If You Want To Play Games, Okay...But I'll Win | By : WW2_Lover Category: G through L > Hogan's Heroes Views: 1051 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own ANY of these characters, ANY part of this series, or make ANY money from Hogan's Heroes. I'm just borrowing them for a little while. Any words with a * in front of them are lines directly from the show. |
Inside Klink’s office…
Hearing a knock on his office door, Colonel Wilhelm Klink looked up to see Colonel Robert Hogan breeze in. Hogan looked rather happy as usual, which just irritated Klink more. How dare he look happy! Didn’t Hogan realize the seriousness of the latest incident that had just happened? How serious blowing up someone’s house was? Apparently not.
“You wanted to see me, Kommandant?” Hogan asked.
Klink looked up with a glare on his face, which wasn’t an unusual look for him since Hogan had arrived at Stalag 13. Unfortunately, the man vexed him to no end with his carefree jokes and the cocky attitude he always seemed to have. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was that Hogan seemed to think he could just waltz into Klink’s office uninvited most of the time. And on top of that, he made a habit of embarrassing Klink in front of his superior officers. Him, a loyal German officer!
Hogan apparently thought he could just play Klink for a fool whenever he felt it was convenient for him. Well, no more. Klink had had enough, and this latest incident was the last straw. He would teach this wily American colonel how to behave if it was the last thing he did. God only knew that General Burkhalter had called him on the carpet over this, screaming in rage and threatening to have him immediately transferred to the Russian Front. And unlike previous times, he had been deadly serious…even going so far as to already have the transfer papers with him. It had taken a lot of verbal boot-licking and agreeing to a single date with Frau Linkmeyer before the fat Austrian had backed off. Needless to say, the tall German was decidedly unhappy.
Yanking himself out of his brooding thoughts, he replied, “Yes, Hogan. Come in and sit down.” Klink gestured at the chair in front of his desk. “And close the door. We need to talk.”
Hogan gave the Kommandant an easy smile and sat down, tossing his crush cap over the spiked helmet on Klink’s desk as he did so. Klink growled and pointedly removed the cap before tossing it back to Hogan.
“Colonel Hogan, we have been over this many times and I am sick of telling you about it. You will show some respect while you are here in Stalag 13. Either hold your cap or set it elsewhere, but do not place it on my pickelhaube!”
Hogan raised an eyebrow. “Geez, calm down Kommandant. A little touchy today, aren’t we?” He flashed Klink a cheeky grin before setting his cap to the side of the helmet. “But you’re correct, of course. It’s not nice to disrespect someone on their own turf. So, I apologize, and I’d like to fix it so this never happens again.”
Now it was Klink’s turn to raise an eyebrow. This was an unexpected turn of events. “Hmm, really? Well, it is good that at least you show remorse for your actions.” He started to say more, but Hogan interrupted him.
“Sure, Colonel Klink. Since I can’t do what I want and you feel all disrespected and whatnot, I’ll leave! I’ll even do you one better and take my men with me. That way you can get some new prisoners who are appropriately ‘respectful’ to you.” Hogan made air quotes with his fingers and stood up, stretching as he did so. “Thanks for letting me know, sir. I’ll go tell my men to pack their stuff, so if you could just open the gates in the meantime for us –”
Klink stood up and angerly slapped his hand down on his desk. “Hogan, sit down! I did not dismiss you yet, and neither you nor your men are going anywhere. I am sick of your insolence and your American sense of humor! This is precisely why I’ve called you here. This time, you have gone too far.” Then Klink sat down, his face flushed and his heart racing. He supposed it had been too much to hope that Hogan would behave for once, and now the annoying American had confirmed his idea from earlier. He would have to be taught a lesson.
Hogan sat back down and had the nerve to look crestfallen. “It’s your call, sir. You’re the Kommandant, but my men are gonna be so disappointed.”
Klink looked over at Hogan, eying him and trying to decide the best way to approach this. “That’s right, I am the Kommandant. Good of you to remember that.” Finally, Klink just decided to go with the straightforward approach. “You are the senior POW officer here, ja?”
Hogan looked at Klink like he’d lost his mind. “You know I am, Kommandant. Why do you ask? You forget that already or something?” Hogan had an uneasy tightening feeling start in his stomach. The last time Klink had asked him that, he’d brought that idiot Crittendon in to replace him. Needless to say, it hadn’t ended well.
Klink ignored the sarcastic remark and continued on. “And as such, you are responsible for your men; ‘your men’ being the behavior of all the POWs in this camp, correct?”
The tightening feeling increased as Hogan slowly nodded. “Yeah, but –”
Klink waved a hand and cut him off. “That is all I needed to know. I am aware of this fact already, of course, but I wanted to make sure that you were aware of it.”
Abruptly, Klink’s demeanor changed as he grinned nastily. “Now, I have work to do. I will see you tonight in my quarters at 2200 hours. (10:00pm) Dis-missed!” He gave Hogan a salute and returned to his paperwork.
Hogan stood up and looked confused. “Wait a minute, you called me here to just to confirm that I was the senior POW officer? But you said you wanted to talk to me. You feeling okay, Colonel Klink?”
Klink looked up at Hogan. “I do want to talk to you. But I have work to do. This camp does not run itself and Berlin is always sending forms to be filled out.” He rubbed his temples tiredly before the nasty grin re-appeared. “We have much to discuss, and we will...tonight. Now, I said dis-missed!” He pointed at the door. “Out!”
Hogan picked up his cap and frowned. “Fine then. See you tonight, I guess.” He gave Klink a return salute and left.
2200 hours, Klink’s quarters…
Klink had just finished moving the table in front of the sofa out of the way when there was a knock at the door. He grinned. Now he would show that Hogan just who was running this camp! He opened the door and stood back, gesturing inside. “Ah, Colonel Hogan. So glad you could make it. I trust you had no prior engagements then?”
Hogan stepped inside Klink’s quarters and closed the door. “Well, I did have a date with a local girl…but your invitation was just so thoughtful, how could I say no to you?”
He grinned and put his hands in the pockets of his bomber jacket. “Don’t worry, we rescheduled for next week. The escape committee’s already planned a diversion.”
Klink scowled at the American’s sense of humor, yet he would not give him the satisfaction of replying. Instead, he simply held out his hand. “Bitte, take off your jacket. I try to keep it warm in here. I will hang it up.”
Hogan was a bit puzzled at the show of friendliness – especially given their short but strange conversation earlier that day – but did as the Kommandant asked him to do. “Danke, the warmth feels good.”
Klink carefully hung up the jacket and walked over to the couch, his long legs quickly eating up the distance. He sat down rather gracefully and motioned to Hogan to join him. “Have a seat, Hogan. I have decided on a new policy for the prisoners and you need to hear it.” He smirked as he said the words. “After all, you are the direct recipient.”
What’s ol’ Blood and Guts talking about now? wondered the American. The tightening feeling Hogan had had in his stomach earlier came back as he sat down next to Klink. As he did so, he noticed that the table had been moved. Klink’s ever-present riding crop was also nearby.
“Rearranging things, sir?” Hogan asked. “If you wanted decorating advice, LeBeau’s the man for the job, not me. Why –”
Klink interrupted him with a sharp glare. “I am not rearranging things, Hogan. As I said, I have made up a new policy for the prisoners, one that directly concerns you. So be quiet for once and listen!”
Hogan was taken aback at the uncharacteristic sharp tone of Klink’s voice but fell silent. He motioned for Klink to continue.
Klink nodded. “Better. Anyway, this is the – what is the English phrase – the long and short of it? Well, you get the idea. Essentially, you and you men have gotten out of control. You run around Stalag 13 acting like little children.”
He raised his voice a bit as he continued. “You constantly cause trouble for myself and my guards, and I cannot even begin to count how many ‘accidents’ your men have been responsible for. I have had more brass and top military officers visit me here in this camp than half of Berlin! And it stops tonight.” Klink’s voice had now deepened to a warning growl. “Do you understand me, Hogan? Tonight.”
Hogan heard the growling sound, but as usual he pushed his luck anyway. “My men? Colonel Klink, I’m offended! We’re just simple POWs, how could we cause any trouble?” He shrugged and leaned back against the sofa. “As for the brass, is it any wonder they all want to visit such a friendly guy? God only knows the crazies in Berlin could use a sense of humor.”
But Klink wasn’t having it. He wasn’t buying Hogan’s ‘innocent’ act, because he’d seen it far too often before. “Hogan, do you take me for a fool? A dummkopf?”
As he saw Hogan about to open his mouth to reply, he held up a slender hand. “Do not answer that. In any event, I am not stupid. There have been far too many ‘accidents’ for this to be a coincidence anymore. But as I said, that will change. Let me tell you about my new policy.”
He crossed his legs and smiled as he spoke. “Since you and your men wish to act like naughty children, you will be treated as such. And I do mean you personally. From now on, any time either you or any POW in this camp causes trouble, you will pay the price Hogan.” Then Klink picked up his riding crop, playing with it absentmindedly while he talked.
Alarm bells were ringing in Hogan’s head, yet he sat there like the stubborn officer he was. If this was going where he thought it was, he knew he wouldn’t like what Klink told him. But surely he was mistaken, right? Nobody in their right mind would ever punish an adult like that! It’s not normal, he thought.
Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on your point of view – Stalag 13 was anything but normal, and everyone here knew it. Feeling he had to say something to that statement, the American replied, “What’re you talking about, sir? If you’re going to toss me in the cooler, can I at least get a blanket? That place earned its name, I’ll tell you that.”
“Oh no, you will no longer have to worry about the cooler Hogan. Not ever again. Although you might very well beg me to go in there when I am done, as it will help cool off your bottom. But believe me, I am not that merciful.”
As Klink made himself more comfortable, he uncrossed his legs again and continued on. “What I mean is this: I have had Major Hochstetter and General Burkhalter on my back almost constantly, sometimes even at the same time. Despite what you may or may not think, I have grown fond of you. I have no desire to see you shot, nor suffer torture at the hands of the Gestapo.”
The older colonel made sure he looked his senior POW in the eyes as he talked. “So, this is what I am going to do from now on. For every time you or your men cause problems, I will tell you to come to my quarters. It will always be at this time, unless I have informed you otherwise earlier in the day. Once you arrive here and we have a conversation, you will receive a spanking from me.”
Klink paused to let his words sink in before continuing. “I also do not wish to embarrass you in front of your men, Hogan. That is why this will usually be late at night. But this behavior you persist in is foolish, and you are going to wind up dead if this sort of thing keeps up. Hochstetter would give anything – anything at all – to have you in his clutches, and the Gestapo are not the ones to toy with.”
The tall German shuddered just thinking about their methods of interrogation. “If you wish to act like a child, I will treat you like one. After all, you said it yourself in front of Burkhalter: ‘*We have the best daddy in the whole world.’ Do I make myself clear, Hogan? We will start tonight by solving the latest problem.”
The senior POW officer couldn’t believe his ears, as apparently the earlier alarm bells hadn’t been wrong. For once, he wished his gut instinct had been completely off! “With all due respect, Kommandant, you’re nuts. It’s against the Geneva Convention to strike a prisoner of war and –”
But Klink had had enough small talk by now. “HOGAN! I am not ‘striking’ you, as you put it, just to hurt you. I am spanking you as I would a child, because you insist on being a disrespectful, mouthy brat!”
Hogan paled as he realized exactly why the table had been moved away from the sofa. So he did the only thing he could think of. He proceeded to pull out his inner five year old to try and salvage the situation. That decision made, he gave Klink a sorrow-filled look and pouted. “But I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Klink signed. Stubborn as a mule, the American was. “Did not do anything wrong? Mein Gott, Hogan, you blew up Burkhalter’s house with a rocket!” He was horrified by the fact that the American colonel didn’t seem to think blowing up a house constituted ‘doing something wrong’.
With that statement made, Hogan promptly looked offended. “Me?! You pushed the button!”
He refused to take the blame for this when it had been Klink who’d fired the rocket. And speaking of rockets, it shouldn’t even have been in Stalag 13 anyway! There were strict rules about what one could and could not do in within a prisoner of war camp, and hiding weapons there was on the firm ‘no’ list.
Klink shook his head, unwilling to let this go. “And that rocket was pre-programmed to head for England. As it did not, that means that somebody deleted the programming inside the rocket. Alternatively, it had to have been altered somehow. You and that cockroach were right by it the entire time, nearby the firewood barrel.”
The older officer gave the younger one a serious look as he made his point. “Incidentally, that ‘firewood’ barrel was never there before, nor has it been there since. I know you are up to no good most of the time, even though I do not how you do the things you do. But neither do I particularly care about that. Either way, you will behave so long as you are a prisoner in my camp!” he snapped angerly. “Now, be a good boy and lie over my lap. I do not have all night.”
Hogan stood up with a long-suffering sigh, stretched his muscles as he considered the situation. He hated to admit it, but Klink was a lot smarter than the prisoners given him credit for. He’d noticed the barrel’s removal, and he’d obviously observed some other things about them as well. That could be very dangerous for them if the German colonel decided to do some investigating.
Therefore, if Klink wanted to play his game, Hogan would play it. Let the Kommandant have his fun, the senior POW officer thought. He’ll forget all about this after tonight. He was a trained pilot and spy, and he’d been specially trained to handle discomfort before he’d come here. And after all, how much stamina could an older guy like Klink possibly have?
After his mind was made up, the American colonel started to lower himself over Klink’s lap as requested. But before he could, the tall German held out a slender hand to stop him.
“Ah-ah-ah. Remove your uniform trousers first,” Klink told him. “You may fold them and place them on the coffee table.”
“Are you crazy? What kind of game are you playing at?” Hogan asked him indignantly. Klink had to be off his rocker if he thought Hogan would agree to that!
Klink grinned evilly. “Oh, no game at all. This is the same way my father punished me as a boy. I find it helps raise the embarrassment factor quite a bit, which makes things more effective.” Then he gestured to Hogan’s brown uniform pants. “Schnell! As I said before, I do not have all night.”
Hogan rolled his eyes at that explanation, but he unbuckled his belt and removed his uniform pants anyway. Then he carefully folded them and set them on the table before flopping over Klink’s lap. He would play the German officer’s game for the moment. Sooner or later, Hogan figured Klink would get distracted somehow. Or maybe he’d simply get bored of it. And later on, he could use whatever occurred to wring some favors out of Klink for his men.
“There, happy now?” he huffed.
Klink didn’t respond to the annoyed American officer, since huffing and pouting were to be expected at a time like this. He only made a small rubbing motion on Hogan’s back and replied softly, “This will hurt me far more than it hurts you.”
The messed up part was that he actually meant it. His senior POW officer might be the one in physical pain, but the necessary act of administering discipline would cause him to feel the same thing. Even if was only emotionally, pain was still pain.
And it begins…
“Oh, I’m sure,” Hogan said snarkily. He didn’t have time to say anything else, because that’s when it began. Quick as lightning, Klink raised his hand and let it fall squarely onto Hogan’s butt. SMACK!
“Ow!” Hogan exclaimed as he jerked in surprise. Surprisingly, that had actually stung! “Hey, watch it!”
Yet Klink didn’t bother to reply to that comment. Instead, he just continued raining swats down on the upturned bottom of the American. After about ten minutes of those rapid-fire swats, Hogan began to question his decision. Klink had more strength in those slender hands of his than Hogan had figured he would have, and it was starting to hurt. “Colonel Klink, c’mon. This isn’t funny anymore!”
“Funny? You think this is funny?” Klink picked up the pace and smacked Hogan’s behind harder. “Hmm, really? Insolent American brat. I will show you funny!”
Then he paused long enough to grab the waistband of Hogan’s briefs, yanking them down swiftly to expose his senior POW officer’s bare bottom. Everything else was covered, but the target in question was now perfectly defenseless. The skin on Hogan’s rear end was already pink, but Klink was far from done with the younger officer.
Hogan gasped in shock as it happened, not expecting such an action. “Hey, what the –” But that’s all he got out before Klink started spanking him again.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Ow! Colonel Klink, stop!” he said, deciding to try a new tactic.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Oww! I don’t think this is funny at all.”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Owww! Honestly, I really don’t! Stop!”
But Klink wouldn’t stop. He would break Hogan’s stubborn, rebellious streak if he had to sit here all night. He was tired of getting chewed out by General Burkhalter, and he was also tired of being threatened by the Gestapo. Come to think of it, he was tired of always having his ass on the line in general. Well, for tonight it is Hogan’s ass on the line instead! he thought.
His target now woefully unprotected, Klink kept on smacking Hogan’s bottom. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
When Hogan started to wiggle around, Klink held him in place easily with one arm. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Then when he tried to kick his feet instead, the tall German locked his legs in place with his own, effectively pinning him. All the while, he just kept spanking his senior POW officer. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
After about fifty minutes in actual time – but what seemed like forever to him – Hogan wasn’t sure how much more of the punishment he could take. He’d been here for what seemed like ages, and the older officer was showing no signs of letting up any time soon. His butt felt extremely tenderized by now, and it also felt swollen to twice its normal size.
In actuality, it wasn’t, but he had no way of knowing that. It’s not like he had a mirror or anything at the moment to check, after all!
Now I know why Klink said I’d beg to be put into the cooler, the American colonel thought mournfully. This really sucks. Who knew the kraut had such strength and stamina?
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Owww, owww, OWWW! Klink, stop!” Hogan cried out as his eyes started to water. “I’m sorry!”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The swats still continued to land on his rear end as Klink spoke to him again.
“No, you are not. But you will be. That I can promise you, Hogan,” Klink replied.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “And it is Colonel Klink to you!” he stated as he continued to spank Hogan unmercifully.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Believe me, when I am done you will wish that it had never occurred to you to cause trouble for me.”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “We’re the same – OWW! – rank! C’mon sir, be reasonable. This – OWW! – isn’t fair!” pleaded a slightly desperate Hogan.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Sir, knock it off! Please stop!”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “While you are benefiting from my discipline, I outrank you. And I would keep your voice down, Hogan. That is, unless you wish the entire camp to hear you being spanked like a naughty boy,” Klink sneered.
The room was all but soundproof due to both its location and the wood used, but Hogan didn’t need to know that just yet. So the tall German decided to let Hogan think that possibility over while he was being punished. Perhaps it would teach his senior POW officer some humility.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! It had been just over an hour by now, but the thick-headed American was still unwilling to break. Which was just fine with Klink, as the release of pent-up frustration towards the other colonel had been a long time coming. And it was important for him to cause Hogan to cry tonight, so that he would remember the consequences if he misbehaved like this again.
It was also important to do in the hopes that a lesson would be learned from all of this. It honestly hurt the older man to have to discipline the younger one this way, since he liked Hogan as well as one could like an enemy. But for stubborn people, the most effective lessons were always learned the hard way. Klink had learned that as a young boy personally, and he’d never forgotten it.
While he wasn’t sure how children were disciplined in the States, he certainly knew how German parents did it. Needless to say, it had proven quite effective, both for Klink himself and each of the few friends he’d had growing up. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He harbored no doubts that it would continue to be effective in the future either.
By now, Hogan’s butt was on fire. If he had sat in lava, it couldn’t have possibly hurt any worse. It was also painfully clear that Klink wouldn’t let up until he thought Hogan had learned his lesson. Yet he hadn’t become a colonel by not being hard-headed, so he held onto his composure as best as he could.
“You act like they can’t hear me now. OWWW!”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “How is this benefiting me? OWWW! This really hurts,” the senior POW officer griped.
Klink decided to tell Hogan about the almost-soundproofing of the room, the one that only he’d known about until now. “I assure you that they cannot, for this room is almost soundproofed. You would have to be standing right outside the door to hear anything.”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “It is supposed to hurt, and you benefit by learning from it to become a better person,” the tall German explained irritably.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “Tell me Hogan, am I getting through to you?” he demanded as he continued the punishment. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
“You got through to me a long time ago, you asshole.” It slipped out before Hogan could stop himself, and he clamped his hand over his mouth. That was the wrong thing to say, as it was proved a few seconds later.
“Insolent child! It is clear to me that you are having a wonderful time, instead of learning a valuable lesson. Well, no matter. I will fix that,” the German officer threatened.
Then Klink adjusted his hand, making sure that only his fingers spanked Hogan instead of the entire thing. By doing that, he was able to hit the tender sit-spots that were where the curve of Hogan’s buttcheeks met his thighs. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
“OWWW! I’m sorry, Colonel Klink!”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “OWWW! Sir, I’m really sorry!”
Hogan had never been spanked a day in his life, since his parents didn’t believe in it. As a result, he wasn’t used to this kind of treatment. Unfortunately, that also meant that he couldn’t hold out against it any longer. So after another minute had passed, he finally cracked under the pain and began to cry.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “OWWW! I didn’t mean for...for General Burkhalter’s ho…house to blow up. It...it was an accident!”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! “OWWW! Please, I’m sorry!”
Feeling ashamed, Hogan laid there over Klink’s lap and sobbed out his next words, not even feeling the smacks on his rear end anymore.
“I...I feel terrible, and I hope hi...his family wasn’t h...home. I…I’m so…sor…sor…sorry.” In addition to everything else, he also felt helpless in that moment. The American colonel was so completely wrapped up in the flood of emotions he was experiencing, he didn’t even realize that Klink had finally ended the punishment.
The aftercare…
“Hogan. Hogan, are you okay?” Well, that was a stupid question, Klink thought. He could clearly see Hogan wasn’t okay. He’d finally broken his unruly senior POW officer, but Klink felt no satisfaction in doing so. Instead, he only felt sad that it had come to this.
Awkwardly, he decided to rub small circles on Hogan’s back as he tried a new approach. “Robert…Robert, listen to me. It is okay, your punishment is over now. You handled it very well.”
Hogan sobbed and hiccupped. “I…so sorry…never meant to hurt anyone.” He couldn’t even form a full sentence at the moment, because he was truly broken. All the remorse he had from what they’d had to do on various missions, as well as all the worries he had about his men when they went out without him was flooding in.
And most importantly, all the times he had used the German officer with zero regard to his welfare or thinking of his feelings hit him. Hogan had never thought Klink would care enough about him to discipline him and try to help him – even if it were indirectly – in a weird way. Sure, it obviously benefited the older man…but the release of pent-up emotions was also incredibly cathartic for the senior POW officer.
Klink was at a bit of a loss as to what he should do. While he had meant to discipline the wayward American, he hadn’t meant for Hogan to have a complete breakdown! An emotional release, yes. A breakdown, no.
In an attempt to comfort him, Klink continued to rub in small circles on Hogan’s back and tried to soothe him, wanting to calm him down.
“Robert, breathe. Just breathe. Focus on listening to the sound of my voice. Breathe in…and out. In…and out.” As Hogan began to calm down, Klink allowed himself a faint smile. “Good boy. Come on, up you get.”
Then he carefully pulled up the American colonel’s briefs and helped an unsteady Robert Hogan to his feet.
“Robert, I know it hurts now, but it really is for your own good. Sit down to me and I shall explain it to you.” As he spoke, he placed a soft pillow from the couch next to him and helped Hogan to carefully sit on it.
“German discipline is no joke, ja?” Klink said, giving the younger officer a half-smile. “I told you I run this camp with an iron hand,” he added in one of his rare attempts at making a joke.
The attempt wasn’t lost on Hogan, even in his present state. He hissed in pain as he sat down, as he didn’t particularly want to do so at the moment.
Still, he was unwilling to be rude right now. His butt was really sore and he was sure he’d never sit comfortably ever again. For that matter, he didn’t want to be sitting down right now!
“Yeah, no shit. I see why they call you the Iron Eagle if your wings are that tough!” the American replied. He tried to laugh too, but he ended up hiccupping instead.
Klink raised an eyebrow. “Language, Robert,” he said, but his tone was mild. To his surprise, Hogan immediately looked apologetic. Perhaps the discipline hadn’t been lost on him after all.
“I’m sorry, sir.” Hogan sniffled, feeling like he needed to blow his nose. “I really am. We…I mean, I never thought about anyone being home. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Oh God, please tell me nobody was there!”
He began to cry again, but softly this time as he laid his head against Klink’s shoulder. He was beyond disgusted with himself at the sudden show of weakness, but he really didn’t give a damn at the moment. His rear end seriously hurt! And on top of it all, he was thoroughly exhausted by now. Klink could really spank, and the unexpected emotional release had sapped his energy.
Wordlessly, the tall German handed Hogan a box of tissues. He hadn’t missed how Hogan took the blame for his men’s actions onto his own shoulders, but he chose to say nothing about it. “No, thankfully nobody was home, Robert. As you know, General Burkhalter was here, while Frau Burkhalter was out and about.”
He gently stroked Hogan’s hair, needing the other colonel to regain his composure. It wouldn’t do to have him return to his barracks in hysterics, after all. Or at least, that was the lie he told himself.
Even now, Klink was unwilling to admit to himself that he cared about Hogan’s feelings. And even if I do, it is only because he is the only officer here of my own rank. Yes, that was the excuse he would stick to for now.
“I have a question for you though, sir. If your dad did this to you, how in the world did you ever sit comfortably again? My butt feels like it’s swollen to twice the normal size,” inquired the senior POW officer.
He was still reeling in the emotional release he’d had, wondering if Klink had known that he needed it. It’s possible, Hogan mused. We’re both the same rank, even if we are on opposite sides of this damn war.
Klink gave him a half smile and replied, “The pain wears off in a day or two, but the bruises will last about a week.”
When he saw Hogan’s astonished look, he just shrugged. “I normally would not have spanked you that long, but you have quite the mulish streak, Robert. I was beginning to think I would have to use the crop before you would surrender to your emotions. Or my belt.”
With a chuckle, he added, “Which reminds me of something you should be aware of, Robert. I want you to consider this your first and only warning. The next time we have this ‘discussion’, you will feel my riding crop. And if we have to have it a third time, it shall be my belt instead. One way or the other, I shall get my point through that thick skull of yours.”
Nodding to show that he had heard that grim proclamation, the younger man asked warily, “Okay, but I’ve got another question. You’re not gonna call the Gestapo about this for any reason, are you? Because sometimes it just seems like they show up here for no reason at all, and I’d like to have time to tell my men goodbye if they’re coming to drag me away.”
Klink breathed a heavy sigh as he considered that. “No. I do not like them any more than you do, and I do not want them near Stalag 13 at all.”
After a pause to consider his next words, the Kommandant explained his previous announcement. “Of course, various offenses carry various methods of punishment, Obviously, some things will require a harsher punishment than others.”
Then his gaze became stern as he looked at Hogan. “Now that you know the score, I suggest you tell your men to behave. Unless you do not fancy sitting down ever again, that is. Do you understand me?”
He looked down at Hogan, meeting the American’s brown eyes with his blue ones. “There are almost a thousand prisoners here, and you are the one leading them all. I cannot afford to have that many men left unchecked.”
Hogan gulped as the German colonel’s eyes met his, unable to decide what to make of this side of Klink. On one hand, the older man seemed to genuinely care about him and his needs. He had disciplined him like a worried but loving father, rather than a sadistic asshole. On the other hand, he’d also just admitted that he had left bruises on the American’s behind.
But he would think about that later. The mere mention of Klink’s crop and his belt caused the younger officer to feel rattled again, so he buried his face in the tall German’s sleeve to hide that fact. Damnmit, he would not keep crying.
Pull yourself together, Rob! said his inner voice. Quit acting like a little kid and grow up.
Responding to the question that had been asked of him, Hogan responded, “Yes sir, I understand what you’re saying perfectly. But what do you mean, ‘surrender to my emotions’?”
Klink let out a weary sigh and stroked Hogan’s hair. “Please do not play dumb, Robert. I think it is rather obvious what I meant.” He shook his head slightly and rolled his eyes. Americans! “You are visibly shaken, and rightly so. Any discipline done right will bring both pain and emotional relief. I always found it rather cathartic, myself.”
Well, that’s good news, at least, Hogan thought. At least I know I’m not the only one to turn into a quivering mess! It doesn’t make it any easier to bear, but it’s comforting knowledge to have. Finally, he let go of Klink’s sleeve and looked up with watery eyes. Then he stood up, wiping the tears away with a tissue as he did so.
“Well, in that case Kommandant, I’d be happy to return the favor for you. But I’ll need to borrow your riding crop for a little while, since I don’t want to wear out my hand,” he responded with a faint smile.
Klink growled in annoyance and gave Hogan a very light swat on his butt, which elicited a surprised yelp from the American officer. “Cheeky boy! If you can backtalk to me, you are perfectly fine. Now, off you get. It is late, and long past curfew to boot.”
The German colonel proceeded to stand up too, handing the senior POW officer his uniform trousers from the table as he did so. Then Klink waited for him to put the pants on and buckle them. Walking him to the door, he handed Hogan his bomber jacket as well. “Hogan?”
Hogan looked up at Klink after zipping up his jacket. “Yeah, Colonel Klink?”
“You may use the shower in here until the bruises fade. As I said before, I have no wish to embarrass you in front of your men. Nor do I want them to ask you any uncomfortable questions,” Klink replied. “But the water will still be cold, because I cannot give you any special treatment.”
He paused briefly, debating the action in his mind before he gave the American colonel a quick hug. “As I already said, you handled your punishment very well tonight. I admit, I am impressed by you. However…” The tall German let his words hang in the air for a moment before continuing.
“I meant what I said earlier to you. This insolence of yours will stop, one way or another. So I suggest you figure out something to keep your men in line.” Giving Hogan a quick salute, Klink said, “Dis-missed!”
Hogan returned the salute with a proper one of his own for a change. Then he opened the door and left, rubbing his rear end as he walked. After seeing that, Klink smiled to himself before closing the door with a sigh.
With a sigh, he rubbed his temples. God save me from overgrown children disguised as adult men, he thought. He sincerely hoped that he wouldn’t have to punish his senior POW officer again, but somehow he doubted it. Hogan was stubborn as a mule, and so were the men he led. But the older colonel had been serious when he’d issued that warning, and a German officer never went back on his word.
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