Making It Last | By : littleprincess Category: M through R > Once & Again Views: 3542 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Once & Again, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter 1-Metting Mishaps
The rated stuff probably won’t take effect for a while yet (by
that I mean the NC-17) Send me feedback to Also;
my story does NOT necessarily follow the show at all. These characters aren’t
mine…they don’t belong to anyone anymore but they’re still
not mine.
“Mom…I’m gonna be late!” 15 year old Grace Manning screamed from the
front hall where she was waiting for her mother Lily to drive her to school.
“I know, I know…Zoë! Let’s go…!” She screamed up the
stairs waiting for Grace’s little sister Zoë. The three of them piled into the family Volvo station
wagon and headed for Grace’s school. Lilly dropped her off by the
sidewalk in front of the high school. “Okay honey…you have your
lunch?” Grace nodded and walked away. “Oh and you brushed your teethe Grace didn’t you?” Grace groaned and
saw the groups of kids bunched around the front of the school. ‘Not now mom please…’ She thought.
“Yea mom…” She walked quicker into the school.
“Grace…! Grace…!” She turned to see her mom
standing ON the sidewalk no longer in her car, holding her brown paper bagged
lunch in her hands. “Forgot to bring your lunch!”
Grace looked at the ground as she walked to her mother. She took the lunch and
headed for the school entrance. On her way through she heard laughs and
snickers from “the populars” meaning Eli Sammler and all his
buddies plus his girlfriend Jennifer.
“Don’t forget your lunch sweetie…and
brush your teeth…” Eli snickered and made fun of her. She tried not
to let it faze her and kept walking into the school. She went straight into her
locker and grabbed her Algebra and Biology books before heading off to
homeroom. As always she sat in the corner desk near the window and as always
Eli (who unfortunately was in her homeroom) came in 13 minutes AFTER the
morning bell had rung. When the bell for
first period rang Grace got up and walked out the door but Eli pushed her on
his way out the door. She stepped back and waited for him to pass then let
herself out the door. She headed to
Algebra first and then finally in biology her friend Carla was in her class. Carla
was a junior but Grace was in a junior biology course…most of her courses
were honors courses. Carla and she were
completely different people; it was amazing that they were friends. It’s
the last two people you’d think of being friends.
“Hey Grace…” Carla whispered across to
her desk while Mrs. Sullivan wrote something on the board.
“What…” She whispered back while
writing exactly what the teacher was writing on the board.
“Party tonight…at Mike’s you coming
with me?” Grace looked at her with her eyes popped out.
“Are you kidding? No way! I don’t do that
stuff Carla…!”
“Oh c’mon Grace, you don’t have to
drink just hang out with me…we’ll have fun.” Grace copied the last of the notes down and
looked back at Carla. Thinking for a moment she looked down and up again.
“Okay but I’m not staying long…what’ll
I tell my mother? She’ll never let me go to a senior party!”
“Just tell her you’re staying over my place…”
Grace nodded.
“I’ll pick you up at your house at 7:30 okay…?”
“Yeah…” The bell rang signaling the
end of second period and Carla walked out with Grace until Eli passed her in
the hall.
“Okay bye Grace…”
“Bye…” Carla kept walking with Eli and
Grace headed off to the rest of her day. As soon as Grace got home she went
into the living room where her mother was sitting on the couch watching Oprah.
“Mom…is it okay if I sleep over Carla’s
“Sure…her parent’s are going to be
home right?”
“Well her mom…her dad’s on business. She’s
gonna pick me up at 7:30. We’ll
probably catch a movie.” It was so unlike Grace to be lying like this.
“Okay sweetheart, it’s alright with me but don’t
forget tomorrow is Saturday so you’re staying over your father’s.”
“Okay mom…got it.” Grace went upstairs and worked on her homework…this
was the normal Grace Manning; homework on a Friday night. At 6:00 she jumped in the shower, got out and did her hair. She
straightened it and pulled a little back in a clip. She wore a black knee
length skirt and white tight fitted ¾ length sleeved sweater that had a plunging
v-neckline. It was probably one of the most revealing shirts she owned which
was sad since…well it wasn’t that revealing. She packed a bag for
the night and covered up with her jacket so her mother wouldn’t catch
onto the outfit.
“Bye mom love you…”
“Do I get a kiss…?” Lily asked but Grace was already
out the door.
“Hey…so you ready?” Carla asked when they got in her
“Yeah…” They took off and headed for Mike’s.
“So…Eli will be there…” I jerked my head and
looked at her.
“So what…?”
“Oh c’mon Grace…you know you like him, the guy is
fucking hot. There’s no denying it.” Grace laughed. The rest of the car ride we were content and
quiet just listening to the radio. When they got the Mike’s house the
cars were parked up and down the road and the music blaring already. “Ready…?”
Grace nodded.
“Let’s go…” They got outta the car and headed
towards the front door. This was
considered a small party…compared to all the others it was. The first
thing Grace took eye to when she walked in was Eli in the corner drinking with
Coop and Matt. Everyone in the living
room was on top of one another dancing and grinding. Grace looked uncomfortable
and quite frankly…out of place.
“C’mon…” Carla reached for her hand and they
weaved through until they reached the kitchen. “Wanna beer?” Grace
shook her head.
“Ah no…”
“C’mon Grace…” Grace eyed it carefully.
“Okay…ONE!” Carla smiled and handed it to her. She opened
it and took a sip; at first it was a nasty taste but after a few sips she got
used to it. They walked out into the living room and Carla went over to Eli.
“Hey Eli…”
“Carla…” He tilted his cup of beer up. “What’s
going on babe?”
“Not much…where’s Jennifer?”
“In trouble…couldn’t come…”
“Awe…what a shame…” Carla laughed along with
Eli. Grace just stood next to her like an outcast sipping her beer.
“So why’s Manning girl here?” Eli asked.
“Eh...she’s a cool chick. I invited her. We’re
“You’re shitting me…” Eli laughed.
“Nope…” Carla turned to Grace. “C’mon
Grace…have fun…” Grace just smiled.
“C’mon babe let’s go dance…” Eli reached
for Carla’s hand and they joined the rest of the kids in the living room
floor grinding. Grace walked around a bit and went into the kitchen to get
another beer for her and Carla and Eli. When she got back Eli and Carla were
done dancing and she handed their beers to them.
“Thanks Grace…” Carla said.
“Thanks Manning…” Eli grinned at her and her heart
turned a little. She smiled.
“You’re welcome…”
“Eli…take her out dancing…” Carla motioned to
“Oh no…it’s okay…” Grace interfered.
“No, c’mon Grace…go…” She gave Grace a
little push and Eli followed. When Grace got out towards the middle she looked
at Eli nervous.
“Look, its cool…just go with me okay…?” She
just nodded and his hands took hold on her waist. He gyrated his hips and
motioned for her to follow what he was doing. She was definitely uncomfortable
at first but after the first dance she began to get into it. When the next song
came on Eli turned her around so her back was facing his front and he moved her
hips with the rhythm. They danced out there for three songs before going back
to Carla and Coop and Matt.
“Told ya it’d be fun babe!” Carla yelled to Grace. Eli
just looked at Grace like it was any ole’ dance he’d done millions
of times with girls…which probably in the end was the truth. An hour later Eli was on his fourth beer but
still not tipsy and Grace was on her second still…she didn’t drink
them too quickly.
“Listen you guys wanna go down for spin the bottle…?”
Carla mentioned looking at Grace, Matt, Coop, Eli and Jennifer who HAD managed
to show up and was all over Eli.
“Yeah let’s go…” Jennifer chimed in. Grace look
pale and nervous.
“I’ll just stay here…”
“Nonsense…let’s go guys…” They all headed
downstairs and Grace looked shocked as she past couples were making out and
some actually having sex on the floors down there. She shuddered and kept
walking to the back of the basement where nobody was.
“Okay c’mon sit in a circle…” Carla grabbed an
empty beer bottle. Grace sat next to Carla and Matt. Eli was across from Grace
and next to Jen and Coop. “We all know the rules…I don’t
think I need to explain…” She looked at Grace who just nodded. “Lands
on the person once it’s a peck on the lips, twice is French and third you
go in the laundry room for 7 minutes.” Grace looked up…THAT was a
new rule to her.
“Alright…let’s get playing.” Eli spoke up.
“I’ll go first…” Carla sat and spun the bottle
landing on Coop. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. Coop was next
to spin and he landed it on Jen. ‘Thank god it wasn’t Manning girl.’
He thought to himself. Jen spun it next.
“C’mon land on Eli…Eli…Eli…” It
landed on Coop and she reached over and gave him a french. “It BETTER be
Eli next time.” Coop rolled his eyes and spun it landing on Eli. “No
same sexes…I don’t want my boyfriend kissing a boy.”
“A rule is a rule…us girls have to kiss a girl is we land
on it so we HAVE to.” Eli looked back like ‘oh shit’ and Coop
leaned over giving the quickest peck possible. Eli took a sip of beer real
quick after and spun the bottle landing on Grace. Everyone but Carla and Eli
laugh in the circle. Eli didn’t because HE had to kiss her and Carla didn’t
because that’s her friend. Jen looked
“Eli has to kiss Manning girl…” And they all laughed.
He leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips but when he pulled back he
thought about how soft and angelic her lips felt in that second. She spun the
bottle and oddly it landed on Eli again. The whole circle was in hysterics
making fun of Eli now, because he had to kiss Grace…Grace Manning. He leaned
over and she leaned over trembling. She’d never had her first kiss till
just then and now she’s about to have his tongue in her mouth. She thought
and shuddered. He kissed her and pried her mouth open with his tongue. She opened her mouth allowing entrance for his
tongue and after a minute they both pulled away. ‘God she tastes good…’
He thought to himself refusing to believe himself and what he was saying. The circle
was quiet for a while and then Grace spun landing on Carla. Carla leaned over
quickly kissing her and then spun. They played for an hour and Grace & Eli
managed to steer clear of each other. However, once Jennifer landed on Grace
and gave her only a peck (Grace had been picked very few times which the others
were grateful for) Grace spun the bottle and for the third time that night it
landed on Eli. She looked up at him terror in her eyes.
“Listen just spin again…” Eli said.
“No, no…man a rule is a rule.” Coop spoke up.
“Lay off Coop…”
“Do it Eli…you chicken shit?”
“Fuck off man just leave her be…” Grace stood up.
“Let’s just get it over with…” She said in a
young, innocent voice. That’s who she
was…young & innocent. Eli got
up and Jen gave Grace an evil glare. Carla looked at her watch and the two
disappeared into the laundry room. There
were four bean bag chairs and a blanket on the floor in there. The lights were
off except for a black light. Grace sat
in one of the bean bag chairs and Eli next to her.
“Listen Grace…you and I both know we don’t want to do
it so let’s just sit here for seven minutes and ta—”
Eli was cut off and pushed back by Grace and her lips suctioned to his. She
opened his mouth with her tongue and he wrapped his arms around her resting
them on her lower waist. He took control sensing Grace’s nerves and
inched his hands up inside her shirt. He got as far as the bottom of her
breasts and then she pulled away.
“Okay stop…” He sat up trying to ignore the hard on
he was getting. Was Grace Manning THE Grace Manning, school reject, girl
everyone hated actually giving him a hard on? He sat up and she
noticed the bulge in his pants. “Oh…oh my…” He reached
out to touch her arm.
“Grace…I’m sorry…” She just shook her
head and for the next 4 ½ minutes they sat in complete utter silence. They heard Carla scream to them insinuating
their time was up and the both practically jumped up. They walked out and the
guys laughed and made fun of Grace calling her a prude. Eli tried hiding the
growing excitement he had and only then is when they realized they had done something.
“Eww…man what the fuck…that gave you a hard on? HER?”
Jennifer looked at Eli disgusted. Grace couldn’t take more teasing and
ran upstairs and out to the front step. She
sat out there and looked out at the dark sky. A few minutes later Carla was
sitting next to her.
“Hey hun…ignore them.” She put an arm around her
shoulder. “You should be proud…YOU gave Eli Sammler a hard on…c’mon
how many people are gonna say that?”
“Half the cheerleading squad?” Grace said half kidding, half serious. Carla laughed.
“Well screw the cheerleading squad. You got that slut Jennifer
pissed at you…we hate her so good work! C’mon let’s go home…you
don’t have to be here anymore.” Grace stood.
“Thanks…I just wanna sleep…” They got up and
headed for her car. The beers had worn off of her now considering she only had
two and she was fine to drive home. When
they got to her house Grace got in her pajamas and immediately fell asleep…Carla
not far behind. When Grace woke up in the morning she felt awful but Carla had
to drive her home early so at 10 they left and Grace was in her house by 10:30. she ran upstairs
and got some clothes ready for her father’s that
“Grace…is that you? Are
you home…?” Her mother yelled.
“Yeah mom…it’s
me.” She finished packing and the doorbell rang. She heard her mom get it
and then heard her name being yelled.
here to see you.” ‘Who could it be at this hour?’ She thought
but shrugged it off thinking it was probably Lindsay and ran downstairs only to
find someone total opposite there…someone she never expected to be at her doorstep, especially at 10:45 in the morning.
“Eli…” She said
aloud staring at him.
Alright that’s all for now…lemme
know what y’all think! J
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