A Journey Begins | By : DS197245 Category: 1 through F > The Big Bang Theory Views: 127 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I dont own TBBT but I own Journey |
A Journey Begins
Chapter 1
“ Son of a bi*ch! Leonard!” was the screaming female voice that rang out from the inside of the bathroom in Apartment 4A to which immediately caught the attention of her husband Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter who had been sitting at his desk in the living room working on his laptop.
“ Penny? You ok in there?”, Leonard called out to his wife in concern as he stopped what he was doing and stood up from his desk. The clothes he was wearing that day consisted of a yellow graphic t-shirt and dark brown slacks underneath an Army green colored zip up hoodie jacket along with his black and white converses on his feet and a wristwatch on his wrist. His glasses were on his face as usual too.
“ No, what the hell do you think you asthmatic dumb a**?! Get in here, now!”
“ Fine.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he walked down the hallway towards the bathroom before he walked in and asked in shock, “ Ok I’m in here now what is… oh.” when he then noticed Penny standing over by the sink a few feet away holding up a pregnancy test up in her hand giving him somewhat of an angry death glare as if she was getting ready to raise some hell at him for the predicament she was in at that moment.
“ Damn you, you rat bastard! Look at what you done to me! Look at it! You see this?! I told you we shouldn’t have gone out drinking last night with the others before coming home to have sex after that! What the hell is wrong with you?!”, Penny hissed in somewhat of an angry voice as she got up in the experimental physicist’s face shaking the test in front of it for a moment before she set it down on the bathroom sink counter. She was wearing clothes that consisted of a burgundy colored long sleeve shirt and a pair of blue jeans as well as a pair of black two inch heels with attached ankle straps on her feet. Her blonde hair was hanging down over her shoulders as well making her look really attractive despite the anger she appeared to have in her eyes at that moment. Her wedding ring was glistening underneath the lighting as well as Leonard’s wedding band that he was wearing on his finger too.
“ Nothing, nothing… I’m not sure what’s happening here. Are you saying you’re pregnant Penny?!”, Leonard asked as he gasped in shock and shook his head.
“ Yes I am Leonard and it’s all because of you! YOU are the reason I’m in this predicament because your stupid condom failed, apparently! Ugh, what am I gonna do?!”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes and began to pace the floor a bit.
“ Come on, don’t be like that honey! It’s gonna be ok, this is exciting!”, Leonard said as a smile began to spread across his face that his dreams of becoming a father were coming true.
“ No it’s not, you don’t get it! This is not what I wanted for my life! I wanted to become a successful movie star after waitressing for 6 months, not be tied down to the responsibility of a kid with nothing to show for it! This is a disaster!”, Penny hissed as she crossed her arms.
“ Don’t say that. Look Penny I know this seems like a bad thing to you but trust me it isn’t, it’s a good thing! I know what you’re feeling, you’re just scared about being a first time mom and worried that you’re gonna do something to screw it up! Most women usually are after the initial shock of finding out that they’re having a baby but believe me everything is all gonna be okay! We’ll get through this together!”, Leonard pleaded with his wife as he shook his head again and gripped her hands in his.
“ No Leonard, I can’t do this! Look I don’t want to upset you or hurt your feelings but… I don’t want to be a mother!”, Penny said as she pulled away and shook her head.
“ You don’t… like, at all?”, Leonard asked as his smile faltered.
“ Yeah I really don’t, I’m sorry sweetie.”, Penny said with a serious look on her face as she shook her head again.
“ Oh… ok. I understand, but… what are we supposed to do now?”, Leonard asked in disappointment.
“ Simple, we just give the child up for adoption. I’m sure there’s hundreds of other women and men out there who would love to be this little girl’s or little boy’s parents. We’ll just have to talk to a social worker at an adoption agency to find the best placement for him or her after birth.”, Penny said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder after she briefly put her hand on her stomach.
“ Well… ok. Sure, I guess so. Excuse me one moment.”, Leonard sadly said before he opened the bathroom door to walk out.
“ Why? Where are you going?”, Penny asked in concern as she gripped her fingers together to fidget with them slightly.
“ Don’t worry about it.”, Leonard sadly mumbled underneath his breath as he walked out and shut the door behind him leaving Penny alone in the bathroom to collect her thoughts as he then stormed out of the apartment and into the hallway, slamming the door shut behind him with a loud slam which instantly caught the attention of Sheldon and Amy who were living in Penny’s old apartment across the hall doing something important for work at that moment and got curious to know what was happening.
“ Good Lord Leonard, could you slam that door any harder?! Amy and I were in the middle of our work and THIS what you did just disrupted that!”, Sheldon said with a scowl on his face as he looked at his best friend. He was wearing his signature red Flash t-shirt over a light blue long sleeve shirt as well as a pair of khakis, his usual dress shoes on his feet, and his wristwatch on his wrist where as Amy was wearing an olive green shirt underneath her blue and gray horizontal striped cardigan along with a pair of black leggings underneath a beige medium length fitted skirt as well as a pair of black heels on her feet. She was also wearing her glasses on her face as usual too which was no surprise considering the fact that she looked like that every single day.
“ Yeah well you know what Sheldon not now, I’m not in the mood. Just leave me alone.”, Leonard hissed in a sad tone before he quickly descended the stairs looking like he wanted to cry.
“ Well that was unpleasant. My spidey sense is telling me that something’s wrong here.”, Sheldon said, making a Spiderman reference as he looked at his wife wondering what was going on at that moment with Leonard.
“ Yeah clearly. Oh god, he looked like he was going to cry. Come on, let’s go see what’s up with him. Leonard?”, Amy said in concern to her husband with a sigh as she began to make her way down the stairs after her friend, calling out to him to find out what the deal was.
“ Well fine by me Amy.”, Sheldon said as he began to follow her but as the two spouses got to the apartment complex lobby and walked into the laundry room a few moments later they saw the most heartbreaking sight ever which was Leonard sitting on the floor in there alone with his back to one of the machines and knees hugged into his chest as tears were streaming from his eyes behind his glasses on his face. He looked like he was genuinely sad about what Penny had said to him which instantly began to concern Amy and Sheldon more to the point of Amy asking her friend in concern, “ Hey, you ok? What’s wrong?”
“ No I’m not Amy! I’m really upset right now and I feel like my heart was just ripped out of me and that I’ve been punched in the gut repeatedly after having my heart stomped all over as if it was nothing!”, Leonard cried as his body shook with every sob he let out.
“ Feeling like your heart was ripped out of you? Oh dear Lord what fresh hell is this? So what if I said you disrupted us? That’s no reason to get upset and cry. One cries because one is sad. Everyone knows that but yet here you are acting like you’re a dancing fountain at Disneyland.”, Sheldon said in confusion as he stared at Leonard who was still bawling his eyes out like a little kid.
“ That didn’t even make any sense you crazy b*stard and for your information I am sad! I’m not crying because of what you said to me, I’m crying because of something I just found out about and about what Penny said to me afterwards related to that!”, Leonard cried as he banged his head back against the washing machine he was sitting on the floor against.
“ Oh well in that case, pass.”, Sheldon nonchalantly said as he tried to walk out of the laundry room only for Amy to yank him back in shouting in his face for a moment, “ Sheldon!” before she turned to Leonard and said, “ Please excuse him, he’s being rude today but go on Leonard. What did you find out?”
“ It’s fine he’s like that every day but anyway to answer your question… I found out that Penny’s pregnant!”, Leonard sniffled as he brushed the back of his hand against his nostrils for a moment before he went back to gripping his legs and knees against his chest.
“ Really?”, Sheldon asked in shock as his eyes went wide at what he just heard.
“ Well that’s great, congratulations!”, Amy said as a smile began to spread across her face.
“ Yes it is and thank you but… Penny doesn’t want it! She told me that she didn’t want to be tied down to anything such as the responsibility of a kid, telling me that she didn’t want to be a mother and that she would rather give the child away to someone else who does even though she’s known for years that I’ve always wanted to be a father someday ever since we met her! She made me feel like my feelings weren’t valid and that I mean nothing to her!”, Leonard cried as he kept hugging his knees into his chest like a scared little baby.
“ What?!”, Sheldon asked in shock as his nostrils flared a bit when he rolled his eyes.
“ Oh my god seriously?! She actually said this to you right to your face Leonard?!”, Amy asked in shock as she stared at her friend while standing next to her husband looking like she wanted to punch somebody.
“ Yes she did Amy! The woman I love wants nothing to do with our future child which really hurts my feelings that she would even say something like that to me or even suggest something like that in the first place!”, Leonard cried as he stood up on his feet clenching his fists at his sides.
“ Well yeah I would say so! That’s a fine how do you do!”, Sheldon hissed in somewhat of an angry tone as his fingers began to curl up into tight fists too at his sides over the information he was getting from his best friend.
“ Yeah I completely agree! You know what Sheldon stay here with him for a moment, I’m gonna go have a chat with Penny! I can’t believe this!”, Amy hissed in anger as she stormed out of the laundry room to head back up the stairs to go talk to her best friend about what Leonard just told her and Sheldon leaving Leonard and Sheldon alone to their own devices at that moment.
“ Well alright if you insist.”, Sheldon said as he stayed put to try to comfort Leonard.
“ Thank you!”
Stomp stomp stomp!
“ Oh it’s about to be a rodeo now, are you f*cking kidding me?!”, Amy hissed in anger under her breath to herself as she approached the door to 4A a few moments later before she stormed inside and slammed the door shut behind her shouting in anger, “ BESTIE YOU GET THE HELL OUT HERE NOW! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!”
“ Oh, hi Ames what are you…?”, Penny asked when she walked out of the bathroom to see Amy standing there in the living room with a look of anger on her face.
“ Hi Ames nothing! You’re pregnant and you told Leonard that you don’t want your child?! What the bitching hell is wrong with you?! Do you know how completely selfish that is?! You have known for several years since meeting him that it’s been his absolute dream to become a father but yet here you are casting aside his feelings as if they don’t mean anything to you! You’re treating this situation as if it’s unwanted trash and that’s not ok! You need to go apologize to Leonard because at the moment you just made him cry!”, Amy shouted in anger as she crossed her arms for a moment before she jerked her finger at Penny for a split second as well, letting her have it from her about what she was feeling regarding the situation.
“ Wait what, what are you talking about?”, Penny asked as she looked at Amy with a confused look on her face.
“ Um hello were you not listening to me Penny?! I said that Leonard is currently downstairs in the laundry room with Sheldon crying over what you just said to him! He has litteral tears coming down his face! You need to go apologize to him and tell him you didn’t mean what you said! This is ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself for even having the audacity to say that in the first place!”, Amy shouted in anger as she jerked her finger at the front door behind her for a moment just glaring at her best friend as if she was The Devil torturing her soul.
“ Ok… Amy, this really isn’t about you at the moment. I’m entitled to my own feelings about this.”, Penny said with a frustrated sigh as she rolled her eyes.
“ Yeah well again, that’s selfish! Leonard is the best man you’re ever going to have in your life and yet you still choose to treat him like he’s nothing and that he doesn’t have any purpose in your life whatsoever! What kind of person does that, especially to their own husband?! It makes no sense!”, Amy shouted in anger.
“ What?! That is not true!”, Penny shot back in defense with a dropped open mouth.
“ Yes it is and you know it! Ever since you two met and got together he’s been doing nothing but being a very loving person to you and treating you with the respect you deserve! And what have you been doing the whole time?! Walking all over him like he’s your personal doormat and not appreciating a single thing that he’s done for you! You have put in zero effort into your relationship to make this man happy whatsoever and that’s wrong! People don’t do that to the ones they love, period! It’s cruel and unspeakable!”, Amy shouted in anger as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“ Yeah well maybe if my life had gone the way I had wanted it to in the first place we wouldn’t be in this mess! Did you ever think about that?!”, Penny hissed in somewhat of an angry tone as she crossed her arms.
“ Ok now you’re just sounding like a total bitch! So what if your life didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to begin with, it happens! Sometimes life doesn’t always work out but that doesn’t give you the right to just take it out on everyone around you!”, Amy shouted in anger as she continued her tyraid to try to get her point across to Penny.
“ Ok Amy listen, I think it’s sweet you want to protect and defend Leonard in this situation but like I said this really isn’t about you at the moment! I have a lot to think about here regarding this pregnancy but until I do you need to stay out of it! This is none of your business, it’s between me and Leonard ok!”, Penny shot back.
“ Oh to hell it isn’t and to hell I won’t! Leonard doesn’t deserve you if you’re gonna act like that! He deserves someone who cares about him and makes him feel like his feelings are valid! So you know what, if you’re just going to give up your child the moment after he or she is born without giving your husband a say in any of this then maybe you two shouldn’t be married anymore and maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore either! What do you think about that?!”, Amy shouted in anger.
“ Um excuse me but that’s batsh*t! Who do you think you are, The Marriage and Friendship Police?!”, Penny shouted.
“ No I’m not but if you want to continue to say that you want to give up your child for no reason at all then maybe I will be! This child is a blessing to you and Leonard and you should be d*mn grateful for him or her as well as grateful that you even have a man who wants to be a parent with you! Because believe it or not, 9 times out of 10 there’s a small number of men out there who just abandon their significant other the moment they find out that they’re pregnant and want nothing to do with their child that they helped create! Either because they’re afraid of judgement from their family or they don’t want to ruin their bachelor life by tying themselves down to one person that they impregnated! You are very lucky that you didn’t end up with someone like that because I’m telling you that if you did then your dad probably would have been really disappointed!”, Amy shouted in anger.
“ Alright you know what, I’m done talking about this with you! Get out!”, Penny shouted with clenched fists at her sides as if she looked like she wanted to punch Amy in that moment for pissing her off.
“ Excuse me?!”, Amy shouted in anger with a dropped open mouth.
“ You heard what I said bi*ch, get out! Now! I don’t want to talk anymore about this! I’ve already made up my mind! Leave before you make me want to punch you in the face for PISSING ME OFF!”, “ Penny shouted in anger bluntly at the top of her lungs as she jerked her finger towards the front door, making it very clear where the two best friends stood at that point.
“ Fine… I will! Have a nice life with no friends to support you! I hope it’s worth it!”, Amy shouted in anger as she started to storm out the door only to quickly turn back around and shout, “ But let me tell you something here, you’re gonna regret this little song and dance someday! I guarantee you that it will come back to slap you hard across the face when you least expect it and it’s gonna make you wish you hadn’t made that decision to just throw your entire life away like it’s trash! You might want to think about that!” before she finally stormed out slamming the door behind her, trying to keep her composure and prevent herself from getting emotional over the fact that her friendship with Penny was over due to Penny’s own selfishness and cruelty regarding the pregnancy that she seemingly made very clear that she did not want. However, as Amy began making her way back down the stairs to meet back up with Sheldon and Leonard in the laundry room she couldn’t help but start to shed a few tears as she then took her phone out and sent out a mass text to Howard, Bernadette, Raj, and Stuart telling them not to talk to Penny anymore and explained the reason why before the rest of them showed up a few minutes later to support Leonard including Mrs. Cooper who flew up from Galveston after Sheldon had called her to tell her what happened. She then left with Amy and Bernadette to go do something with them shortly after telling Leonard that she was very sorry and that he shouldn’t worry due to the fact that she had complete faith in God that Penny would eventually come to her senses and realize her mistake she made by telling him that she didn’t want to be a mother to their future child. Leonard then tried to focus more on his best friend’s mother’s words as he then left with the other guys to go to the Science Center as a way to cheer him up and help get his mind off of what Penny said to him even though it was hard to do. At some point while they were there Leonard asked Howard if he could stay him and Bernadette for a while at their place so that he wouldn’t have to deal with his wife for a while to allow time for things to hopefully blow over between them to which Howard told him that he was more than welcome to after he talked to Bernadette on the phone and she agreed. Leonard then packed up his stuff shortly after he arrived back home a few hours later when Penny had left for work and headed over to Howard and Bernadette’s but not before leaving a note for his wife telling her about where he was going and why even though he knew she didn’t really deserve it for how she acted towards him in the first place. The next 9 months then remained uneventful due to Penny having little to no contact with the others including Leonard except for when he went with her to her ultrasound appointments to check on the development of the baby growing inside of her womb but even then their communication with each other was still minimal due to Leonard not wanting to possibly start another needless fight with her over her decision to adopt their child out after birth despite his objections to it which eventually made him start thinking that they were probably better off divorcing each other at this point but ultimately decided against it due to him not wanting to be like Howard’s father was in terms of abandoning Howard and his mother when she still alive and had to raise Howard completely on her own. It was also during this time of the separation between the two spouses that Penny had decided to start hanging out with her friend Zack again as a way to try to drown her feelings about her pregnancy while the others were continuing their lives without her which lasted for a while until Zack decided to bail on her for whatever reason to go hang out with another friend of his one day who he had been seeing for quite a while leaving Penny to be alone once again completely miserable as she began to start having conflicting feelings with herself about whether or not she was making the right choice to continue on with her life without being tied to motherhood and having any responsibilities that came along with that. However her feelings became very clear to her when she suddenly went into labor one evening and called Leonard as she was being transported to the hospital by ambulance to tell him that she was in labor and that she wanted him to be there to which he did just that after he told Howard and Bernadette where he was going. Screams of pain erupted in the air as Penny used all the strength she had to push the baby out of her which lasted about 20 minutes before her screams were replaced by the sudden sweet sound of a seemingly healthy baby girl crying the moment she came out of her mother’s womb.
“ Oh god I did it! She’s finally out!”, Penny shrieked as she was laying in a hospital bed in the Labor and Delivery ward wearing a hospital gown trying to catch her breath from straining herself to deliver the baby. Her wedding ring on her finger glistened underneath the fluorescent lights as well as she was moving her hand slightly to keep herself from passing out due to exhaustion.
“ Yeah she is, you did great honey!”, Leonard said as a few tears began to come down his face just as the nurses were finishing cleaning up the baby, putting a diaper on her, and checking her temperature as well as other vitals after they had cut her free from the umbilical cord.
“ Thank you and… oh balls, I can’t do this!”, Penny said as she began to get emotional after one of the nurses suddenly placed the baby in her arms wrapped in a pink blanket with a hat on her head to keep her head warm before the nurse left the room with the other nurses for privacy reasons. The moment Penny first gazed into her daughter’s eyes she immediately began to feel a sense of pure love just flowing within her and that all of the selfish feelings that she previously had since the beginning of her pregnancy had just faded away.
“ You can’t do what?”, Leonard asked in confusion as he stared at his wife wondering what was happening.
“ I realized I made a huge mistake Leonard! I changed my mind, I want to keep our daughter!”, Penny cried as she continued to hold their newborn baby in her arms who was still crying her little lungs out like any normal baby would do after being born into the world taking their first breath of fresh air.
“ Really? Are you sure?”, Leonard asked as his mouth opened slightly in shock while he continued to stare at her wondering if she was being serious or not. The clothes he was wearing then consisted of a blue t-shirt underneath his black and gray zip up hoodie jacket as well as a pair of blue jeans and his black and white converses. He once again was wearing a wristwatch as well as his glasses as usual too along with his wedding band on his finger.
“ Yes! I want to give her up but I can’t! I love her so much, she’s beautiful! And she has a piece of you and me and…!”, Penny cried as she continued to stare at her daughter with loving eyes.
“ Yeah that’s true but… honey if you really don’t want her I’m fine with that.”, Leonard said as he looked at his daughter for a moment before looking back at his wife with a serious look on his face.
“ No sweetie listen, it was wrong of me to say that to you in the first place! This is your dream and I want to make it true no matter what! Because if I don’t… I’ll be making the biggest mistake of my entire life! Hell I already made the mistake of pushing my own family away and even your mother as well as everyone else for my own selfish reasons! I’m such an idiot!”, Penny cried as she shook her head with genuine sincerity.
“ No you’re not.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he shook his head.
“ Yes I am! I treated everyone like crap over this and I shouldn’t have! Amy was right, I would’ve really regretted this! I would’ve regretted this so much if I had gone through with it!”, Penny cried.
“ So you’re saying you want to be a mother?”, Leonard asked as his face lit up a bit while gazing into her eyes.
“ Yes I am! I really do and I’m sorry for hurting you like that by saying that I didn’t to begin with! I guess I was just scared, frustrated, and I didn’t know what to do!”, Penny cried as she nodded her head looking into Leonard’s eyes for a moment before she turned back to look at their daughter.
“ It’s ok Penny, I forgive you.”, Leonard said.
“ You do?!”, Penny sniffled.
“ Yes. As much as you hurt me with what you said, I can’t bring myself to walk away. Not now, not ever. Especially like what Howard’s father did to him and his mother. I can’t do that to you and our child. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
“ Amy was right about this too, you are the best man ever! I love you so much!”, Penny cried as she kissed him on the lips.
“ I love you too. We’re going to be great parents, I know it.”, Leonard said with a smile as he kissed her back.
“ I think so too.”, Penny said as her crying began to subside and a smile began to spread across her face as the two of them continued to stare lovingly at their precious newborn daughter that they created together.
“ Mmhmm.”, Leonard said with a smile as he nodded his head before he asked, “ So what should we name her?”
“ Well… I kind of like the name Journey.”, Penny said as she turned her head again for a moment to look at her husband.
“ Ok, well how about this… we name her Journey Curie Hofstadter.”, Leonard said as he did the same to his wife.
“ Madam Curie’s last name as her middle name?”, Penny asked.
“ Yeah. What do you think?”, Leonard asked as he nodded his head again.
“ I love it… it’s beautiful Leonard!”, Penny happily cried as she kissed him again.
“ Yeah it is. I love it too.”, Leonard said with a smile as he looked back down at his daughter Journey and gently stroked her little soft cheek with his finger. In that moment he felt like the once broken pieces of his heart were coming back together, especially when he saw her look up at him for the very first time gazing into his brown eyes with her very own set of beautiful brown eyes giving him the cutest little smile ever which immediately melted his heart as she stopped crying and let out a little cooing sound like most babies do when they’re happy indicating that she recognized him immediately as her father.
“ Oh my god, Penny look at this! She’s smiling at me!”, Leonard said with happy tears coming down his face as he continued to smile from ear to ear just gazing into his daughter’s eyes.
“ I know Leonard and she’s smiling at me too! Hi Journey, it’s mommy and daddy! From this day forward you are our entire world and we love you so much already! We will never let anything bad happen to you, our precious little angel!”, Penny happily cried when she noticed Journey doing the same thing to her as she then planted a soft kiss against her daughter’s head with Leonard doing the same thing.
“ That couldn’t be any more true. I love you Penny.”, Leonard said as he looked at his wife again.
“ I love you too Leonard.”, Penny happily cried as she kissed him again before the two of them continued staring at their daughter with big smiles on their faces that they were now proud parents to a beautiful little girl who spent 9 months in Penny’s womb despite the fact that she wasn’t happy about it at first.
Knock knock!
“ Excuse me I hope I’m not interrupting but uh, the staff told me that you wanted to speak to me. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jenna and I’m a social worker working for the Pasadena Adoption Agency. I’m here to discuss adoption placement for your daughter.”, Jenna said with a smile as she entered the room. She was a beautiful young caucasian woman who looked like she was about 34 years old wearing what most social workers wear and she had long blonde curly hair with freckles on her face and dark blue eyes. She was also carrying a clipboard and had a wristwatch on her wrist as well.
“ Uh that’s great miss but we’re not interested.”, Leonard said as he looked up at her with a straight face.
“ Really? Well, that’s a bit of a stretch to say the least don’t you think? I’m sure this is probably just a case of first time jitters.”, Jenna said with a slight laugh as she then tried to reach out to take Journey from Penny only for the blonde headed aspiring actress to smack the other woman’s hand away hissing in her face before handing her daughter off to Leonard, “ Ah ah ah, excuse me but hands off! Here Leonard, take Journey for a second!” before she immediately got up in this woman’s face and angrily shouted, “ Ok listen here Jenna or whoever the hell you are, I don’t think you understood or heard what my husband said! We are no longer interested in what you have to say so therefore you touch our child and I’m gonna introduce you to the Hell of Nebraska! Now get out!” as she then pointed her finger at the door.
“ Ok ma’am I’m going to need you to…”, Jenna started to say only for Penny to shout in her face again, “ I SAID GET OUT! Leave before I pop one right in your mouth for God’s sake! Don’t make me call security or otherwise you’re just gonna end up in a whole world of hurt!”
“ Please don’t yell me, I’m just trying to…”, Jenna started to say again but instantly received just a psychotic scream in her face prompting her to quickly back out of the room throwing her hands up as she shrieked, “ Ok message received, I’m leaving!” before she immediately walked away to go bother someone else.
“ Great, you do that! Go take someone else’s child you cockeyed bitch! Journey’s happy where she is, she don’t need to go anywhere else except home with me and my husband!”, Penny shouted out the door after Jenna before she made her way back to her hospital bed so that she could hold Journey again after she took her back from Leonard.
“ That was amazing what you just did!”, Leonard said with a smile as he looked at his wife again when she settled back under the covers in the bed holding Journey in her arms.
“ Yeah well it was nothing. The bi*ch needed to hear it from me anyway, especially since she just tried to take Journey away from us even though we expressed to her that we were no longer interested in her services just a few godd*mn minutes ago.”, Penny said with a sigh as she gently patted her hand against the wrapped blanket around Journey where her diaper covered butt was.
“ True.”, Leonard said as he sucked on his inhaler for a moment.
“ Yeah. Anyway, do you think you could call the others and tell them to come up here? I want to apologize to them for how I acted.”, Penny asked.
“ I can try but I don’t know if they will, they seemed pretty upset with you over these past 9 months and seemed like they didn’t want anything to do with you anymore, especially Sheldon because every time I tried to talk about you he kept trying to change the subject to something else. He seemed very angry over how you treated me and expressed the desire to punch you in the face for that. I even remember him telling me that after I kept trying to talk about you one day when we were having dinner at the Chinese restaurant with Howard and Raj. He said something to the effect of, “ Leonard can we please not talk about Penny anymore? Because the more we continue to spin at this perticular windmill, the more it just makes me want to go find her and punch her in the face for what she did to you.”, Leonard said, quoting the exact words that Sheldon had said to him when they were hanging out one day during the time that him and Penny were separated.
“ Well, that I can understand because you’re his best friend but, can you at least please try to get him and the others here Leonard? I really do feel guilty about everything that we have been through and I really don’t want to continue going through life with our daughter having our friends still hating my guts because of it.”, Penny said with a sigh.
“ Alright, if you say so. I’ll give it a shot but I’m not certain that it’s gonna work.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he then got up from where he was sitting to walk into the hallway so that he could make several phone calls to the others as an attempt to convince them to come up there to the hospital to rekindle their friendship with Penny. At first they told him no but ultimately decided to come up there anyway to at least hear what she had to say to them.
“ Alright, we’re here. What do you want?”, Raj said with a frown on his face when he walked into the Labor and Delivery room a few moments later with the others, crossing his arms in front of his chest with Howard doing the same as both men glared at her along with Sheldon, Stuart, Amy, and Bernadette doing the same as well as if they were expecting this meeting with their so called friend to be a waste of their time.
“ Yeah what is it?”, Amy asked with a frown.
“ Look, I was just going to say that I’m really sorry for the way I acted. I did some thinking over these last several months that we’ve been apart from each other and I realized I made a huge mistake. I shouldn’t have said any of that stuff to begin with, I only said that because I was just scared, frustrated, and I didn’t know what to do. I was acting like a total bi*ch when I shouldn’t have and I wasn’t thinking clearly. And so, I’m happy to say that Leonard and I talked things out and we decided that we’re going to keep our child which by the way is a little girl if you didn’t know.”, Penny said with a sigh and a look of genuine remorse on her face as she continued holding Journey with Leonard sitting down next to her.
“ Really?”, Stuart asked.
“ Yes.”, Penny said as she nodded her head.
“ Well, that’s great. Congratulations.”, Howard said with a slight smile as he uncrossed his arms.
“ Thank you.”, Penny said.
“ I see, and uh… is this a sincere apology?”, Sheldon asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.
“ Yes Sheldon it is. Look like I said I truly am very sorry for all of this. I was very much being selfish and that was very uncalled for.”, Penny said as she nodded her head again.
“ It’s ok, we forgive you.”, Bernadette said as a soft smile began to spread across her face.
“ Thanks.”, Penny said.
“ Yes well now that the air seems to be cleared amongst all of us… what did you name your daughter? If you don’t mind me asking.”, Raj asked in somewhat of a soft voice.
“ It’s ok Raj I don’t… this is Journey Curie.”, Penny said with a soft smile as she looked down at her daughter for a moment before she looked back up at the others.
“ Journey?”, Amy asked.
“ Mmhmm.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
“ I told Leonard that I kind of liked that name and so he suggested that we name her Journey Curie Hofstadter with Madam Curie’s last name as her middle name. I thought that was beautiful so I said ok.”, Penny said.
“ Well you’re right, it is. I love that.”, Bernadette said with a smile.
“ We do too.”, Raj said with a smile as he nodded his head along with Sheldon, Howard, Stuart, and Amy doing the same.
“ Well that’s great because… I would love for all of you to be in her life. As her aunt, uncles… godmother.”, Penny said with a smile as she first looked at Bernadette and then at Howard, Raj, and Stuart before she looked at Amy placing a hand on her arm for a moment.
“ Godfather.”, Leonard said with a smile as he looked at Sheldon.
“ Really?”, Sheldon and Amy asked in shock as they stared at them with wide eyes to which Leonard and Penny nodded their heads with a smile.
“ You’re our best friends and you always will be, no matter what happens.”, Penny said.
“ Wow… I don’t know what to say.”, Amy said in shock as she then turned to Sheldon to see what he was going to say.
“ We are honored and we will take it!”, Sheldon said with a soft smile making Amy start smiling as well, signaling that they were both accepting their new godparent status as Journey’s godparents that they were just given.
“ Well that’s wonderful buddy.”, Leonard said with a smile.
“ Would you like to hold her?”, Penny asked with a smile as she held up Journey making her squirm a little bit.
“ Sure bestie.”, Amy said as she gently took Journey into her arms to hold her for the very first time.
*happy baby cooing sounds fill the air*
“ Aww look at her, she’s so beautiful! Can you believe this Sheldon?! Our very first godchild!”, Amy said as a few happy tears began to stream from her face.
“ I know, it’s remarkable Amy. Hi Journey, welcome to our world.”, Sheldon said with a soft smile as he gazed into his goddaughter’s eyes.
“ We’re your Auntie Amy and Uncle Sheldon… and we love you. You may not know it yet but we do.”, Amy softly said as she looked down at her as well.
“ Indeed.”, Sheldon said as he then took Journey into his arms when his wife handed her over to him so that he could hold her for a few minutes as well. As she settled into his arms she slowly began drifting off to sleep after she blinked her eyes a couple times at him as if to show affection towards him. Sheldon then passed her to Howard after his turn was up which made her open her eyes again to blink them as she then looked up at the aerospace engineer that was holding her.
“ He he, hey sweetie. It’s your Uncle Howard here. You are so cute and look just like your mom and dad. Well, maybe a little bit more like your dad than your mom but hey, you learn something everyday don’t you?”, Howard said with a slight laugh as he looked at his niece.
“ Please excuse him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about sometimes.”, Bernadette said with a soft voice when she suddenly butted in.
“ Well ok, whatever.”, Howard said with a slight chuckle as he then handed Journey off to his wife so that she could see her as well.
“ Shut up you putz!”, Bernadette hissed at him before she said in a sweet loving, tender voice, “ Anyway, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m your Auntie Bernadette. You know, you are just so precious that I could just eat you up.” as she then gave her a smile and gently tapped her on the nose with her finger.
“ Same here. Hi Journey, it’s your Uncle Raj. We are going to have so many fun memories together. And Cinnamon is going to be very excited to meet her new human cousin when she gets the chance to. She is gonna love you so much, because I already know I do.”, Raj said with a smile, talking about his precious dog Cinnamon as he took Journey next into his arms.
“ Me too. Hey, Uncle Stuart… or Uncle Stewie, whatever you prefer to call me when you get older. I honestly really don’t care, as long as you don’t think I’m a weirdo.”, Stuart said with a smile as he got to have his turn to hold her too.
“ Oh please, she’s gonna think you’re a weirdo anyway Chewie! Why tell her that?!”, Howard said with a slight laugh and stupid smirk on his face as he stared at his friend, making a Star Wars reference about Chewbacca.
“ Howard, you’re not helping! This is my time with our niece and I’m going to tell her whatever I want to tell her, ok?! So stay out of it! You already had your turn to say what you wanted, so don’t go ruining my moment!”, Stuart shot back at him as he held Journey in his arms.
“ Fine.”, Howard said before he shut his mouth.
“ Thank you.”, Stuart said as he turned his attention back to Journey. He held her for the next few minutes before he handed her back to Leonard. All the adults then spent the next half hour or so having a conversation with each other before the others left the hospital after visiting hours were over leaving Penny and Leonard alone to spend the night in the hospital with their newborn daughter. Then the next day after everything seemingly checked out fine Leonard and Penny were allowed to go home with their daughter shortly after everyone else had gotten everything set up for Journey’s nursery(Sheldon’s old bedroom) at the apartment and when Leonard moved his things back home from Howard and Bernadette’s.
“ Shhhh, it’s ok Journey. Mommy’s got you. Come here, let’s get you changed.”, Penny cooed in a soft loving voice as she gently picked up her crying infant daughter out of her crib and carried her over to the changing table to change her diaper. Within minutes of Penny doing so Journey then let out a happy baby coo as she then started to fall back asleep just as her mother placed her back into her crib to continue her nap. Penny then leaned over and kissed her daughter’s head before she walked out of the nursery shutting the door behind her. As she then went about cleaning up the kitchen Leonard walked in the door from Caltech after he had been there for a few hours working on a laser experiment that he got called in to do shortly after arriving home from the hospital that same day with Penny and their newborn daughter Journey.
“ Hey, I’m back.”, Leonard said as he tossed his keys in the bowl before he took off his laptop case and carried the few bags he had with him to the kitchen island after he picked up a few things from the store on his way home from work.
“ Oh good, how was work Leonard?”, Penny asked her husband as she stopped what she was doing to lean against the counter.
“ Uh, busy. I almost burnt out my retina from the laser I was working with but other than that everything was good Penny. Anyway what about you? How are things going with Journey so far?”, Leonard asked he pushed his glasses up on his face after he kissed his wife on the lips.
“ Fine. Got her back down for her nap after I changed her diaper so, the usual that most new parents deal with on a daily basis.”, Penny said as she brushed her hair out of her face with her fingers.
“ Ah got it. Anyway I stopped by the store like you asked me to 30 minutes ago on the way home and I picked up what you wanted me to get as well as a few other things.”, Leonard said as he began to dig around in grocery bags that he brought in.
“ Oh great so you got the chicken breast for dinner tonight?”, Penny asked as she gripped her fingers together at her waistline.
“ Yes. I also got some more dish soap, laundry detergent, and some more diapers for Journey.”, Leonard said as he pulled said items out of the bags that he had set on the kitchen island.
“ Well that’s great Leonard but did you really have to buy more diapers? Amy just bought a whole big box of them for us this morning shortly before we got discharged from the hospital.”, Penny said as she blinked her eyes.
“ Yeah I know Penny but I kind of figured that we would probably need more just in case. We don’t know how fast we’re gonna end up going through them considering the fact that Journey’s just a baby who was just born yesterday.”, Leonard said as he started opening the box of diapers he just bought to take some of them out and pack them in Journey’s brand new diaper bag that Raj had bought for them that very same morning.
“ True, I guess that makes sense. It’s hard to believe that we just had her.”, Penny said.
“ Yeah, it seems like a dream but I guess this is our reality for the next 18 years of our lives.”, Leonard said as he set the diaper bag aside after he finished stuffing it full of diapers.
“ Yep. No turning back now.”, Penny said as she nodded her head.
“ Nope, definitely no turning back now.”, Leonard said as he shook his head just as Journey suddenly started crying again through the baby monitor.
“ Oh balls.”, Penny said as she rolled her eyes but just as she was about to head back to the nursery to check on Journey she was stopped in her tracks by Leonard who held up his hand and said, “ Ah ah ah, I got it this time. I’ll be right back.” before he headed to the nursery to see what was wrong with his daughter this time around.
“ Aww what’s wrong Journey? Did daddy disturb you by talking too loud? Come here princess, it’s ok. Shhhh.”, Leonard’s soft soothing voice rang out through the baby monitor moments later as he picked Journey up out of her crib to calm her down.
*Journey’s crying slowly ceases followed by her letting out a moaning baby coo before silence fell and was replaced by soft breathing*
“ What the hell? Everything ok in there sweetie?”, Penny asked through the baby monitor in somewhat of a concerned voice.
“ Yes everything’s fine, nothing’s wrong. I either just woke her up by talking too loud or she was just a little fussy and wanted someone to hold her for a minute.”, Leonard’s voice quietly responded back through the other end of the monitor.
“ Ah got it. Hey listen I’m gonna go across the hall to talk to Amy and Sheldon for a minute, let me know if you need anything if you think of anything alright.”, Penny responded as she began making her way towards the front door of their apartment.
“ Ok will do. See you in a few.”, Leonard’s voice responded back.
“ Great, see ya.”, Penny said before she walked out the door and headed across the hall leaving Leonard to take care of Journey for a bit. She then came back a few minutes later just as Leonard was emerging from the nursery after he placed Journey back in her crib. The two of them then just went about the rest of their day tending to their infant daughter’s needs every time she cried either during the time she was playing on the living room floor with a few toys that the others bought for her or sleeping in her crib for things like bottle feedings when she was hungry and diaper changes when she needed to be changed which was basic needs that every baby needed on a daily basis in order to grow up strong and healthy. However by the time the others arrived for dinner shortly after Penny had called her folks in Nebraska as well as video chatted Leonard’s mother to make amends with them for pushing them away during her pregnancy Journey had already been put back into her crib for the night giving the adults the rest of the evening to enjoy themselves and each other’s company. Things were normal for the first year after that but then shortly after Journey turned 2 years old something unexpected happened. One day shortly after Leonard and Penny arrived back home with their daughter from watching Howard and Raj performing a new song they wrote for their band Footprints On The Moon they decided to let Journey crawl around on the floor for a bit to play with her toys while they sat down to watch some tv in the living room when all of a sudden they were then interrupted by a bunch of clanking and banging as well happy baby babbling sounds coming from the kitchen behind the kitchen island prompting the two parents to get up and go investigate the source of the noise to which to their surprise when they walked around behind the kitchen island they saw their daughter sitting on the floor in the middle of the kitchen wearing nothing but a dark blue t-shirt and her diaper just banging on a few pots and pans making the cutest little sounds ever with her mouth as her hair which was straight and blonde on top that toned down into a dark umber color at the bottom creating an ombre effect in the middle was swishing around slightly from her head bobbing up and down a bit with every striking blow she made to the cooking utensils she was playing with.
“ What the hell?”, Leonard said with a smirk as he stood there next to his wife a few feet away watching what Journey was doing. The clothes he was wearing that day consisted of an orange graphic t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans underneath his dark blue zip up hoodie jacket as well as his wristwatch and black and white converses which was the same outfit that he wore the day that he tried to drop Sheldon off at the barber shop to get his haircut.
*sounds of a happy baby girl babbling fills the air*
“ Oh balls, I think I’m gonna die! This is so cute!”, Penny exclaimed with a smile as she placed her hand on her chest for a moment before she grabbed her phone to record video of what she was seeing in front of her at that moment. The outfit she was wearing that day consisted of a long sleeve cream colored off the shoulders sweater, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a pair of dark gray pumps on her feet. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail as well.
“ Yeah I’ll say! What do you think you’re doing Journey? Are you trying to make music like your Uncle Howard and Uncle Raj? Huh?”, Leonard cooed with a smile as he got down on one knee to his daughter’s level with Penny kneeling beside him kneeling as well placing her hands on her thighs which instantly made Journey look up at her parents giving them the cutest smile ever as she began to giggle like the happy baby she was just rocking slightly back and forth on her diapered butt while banging and slamming around on the pots and pans in amusement causing Penny and Leonard to start laughing a bit in amusement as well shaking their heads at the cute scene taking place in front of them at that very moment.
“ Ok I would say that’s a yes Leonard!”, Penny laughed in amusement.
“ I think so too Penny! These two idiots definitely started something with her I can tell you that much!”, Leonard laughed in amusement as well.
“ Yeah you think you asthmatic dumb ass?! They created a little future musician is what they did! Thanks a lot for that Howard and Raj, this is just melting my little mommy heart right now seeing this!”, Penny laughed in amusement as she threw her head back, placing her hand on her chest again.
“ You think you’re little mommy heart’s doing that, well, my little daddy heart’s doing the same thing! Probably just as much as your heart is!”, Leonard laughed in amusement as he looked at his wife and jerked his finger at her for a moment before he looked back at his little girl who was still expressing her happiness by trying to make noise.
“ Oh shut up you idiot! It’s not a competition here! What are you nuts?!”, Penny laughed in amusement as she did the same thing.
“ No but Sheldon is! It’s the reason why you call him Dr. Whackadoodle all the time!”, Leonard laughed in amusement.
“ That is so true! He’s the wackiest whackadoodle I’ve ever met in my life but I love him!”, Penny laughed in amusement.
“ Me too!”, Leonard laughed in amusement as the two of them continued watching their daughter Journey having fun with herself. This lasted for about the next 20 minutes until Leonard picked her up to carry her to her room to go change her diaper after she began to get a little fussy. He then put her down for her afternoon nap before he rejoined Penny out in the living room a moment later to continue watching tv. Then later in the evening Penny decided to go out with Amy and Bernadette for a Girls Night Out while Leonard took Journey out with him and the other guys to the Natural History Museum after Howard said that he wanted to go there for a bit and look around rather than just sitting around the house doing absolutely nothing the entire night.
“ This stuff is all interestingly cool. It’s no wonder why a lot of people come here every single day.”, Howard said as with a smile as he was walking around the museum with Raj, Stuart, Sheldon, and Leonard looking at all the exhibits while Leonard was pushing Journey around in her stroller with her diaper bag slung over his shoulder as she was bouncing around in it giggling happily while smacking her little hands together and looking around as well.
“ Yes it is but to be honest with you Wolowitz, most of the people who come here are just nerds like us looking to learn about things that existed nearly thousands of years ago.”, Leonard said as he was pushing his daughter in her stroller that was shaking a bit from her continuing to bounce around in it like most two year old babies do when they’re happy.
“ True Leonard but hey, it looks like Journey’s having a good time though.”, Howard said with a smile as he turned around for a moment to point at his niece who was still having fun with herself in her stroller just making cute little giggling and babbling sounds as if she didn’t have a care in the world.
“ Yeah you’re right, it looks like she is. She’s just giggling and bouncing around in her stroller while looking around as if she must be excited by all the exhibits she’s seeing.”, Leonard said as he looked Journey for a moment, watching what she was doing.
“ Indeed my good man. But it’s either that or she’s excited by the music playing on the ceiling right now.”, Sheldon said with a soft smile over his shoulder at his best friend as he pointed at the ceiling speakers that were playing the song Don’t I Make It Look Easy by Meghan Trainor while they continued walking around the museum looking at everything around them.
“ Well if I had to guess Sheldon, I’d say it’s the music.”, Stuart said over his shoulder too.
“ I think so too pal. I still can’t believe she really actually enjoyed that earlier, and at two years old nonetheless.”, Howard said.
“ Well dude it’s because we rock, that’s why.”, Raj said as he looked at his best friend.
“ That we definitely do.”, Howard said with a smirk as they continued walking. But as they were doing so another family with a black haired 2 year old Caucasian girl sitting in a stroller too suddenly walked by them on the other side of the hallway going in the opposite direction from them and the moment Journey turned her head to see her she instantly began reaching her little hands out towards her making the cutest little sounds ever as the other little girl did the same thing back to her which made her parents start smiling a little bit when they saw this as well as Leonard and the other guys when they saw it too.
“ Yeah I know sweetheart, it’s another little girl like you. How cute is this you guys? It looks Journey just made her very first friend with that little girl that just went by us.”, Leonard said with a smile as he pointed his finger towards the direction that the other little girl and her parents went in.
“ It appears that way Leonard. Come on, let’s keep moving.”, Sheldon said with a smile as they continued on through the museum while the Meghan Trainor song was still playing on the speakers until it eventually faded out into the background with the music suddenly turning into Again by Lenny Kravitz just as a dark blue SUV pulled up into a gravel parking lot at a local park in the Pasadena area one bright sunny late morning several years later and a 16 year old Journey Curie Hofstadter suddenly stepped out of the driver’s side door of the car making her way to the backside to retrieve her guitar case before she began walking with it towards a large stage that was set up in the middle of the park to meet up with 3 other Caucasian 16 year old girls who were already there setting up their instruments too as the background music faded out once again to reveal the sounds of the present day.
“ Hey you guys, I’m here.”, Journey said with a smile as she greeted her friends, blinking her beautiful brown eyes from behind a set of glasses on her face that were similar to her father Leonard’s. The clothes she was wearing consisted of a bright red sparkly t-shirt with a little bit of her midriff showing, a pair of blue jean skorts that covered up the disposable brief she was wearing due to an overactive excretory system diagnosis that she received when she was about 8 years old and a pair of black heels with ankle straps on her feet. She was also carrying an Asthma inhaler around her belt due to the fact that she also had been diagnosed with Asthma just like Leonard around the same time of excretory issue when she began to have difficulty breathing and catching her breath.
“ Oh hey Journey!”, as two of the girls exclaimed with a smile as they looked up at her for a moment before they continued with trying to set up their instruments that consisted of an electronic keyboard piano and a Theremin which was something out of the Star Trek franchise.
“ Yeah hey bestie what’s… woahhh! Ahhh!”, the third girl behind the drumset exclaimed with a smile before she suddenly let out a startled girly scream as she tripped over herself and fell down onto the floor of the stage behind her set causing her cymbals to fall off and crash land on her head.
*sounds of teenage girls giggling in amusement*
“ Ow! What the Kravitz?! That seriously hurt!”, the girl that fell hissed in pain as she attempted to get back up, placing a hand on the back of her head where her cymbals had struck her. She had long straight natural black hair with bright blue and yellow colored streaks on the front of it peeking out underneath a black beanie hat she had on her head. She also had bright green eyes blinking behind a set of gold wire framed diamond shaped glasses on her face and the clothes she was wearing consisted of a bright yellow t-shirt with dark blue sleeves, a pair of blue jean shorts, and the same style pair of shoes that Journey was wearing on her feet. A pair of black faux leather fingerless gloves were on her hand as well that had sterling silver studded spikes on them too.
“ Oh snap!”, Journey shrieked in concern as she rushed up onto the stage, setting her guitar case down shrieking, “ Geo! Are you ok?!” and approached her best friend Geo Astrid Tumbleston to see if she was ok.
“ Yeah I’m fine Journey, I just tripped over my snare drum and my cymbals crashed down on my ducking head! No biggie!”, Geo said as she began to set her cymbals back up on her drums after Journey helped her stand up before she picked up her drumsticks that had also fallen down as well when she hit the stage floor.
“ Yeah clearly if you’re still conscious and breathing don’t you think?!”, Kerry Andrea Olston jokingly laughed at her friend as she shook her head slightly. She had long wavy brown hair separated into two ponytails, hazel colored eyes, and was wearing an outfit that consisted of a green colored LulaRoe t-shirt and a pair of black denim shorts as well as a pair of black ballet flats on her feet.
“ Will you shut up Kerry?! You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about right now!”, Geo shot back at her as she set her drumsticks down on top of her snare drum.
“ Yeah well neither do you at the moment either Geonarda!”, Lydia Haven Shartterbury butted in with a slight laugh as well. She had medium length long straight bright red hair that was the color of Ariel The Little Mermaid’s as well as burgundy colored eyes and she was wearing clothes that consisted of a pink tie dyed t-shirt and a medium length blue jean skirt along with a pair of black leather boots on her feet.
“ Lydia please, how many times do I have to tell you to not call me by my full name?! You know I hate that!”, Geo hissed in her friend’s face as she clenched her fists at her sides.
“ I do Geo, I’m just messing with you! We’re friends and that’s what friends do! Geez Louise!”, Lydia laughed as she threw her head back.
“ Well whatever! Let’s just continue setting up and get started! We don’t have all day!”, Geo hissed as she rolled her eyes and began checking to make sure that everything on her drumset was secure before she picked up her drumsticks again and gave everything a good few poundings with them just to make sure that they sounded ok.
“ Yeah I completely agree with that. Guys, we need to practice! We’re playing in the school talent show this Friday night on the football field in front of all of our high school peers and administrators as well as our families! We can’t be slacking off here!”, Journey hissed as she opened up her guitar case and pulled out her dark blue electric guitar with a tuner on it attached to back of her fret, slipping it on across her shoulder with the strap resting against it.
“ Yeah we get it bestie but why are you bugging out about this?”, Geo asked as she looked at her best friend.
“ Because Geo, this is the first time that everyone is gonna see us performing together as a band since we formed this group! I don’t want us to end up looking like complete idiots out there and get booed off the stage because if that happens then Ryan Walter Brunswick and his stupid football pals are just gonna keep poking fun at us for the rest of our high school career!”, Journey hissed as she mentioned their school bully who was on the football team at their school as the starting quarterback.
“ Yeah well they’ve been doing that since we met them Journey so this really isn’t any different. They’re just a bunch of snot nosed punks who think they’re better than everyone else just because they’re on the football team at school.”, Kerry said with a sigh as she continued setting up her keyboard piano.
“ Yeah but still Kerry this is really important to me so can we please get started?!”, Journey hissed in her friend’s face as she was gripping the neck of her guitar in her hand after she slipped on a microphone headset and plugged in her guitar to an amplifier.
“ Fine.”, Kerry said with a sigh as she slipped on her own headset with the other two girls following suit, turning them on as they stood in front of their instruments ready to play them.
“ Great, thank you.”, Journey said with a sigh before she said into her mic, “ Testing testing! One, two, three! You ready Geo?!”
“ Yep, ready when you are Journey! Call it!”, Geo exclaimed as she then started up the metronome.
“ Alright, here we go! One, two… one, two, three, four!”, Journey exclaimed into her mic as Geo then tapped her sticks together a couple times during this before Journey and Kerry started playing their instruments to the instrumental song Blood/Papa(A Long and Sad Goodbye) written by Lenny Kravitz. Geo then joined in with her drums soon after followed by Lydia with her theremin. However, in the middle of their set, another Caucasian 16 year old girl suddenly approached them as she was walking by listening to their music and interrupted them by exclaiming, “ Hey, excuse me! Hey! Down here!” which instantly made them stop in the middle of what they were doing and Geo shut the metronome off just as Journey said with a smile into her microphone, “ Um, hi… what’s up?! Is there a reason that you interrupted our set?!”
“ Um no not really except that’s a really cool song you’re playing! Is that a Lenny Kravitz song?!”, the girl exclaimed with a friendly smile as she looked up at her. Her hair was a wavy medium length strawberry blonde color and she had crystal blue eyes. The outfit she was wearing consisted of a black Hello Kitty t-shirt and a pair blue jean capris along with a pair of dark gray sandals on her feet. She also had on a beige colored backpack over her shoulders as well.
“ Yeah it is! We’re huge Lenny Kravitz fans and so we like playing his music!”, Geo said with a smile as she nodded her head.
“ That’s so cool, me too! Anyway I hope I’m not being rude but… do you mind if I join you guys in your set?!”, the girl exclaimed with a smile as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“ Um… you want to join us? Sure, I guess. What do you play?”, Kerry asked as she looked at her friends for a moment before she looked back at the other girl standing at the foot of the stage.
“ I play the triangle. I’ve been playing it for a few years so I might as well put it to good use. In fact, here. Let me play you guys a little something with it for a moment.”, the girl said as she then took her backpack off and started digging around in it to pull out her triangle that she had stuffed in there.
“ Well, ok. Show us what you got.”, Journey said as she began to stare at the other girl with her friends doing the same, waiting to see what this other girl had to offer them.
“ Alright.”, the girl said as she then began to play some kind of catchy tune with her triangle which immediately made the other girls look at each other for a moment dawning impressed smiles on their faces as they said, “ Hey, that’s not bad!”
“ Really?! Thanks! So can I join you?!”, the girl exclaimed with a smile as she held her triangle in her hand after she stopped playing it.
“ Sure, what the heck! Get up here!”, Journey exclaimed.
“ Great, thank you! My name’s Cadry Nikayla Maitland by the way!”, Cadry exclaimed as she climbed up onto the stage to set up her triangle amongst the other girls’ instruments and slipped a headset on her head too.
“ Cadry Maitland? You’re the new girl at school right?”, Lydia asked as she looked at Cadry.
“ Yeah I am. And you guys are?”, Cadry asked as she nodded her head and looked around at the other four.
“ Oh, well, I’m Journey Curie Hofstadter! This here’s my best friend Geo Astrid Tumbleston and our two friends Kerry Andrea Olston and Lydia Haven Shartterbury!”, Journey said as she introduced herself and the other girls to their new friend.
“ Oh well hi, it’s nice to meet you!”, Cadry said.
“ You too!”, Journey, Kerry, Lydia, and Geo said as they all shook hands with each other for a moment.
“ Ok well now that it’s settled, let’s rock guys! We got a talent show to practice for!”, Journey exclaimed as she placed her fingers back on her guitar fret, hovering her other hand over the strings to prepare herself to start playing again.
“ Oh you know it bestie! Let’s rock this whole city of Pasadena!”, Geo exclaimed as she held up her drumsticks over her head with an amused smirk on her face.
“ Hell yeah Geo!”, Journey, Cadry, Lydia, and Kerry exclaimed as Geo then started up the metronome again, tapping her sticks together again as Journey said into her mic, “ One, two… one, two, three, four!” before Journey and Kerry then began again with the melody of the Lenny Kravitz song on their instruments with Geo then joining in once again behind them with her drums followed by Lydia and Cadry with their instruments too. But no sooner after they started up again with Cadry joining them this time they were suddenly interrupted again but this time by Ryan and his football friends who decided to try to cause trouble like they always did ever since the girls had met them.
“ Well well well, look at this you guys! It’s the nerdy losers and the newest nerdy loser of Pasadena High! Whatcha clowns doing, phoning home to E.T.?!”, Ryan Walter Brunswick laughed as his buddies were laughing it up with him and smacking hands with each other. They were all Caucasian males who were 17 years old and stood about a few inches taller than the girls with a little bit of bulk to their chests and shoulders considering the fact that they were football players. Ryan, the biggest guy among them had long blonde wavy hair, amber colored eyes, and was wearing a dark navy blue tank top along with a pair of beige colored cargo shorts and a pair of black men sized open toed sandals on his feet.
“ No, we’re playing music! E.T. doesn’t even exist Whack-A-Mole! He’s just a character from a movie!”, Kerry shouted and glared at him as she rolled her eyes.
“ Oh shut up Carpy! Like you think I don’t know that already?! I’m just screwing with you!”, Ryan laughed as his friends continued laughing as well.
“ Yeah well that’s not appreciated! What the hell are you doing here Ryan?! You’re interrupting our set!”, Journey shouted as she clenched her fists at her sides while her guitar was still hanging from the strap across her shoulder.
“ Oh yeah Journapalooza?! And what set is that, E.T. Losers?!”, Ryan laughed as his friends continued laughing too.
“ Ok first off my name is Journey and secondly, no! Our band is called The Cover Nazis!”, Journey shouted as she gripped the neck of her guitar again.
“ Yeah what she said you tone deaf jerk!”, Geo shouted as she set her drumsticks down on top of her snare drum again.
“ The Cover Nazis?! Yeah right Geography, that’s the lamest band name I’ve ever heard of in my life! It’s so lame that it’s stupid!”, Ryan laughed over the continuous laughter of his friends standing behind him.
“ Um excuse me but no it’s not and I’m not a school learning subject! I’m a human being! It’s Geonarda but I prefer to go by Geo because it’s much cooler!”, Geo shouted back at him as she sat behind her drumset.
“ Yeah well I prefer to call you Geography! It sounds better to me anyway considering the fact that your name is so weird! I mean seriously?! Who the ducking hell names their daughter Geo?!”, Ryan laughed with his pals as they smacked hands with each other at what he just said.
“ I don’t know! Smart and attractive people with half a brain or a full brain?! Shut up! Stop calling me and my friends names because we don’t appreciate it!”, Geo shouted as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“ Yeah we really don’t and we don’t have time for this! We’re practicing our Lenny Kravitz song for the school talent show this Friday!”, Journey shouted as she brushed her long straight blonde to dark umber ombre hair out of her face with her fingers after she let go of the neck of her guitar again that was hanging over her shoulder.
“ Yeah well we’ll just see how that’s gonna go Journapalooza! I’ll bet you can’t play!”, Ryan laughed.
“ Um excuse me but I said my name is Journey and yeah we can because the 4 of us have been practicing together for several years since we met and formed this group!”, Journey shouted as she pointed at herself, Geo, Kerry, and Lydia for a moment as if she was trying to make a point.
“ Yeah well I still say otherwise Hofstadter!”, Ryan laughed as he suddenly climbed up onto the stage and got up in her face like the big scary intimidating bully he was.
“ Excuse me but what are you doing?! Get out of my face!”, Journey shouted with a little bit of fear in her voice as Ryan towered over her.
“ No! I ain’t gonna! You think you’re so special just because you have a band that has a lame stupid name?! Oh please, don’t make me laugh! You’re just a wimpy little baby who wears diapers is really what you are!”, Ryan laughed as he continued to intimidate her by making fun of the fact that she was wearing a disposable brief that was clearly visible by the waistband of it peeking out slightly over the top of her skorts around the lower part of her midriff that was showing.
“ Yeah well you know what, news flash for you Brunswick… I’m only wearing them because of a life long medical condition that I ultimately didn’t get diagnosed with along with my Asthma diagnosis until I was 8 YEARS OLD! It’s called Overactive Excretory Syndrome! Why don’t you go look it up on Google search before you make smart aleck remarks like that to people and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong in the first place!”, Journey shouted as she shook her head around much like how Hannah Montana did to Mikayla Skeech when she was trash talking her about her popstar music career.
“ Oh yeah?! Then why don’t you make me, you little dork!”, Ryan laughed as he kind of shoved Journey back away from him a bit roughly, poking two fingers into her chest causing her to stumble slightly but not fall as she shrieked in pain, “ Ow! That hurt!”
“ Hey! Don’t shove my best friend like that! What the hell is wrong with you Ryan?! You want me to bang my sticks against your ducking head for this?! Because I can do that in about two seconds if you don’t shut up and leave us alone!”, Geo shouted in anger as she suddenly got up from where she was sitting behind her drums, gripping her drumsticks in her hands as she approached Ryan to get up in his face raising her sticks high above her head as if she was getting ready to play Whack-A-Mole with his head using them for what he just did to Journey.
“ Oh please Geography you couldn’t do anything to me even if you tried! You’re just as much of a wimpy baby as Journapalooza is along with your other dorky friends Carpy, Lochness Monster, and Captain KirkFace over here!”, Ryan laughed in Geo’s face as he then proceeded to point at Journey, Kerry, Lydia, and Cadry for a moment calling them all names in addition to calling her names, making his friends all laugh it up even louder at what he just said as they began smacking hands with each other again.
“ I am not and again for the last time I said will you stop calling me and my friends names?! It’s Geo, Journey, Kerry, Lydia, and Cadry! It’s one thing that you want to call the 4 of us names but why are you calling her one too?! She’s new at school and you barely even know her!”, Geo shouted as she pointed at herself, Lydia, Kerry, and Journey for a moment before she pointed at Cadry using one of her drumsticks that she still had in her hands.
“ I know that which is exactly why I’m doing it! It’s fun to me knowing that she’s the newbie in your nerdy little friend group! She’s the one who brought this on herself by befriending the 4 of you just a few short minutes ago but maybe if your best friend wasn’t wearing diapers then we wouldn’t be in this little song and dance with each other now would we?!”, Ryan laughed as he first pointed at Cadry before he pointed at Journey.
“ Um excuse me but so what if my best friend Journey is wearing them?! It’s not a big deal! I would know that because I wear them too but only at night when I go to sleep because of the fact I have problems with wetting the bed at night!”, Geo shouted as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“ Oh really, do you?!”, Ryan laughed as he stared at her.
“ Yes I do! What of it?!”, Geo shouted as she crossed her arms in front of her chest while still holding her drumsticks in her hands.
“ Well then ain’t this rich?! Hey you guys, it looks like we really do have two babies in this group of nerds now! What do you think about that?! Ha ha ha ha ha!”, Ryan laughed as his friends all started howling with laughter and nearly fell over themselves while doing so like wacky hyenas much like the ones in The Lion King did when Scar began plotting to kill his brother Mufasa and nephew Simba to take control of The Pride Lands.
“ Oh yeah sure, go ahead and laugh at me all you want you jock head punks! See if I care! Because if anything all you’re really doing is just setting yourselves up to be banged over your ducking heads with my sticks for this crap is what I say about this! Geez Louise, what is wrong with people?!”, Geo shouted as she flipped her hair over her shoulder again.
“ Really Geo?! You just had to tell Ryan and his friends that you’re a bed wetter and wear diapers to bed every single night because of it?!”, Journey hissed as she stared at her best friend.
“ Well he’s the one that started it Journey when he was making fun of you for wearing them! What the ducking hell was I supposed to say?!”, Geo shot back as she jerked one of her drumsticks in Ryan’s direction.
“ You could’ve just stayed out of this and kept this to yourself!”, Journey hissed.
“ What, are you kidding me?! No! I would never do that! Dude you’re my best friend and if he’s gonna continue to make fun of you for something that you can’t help then I might as well join you because that’s what best friends do no matter what!”, Geo hissed.
“ Are you sure this really makes you feel good to say that?”, Journey asked as she blinked her eyes.
“ Yes. I say this in the most heartfelt, honest way I possibly can. You and me, besties forever until the day we die. That’s a promise.”, Geo said as a genuine smile began to spread across her face.
“ I love you for saying that dude. Thank you for being a true friend.”, Journey said with a smile as she walked up to Geo and threw her arms around her with her guitar still hanging over her shoulder.
“ Of course, me too!”, Geo said with a smile as she did the same thing back. But just as the laughter among Ryan and his jock head friends continued towards the girls on the stage they were suddenly approached by a few Pasadena police officers with one of them interjecting at the top of his voice, “ Alright alright, that’s enough! Break it up! What is going on here?! We got a noise complaint from several neighbors around here complaining about loud obnoxious laughter coming from this park! Now what’s up with that, huh?! Somebody start talking here!” as he stood a few feet in front of them with the other officers gathered behind him.
“ It’s these clowns Ryan Walter Brunswick and his football pals, officer! They’re the ones making all this racket! They’re calling me and my friends names as well as making fun of mine and my best friend’s medical conditions when all we’re trying to do at the moment is practice a Lenny Kravitz song for our high school talent show coming up this Friday night!”, Journey hissed as she pointed at Ryan and all of his friends who were still laughing their butts off at her and the other four girls like the snot nosed immature boys they were.
“ I see, and what’s your name young lady?!”, the officer interjected back at her.
“ It’s Journey Curie Hofstadter! You know, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter and Penny Hofstadter’s kid?!”, Journey interjected as she placed a hand on her hip with her guitar still hanging over her shoulder.
“ Ah got it, of course.”, the officer said before he turned back to boys who were still laughing their heads off and interjected in an authoritative voice, “ Alright, well, Mr. Ryan Brunswick you and your punk a** friends need to get out of here! This young lady has apparently repeatedly told you to leave her and her friends alone so you need to respect that and leave or else you’re gonna be charged with trespassing and disturbing the peace! Do you want to go to jail for that because I’m sure as hell you don’t!”
“ What, seriously?! You’re threatening to throw us in jail just because we’re making fun of these losers?! Yeah right officer, I don’t think so! You don’t scare us! We’re big scary tough high school football players who can just sack you and your deputies for a 10 yard loss if we really wanted to right now!”, Ryan laughed as he pointed at the girls for a moment as he rolled his eyes at what he just heard coming out of the officer’s mouth.
“ Yeah what he said, chump!”, Ryan’s friends laughed as they all smacked hands with each other again while continuing to be disruptive to the neighborhood around the park they were in.
“ Yeah well I don’t think you could because we’re a lot stronger than you! And really, you don’t think we scare you?! Well how about now?!”, the officer interjected in a serious tone as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a set of handcuffs.
“ Oh crap it’s going down now! Come on you guys, let’s go before we get fuzzed here!”, Ryan interjected as he then took off running away out of the park like a scared little weenie with his friends following suit as one of them interjected, “ With pleasure Ryan! Go go go, run you guys!” before their voices faded out of hearing range within minutes of them running away to avoid getting arrested by the police.
“ Uh huh that’s what I thought! Go play somewhere else and leave these young ladies alone!”, the officer interjected in the direction the boys ran off to as he then put his handcuffs away and turned back to the girls to say, “ Carry on ladies.” before he walked away with the other officers to leave the park in their patrol vehicles.
“ Thanks! You too, officer!”, Geo exclaimed as she waved at him for a second before she turned back towards her drums with her drumsticks in her hands after the police left to continue patrolling around the city.
“ Well, I’m glad that’s over now. Because that was just ridiculous.”, Lydia said as she blinked her eyes and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“ Totally agreed Lydia, let’s just get back to our practice you guys.”, Journey said as she gripped the neck of her guitar again.
“ Sounds cool to me Journey.”, Geo said as she positioned herself behind her drums again with the girls standing in front of their instruments as well as she then started up the metronome again for the third time before the girls finally started practicing their set uninterrupted for the rest of the afternoon.
Wow, how’s about that?! What do you think will happen next in terms of the upcoming talent show as well as Journey, Geo, Kerry, and Lydia getting to know their new friend and band member Cadry while also deal with their school bully Ryan and his unnamed football friends amongst the daily lives of Leonard, Penny, and the others? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
P.S.- Ryan’s use of the word fuzzed in this was being used as another word for arrested just in case you were wondering about that. 😊
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