Giving In | By : TawnyTheDisturbed Category: G through L > Lost Views: 1633 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do NOT own LOST, nor shall I ever. I make no known profit off of this whatsoever. |
Ripped from the contents of…cough cough, I am a torn refugee…sad and demeaned by admins…Oh well. Here I come with the posting of my inappropriate stories with inappropriate themes and scenes! Enjoy my darlings even though I realize it is NOT one of my best pieces!
~~~ Sawyer lay in his secluded tent sleeping comfortably with his hands tucked behind his head, bare-chested in the humidity of the night. The lull of the ocean’s music was entering his dreams. In his subconscious he was currently wondering why he could hear the ocean while he was lying in a field in Tennessee, with the neighbor’s Irish setter lying beside him. He wondered why as he laid there staring at the dog’s tongue hanging out, that he could hear waves rolling across one another instead of the dog’s panting breath. He could certainly feel it on his face, but why couldn’t he hear it? He placed his palms against his ears to check if he had seashells pressed to them. But there was nothing obscuring his ears. He looked around him. The gentle sound of the calm ocean waves weren’t annoying of course, but it was just odd. Unexplainable. It was like hearing a humpback whale while walking the dusty roads of Arizona. It was misplaced, and downright not understandable. And as he laid there, propped up on his elbows beside the Irish setter that was breathing the sounds of the ocean, he heard a quiet whisper, “Sawyer?” He opened his eyes placidly. For a brief second he wondered where he was and where the Irish setter had gone, but he quickly became aware of his location and current situation. His tent was dimly lit by the various fires that still hadn’t burned out throughout the beach camp. And in the faint, orange light, he could see a shy Jack looking down at him, well sort of. Jack seemed to be having a hard time looking Sawyer in the eye. A really hard time. Sawyer may have noticed this, but he wasn’t at all the kind of man to hand out sympathy. He parted his lips, cocking his eyebrow up at the doctor. “Well, ain’t this strange? Looks like I’ve got myself a willing trespasser here.” Jack briefly looked into his eyes, but looked away, blushing when Sawyer said, “Funny, I’m used to this one saying ‘no, no, no’ all the time.” Sawyer studied the smaller man’s averted gaze. His eyebrows were arched upward somewhat, like he was guilty. His lower lip was quivering ever so slightly, like he was nervous. His bare feet were… Huh, Sawyer paused, thinking, Walked all the way from cave-town barefoot? How un-doctorly of him. Usually too afraid to catch athlete’s foot or some other pussy nonsense. But his feet were unsteady, shifting his weight from either one constantly, like he was embarrassed. Studying the body language, Sawyer knew exactly what his late-night visitor was looking for. And that held somewhat of a meaning to Sawyer. He knew that no decision that the doctor made was ever made without hours of thought, and then some more. He wondered if he might find tracks in the sand of Jack’s bare feet, pacing back and forth near his tent. Concentrated footsteps. Worrying footsteps. Wanting footsteps. And this decision was something so completely meaningful to Jack. It was acceptance. Jack’s acceptance to Sawyer didn’t sound nearly as noble in his head. To him, it meant that Jack was finally giving up. Giving in. Giving himself to Sawyer. All without Sawyer ever lifting a mere gaze that was so focused from behind his glasses on whatever book he had selected to read from his numerous salvaged novels. Well, to Jack they had seemed focused. Very focused. He had stared at Sawyer every chance that he got. And Sawyer had never looked up. Never acknowledged him. He hadn’t even tossed a smart-mouth greeting, or one of the various insulting nicknames he had for Jack. Jack had at first thought that Sawyer was ignoring him on purpose, to get a rise out of him. But he came to a thought that what if Sawyer had just merely flowed back into his ordinary, solitary existence? He’d known Sawyer to do a pretty good job of being unaware of the people around him when he wanted to. He thought that maybe Sawyer had grown bored of him and just didn’t care. That was exactly what Sawyer was hoping for. He had indeed been ignoring him on purpose. Never acknowledging Jack. Never being around where Jack was. Never looking at Jack. But that was all because Sawyer knew that Jack was acknowledging him. He knew that Jack was around where he was, and constantly looking at him. So he was feeling triumphant. On the other hand, Jack was feeling all that Sawyer had observed and more. He was afraid too. Of so many things. “C’mere.” He heard Sawyer say. It was quiet and warm. Without his trademark smirk, and without a smile, but also without a frown. Jack licked his lips, and managed to look Sawyer in the eye. His gaze was so intense. He felt a warm shudder ripple down his chest right down to his penis. He didn’t move though. But neither did Sawyer who was still lying there, without a shirt, without shoes or socks, with his hands tucked comfortably behind his head. But Sawyer spoke again. “Come here.” His words were clearer, more drawn out, and more earnest. More encouraging. And that gave Jack the temporary gall to slowly move toward Sawyer. Each small step was careful and timid. Even his muscles contracted and reacted timidly as he very slowly and nervously knelt down beside Sawyer. As he did, Sawyer finally moved himself. His right hand slipped out from under his head and pressed against Jack’s left thigh, which he guided over himself so that Jack was now straddling him. Sawyer didn’t appreciate that Jack’s hands were tucked in close to his sides. This wasn’t exactly what he had expected. Sure he knew Jack would be timid at first, but eventually the need and the pleasure would take hold of him. That was taking longer than he had initially thought at this point. He willed himself to be patient with the short-haired man who was now blushingly seated on top of him, without really sitting on him at all. Afraid to place his weight upon him. But then again, Sawyer was having a hard time being patient. Jack’s bashfulness was only aggravating because it was giving him a solid, aching hard-on. He’d never known himself to be one for the innocent, bashful, breakable types. After all, he’d been a conman before becoming marooned on this island, compliments of a stupidly flown aviation vehicle. The women he’d been with were spicy, and daring. Sleeping with a man while being married to another? It was so illicit. So rebellious. So thrilling. And to make a deal that would land them in a ‘position’ with a lot of money, and a tall, long-haired southern man with bigger balls, mentally and most likely physically, than their combed, well-bred husbands? And the occasional swing with some wild-eyed chick he’d meet at a bar? Or maybe a long-nailed hooker? Yeah, he was used to cougars, tigresses and lionesses of all different colors. And even the occasional tomcat with an impressive talent for giving head. So why has shy, nervous, innocent Jack been driving him absolutely crazy lately? Sawyer slipped his other hand out from beneath his head and placed his big, strong hand firmly on the back of Jack’s neck. He heard the smaller man’s quick intake of breath. And then he slowly pulled him downward. Sawyer felt Jack’s hands press to the ground on either side of himself, purposefully not touching him. Goddamnit, he wanted Jack to touch him. So he pulled him closer and closed the last few inches himself. Jack’s breath had been quick against his face until he had captured Jack’s lips. He felt a shiver run down the back of the doctor’s neck under his hand. He heard the small whimper in Jack’s throat as Sawyer slipped his tongue into his mouth. Jack’s kiss sure as hell wasn’t anything Sawyer was used to. The women he’d been with the past few years enjoyed dancing their tongues with his, pressing back into his own mouth, trying their hand at becoming dominant for a while with him. Hell, even at first, Jack had had some fight in him, not wanting this to happen. He’d even bit Sawyer’s lip hard enough to draw blood, which of course led to a lot of thrusting, writhing, grunting, protesting, then delicious moaning and well-earned submission. But now Jack simply let Sawyer’s tongue guide his. It was new to Sawyer, but he liked it. The evidence of that had suddenly decided to press firmly up against Jack’s behind, which made him jump, break the kiss, lower his head and shiver. Sawyer lifted his hips, pressing himself against Jack. The blood throbbed in his erection when Jack gasped with a short whimper, his head still lowered. Sawyer’s hands glided smoothly, one from his neck and the other from his thigh, to the collar of Jack’s button-up with the sleeves fashionably torn off. Sawyer grasped either side, and gently pulled, allowing each button to be free from its hole, one at a time. Sawyer trailed his rough hands up the planes of Jack’s runner’s chest. He felt goose bumps rise from the smaller man’s skin against his rough palms. He heard Jack shudder again when he slowly started to guide the doctor’s shirt from his shoulders, gradually sitting up as he did. Sitting taller than Jack, he tilted his chin down and captured his lips again. He massaged his tongue against Jack’s and brushed against the roof of his mouth. The doctor’s shirt was now free of his wrists, so Sawyer tossed it carelessly aside. And he cupped Jack’s face between his palms, taking him along when he slowly laid back down, kissing him breathless. Still Jack did not have the courage to touch him. Sawyer took the doctor’s tongue into his mouth and sucked on it roughly, bringing a gasp up Jack’s throat. And then he ground his jean-clad erection against the smaller man’s jean-clad ass. Finally Jack’s hands grasped Sawyer’s shoulders, as he winced, broke the kiss again and groaned. It’s a start, Sawyer told himself. He moved his hands so they grasped Jack’s wrists. He leaned up and kissed the man astride him, while he guided the shaky hands across his chest. Sawyer released Jack’s hands which glided back up to hold either side of his neck. Sure, he’d been hoping that the smaller man’s hands would travel a little further south, but you can’t get everything you want. So instead, he himself let his hands travel downward and pulled loose Jack’s jeans. The doctor reacted. His fingers slid through the blonde strands and he moaned into the southern man’s mouth. Sawyer gradually sat up again, working Jack’s jeans and boxers down. Miraculously, Jack aided in the shedding of his clothing. That was something that Sawyer had not seen yet. He watched as the smaller man yanked the pant leg from his ankle and dropped the hunk of denim like it was hot and Sawyer’s hair was the only thing to cool his hands. Sawyer drew Jack’s lip into his mouth, nipped and sucked on it while his finger traced the crevice of Jack’s behind. He was pleased to hear his visitor gasp, and feel his entire body shiver and his fingers tauten in his long hair. He undid the button of his own jeans and pulled down the zipper. He had a habit of going commando quite often. Now was one of those times as he laid back down, not having to guide Jack to follow him. The smaller man was very preoccupied in keeping their lips together, in keeping Sawyer’s skilled tongue in his mouth. Sawyer shoved his jeans down, lifting his hips, and worked his aching erection free. He used his legs to free himself of his pants at this point, grabbing Jack’s hips and squeezing them hard in his hands. Jack threw his head back, pulling in a gasp and letting out a guttural moan, hardly able to breathe. Knew it, Sawyer thought. Sure, he’d known his fair share of women who would go nuts when he grabbed them by their hips, but he hadn’t ever put to thought that it could possibly apply to men as well. He distracted Jack further, pressing his lips to the vein in his neck. Jack leaned toward his mouth, sighing as Sawyer worked his tongue, lips and teeth across his throat. In a brief second he spit heartily into his palm, reached under Jack and slicked himself with the saliva. He grasped Jack’s buttocks, and steered him to lean back. Jack winced when he felt the head of Sawyer’s cock wetly pressing against him. With Sawyer’s guiding hands he very slowly started to sit down upon Sawyer’s standing erection. “Ah…god…” Jack breathed, squeezing his eyes shut, pressing his lips together and laying his palms against Sawyer’s chest. Sawyer let out a puff of breath. The heat and the tightness was such ecstasy. He grasped Jack’s hips in his strong hands and started to ease him up and down. Jack gasped, and trembled over Sawyer. Then Jack cried out when Sawyer pushed him down onto his erection, and at the same time met him in a powerful thrust that ground hard against his prostate. His chest filled with a warm hollowness, and his belly felt filled to the brim with the blonde southern man. And Jack felt his own cock twitch when he heard the deep groan that emanated from Sawyer’s lips as he leaned his head back in pleasure. Jack allowed himself to be guided for a few moments and then started rising and falling with Sawyer’s hands, eagerly meeting his well-angled thrusts that made little ants of pleasure scuttle swiftly through his insides and such thick air cloud his skull. His gasping, innocent breath pleased Sawyer to such an extent that he could hardly believe it. In fact, he was so close to an explosive orgasm that his jaw was grinding down with the force of a falling boulder, and his abs were clenched so tightly that they might be able to crush steel. He growled, looking with fierce eyes up at his submissive lover. Jack’s eyes were nearly closed, his eyebrows arched and his lips parted. His whimpering gasps, moaning cries and guttural groans were a feast to his ears as he hungrily thrust up inside of the dark-haired man. Sawyer’s large hands seized Jack’s hips in a bruising grip, eliciting the loudest, most pleasured, erotic scream that he had ever heard spill from Jack’s lips. From any of his past lovers’ lips in fact. With such a glorious sound, he and Sawyer’s minds went blank for a moment as they plunged over the edge of the highest peak of orgasm that either had felt since coming to the island. No woman or man had ever made Sawyer come like that before, and he had had quite a few lovers in his time. Jack couldn’t even begin to handle it. With his stomach splashed with warm, white fluid, he slumped heavily down onto the tall, blonde, southern man with a breathless groan. Sawyer enveloped Jack possessively in his arms, holding him firmly against his warm, sweaty chest. Jack’s body was limp atop of him, his body entirely collapsed and his head lolling into the space between his collarbone and his neck. Sawyer sighed quietly, grasping the smaller man tightly. He carefully rolled them over, removing himself from Jack’s insides, drawing out a quiet whimper from his lover. Sawyer touched Jack’s face, willing the doctor to open his eyes as he lay beside him, panting. And he actually did. Sawyer looked into those exhausted, vulnerable brown eyes in the pale orange glow that dimly lit his tent. And he pulled Jack closer, capturing his swollen lips in a gentle, tender kiss. The rough pad of his thumb stroked against Jack’s cheekbone. The blonde engulfed the smaller man in his strong arms, drawing him tightly up against his chest. He closed his eyes, feeling Jack rest his forehead against his chest. And then he heard him murmur a snarky comment too weak and mild to sound snarky at all, “Never knew that you were one for cuddling…” Sawyer scoffed, “Well, a few quick fucks in the jungle up against a tree don’t gimme much cause to cradle ya like a babe now does it?” He felt Jack’s smile. He opened his eyes and looked down at him to see it. He couldn’t see it very well, and it wasn’t at its full capacity on account of Jack’s exhaustion. But he could still feel it. Bright and content. He could just see it in his tired mind. It wasn’t often that he saw that smile, but he treasured it. Sawyer muttered into Jack’s ear, “For the record, I always knew you were a big, nelly bottom…”While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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