Bagels and Blood | By : DruandHarem Category: G through L > House Views: 2499 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own House, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Bagels and Blood
--Ch 1—
Wilson groaned as he heard the first notes of “Pinky and the Brain” come from his cell phone. He had just made it home and stumbled to bed less than an hour ago. He glared at the phone, willing it to be quiet. Oh that never worked, he sighed and grabbed the phone.
"House this had better be important."
"Wilson. I need your help."
"House? What? Where are you? What's wrong?" Wilson was instantly awake at the sound of House's voice.
"I- I'll tell you when you get here. Hurry."
"What?" Wilson squawked sitting up and pushing off the blanket.
"I'm at Chase's apartment. 15 Evermont Terrace. The parking lot."
"House what is going on? Is this some kind of joke? It's not funny." Wilson snapped growing more worried.
"Wilson.... please."
Wilson was out of the bed, barely stopping to pull on a pair of pants over his boxers and a pair of shoes at the sound of House's voice. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." He hung up, turning in a circle as he tried to find his shirt. He found it, clenched in his wife’s fist. She was glaring at him.
"You're leaving?! At this time of night?! For him again?! For gods sake James! You don't have to go running every time he snaps his fingers!" Wilson jerked at his wife’s angry voice.
"Julie...he's been my best friend for years. And I'm really worried. I-I'm- we can talk later. I have to go; it sounded like an emergency." He snagged a crumpled shirt from the floor, pulling it on.
"James! If it was an emergency it would be the hospital calling!"
"Julie...I'm sorry. We'll talk! I promise!" Wilson called over his shoulder, hurrying out the door.
Wilson dived into his car and sped out of his driveway towards the hospital, glad, once again, that he lived close by.
What could be wrong? House sounded upset. Was he hurt? Was Chase hurt? Why weren't they on the way to the hospital? Did one of them get hurt during... weird sex thing? Were they too embarrassed? But wait, House said the parking lot? What could they be doing in the parking lot in the middle of the night?!
Wilson pulled his car into the parking lot, slamming on the brakes as his headlights fell on it’s two occupants. He froze, knuckles turning white on the steering wheel as he stared at the scene. House was sitting on the asphalt, looking up at him, his eyes squinting in the bright light. That wasn’t what scared Wilson though. He had often seen his friend in scenarios like that, usually too drunk to stand, but responsible enough to wait for a ride.
No, what scared Wilson was the motionless body of Dr. Robert Chase, lying on the ground beside House.
--Ch 2--
Wilson stumbled as he rushed out of his car, landing on his knees next to the two men. His hand shot out to check for a pulse on Chase’s neck.
"You won't find one. He's...gone. For now at least." House said quietly, still holding Chase.
Wilson stared in horror down at the cool neck as his fingers confirmed what House said. Dr. Robert Chase was dead. "Oh. Oh God House what happened?"
"House this not the time for jokes!" Wilson snapped angrily.
"Not joking. Pick him up will you? I couldn't on my best day, least of all now and with a broken cane." House said, shaking him self out of his stupor.
"House- what-" Wilson's eyes landed on the bloody, broken cane. "House, tell me right this minute what the hell is going on here!"
"That dangerous, stupid, going-to-get-him-self-killed, thing Chase was doing? This was it. And he got him self killed. Chase was hanging out with people who pretended to be vampires. Only problem is vampires are real. And he pissed one off, which did this to him. I tried feeding him the blood off my cane but I don't know if it's going to work. Now will you help me get him inside before one of his neighbors strolls out here and sees us?" House snapped glaring up at Wilson.
Wilson stared at House wondering if he'd finely snapped for good. "House...."
"James! Pick him up. Carry him upstairs, and put him in his bed! Then we can talk!" House ordered.
Wilson, deeply worried for his friend’s mental health decided to go along with him for now and get in trouble with the police for disturbing a crime scene later.
He scooped up the lifeless, limp body of his best friend’s lover, flinching at the familiar feel of cold skin, and waited for House to struggle to his feet using Wilson to pull himself up. With House using him as a crutch, they headed for the elevator.
--Ch 3--
Wilson gently laid Chase out on top of his bed, carefully arranging his limp limbs into something more comfortable looking.
He pushed a lock of blond hair away from the closed eyes, twisting it around his fingers. He carefully ran his fingers down to the small patch of blood on Chase’s neck.
“Dammit.” Pulling a Kleenex from a box beside the bed he wiped away the blood, revealing two small puncture holes. What the hell had the young intensivist gotten into? Wilson sighed, and went back to the living room where he had left House.
“We have to call the cops.”
“And tell them what? 911, a vampire just bit my boyfriend. No, he’s dead, just felt the need to tell someone.”
“Will you listen to yourself? A vampire didn’t kill Chase. A drug overdose maybe, or –or alcohol poisoning! You said yourself it was a dangerous scene.“
“Because. Of. The. Vampires!”
Wilson stood back and watched House slump on the couch holding his head in the hands looking the picture of misery. He slowly approached and sat down in large comfy chair next to the couch. "House? You said you'd explain all this to me."
House looked up wearily. "Yeah...I did. Right." He rubbed a hand across his eyes and Wilson caught sight of a large gash in House's arm.
Wilson reached over and grabbed it, looking closely at the wound. "How did this happen? It looks like it'll need stitches."
House glanced down, and then shook his head. "Werewolves. Chase has a first aid kit in the kitchen. Grab it and slap some of those plastic suture things on it with a bandage and it'll be fine."
Wilson wanted to argue but frankly wasn't in the mood to bicker about it with him, so got up to fetch the first aid kit.
House watched Wilson, his loyal best, hell only, friend, get up and get the first aid kit from it's spot velcroed to the wall next to the phone. He and Chase had learned quickly that being in the kitchen frequently resulted in needing some kind of first aid. Wilson came back and started looking for what he'd need to fix up House's arm, waiting for him to begin.
"So. Ok uh. It started a month or so ago. I found out Chase was going to this club. A, what he thought was only a bunch of role players dressing up pretending to be vampires and werewolves, club. He had no clue whatsoever that a nice handful of the people there aren't people. I found out that vampires and werewolves were real and was worried he'd get him self killed so I started researching. I found out various things. Like vampires are stronger then humans, faster, have more endurance, enhanced senses, irritable, hard to kill, likely to kill people who annoy them, ya know lots of fun stuff. So after a week of researching I followed Chase to the club, watched him spend the night dancing, drinking, and having a great time till he was about to do this big hulk of a vampire right there in the middle of the club. I took things into my own hands, dragged him off, we ended up fighting then having sex in the back room, and you know the rest. We've been...seeing each other for a month now. He went back tonight, found out they were real. He wasn’t high or drunk, just scared shitless. He got attacked when he we went back down to get my stuff."
Wilson froze in the ministrations, staring at House. He started to insist that this was insane and House needed to get a psych check but stopped. Chase was dead. The only visible signs of trauma, two small puncture wounds to the neck. And House, despite his habit of playing jokes, would never joke about Chase's death, and frankly looked too far in shock to lie. He had no choice but to believe him for now. Wilson stared at the floor for a minute before he went back to cleaning House's jagged cut. "So uh. What happened in the garage? With the...vampire."
“That was the Hulk. The guy Chase was going to screw last month. Apparently he didn't like losing Chase and when he saw Chase tonight, he must have followed him, I don’t know. All I know is the phone rang and then his voice was on the answering machine along with Chase sounding panicked, I got down there as fast as I could and Chase was- Chase was nearly dead. I- I went fight or flight response, beat the crap out of the werewolf bodyguards, then when my cane broke I used it to stake the vampire. The werewolves ran off with the vampire’s body and I checked on Chase. He was barely there. I tried to scrape off as much blood from my cane as I could and fed it to him. I- I don't know if it'll work."
Wilson gulped as he pressed a bandage over the cut and smoothed the edges. "So. Uh you...turned Chase?"
House's head snapped up and he glared. "What other choice did I have? He was going to die! He was barely alive, and even if I could have gotten him to a hospital, there would have been nothing anyone could do for a vampire bite. It was death or vampirism. I won't lose him. I can't lose him."
Wilson made soothing noises while he quickly closed up the first aid case and set it aside. "You won't lose him. I'm sure it'll work. He'll be fine. ...I think. He rubbed a hand over his face, unconsciously mimicking House’s earlier actions.
“Err what about feeding him? And things like that? Should we start covering windows and things to keep him from bursting into flame?" Wilson asked.
House blinked, looking away from the bedroom door, distracted by Wilson’s ability to think practically. "Vampires eat and drink like normal people. They just need to drink at least a couple pints a week. Think of it like a normal human taking vitamins. I'll probably get it from the club. That's the only place I can think of to get it other then maybe a butchers or something. And direct sunlight annoys them, any longer then 10-15 minutes and they start to get sunburnt like a really sensitive human, but no bursting into flames or any of that movie stuff."
“How do you know so much?”
“Research… and uh, I kind of interrogated one of Chase’s playmates.”
Wilson nodded and got up to put the first aid kit away. When he got back he looked at House then made up his mind. "Come on. You look wiped out. Let’s get you to bed. You can rest and keep Chase company till he wakes up." Wilson said, helping House up off the couch and leading him into the bedroom.
“He will wake up, right?” For the first time House sounded unsure. Wilson didn’t answer. He had never been a good liar.
After he settled House in bed next to Chase he stepped back feeling a bit like an interloper as he watched House gently stroke Chase's face. Both jumped when Chase made a small mewing noise and nuzzled into House's touch before falling into a more normal sleep.
House and Wilson exchanged wide-eyed looks. "See I told you he'd be fine." Wilson said with false brightness. "Now you get some sleep with him, you're both going to need to be well rested to deal with all this... I'll wake you if anything important happens."
House yawned and snuggled in, wrapping him self around Chase and quickly falling asleep.
Wilson watched them for a moment before he grabbed a quilt that was over the back of a chair and pulled it over both of them. He smiled slightly at the scene, shaking his head, before returning to the living room to take up the night watch.
--Ch 4--
Wilson sat by the window, watching the sky slowly lighten and turn to daylight. He'd managed to get a few hours of a sleep but had awoken a little while ago and hadn't been able to fall asleep again. Chase and House had still been sleeping when he had gone in to throw heavy towels over the window. There was still enough light seeping in from the living room that he wouldn’t have to worry about Chase waking up in the dark.
He glanced through the open bedroom door again and saw Chase stirring. He put down his coffee mug and went into the kitchen to fetch mugs for House and Chase.
Chase rolled over and groaned, feeling sore all over. Had what did he and House do last night? If make up sex was that good he was defiantly picking more fights in the future. He stretched and yawned, staring up the ceiling.
Ok, so what actually had happened last night? It was all a blur. He remembered finding his fangs frozen in the freezer and getting pissed off at House. He remembered going to the bloody. Then.... Chase shook his head. He couldn't clearly remember anything except something upset him and he came home and House was upset with him for lying then there was the strawberry sex and a shower. But after that? What? Sex, he guessed. But mind numbing, memory erasing sex?
He jerked, startled as Dr. Wilson intruded on his thoughts with two mugs, one steaming. Chase quickly grabbed his pillow and threw it over House’s head. It occurred to him that the doctor probably knew exactly who was now hidden under the pillow, but he had to give it a shot.
"Uh? Dr. Wilson? Why are you in my apartment?" Chase asked tentatively while pushing his hair out of his eyes.
Wilson smiled and gestured at House. "Mind hitting him awake for me? And you can drop the doctor."
Chase gave him another weirded out look but shook House's arm. "House? Wake up."
House blinked awake and stared at him before grabbing him and hugging him tightly. "Oh thank god!"
Chase squeaked but hugged House back, his face twisted in confusion. "House? Are you ok? What's wrong?"
Wilson and House looked at each other then Chase. "You don't remember what happened last night?
"Uh not really. It's all kind of blurry..." Chase admitted. He looked at House, eyes widening. “We didn’t sleep with him did we?”
House and Wilson exchanged looks again.
“As disturbed as I am that that is your first explanation: no. We didn’t have sex with Wilson.”
“Then what did we do? I don’t remember.”
House wrapped an arm around Chase's shoulder. "That’s ok, I'm sure it'll come back to you. If not we can always trade you in for a working model." House tried jokingly.
Wilson handed House the steaming coffee mug and gave the other to Chase. "Here. Thought you both could use this.”
House gave Wilson a look of thanks and sipped at his coffee.
Chase took a sip of his then choked. “This is blood!”
House shot Wilson a look then saw the bandage wrapped around his hand. "Chase I know you don't remember anything from last night but you have to know something happened to you."
Chase shot them both horrified looks, then his face blanked as he stared down into the mug watching it coat the sides. "I was in the Bloody drinking fake blood. Alexia greeted me and scolded me for being gone so long and when she hugged me...oh god. Vampires are real! It hit me! Then in the bathroom...Victor! Oh He must have followed me home. He...He bit me!" Chase's hand shot to his neck and felt at the holes that were still there, unhealed.
House quickly put his cup of coffee on the night table. and grabbed Chase's mug as it started to slip out of his hands. He put it on the night table as well before wrapping his arms around Chase and trying to calm him down. "Chase, Chase! Shh! It's ok, it's ok!"
"I- oh God! I died! I remember it! You were holding me and I died!" Chase wriggled out of his hold, retreating until his back hit the headboard.
"Chase, you're ok! You're ok, Chase!" House tried to tell him.
"I- Oh. Oh...I don't have a pulse. My- my heart's not beating. I'm cold aren't I?" Chase whispered his fingers still pressed against his throat.
"Uh well you are kind"
Chase whimpered and wrapped his arms around him self and started to rock back and forth. "Oh God what's going on?! How can this be happening?!"
" were dying. You were nearly gone by the time I got out there. I- I didn't have any other choice. It was this...or lose you." House said hesitantly.
Chase stared at House wide-eyed then slowly reached over and poked him in the chest. "...You’re a vampire?"
House groaned and covered his face. "Why did I have to fall in love with the dumb one? No you idiot! I scraped his blood off my cane after I staked him!"
"...That’s… very gross." Chase said with a wrinkled nose, wriggling his way back into House’s arms.
House glared down at him. "You were dying! And I refuse to los- I refuse to have to break in and train a new minion! It took too long to get you just right." House huffed.
Wilson coughed, covering up his laugh. "Right. House hates breaking in new people."
House glared at him for a moment then snapped his fingers and pointed at the night table and the mugs.
Wilson, still grinning, grabbed the mugs and handed them back.
Chase wrinkled his nose at the mug of blood again. "Ew."
House gave him a Look. "You're a vampire groupie who, by night hangs out in vampire clubs drinking fake blood, and by day is up to his elbows in blood half the time, and you're 'ew'ing a mug of blood?"
Chase looked right back at him. "Yeah well the fake blood is fake and tastes nothing like real blood, and I'm not drinking the blood that's gushing out of my patients."
House glared at him and gave the mug a slight push towards his mouth. "Drink! You're a vampire now so get used to it! God! Why couldn't you be a easy to deal with TV vampire who leaps on any source of blood as soon as they wake up?"
Chase glared right back. "No! This can't be right! I'm not a vampire! I don't have any urges to rip out your throat or go on any killing sprees or even drink this damn mug of blood! I can not be a vampire!"
House calmly reached over and gripped Chase's wrist for a full minute. "Well you're lacking in the pulse area, you're feeling pretty chilly, and you look like you're wearing a particularly thick layer of white make up. Hmm... What do you think?"
Chase's lower lip trembled.
House cringed.
Chase sniffed and wiped at his quickly filling eyes.
"No! No, no, no!" House protested.
Wilson sighed as suddenly it was House's turn to panic at a crying Chase. He intervened. "Chase? Hey calm down. How would you like something to eat? Omelet sound good?"
House quickly latched on and nodded. "Yeah. Now, calm down. Just stop freaking out and I'll get Wilson to fix us some nice omelets."
Chase stopped sniffling, and peeked out at Wilson from under his hair. "With cheese?"
"Yes." Wilson smiled encouragingly.
"And little crumbly bits of bacon?"
"And little crumbly bits of bacon."
"And peppers?"
House broke in. "Why the hell do you want to ruin an omm-“ At Chase’s watery gaze though, he quickly relented. “Okay, okay, peppers don't start crying again."
Wilson snickered at the two of them and headed to the kitchen.
“And no omelets until you finish every drop of that blood!” He ordered, over his shoulder, retreating to the relative normalcy of preparing breakfast for the three of them.
--Ch 5--
At the sudden loud ringing of the phone Dru whined pitifully. "Haaaarem! Get the damn phone!"
The answering voice was equally pain filled and a cranky. "It's your apartment! You get it!"
"Vampire! Creature of the night here!"
"Werewolf! Also creature of the night! And you're closer!"
Dru pulled the pillow off her head and glared balefully at her friend. "I hate you." She snapped grabbing the phone off the end table near her head.
"Whatdyawant?!" She growled
A bemused voice came from the other end of the line. "Dru?"
"It's Chase. Rob. Umm… I’ve got a bit of a problem.”
“Rob! What’s wrong?”
“I was bitten.”
Dru rolled her eyes. “Congratulations.”
“By a Vampire.”
"YOU WERE WHAT?!” Dru shrieked, bolting upright on the couch.
Harem fell off the other couch with a thump and scowled over the coffee table at her. “What is your problem?"
Dru shushed her. “Rob? What happened.”?
"A large, rather cranky, horny vampire by the name of Victor followed me home and drained me. If House hadn't been there to stake him, and beat the crap out of his body guards, then feed me blood from his cane I'd be...deader then I am now.”
“You sound kind of calm about it.”
A snort came over the phone line. “Well disguised terror. Look, can you come over.”
Harem hit Dru in the face with a pillow and glared. "Hey! Fill me in; what's going on?"
Dru covered the mouthpiece and glared at her. "Use your damned werewolf hearing!"
"I was half asleep for most of the conversation and I'm still hung-over! Fill me in!"
"Victor killed Robbie last night and House turned him with Victor's blood off his cane. She turned back to the phone conversation, ignoring Harem’s open mouthed gawking.
"Harem and I will come over. 15 Evermont Terrace, still right?"
"Yeah for now. Bring some boxes will you? I need to pack."
"Ok, hold on sweetie! We'll be over in... erm say an hour."
“Shouldn’t you wait until dark?”
“Nah, I’ll be- hey! I mean, err..why would I?”
“Because you’re a vampire?” Chase explained. Harem snickered at the sarcasm in his voice.
Dru sighed. “I’ll be fine. We’ll be there in an hour.”
"Ok see you then."
Dru hung up the phone and clutched her head. "Oh sweet Zeus on a pogo stick! Harem up! Get cleaned up. We're going over to Robbie's."
Harem shook her head coming out of her shock. "Is he ok? Not trying to stake him self or anything right?"
"He sounded ok. But we need to get over there to take care of him. He knows nothing about the community or anything!" Dru yelped while running into her bedroom to change into clothes that smelled a little less like alcohol and cigarette smoke. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she searched for the Aspirin.
Harem flinched at the light coming in the Living room window though the blinds. "Goddammit. Why couldn't he have gotten killed at a reasonable hour?" She scrambled up and headed for the spare room where she stored some of her stuff.
--Ch 6--
House opened his front door and blinked out at the two women standing there. "You know I took three someones a hell of a lot bigger then you two last night."
"Hey! We were invited! Robbie called us!" Dru defended.
"Oh he did, did he? CHASE! Get your little koala ass out here now!" House yelled over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off the women for a second.
"Aww come on don't be like that! We come bearing gifts!" Harem said flicking the ice chest Dru was carrying.
"Gifts?" House asked, slightly more interested.
"Blood. At least a few days worth. And I'll tell him where to get more." Dru told him cheerfully.
House snorted. "You'll have to get him to drink the stuff first. He's a squeamish little thing for a vampire/ex-vampire groupie/doctor."
Chase popped out from the bedroom wearing sweats and rubbing at his wet hair with a towel. "You bellowed? Dru! Harem! You guys made it!"
They waved.
"Hiya Robbie. How you doing? Try to eat anyone yet?" Harem asked.
Chase's eyes widened. "That's going to happen?"
Dru hit Harem. Hard. "No! She's just being an ass. Ignore her. You won't eat anyone. Erm. Unless you want to."
Chase scowled at the dropping his towel around his neck. "I should have known. You know, it's a lot easier dealing with you two when I'm drunk."
"Everything’s easier when you’re drunk.” Harem stated.
“Except driving.” Dru chimed.
“Granted.” Harem agreed. “Sadly though the next day comes and your mouth tastes like something crawled in there and died and pounded you on the head with a sledge hammer while it died. Like us now. So we expect coffee and aspirin. And porn. Legolas/Gimli preferably." Harem shoved Dru in front of her into the apartment, forcing House to step back or get knocked over.
House scowled at the invaders but had to admit they were in no way as intimidating or frightening as the vampire and werewolves from last night.
They both made them selves at home, seemingly familiar with the apartment. "So what's this I hear about you not eating?" Dru asked turning, hands on hips, after putting down the icebox.
Chase scowled at House. "I am not anorexic! How many times must I say that?"
House snorted and leaned against the wall. "He's most certainly anorexic when it comes to blood!"
Dru glared at Chase. "Bad boy! Bad! No!" She pulled a rolled up newspaper from her coat and whacked him upside the head with it.
Both House and Chase blinked at her in bewilderment. Dru shrugged. "It hasn't worked on Harem yet but I keep trying. I figured maybe it'd work on you. You have to eat Rob! Or you'll get sick and unhealthy just like if you stopped eating normal food."
Chase scowled.
House smirked.
Harem rolled her eyes. "Aspirin, coffee, porn, is any of this sounding familiar to you?"
House slowly grinned evilly. "Hey, uh Harem was it? You were the one who get hit by the truck right? Did you ever get those stitches out?"
Harem blinked and pushed up her sleeve and looked at her arm. "Was I supposed to?"
Chase groaned and held his head. "Yes about four weeks ago!"
Dru snorted in amusement.
Harem scowled at her. "Well why didn't you remind me?"
"I'm not your keeper!"
"Hey you claim ownership, you have to remind me about getting my stitches out!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do-" A hand was clamped over Harem's mouth before she finished the sentence. "I'll just go take those out for you!" House said sounding terrifyingly perky.
From under House's hand Harem squeaked.
Chase gave House a stern look. "No torturing my friends!"
"What? Who? Me? Why I'm shocked, shocked you would say that! I'm just doing my doctorly duty of treating my patient!" House said trying to sound both innocent and insulted.
The fact the he still had Harem in a headlock didn't help him.
Dru just looked amused. "Perfect. You play with Harem while I have a chat with Rob about what he needs to know." She chose to ignore Harems wild hand signals vaguely meaning 'Get me the hell out of here! Save me!'
House grinned cheerfully and was already dragging her towards the bathroom. "Yay! I've been meaning to break in that new scalpel!"
Chase looked after them in alarm but Dru tugged on his arm towards the kitchen. "Oh she'll be fine. She's hard to kill. And she'll probably like it anyway. Unless the stuff’s made of silver. Then she might get cranky. But anyway back to the point, we need to have a talk.”
--Ch 7--
The microwave dinged and Dru jumped down from her perch on the countertop. She pulled out two steaming mugs of blood. Chase accepted his gingerly, wrinkling his nose. Dru rolled her eyes. “Oh shut up and drink it.”
Chase sighed, but did as he was told. “Don’t you think we should go rescue Harem, or House? They’ve been kind of quiet.”
“Quiet’s never a good thing around Harem.”
“Or House either.” Chase agreed.
“Stop talking about us!” Harem yanked on Dru’s hair as she wandered into the kitchen. She pulled out a chair and plopped down, picking at the medical tape on her arm. “Dr. House has something he wants to share with the rest of the class.”
“We’re running away together.” House deadpanned, popping a Vicodin.
Dru snickered and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Yay then I can have Robbie all to my self! When are you two going?"
House let out a loud and angry snarl, making Chase jump up from his chair and stare.
Harem rolled her eyes. "And that would be it! I poked him and he went all “grr”-y."
"Y-You..." Chase stared at House wide eyed taking in the suddenly glowing eyes and fangs. "You bit him!" He yelled turning on Harem.
“No. I poked him. Some one else bit him.”
House shook him self, shaking off the glowing eyes and fangs and scowled. "It was the Hulk’s body guards from last night. I got slashed in the fight and I guess I got infected."
Chase gaped at him then dropped back down onto the kitchen chair just barely keeping from missing and winding up on the floor.
House looked from the sickly looking Chase to Dru. "Err can vampires go into shock?"
She chewed on a fingernail studying him for a moment. "Um...I guess?" She poked him in the shoulder. "Rob? Sweetie? You still with us?"
Chase startled and blinked up at her. "Err? Um. Yeah. Just... a lot of take in. It's not even noon yet and this has been a very long day. House we need to talk..."
House shook his head. "No. Grab your stuff. You're not staying here. Find some boxes, garbage bags, I don't care just get your stuff and start packing."
“But your-“
“Pack now. Talk later.” House hooked an empty box with his cane and sent it skidding across the floor to smack against Chase’s leg.
“Creepy, Creepier, you get to help. I’m going back to bed.” He limped to the bedroom, ignoring the three whines of protest.
--Ch 8--
Dru glared at Chase from the doorway of House House's, now House's and Chase's house, sternly. "You be good! Remember: get lots of rest, eat, and relax while you're adjusting to all this! Call me if you need anything ok?"
Chase sighed rolling his eyes at about the millionth lecture she'd give him over the last few hours. "Yes Mom.”
She wrinkled her nose. "Mom? You know with what we've done that's rather kinky...."
Chase snorted and gave her a light shove. "Oh you know what I mean! I'll be fine. House and his mothering will insure that. And if not him? Wilson will kill me with food."
House looked up from one of the boxes he was looking though. "Calling me mom now? Wow that's even kinkier then calling her that. You dirty little wombat you!"
"Hey at least I don't call Angelina Jolie mom!" Chase snarked right back at him.
Harem yanked on Dru's sleeve. "Lets go while they're distracted. He’s going to find the scalpels eventually. I don’t want to be dissected!” She whispered at a level that only werewolves and vampires could hear. Unfortunately the attempt at secrecy didn’t work quite so well with other non-mortals in the room
"He wouldn't do that." "That sounds like fun!" Chase and House said at the same time.
Harem tugged franticly at Dru’s sleeve, pulling her towards the door. “Dru!” She hissed.
"Erm. Uh yeah. She has a point. We got to be going. Creatures of the night here. It's way past our bedtime. And hang overs don't make us that much more perky no matter how much coffee you pour into us." Dru said smothering a yawn.
House tilted his head studying her. "You still do that."
"Yawn. Which is an involuntary respiratory reflex, which regulates the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood. So why does a vampire yawn?" House asked narrowing his eyes at her.
Dru blinked owlishly at him. "Um...I dunno." She covered her mouth yawning again.
Harem slapped a hand over her mouth yawning then hit Dru. "Stop it! It's contagious!"
Chase looked amused then annoyed when he started yawning too.
House grinned wickedly. "OH dear! We seem to have a plague on our hands! Can't leave now! I'll get the needles! Spinal Taps for everyone!"
Chase smacked House on the arm, one hand over his mouth. "Oh quit it before you give Harem a stroke! Thanks for all the help with...everything guys. You go home and sleep now."
Dru smiled and pushed Harem in front of her. "Bye! Have fun unpacking!"
--Ch 9--
Chase closed the door then turned and eyed the chaos in front of him. Boxes everywhere. Boxes on top of boxes. Boxes on chairs. Boxes on the couch. Everything he owned in America packed up and shoved into any corner of the apartment they could squeeze a box into. He had only meant to pack a few changes of clothes, but every time he thought he was almost through, House would show up with another empty box, throwing items in randomly. By the time the last box had gone out the door, his apartment looked like it had never been lived in.
Chase sighed. "This.... is going to take a while."
House poked at a box containing Chase's clothes. "It would have helped it we'd left some of this stuff behind. No wait. Better. Burnt them."
Chase stuck his tongue out at House and bent to start looking though a box. “You’re the one who started putting things in boxes. I would’ve been happy with just a-“
He squeaked in surprise as he was yanked up by his collar. House spun him around, diving in for a long hard kiss.
Chase quickly got over his surprise and wrapped him self around House deepening the kiss.
Chase slid his hands under House t-shirt and started tugging it up.
House pulled back long enough to yank his shirt off then latched onto Chase again.
Chase chuckled into his kiss while pulling his hands off House's body to unbutton his own shirt. His fingers fumbled.
House didn't feel like waiting so reached up and with a sharp yank ripped Chase's shirt off, buttons flying everywhere and clacking on the floor.
"House!" Chase yelped with a glare staring in dismay at his ruined shirt.
"Shut up." House ordered pushing the shirt off his shoulders and letting it slip down to the floor, before pulling Chase close again.
Chase groaned into the kiss, hands roaming across House's body.
"Mrph." House agreed as they headed for the bedroom trying to stay in contact but not trip over something and kill them both. House banged into a tottering stack of boxes. He growled and spun their bodies so that Chase was the one being pushed towards the door. “Not Nice.” He gasped between kissed. “to make the cripple walk backwards.”
Chase ignored him, concentrating on the feel of House’s pulse beneath his lips, and House’s hands on his hips, steering him in the right direction.
They made it to the bedroom without further incident and Chase dropped back on the bed, grinning up at House while he quickly unzipped his jeans and wiggled out of them, while House unzipped, dropped and stepped out of his own jeans before climbing up on the bed and leering down at his younger lover.
Chase grinned up at him and ran his hands down House's chest teasingly.
House nipped at Chase's throat growling lowly when he encountered the slowly healing bite mark. He had an incredible urge to mark Chase as his. To wipe away any sign of Victor.
Chase must have had the same urge; he pulled House closer, dragging his blunt nails across House's back. "Now. Take me. Hurt me. Make me scream. Make me forget my own name." Chase half ordered, half begged, arching into House's touch.
House pulled back for a second looking into his eyes, then dived for his lips kissing him deeply.
Chase groaned in approval.
House pulled back panting harshly. "Tell me what you want." He ordered staring deeply into Chase's eyes.
"Want you, need you, in me. Now." Chase gasped out.
House smirked reaching for the tube of lube in the night table. "Tell me. Details."
Chase growled in frustration. "Fuck me! Nail me to the bed and screw my brains out! Make me remember I belong to you."
House chuckled and kissed Chase, not harshly as he had before, but softly, on the crown of his head. Chase dug his nails in harder and House relented, delving into Chase’s mouth with a bruising force, before pushing his legs apart. "Hmm fast or slow? Fast or slow? What to do.... what to do..." House mused smirking down at Chase.
"Hoooouuuuse!" Chase whined desperately.
House grinned and flipped open the top of the tube and squeezed some out. He slowly slid a finger into Chase and pouted slightly at the lack of any reaction from the coldness of the lube. House missed the bitching that usually resulted. He had, in fact, been storing some right next to the cooling vent for just that purpose.
He twisted the finger around, earning a happy moan from Chase. He quickly pulled out, ignoring Chase’s unhappy whine, while he added more lube then added a second finger.
Chase wiggled and tried to get more contact.
House only went as far as to make sure he was well lubed before pulling out again, he quickly coated his cock with lube. He capped and tossed the tube into the night table then hovered over Chase, arms on either side of him. "Ready?"
"If you're not inside of me in one second I swear I'm going to kill you." Chase growled lowly, eyes flashing red for a split second.
House blinked, then leered. "I'll take that as a yes..." He said, before quickly slamming home, making Chase gasp and arch when House brushed over his prostate.
House pulled back then slid in again, and again angling to hit his prostate every time. Chase gasped and bucked under him as House did his best to fuck his brains out.
After only a short time of this torture Chase came with a howl. House grunted and came moments later. House collapsed into the bed next to Chase panting for air. “I thought-” He gasped, “I was supposed to do the howling.”
Chase smacked him in the arm, grinning and staring at the ceiling. He glanced over at House. "Not that I'm complaining but what bought this on?"
"You stuck your tongue out at me. There's a rule you know."
--Ch 10--
Chase whined and burrowed deeper under the covers trying to block out the annoying rendition of Pinkie and the Brain coming from House’s pants’ pocket.
House blindly reached over and whacked Chase. "Get that!"
"Me? It's your phone, not mine! That’s not my ring tone!" Chase mumbled from under his pile of pillows and blankets.
"Cripple!" House barked yanking more of the covers away from Chase and pulling them more firmly over his head.
"Ok you seriously need to stop using that as an excuse for everything!" Chase growled, leaning over the side of the bed and patting around for House's pants.
House raised his head slightly at the sudden lack of Chase in bed and yelp and thump. "You smash your head in?"
Chase's head popped up over the side of the bed scowling. "No. Here's your damned phone." He snapped, tossing it at House's head before crawling back into bed and under the covers, rearranging himself to use House’s stomach as a pillow.
House smirked before flipping the phone open and speaking. "I just had sex!”
“Well I thought you should know. Why are you calling first thing in the morning Wilson?"
"I- um. I'm sorry but it's... Julie kicked me out again. She...there was a lot of yelling and screaming and... She's got all the credit cards and..."
"Come on over. You can have the couch." House said simply.
"House...thanks." Wilson said sounding relieved.
“Hold on-” House lifted the blanket and looked down at Chase who had been poking his chest. “Yes?”
House put the phone back to his ear. “Chase wants bagels.” He snapped the phone closed before Wilson could respond, and tossed it onto the night table.
Chase wormed his way into House's arms. "Wilson's wife kicked him out, huh? And now he's our roomie?"
House paused and looked down at him. "Erm. You're ok with that right?"
Chase chuckled. "Oh so now you're asking? It's fine House. It's your flat, and he's your best friend. Like you'd turn him away?"
“Our apartment. It's your home too now."
"I'm fine with it. Really. We can make him cook so we'll get to eat something other then take out and sandwiches!" Chase said with a grin.
“Ooh, devious.”
“Thank you.” Chase dragged House down into a kiss, pulling the covers back over them both.
The End
for now…
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