Terran Alliance: a pegasus love story | By : stormwolf3710 Category: Stargate: SG-1 > Stargate Atlantis Views: 4965 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: i do not own star gate or star gate atlantis or any other spinoffs or books not am i making any money from this story or plan to |
AN: Well this is a one shot unless it gets popular or I feel like continuing it and it was going to be an action adventure but after writing the cave scene and where that took me now it's a romance. Could turn into a bunch of fluff/lemon moments though if I did do a plot part would do with the ancient city Emerge and the little part of Teyla that pops up in the cave, kind of a twisted secret but I can see the ancients doing it I mean they created the wraith and replicatiors. This one turned out to be a heavy slow romance scene most lemons I write are I guess more lust and passion than love and kissing.
Far above the green forested planet sat a large starship shaped like a large sword while aside it were two smaller javelin shaped ships with large D shaped structures on the sides of the shaft. The Perseus class destroyer and its two Artemis class corvettes scanned the planet below looking for any sign of inhabitants or technology, its scanners picking up both a signal was sent to the bridge of the large Perseus class ship known as the "Lightning Thief" "Helm Set us up in geo stationary orbit above the ancient city and get Major Sheppard and Dr. McKay up here now." Said the captain of the Terrain assault ship. A couple of minutes latter two pairs of boots were heard coming up the hall to the bridge, the two owners of the boots in yet another heated debate about who knew what. "Why would they send someone like him to head what is supposed to be a diplomatic/exploration mission into another galaxy to find lost ancient tech." asked McKay his hands flying around as he talked causing crumbs from his sandwich to go everywhere. "Maybe because of the creatures that caused our ancestors to return to earth in the first place, you've heard the stories so we need to be ready for anything." Said John calmly talking to Rodney as he walked beside him, this argument wasn't a new one, in fact ever since they left Avalon or as some liked to call it the milky way Rodney had been complaining about their military leader the only thing that appeased him was who the civilian diplomatic representative was. "The man is arrogant, pig headed, and thinks the best way to fix a problem is to shoot it till it's not a problem. In other words he's everything that's wrong with the military." Finished Rodney "Hey I'm part of that military to you know." Said John getting annoyed at his friends disrespect for the military. "You heard me. You could be helping me solve the mysteries of the universe instead you would rather fly around in your ships and blow stuff up." "What can I say I like explosions?" Trying to get out of the upcoming fight and change the conversation, coming to stand in front of the captain John gave a stiff salute while McKay just said a quiet hello. "Captain what do you need, did the scans reveal anything about the planet?" asked McKay wanting to get back to his lab and finish up some of the simulations he was running to figure out how to get Atlantis back to full capability the fastest, eons of age and dust had wreaked havoc that his team was responsible for fixing before he could start playing with all the cool gadgets. "Indeed they do McKay, the planet you see below you was known by the locals as Athos with the Ancient city being known as Emerge. Now we do know the city is still abandoned though there is a settlement of a couple hundred near it, we don't know if these people are locals or came from another planet. Major it's you and your teams job to get down there and make friends with the locals if possible and check out the state of the city and determine if we can fix it now or have to wait until wave two to fix it." "Sure we'll take one of the puddle jumpers down and walk in, it would probably be better than just beaming down into the middle of their settlement." Said John hearing Rodney say something about gate ships and not allowing spikey haired Majors to name things. "So what do you think these people will be like you think there will be any real aliens out here in Pegasus?" Asked Lt. Aiden Ford from the passenger seat as Sheppard and McKay went over their flight checks. "As far as we know the main population is human and wraith or it was when the ancients were here." Said Rodney looking up from the display in front of him. "I wouldn't mind meeting some of those hot alien girls like in those cheap Sci-Fi flicks." Said Aiden "Lieutenant we don't know what aliens would even look like for all we know they could be like the Asgard" said one of the scientists from the troop bay in the jumper. "Actually what was it Mitchell's we can guess that if they are from a planet with similar gravity and are carbon based they will be humanoid in shape due to evolutionary reasons." Said a biologist starting an argument over what a true first contact would be like, while there were a couple of known alien species in the milky way most space flight was to planets in the gate network so new ships were always being sent out to find life outside the network. Blocking out the squabbling scientists John watched as his ship following his thoughts lifted up off the ground and passing the fighters and bombers sitting on the deck passed through the thin energy field separating the nice warm ship from the cold reaches of space. Flying with a speed and grace surprising for a ship shaped like a brick the puddle jumper made a short flight before it started to enter the atmosphere, the cloak hiding their ship from reentry burn as there was no shield or ship for the air molecules to ignite against. Flying over the tree tops john set in a course that would take them over the Ancient city and the settlement before coming to a stop in the field. As they flew over the city they could see streets over run in trees and bushes left unattended for ages, along with battle damage to the city from what looked like an orbital bombardment most likely from the wraith. As he flew over the camp he was only able to get sensor scans as the thick trees blocked a visual recon, and even with the scanners the forest still distorted a lot of the data. As he sat down in the clearing he yelled for everyone to suit up in their gear, his team was put together with four marines, three scientists, along with himself, Aiden, and McKay. Not the normal first contact team but they weren't a SG team and the Colonel thought it was better for all teams to go in heavy until they got more Intel on the state of the galaxy. As the soldiers and scientists filled out of the jumper John shut it down before leaving his Mk II Aegis armor already on before the ship took off. "Have I ever mentioned how much I love this suit." Said McKay as he put his helmet over his head, none of the helmets had a full visor though a bottom part could come up to seal the suit in case of toxins or hull breach. Instead they all had half visors with a built in hud that had data from cameras on their suits or information form computers running on it. "Yes you have and I really don't want to hear about all the gadgets we have in our suits so can we get our field trip started." Said John ushering Rodney and Aiden out of the jumper. Looking around Aiden had a frown on his face as he noticed the large forest in front of him. "Why in the name of the Ancients does every planet look the same, its either lots and lots of trees or an equal amount of sand." "Actually Lieutenant the dessert world's most likely had their gates taken there from other forested worlds by the Goauld Empire" said one scientist. "What were you expecting houses made out of giant mushrooms maybe?" asked John as he started walking towards the forest everyone falling in step around him. "I don't know but some other color besides green would be nice." Said Aiden, his onboard sensors picking up movement at their 10 O'clock he whipped his gun around the barrel coming face to face with two small boys wearing strange masks. Screaming the two small boys fell backwards and tried to crawl away from the strangely clad men. "Way to go you just about shot to small kids." Said John half annoyed and half amused by his actions, going over to the children John bent down on his knees bringing himself to eyelevel with them. "Hey kids I'm sorry if my friend scared you I think you masks scared him just as bad." Joked Sheppard causing the children to grow less scared. "Who are you guys mister?" asked one of the small kids staring at the men and women dressed in their strange armor and carrying strange weapons. "My name is Major John Sheppard me and my friends are from a galaxy far far away we have come to make friends with your people and explore this galaxy if possible." Said John, though they knew where the camp way having two local guides wouldn't be bad and maybe they would seem less scary if they came with children. The thought his armor could scare civilians was a strange one to both John and Aiden, in the Terran Alliance their armor was a symbol of justice and protection. "My name is Jinto and this is my friend Wex. We could take you to our village if you would like." He said pointing to himself and his friend. "That would be nice" Said John standing up turning around he motioned for everyone to from up again and move out. As they walked for a few minutes they noticed the trees were more spread out possibly for the tents that Jinto had told him about, as they were able to finally see the village they were met by a man coming from the village towards them. "Jinto, Wex where have you two been you were told to stay near the village when it gets dark." He said causing the boys to slump their shoulders and bow their heads in expectation for their punishment. Noticing the small group behind the boys the man held his hands out in greeting, his eyes glancing down to notice that they were all armed. "Hello my name is Halling I take it you have already met the boys, I'm sorry if they caused you any trouble." "Hello Halling and no they didn't in fact they helped up find your village, I think helping strangers in need should make up a bit for them getting in trouble." Said Sheppard a smile on his face as his words caused Jinto and Wex to perk up, seeing that Halling couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Haha yes I suppose it might and we always are welcome to travelers, come lets go to the main tent and you can meet out leader." Said Halling leading the team around the tents as they worked their way towards the center of the village, looking around McKay and Sheppard were taking note for different reasons. McKay of course would complain about another low tech civilization while John was always interested in learning about new people. Leading them into a large communal tent in the center of the village Halling invited John, Rodney, and Aiden inside as everyone trying to come in would be too crowded. Looking around John couldn't tell who the leader was by who sat where, but he assumed it would be one of the older males since that's how things seemed to work on a lot of pre-industrial planets. John Sheppard had never been happier to be wrong in his life, as Halling introduced them to his leader John's heart along with time seemed to stop. Standing up to greet them was a woman who John thought was one of the most beautiful he had ever met. Her golden skin and coppery hair gave exoticness to her shorter frame, with her high cheekbones giving her a sort of regal look. Quickly taking off his helmet with his cowlick springing back up John stepped forward and put out his hand for a handshake. "Hello I'm Major John Sheppard I like football, Ferris wheels, and anything that goes faster than 300mph" he finally managed to get passed the heart that was lodged in his throat, seeing Teyla look at his hand and realizing she probably didn't know about shaking hands or Ferris wheels and football he let it drop down to his side. "Good morning Major we were just about to set down to tea would you and your friends like to join us?" she asked a small smile on her face as she looked at John her eyes never leaving his face. "Sure I would love a nice cup of tea." Said John causing Teyla's smile to grow, as they sat down John took up the seat across from Teyla so it would be easier to talk to her and so he could continue to look at her. "So what brings your group to this planet?" She asked, Teyla had many years' experience as a trader and diplomat but she had never met anyone with the technology those in front of her possed. Maybe they were an answer to her prayers to the ancestors. "We are travelers from another galaxy closer to here, we have come to explore this galaxy and make friends." Said John "But how the ring of the ancients only travels to points in this galaxy." Said Teyla wondering if they were making up their story, though the looks on their faces said they were telling the truth. "That's actually not true, by their selves they can't but if you have a large enough power sources you could get them to connect to different galaxies." Said McKay after swallowing what seemed to be some sort of sweet morning pastry. "So you people came through the ring?" asked Teyla "Actually no we came in starships, giant ships that can travel between stars like a boat travels on water." Said McKay getting a look form the Major, apparently they weren't supposed to mention that yet. No matter she wouldn't hold that against them no one revealed everything upon first meeting. "And what is it your people hope to find here that you couldn't find in your own galaxy major." 'You for one' was the first thought that crossed through John's mind as his eyes slipped down to watch her lips form the words 'Stay on target john, complete the mission then you can go al goggely eyed over Ms. Emmagen' said inner shep. "We came here to reclaim the Ancient city of Atlantis and see if there were anymore city ships we could find, we were also told to find out if there was anyone still around and how they were doing." Said John noticing the room suddenly get quiet and all faces turn to look at them, eyes scanning them looking for something. Finally Teyla was the first to speak up. "You're the ancestors?" she gasped looking at the handsome young Major; the day was starting out to be very world shattering. Shaking his hands in the air John looked at the hope in Teyla's eyes apparently they worshiped the Ancients here or something. "No not really, you see our people are descended from them. A long time ago they left this galaxy and built a home on my peoples planet, most of the people on the planet are descended from those Ancients who stayed behind and built families before ascending." Said John Though her smile faded Teyla wasn't too sad, these might not be actual Ancestors but they were decedents of them, and they had starships the one thing that kept the people of Pegasus from truly being able to fight the wraith. "Do your people know about the wraith?" she asked "A little only that they were why the Ancients or Ancestors had to abandon Atlantis." Said John "Come then I want to show you something." said Teyla getting up from the table and motioning for him to do the same. "Where are we going" asked Sheppard as he followed Teyla, he motioned for the team to stay where they were no sense in walking into an ambush if that was what was going to happen. "You will see." Was the reply he got as Teyla led him out of the village. Not knowing how long the walk would be John tried to make some jokes and small talk, finding it surprisingly easy for them to talk to each other they were soon telling stories about their selves and making jokes like they had known each other for longer than a couple of hours. Johns HUD said they were coming closer to the Ancient city as they walked, wondering if they were going to the city he was surprised when they entered an old cave. "Here let me light that for you." said John just trying to be nice, apparently though there was something in his voice that offended Teyla or maybe she just wanted to show that her people weren't as backwards as McKay and some of the marines probably thought. "We conquered fire a long time ago Major." She replied taking out a small lighter and igniting the torch. Following her farther into the cave John noticed that there were markings on the walls like those cave paintings in France. At the end of the cave was a small chamber with pictures painted on the wall, running her hand over one of the pictures Teyla started to talk. "Long ago the Ancestors had a city here they called it Emerge, during the war with the wraith the city was destroyed along with most of my people. Fearing being wiped out altogether my people abandoned the great city and became nomads, for generations my people have traveled this planet stopping back here every so often to pay our respects." Said Teyla her hands tracing the pictures as she spoke her words bringing the story to life in johns mind. "What are the wraiths like?" asked John "They are the monsters that haunt our dreams, they come in their starships abducting people to take back to their ship where they feed on their life energy. They see humans the same way we see heard animals, culling us when their flock is large enough leaving us alone long enough to rebuild but never advance to far in numbers of technology." Said Teyla, to John the story sounded just about to ridicules to be true yet here was the paintings and something about the wraith had caused the Ancients to turn tail and run home. "When was the last time they came" Asked John and immediately regretted it, the laughter and smile that had stayed on her face since they had left finally disappeared and her face showed a sadness one she hadn't meant to show if her quickly hiding it was any proof. "They came when I was just a child they only managed to take twenty of us but it was that day that I lost my father he was taken when he tried to hold them off giving us enough time to retreat to these caves." She said her eyes getting a little misty. Not really knowing what to say John looked at the ground trying to think of something, on the ground half hidden under some dirt and silt was a small golden necklace. As he went to pick it up his suit noticed a slight EM field being given off, the suit then sent a short electrical surge out to short circuit the necklace. Before john could study the jewelry to see why it was giving of an EM field he heard Teyla gasp looking at the necklace he had in his hands. Sending a quick suit scan to McKay to study he turned to Teyla to see what she was gasping about. "That's my mother's necklace I thought I lost it years ago as a child, I can't believe its been in here all this time." She said Taking off his gloves and setting them down John unhooked the clasp and turned towards Teyla. Slowly putting the necklace around her neck he stared into her eyes as his fingers brushed up against the back of her neck while he tied the clasp. Feeling an electric shock from the touch Teyla took in a sharp breath as Johns hands brushed up against her neck and the top of her chest as he straightened her necklace. Staring into her eyes Johns kept flicking down to her lush plump looking lips her mouth half open as she held her breath in expectation. Finally finding movement in his hands they moved back up her chest one wrapping around her shoulders and slowly pulling her closer to him as the other slid up her neck the thumb brushing against the side of her cheek as he tilted her head back and kissed her. During the kiss time and space outside the cave ceased to exist, they could have been in there for an hour or a million years, empires and civilizations could have risen and fallen and they would never have noticed as their lips met and tongues explored. The electrity and energy running through them could have powered whole planets, the two kissed like they had both been dying of thirst and the other was a deep well. Pulling back both were panting a bit from the lack of oxygen during the kiss, Teyla's eyes filled with hope and possibly a new found love stared up at Johns hazel blue ones that were dancing with passion and joy. Her fingers running through John's messy dark hair she pulled him back down for another kiss as she felt the hand that had been around her shoulders drop to her waist and rub at her back. While all of Johns concentration was on kissing the beautiful woman in his arms a small part of him spoke up making him remember a story about an early explorer falling for an Indian princess called Pocahontas, smiling to himself he thought it was a nice analogy though he hoped his story had a better ending. Opening her lips a little Teyla allowed johns tongue to enter her mouth and explore it, subconsciously she found herself letting John dominate and lead the kiss as her tongue allowed his free access. Not wanting to give up all control so quickly Teyla tilted her head a bit her tongue going to explore John's mouth as more and more of her body was pressed up against his suit. Pulling back from the kiss for a second neither of the two could think of anything to say so they just stood there their body's pressed as close as the armor would allow with their lips only inches apart as they stared into each other's eyes. John was really happy he had taken off the gloves to put Teyla's necklace on her because now he could feel her soft skin under his fingers as his thumb brushed at her cheek. But that wasn't enough he wanted to feel her against his whole body, feel her legs brushing up against his, feel her chest pressed tightly against his as they kissed. Teyla was feeling the same way as an ache and longing she had long ago buried because of duty started to resurface, not only her heart was saying had the ancestors sent help for her people, but they had sent their children. One of whom she had only known for a few hours and immediately felt bound to, someone who made her laugh, who took her seriously as a leader, and someone she could trust. "John I.. I need you, I want you, I want you to make love to Me." she said her voice a quiet whisper in the cave sounding like a large bell in johns ears. Reaching one hand up John tucked a strand of loos hair behind her ear with a finger before trailing it down her neck and around her collarbone to where the necklace was sitting. "I want you to but not here, I don't want our first time to be in a cave no matter how beautiful the firelight makes you look." Said John causing Teyla to blush slightly at the comment. "I have some candles in my tent." Said Teyla noticing how Major Sheppard had said first time as if he was already assuming it would not be their last, and Teyla hopped it wouldn't. Taking his hand Teyla led John back towards the camp, their trip taking a little longer this time because every so often one would stop and gently press the other up against a tree or hold them close and they would make out for a minute the energy building up inside them after each session. As the two slipped back into the village they were momentarily stopped by Halling wanting to tell Teyla that he had offered to show the travelers the ruins in a couple of hours when it was light out, thanking him the two quickly went to Teyla's tent closing it after they entered. As John walked in he took in the tent, it was larger than he had imagined with a place to sit in front, a small area off to the side to wash in privacy and a bed in the back. He also noticed that the whole place was filled with furs and candles giving the place a cozy romantic atmosphere. As Teyla walked further inside John watched as the fire light played off of her coppery skin and setting her hair on fire with its light. Standing there transfixed by the beautiful goddess in front of him John wasn't able to move until her heard her soft chuckle. "You can come in John I don't bite." She said her voice bringing him out of it, like a flash john crossed the tent wrapping her up in his arms as his mouth came down to taste hers. If John had it his way he would melt from her kisses, he would fall endlessly into her large brown eyes and get lost in her smile. One hand coming around to her side he started to work it under her shirt pulling it up and out of the long skirt it was under. Running his hand over her side's John could feel the strong muscles under the soft silky skin, he could already imagine what it would be like to run his lips over her strong bronzed stomach. As he rubbed his hand over her stomach he noticed her give out a small hum while she kissed him and seemed to relax even more into his arms. Knowing that soon neither one of their legs would be able to support them Teyla led john over to her bed, but before they could go any farther she had to get rid of that annoying armor. Seeing the clasps on the shoulders and sides of the chest plate her long delicate fingers went to work, after a second of figuring out exactly how to work the clasps in her love drunk state she finally undid them all breaking away long enough to let John remove the chest piece leaving him in a black T-shirt and the bottom of his uniform. "John please take off the rest of your uniform for me." said Teyla her request all the reason John needed. Standing up for a minute John hurriedly undid his combat boots and the bottom of his suit revealing that his underwear and socks matched his shirt. Reaching her hand out to grab onto his shirt Teyla pulled John back down onto the bed happy to finally be able to feel him against her instead of the hard suit. Though when pulled him close she noticed his body hard like the suit, but in a warm powerful and strong way instead of just a stiffness from the chest plate. Running her hand over the front of his shirt she could feel the strong toned muscles under her hands, while her muscles were lean and fit his were hard and sculpted like a runners. "Say it again Teyla, please." Asked John in a heavy quiet voice as his mouth kissed and sucked at her neck, his tongue licking at a pulse point as his hands ran up and down her back trying to memorize every curve and line. "I need you John, I want you to make love to me." Said Teyla this time there was no pause as she said it the first part sounding like a plea but the last part sounding like a command. His hands dropping down to the bottom of her shirt he took handfuls of the fabric and slowly started to pull it watching as every inch of beautiful bronze skin was revealed. As the shirt was lifted higher he saw that he was right and Teyla did have a very flat toned stomach, as his hands lifted higher they revealed her beautiful perky breasts, her hardened dusky nipples sticking out as his hands brushed over them. Sticking her arms up Teyla let John finish taking off her shirt giving him time to look all he wanted, they had all night to look at each other's body's and to get to know one another and grow closer. Lying back on the bed John was quick to follow his mouth coming down to kiss hers as his hands roamed over her now revealed breasts. Palming them in his hand he noticed how they were a perfect fit and how they might not have been the largest in the galaxy but were the perfect size for Teyla's body. Rolling and pinching the nipple between his fingers John slowly kissed his way down Teyla's cheek and neck, his lips coming to the swell of her breasts. Placing his mouth at the top of her breasts John took one of the nipples in his mouth sucking on it and moving his tongue over the areola earning little whimpers and moans from Teyla. Switching breasts Johns mouth latched on to her other breasts as his hand started to play with her breasts, taking her fingers and running them through his hair Teyla pushed Johns head down farther on her breasts loving the way his hot breath felt on her nipples. His hands still playing with Teyla's breasts John started kissing her again as Teyla slid her hands down his back and slipped them under his shirt, pulling it up they stopped kissing only long enough the shirt to be pulled over his head. As her hands started to roam his bare chest she noticed something, John had hair on his chest. Now to many this is not strange but in the Athosian tribe most men do not have hair on their chest, loving the feel of the short hair she ran her fingers over his hairy chest. Laying practically on top of Teyla one of his hands started to roam up her leg, brushing against the skin as he rubbed her thigh and hip, feeling emboldened by the way Teyla was rubbing her legs against him his hand started to slide over to where it was rubbing the top of her leg pushing the skirt up as he was stoking it. Lifting her hips up in the air Teyla gave john room for his hands to slip around behind her and unzip the back of her skirt, taking his hands John pulled the skirt off of Teyla revealing her glinting naked womanhood to him. His lips momentarily occupied with hers he let his hands explore the beautiful sight, his fingers slowly inching their way closer to her dripping womanhood. As his fingers got closer he could feel Teyla tense up a bit all of that tension going away in a loud half scream half moan as his fingers brushed up against her outer lips. His fingers still exploring the outside of her beautiful pussy he started trailing small kisses down her neck working his way south towards her stomach and legs. His lips playing with one of Teyla's nipples john slipped a finger into her snatch causing her to squirm and let out another yell as it started to pump in and out of her. Loving the feeling of her tight hot channel around his finger John inserted a second one speeding up the pumping as his fingers got slicker and slicker from the juices coming out. Continuing to pump John's lips continued their downward trek, stopping to taste and pay special attention to her flat toned stomach, his lips leaving little butterfly kissed down her stomach and abs. As he came to her hips he started to kiss down her legs, each kiss coming farther inward and closer to her hot core as she squirmed in pleasure under his touch. Coming eye to eye with her wet pussy John just stared at Teyla a moment looking at the naked goddess under him, her body glinting in the fire light as love and lust danced in her eyes. Looking back down john moved his face closer to Teyla's snatch his hot breath sending shivers up Teyla as he removed his fingers from her aching core. Looking one last time to Teyla for permission John moved his face closer his tongue running over her shaved vagina. Teyla's voice cried out loudly as she felt Johns tongue enter her vagina, the hot wet organ licking around as John savored the sweet taste of Teyla's juices. Her body on fire form the treatment it had been given she finally screamed out and found release as John's tongue brushed up against the most sensitive spot, drenching his face in her cum. John knew that for most men their own pleasure came first before their mates, but for him he got the most pleasure and found it the most erotic when his lover was being pleased and he could hear their voice scream out in ecstasy and feel them against him. Licking the rest of the juices off of his face John moved back up over Teyla, Putting her hands on his shoulders as he came up Teyla gently pushed against him making him roll over so she could get on top. Straddling his chest the first thing she did was run her hands over his chest taking big hand full of his short dark hair as she leant over and kissed him, not minding her own taste on his lips. In fact she found she kind of like it in a possessive sort of way that wanted her juices to be the only ones he ever tasted again. As she sat up from the kiss she noticed something poking against her butt, backing up to sit on his legs she was able to see what it was. When he had been on top of her she hadn't been able to see his pants, but now she could see his cock was straining hard against the tight fabric of his boxers. Her hands letting go of is soft chest hair slid down over his hard stomach until they came to his underwear, her finger running teasingly around the elastic of the pants. "Teyla please" was all John could get out as his cock bulged against the fabric, smiling at the major Teyla pulled down his boxers licking her lips subconsciously as his large hard member was revealed. Wanting to give John some of the same pleasure he gave her she reached out her soft slim fingers wrapping around his hard hot shaft. Feeling the shaft pulse under her hand as her fingers stroked it she started to pump up and down slowly watching the expressions cross Johns face. John was in heaven as he felt Teyla's hand curl around his dick and start pumping at it, the soft vice like grip causing him to want to blow his load early. John watched in wonder as the beautiful redhead's face came down closer to his manhood, her tongue sliding out from between her wetted lips and licking at the head of his dick before disappearing back inside. Stopping her stroking Teyla's hand held the base of his cock upright as her lips slowly all most in a curious manner came closer to the head of his shaft before wrapping around the head. As he felt Teyla's wonderful tongue that his mouth had already got acquainted with lick up and around his cock he wondered if Teyla had ever done this before from the way she had seemed so curious. Feeling himself about to cum John quickly told Teyla to stop. "Was I doing something wrong John? Was I not giving you pleasure?" she asked hoping that she hadn't done something to upset or hurt John, though all his grunts had sounded like they were from pleasure not pain. "No Teyla what you did was great, I just don't want to cum yet. I would rather do it while I was making love to you." Said John causing a smile to come back to Teyla's face, holding out his hand Teyla took it and let him guide her back up her mouth instantly finding his and their tongues diving into each other's mouth. Feeling John's dick rubbing up against her pussy Teyla found herself getting wetter than she already was or than she thought she could get. Slowly rolling off of John, Teyla laid down beside him her hand on his arms pulling him over onto her. "John please don't make me ask a third time." Said Teyla as she felt Johns hands as they ran up and down her body enjoying the feel of her against him and his hot breath on her neck as he kissed her. As much as he wanted to just thrust into Teyla and start going at it he knew he couldn't. "Are you sure you want this Teyla?" asked john looking into her beautiful eyes praying that she would say yes. "Yes John please I want to feel you inside me." She said her fingers threading through his hair. Smiling John bent down and kissed her before placing the head of his shaft at her entrance, pleasured expressions appearing on their faces as John's long thick cock pushed farther and farther into her tight wet passage. Pushing in slowly John was losing himself in the pleasure as Teyla's vagina squeezed at his cock until he suddenly came to a stop his face showing his surprise as he bumped up against her hymen. "Teyla" he gasped out looking at the beautiful woman lying under him. "Yes john I'm sure just be gentle." Said Teyla, in the heat of the moment she hadn't thought to tell John that she was still a virgin, she had some lovers but no one she had felt close enough too to share her first time with; which she was sure looking back on it later would sound crazy since she knew those people for years and already felt closer and more in love with someone form an entire different galaxy she had only met hours before. His lips on hers and his hands gliding up her sides and over her arms John tried to give her something to think about as he pulled out a bit and thrust in again breaking the hymen and causing Teyla to let out a little cry of pain. Even though he knew it was natural he immediately hated himself for causing her pain and knew he never wanted to hear her whimper in pain like that again. Planting little butterfly kisses on her face John tried to keep his lower body still as he massaged at Teyla's breasts and kisser her lips taking her mind off the quickly fading pain. Feeling Teyla's hips start to move against his and her hands rub over his back he took that as his cue that he could move again. Starting out slow John thrust into Teyla his long dick going all the way in and causing Teyla to throw her head back showing off her beautiful neck and breasts as john started pumping in and out of her tight hole, speeding up soon the only noises in the room was Johns hard breathing as their hips smacked together and Teyla's loud moans as John filled her with his cock. "Ohh Teyla you feel so good and tight, do you know how sexy you look right now." Huffed john as he continued to thrust into Teyla his hands beside her head with her hair all splayed over the pillow. "Yes John please I want to feel you inside me more, I want you to take me and make me yours." Said Teyla her legs wrapping around John's butt and pulling him in closer as her nails scratched down his back, not even thinking about protection at the minute since he was taking his spermicide pills John felt himself reaching climax, hollering out John came filling Teyla with his seed the hot sticky cum adding a new pleasant feeling to her body and bringing her to her second cuming and first true orgasm of the night. As John pulled out he noticed he was still hard, the doctors said the spermicide pill was made that way since the people who were going to be using it might as well enjoy the benefits of not having to worry about having unexpected children. Before his mind could go down that rabbit hole he felt himself get flipped over on his back. Teyla's small light frame now sitting on top of him her hands running over his chest, lowering her head down Teyla brushed her lips against his before deepening the kiss and inviting his tongue in to play. "It's my turn to be on top and claim you as mine." She smirked at him a playful side coming out now that she was getting used to the close physical contact and was running on instinct. Her hands on his shoulders holding him down though she knew he could probably throw her off if he wanted to, she started to grind her pussy against his still hardened dick causing John to squirm under her. "Please Teyla now I'm begging you, I need you" Said John after a few minutes of having Teyla rub her body against him and kiss him. "What is it you want exactly major?" teased Teyla grinding into his hardened cock again making him jerk under her. "I want to be in you, I want to watch as you make love to me and I want you to claim me as yours." Said John, smiling Teyla got up a bit one hand sliding down her sexy toned stomach to part the lips of her vagina as she lowered herself down onto his dick. As she started to rock up and down she felt like she was in heaven this new position allowing John to go deeper than before, it felt like the head was brushing up against her inner most core. While for John It was heaven for a different reason, if the picture of having Teyla Emmagen under him was something then her riding him was on a whole other level. Backlit by the fire light Teyla's hair seemed to come alive and dance in the light as he watched her breasts bounce as she went up and down. His hands rubbing her hips and helping keep her steady he used two fingers to flick and start to play with her clit causing her to throw her head back and scream in ecstasy as her vagina clamped down on his dick as she came again, the sound of her beautiful voice plus the feeling of the velvety vice causing him to cum also. As she slumped down on top of John she noticed that he was still hard inside her. "John are all males from your galaxy like well you know." She asked shaking her hips letting Major Sheppard know what she was talking about. "Its actually due to a drug we take to keep from having kids until we want to, it usually doubles or triples the times you can go in one well go." Said John, that little fact was one of the key reasons the pill sold so well in Alliance space. Seeing that Teyla was about to ask why you wouldn't want to have kids, a question probably foreign to this galaxy since they wanted to stay alive he kissed her to keep her from asking for now. Happy to shelve the conversation for later Teyla though how she wanted to spend her next and probably final round, suddenly a thought crossed her mind it was something she had heard some of the older women talk about in hushed tones about how men supposedly loved it and asked for it, and since it was a night of firsts anyway she decided to go with it. Sliding off of john Teyla turned around and got on her hands and knees her butt facing John while her face looked towards the front of the tent. Soon she felt John behind her his large hands roaming and massaging her soft butt cheeks, she could feel his desire for her as his cock rubbed against her vagina. "Please John I want you to take my other virginity, take me completely and claim me yours." Said the same part of Teyla that she recognized from the cave, a part so unlike her outward leader like appearance. For a second John was stunned at what Teyla had said both at the words and that she wanted him to take her second virginity on their first night. Moving one hand off of her rear he reached down and inserted a finger into her vagina getting the finger slick and wet from their combined juices. Bringing the finger up he slowly rubbed it around the outside of her puckered anus before sliding it in his finger getting the insides nice and slippery so he wouldn't hurt Teyla. "Teyla baby are you sure you want to try this it will probably hurt the first time, I will be more than happy to do something else if you aren't sure." Said john wanting to make absolutely sure Teyla was sure and wanting to hurt her as little as possible; he already detested the pain he caused her when he broke her hymen. "Yes john I want you to take all of me. I want to feel your cock in me again please." Said Teyla her voice lever and laced with a trust in the other that while newly formed was stronger than most either one of them had ever had. Kissing the back of her shoulder John went back to where he was earlier; positioning himself in front of her rear entrance he started to push in. Slowly John stated to push in his dick pushing past the outer ring and entering her. John slowly started to thrust in a little trying to be as gentle as possible as he stuffed more and more of his cock in Teyla's rear. Soon Teyla's quiet moans of pain became loud moans of pleasure as her passage got used to the shape of John's cock and set up a steady speed of thrusts, as john stopped for a second to reposition himself Teyla instinctively started moving her hips back and forth trying to get the friction back. "Please John harder, faster, I want to feel it as you take my ass." Said Teyla her words spurring John on to speed up their bodies rocking together as they connected, in a mirror on the wall john could see their reflection, he could see Teyla's breasts bouncing back and forth as they rocked and could see the look of pleasure on Teyla's face. "I'm about to cum Teyla." Said john telling Teyla he was about to blow and to tell him if he should pull out. "Me to please John hurry up and cum." said Teyla as her body was rocked back and forth, releasing his cum into Teyla, John finally felt himself start to soften as the muscles around him clamped down on his cock while Teyla hollered out and came also the cum dripping down her legs. Turning around to face John, Teyla wrapped her arms around him kissing him and laying her head on his shoulders, as she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent she felt him lay her down on the bed and his weight leave the covers. Opening her eyes she saw him walk over to where her wash pan and cloth were, wetting the cloth John walked back over to the bed where he took the damp cloth and rubbed it up and down Teyla's legs where the cum had ran down it before throwing it away. Finally feeling the cold night air seep in around them they quickly got under the fur covers, their bodies snuggling up to each other, fitting perfectly into one another like a puzzle piece. Lying in bed the two just stared at each other their hands combing through the others hair as they gazed at each other. "Will you come back to Atlantis with me?" asked John his face close enough to hers that if he barely leaned forward he could kiss her. "I don't know John what use would there be for me on the Ancestral City, and my people who would lead them while I'm gone." She asked though she already knew that if he asked again she would say yes in a heartbeat. "A lot Teyla you are the leader of your people and a great trader those are just the kinds of skills we need, and your people know a lot about the rest of this galaxy that would help us with our mission." He said trying to ease her supposed fears and get her to say yes. "So did you just sleep with me to get allies for your mission then?" Asked Teyla humor in her voice though she noticed that John hadn't taken the joke so well his hazel blue eyes had grown hard. "Teyla I never want you to even believe that's a possibility, there might be people who would say something like that but I want you to know that the only reason I slept, no the only reason I made love to you was because I fell irreversibly in love with you the second we met." Said John "Then I want you to know that no matter what you or your people could do for mine and this galaxy against the wraith the only reason I made love to you was because I also fell irreversibly in love with you the second we met." Said Teyla taking one of his hands in her and holding in close as she leaned in kissing him, rolling over on her side facing away from him she snuggled her back into his chest the hand she still had ahold of coming to rest on her stomach. As he was drifting off John could swear he heard Teyla humming almost purring as he rubbed her stomach. AN: read this and comment if you would like to see this turned into a plot - It would have to do with why Teyla felt such a connection and trust with john, the ancients in emerge used the Athosians as guenipigs and set up a DNA code that makes them want to trust and obey anyone with a sufficient Ancient gene though it has degraded over the centuries to were they can assert their will power and aren't basically slaves. Now I love Teyla, her along with Sam and Vala are some of my favorite female charas ever (right behind mara jade skywalker and liara T'Soni) in fact SG does really well for stong female leads and I would never want to debase or humiliate on of them but as I was writing the scene the plot bunny just hatched in my head (do plot bunnys hatch, are they mammals) This would cause some angst in both john and Teyla from Teyla wanting to prove to john that she loves him because of him and not some dna, and john wondering is her love manufactured and wondering if him being with her is taking advantage of her. And would basically boil down to Teyla breaking a bantos rod over his head and telling him that she is a grown woman and if she says she loves him then she loves him. 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