over think this. That would just lead to issues. There would be guilt after it, that was a given, but he could deal with it. So, he just had to give the nudges that were needed and he was certain that he would get what he wanted. Grinding against Sam again, he muttered, voice husky, “Just say yes, Sam. You won't regret it. No one outside this room will ever know unless you want them to. It will be something that is just between you and me.” Stroking Sam's cock some more, feeling it throb beneath his touch, he waited, gazing into Sam's eyes via the mirror. Feeling certain parts below his waist throb madly, Sam swallowed thickly, staring into the mirror. Already, despite what he was feeling about the situation, he was aroused and becoming more so with each passing minute. If he didn't get relief, he was going to end up in pain. That he didn't want either. Blue balls were not a pleasant thing to deal with. Nor, really, could he handle it himself without Lucifer knowing. No matter how he went about it, he was going to be embarrassed by what happened. So, the way he saw it, this wasn't going to be worse than anything else personal he did on a regular basis. “No one will ever know?” He asked, softly, his conscience already screaming that he was giving in. Smug in the knowledge that he was going to get his way, Lucifer nodded, “No one will ever know if you don't tell them. The ones that clean in here might be suspicious but they know better than to speculate out loud to anyone. They would be too afraid of what I would do to them.”
Beta'd by the most amazing Tenchi. Love you, woman! You are the best!
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