A Moment of Inattention | By : BiancaPearl Category: M through R > Raw (RTE tv) > Raw (RTE tv) Views: 960 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Raw, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Pavel turned his bike down a narrow cut-through lane, rushing to get to work. Head down, he increased speed, pulled his hood up against the sharp autumn breeze. Houses and parked cars whizzed by. Nearly late again. Lucky for me I’m sleeping with the head chef. He snorted to himself and shook his head. What are you thinking, Pavel? You know that won’t make any difference. He’d long ago grown used to Geoff’s work persona, stopped feeling hurt that Geoff rarely acknowledged during prep and service that there was anything more between them than an often gratifyingly synergetic but at other times fraught and contentious chef/waiter relationship. It was just Geoff’s way. A workaholic and a consummate professional who kept work and home strictly separate. Aside of course from those rare occasions when he completely lost the plot in spectacular fashion. Thankfully that hadn’t happened in quite a while. Under the wheels of his bike, mashed-up fallen leaves, mottled yellow and brown. It reminded him of the passage of time. Almost two and a half years. Two and a half years since he’s last spoken to his family. Their last words had been harsh. Since then, the communication had been pretty much all one way. Letters to his parents, keeping them informed of his whereabouts, his contact details. No reply. He’d emailed his siblings, a lot to begin with, less so as time passed. Only his little sister Marketa had bothered to reply, her mails back to him kind but short and somewhat terse. Little? What am I thinking? She must be 18 by now. I’m in a time-warp. None of them have changed for me. But things had changed. It was Marketa who informed him that he was now an uncle. His sister Sonya had given birth a few months ago. He’d been surprised by just how upset the news made him, to think that he hadn’t even known she was pregnant. Geoff had caught him wrapping up a little present for the baby a few days later. When Pavel explained he didn’t say anything but just gave him a hug. At times like that he was so relieved to have a staunch Aussie boyfriend. Sometimes fewer words were way better than more. Distracted, he shot out of the lane without looking. The shock of impact, a loud crunching sound and he flew over the handlebars, landing on his backpack with enough force to wind him. His wrist felt wrong, a tingly numbness that rapidly turned into pain. His bike was lying on the ground beside him, it looked okay. The other guy hadn’t been so lucky. He stood contemplating his twisted front wheel with a look of wounded disbelief. Pavel felt like an upended turtle. He rolled awkwardly to his side and got up onto his feet, cradling his arm. “Why the hell didn’t you look where you were going?” “I’m so sorry. Really. I didn’t see you.” The man’s face was red; he ran his hand through the stubble on his head. “You never looked. You could’ve fucking killed me. Don’t they have road rules in Poland?” “I was in the wrong. I’m sorry.” Pavel’s voice was shaking. “I can pay you for the damage.” He pulled off his pack awkwardly, one-handed, and dug around for his wallet. He’d just drawn out some money; should cover it. “I don’t want your stinking money! Got it from begging, did ya?” The other cyclist was right in his face now. “Gypsy scum. Leeching off hard-working people? That’d be right.” The guy’s fist came out of nowhere. It connected with his chin and he was down again, this time his head did hit the ground and everything started going black around the edges. A burst of shocking pain in his side; he dimly realised he’d been kicked. Other voices were shouting now. “Get off me!” his attacker was yelling as hands pulled him away. Pavel noted with a detached kind of interest that for someone who didn’t want his stinking money the guy had been fast enough to pick up his fallen wallet and stuff it into his back pocket. He grabbed his bike and made off. Pavel passed out. “Give us a few of those.” Jojo’s hand snaked across and grabbed a bunch of Geoff’s carrot julienne. “Hey –“ He looked over at her starters. “What the hell are you doing?” His sous glanced up guiltily then back down at her work. Sage–leaf flowers decorated the top of every little pot of pate, each with a peppercorn centre and a pilfered carrot stem. Beside her stood a jug of golden-brown aspic, ready to coat each serving. “It looks completely naff.” “It’s retro, Geoff. Uh, Chef. Retro cool. I’ve made melba toast too.” His expression was unimpressed, but resigned. “If you say so, Elizabeth David.” He’d leant to trust Jojo’s instincts – most of the time. She was right more often than not, though it hurt his ego to admit it - even to himself. Why fight it? The girl is good. Fiona bustled in. “Where’s your poodle skirt?” “I beg your pardon?” “Well, it seems we’ve taken a trip back to the fifties.” “I don’t have to start marking the gin levels again do I Geoff?” “Hah.” “Just checked the bookings. It’s going to be a busy one.” She glanced around the kitchen. ‘Where’s Pavel?” “Around.” “I don’t think so. He’s not in yet. The waiters are asking me all sorts of questions and I don’t have time for it.” “Huh?” Geoff checked his watch. “Shit, what’s he up to?” In his office, he rang Pavel’s phone. Message, as usual. “Pavel, quit shagging around and get your arse into work. Pronto.” Lunchtime service began, several phone calls later and still no Pavel. Geoff quietly fumed, but worry was starting to niggle at him too. “Geoff, come into my office a minute would you.” It was Fiona, face grim. “Right – uh, Jojo, take care of this will you.” He followed her in, wiping his hands on his apron. She didn’t beat around the bush. “The hospital rang. Pavel’s been knocked off his bike.” “What?” The world seemed to tilt under him. “Is he-?” “He’s being held under observation. That’s all they’d say.” “I’m going.” Fiona nodded wordlessly and he walked out without a second glance. The taxi ride to the hospital was surreal. Geoff watched raindrops run down the windowpane, a cold knot in his chest, the feeling that something was being taken away from him strong and terrifying. This situation he couldn’t control. They arrived. He tossed a random handful of notes at the driver and ran through the automatic doors. “Are you a family member?” The woman at the front desk looked up at him shrewdly but not unkindly. Geoff had pulled off his bandana and stuffed it in his pocket but other than that he looked exactly as if he was still in the kitchen. Hot, sweaty, food splatters all over his front. “Yeah.” Geoff tried to think straight. “I’m his cousin. His cousin. By marriage.” “I see.” “Is he all right?” “Just a moment, sir.” She consulted her computer screen for what seemed an age. “Mr Rebien is stable.” “And what does that actually mean?” “You’ll need to talk to the doctor, Mr Mitchell.” “Can I see him?” He was directed to a ward. He banged on the lift button but it took several centuries to reach ground level so he ended up running up three flights of stairs and along several corridors. But when he got to the ward he stopped dead and stood at the doorway, panting, uncertainly peering into the haze of filtered sunlight that filled the room. There were curtains drawn around most of the beds. He couldn’t make Pavel out at all. “Can I help you?” “I’m looking for Pavel. Pavel Rebien.” “Yes, Mr Rebien’s here.” “Is he all right? What’s happened to him? I need to see him.” “And you are…?” “Geoff.” “Geoff. It’s okay. He’ll be fine, really. He’s sleeping now.” “Sleeping?” The word caught in his throat, the relief was so intense. He sagged against the doorframe, tried to speak, choked, couldn’t. Geoff pressed his face against the wall, bit down on his lip. A sob boiled up out of him anyway, came out half strangled. Stop it. He couldn’t let her see him cry. He felt a tentative hand on his arm. ”Are you all right?” The nurse was an Aussie too, somehow that made him feel better. He took a deep breath, stood up straight again. “Yeah, thanks. I’m good. How’s Pavel?” She consulted a chart clipped to the doorframe. “Fractured wrist from the fall off the bike. The doctor wanted to keep him under observation overnight to be sure there was no concussion from the blow to the head when he fell. And of course some abdominal bruising from when he was kicked. Luckily no ribs broken.” “Kicked? He was kicked? What the hell are you talking about?” “Oh, I’m sorry, you haven’t spoken to the gardai yet? He was attacked, after the accident. By the person he hit.” A red mist started to gather in the corners of Geoff’s vision. He must have looked pretty bad because he felt the hand on his arm again. “Geoff, I can’t let you onto the ward unless you’re calm.” Geoff pulled himself together, forced the rage to subside. “I’m calm.” “Good.” Pavel slumped on the settee, not really watching a reality show, his wrist a steady painful throb, like a heartbeat. Geoff flopped down next to him, black marker pen in hand.
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