The Accident | By : DS197245 Category: 1 through F > The Big Bang Theory Views: 7 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I dont own The Big Bang Theory but I do own Ally. |
The Accident
Chapter 1
“ So how’s the quantum guidance system coming along you guys?”, Raj asked his friends as they sat at their usual table in the Caltech cafeteria on their lunch break one Thursday afternoon. His brown eyes were wide with curiosity as he stabbed his fork into his food. The clothes that the Indian astrophysicist was wearing that day consisted of one of his usual sweater vests, a pair of light green pants, a pair of brown shoes with white trim around the bottom. He also had a wristwatch on his wrist as well.
“ It’s going great so far Raj. We’re almost about to start phase 2 of it. It’s exciting and it makes us feel so special that we get to contribute our intelligence to something so confidential in the scientific community in the first place.”, Leonard said with a smile as he took a bite of his food too, his brown eyes blinking behind his glasses on his face. The slightly short heighted experimental physicist was wearing clothes that consisted of his green recycling logo t-shirt and brown slacks underneath his beige colored zip up hoodie jacket as well as a wristwatch on his wrist and his black and white converses on his feet. His asthma inhaler was also clipped to his belt too.
“ True Leonard but we’re not about to start it, we already did start it last night. Remember?”, Howard asked as he looked up from his food tray to look at his friend before he stabbed his fork into his food, shoveling some of it into his mouth. The self proclaimed smooth talking ladies man and aerospace engineer was wearing his black turtleneck with the green alien pin attached to the collar and a pair of black pants held up by a white and black checkered belt with a Batman belt buckle underneath his bright red dickie shirt as well as his bright red shoes with white trim around the bottom.
“ We started it last night Howard? I don’t remember that.”, Leonard asked in confusion as he continued eating his lunch.
“ It was nearly midnight when we started it good buddy and you appeared to be quite tired throughout the execution of it. By the time it hit 2 A.M. you were just about fully passed out against the lab table thus leaving me with no choice but to put you to bed to take a long early morning nap after Howard dropped us back off at home so I’m for certain that’s probably the most logical reason for why you don’t remember us doing it to begin with.”, Sheldon said in a matter of fact voice as he did the same thing. The quirky eccentric theoretical physicist with OCD was wearing his purple robot shirt and khakis underneath his tan colored windbreaker as well as a wristwatch and his brown dress shoes like normal which was no surprise to the other three men considering the fact that Sheldon always preferred his schedule to be in constant equilibrium every single day despite the fact that they didn’t really understand it at times but yet somehow still chose to put up with it much to Sheldon’s delight.
“ Really, I did that Sheldon? Man I am so lame.”, Leonard said as he blinked his eyes in surprise before he took another bite of his food.
“ Oh please dude you’re not lame you’re just a dork that experienced a memory fart. It happens to everyone once in a while, it’s not a big deal.”, Raj said as he waved his hand off at his friend in somewhat of a dismissive way.
“ Yeah maybe if I was a senior citizen which I’m not! Shut up Raj!”, Leonard shot back as he rolled his eyes causing Raj to just turn his head to look at Howard for a moment as if he was expecting him to back him up only for Howard to hold his hand up for a moment and say, “ No no he said it, not me.”
“ Well you’re no fun Howard.”, Raj said in somewhat of a sarcastic tone before he turned his head away to continue eating.
“ Well that’s your opinion, not mine.”, Howard said with a stupid and somewhat sarcastic smirk on his face as he stabbed his fork into his food again to shovel another forkful of food into his mouth.
“ Wolowitz!”, Leonard hissed as he narrowed his eyes at Howard and slapped his hands down on the table, startling the other two men for a moment as they looked up from their trays briefly before they went back to eating.
“ What? I’m just saying.”, Howard said as he put his hands up for a moment before he went back to eating his food.
“ Well you’re not helping at the moment but anyway that’s not important right now. Can we just talk about this project later and instead can I ask you guys to do a favor for me?”, Leonard asked as he stabbed his fork into his food again.
“ Sure man, what is it?”, Raj asked.
“ Can one of you idiots give this nutbag a ride back later after work today?”, Leonard asked as he pointed at Sheldon for a moment.
“ Really?”, Raj asked in surprise.
“ Sure I guess but what are you doing after work Leonard?”, Howard asked in curiosity as he blinked his eyes.
“ I have a few errands to run and I’d rather not have Sheldon around for a few minutes while doing so with him being, well… you know how he is.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he took another bite of his food and blinked his eyes behind his glasses on his face.
“ True but what did you do Sheldon?”, Raj said as he nodded his head and looked at his weird fruit cake Texas native of a friend, wondering what he could have possibly done to warrant Leonard desire to be away from him for a few minutes.
“ I’m honestly not really sure what I did Koothrappali, this seems highly unusual except for the time when he previously made me make other arrangements for transport when he was working late in the lab using the free-electron laser for his x-ray diffraction experiment. Perhaps maybe this desire to be rid of my presence for a few means that it’s his time of the month again.”, Sheldon said as he blinked his eyes and stabbed his fork in his food again.
“ Or as you like to call it… man-strating!”, Howard said with a stupid smirk as him and Raj started laughing in amusement causing Sheldon to let a brief gaspy laugh as well which made Leonard give his three best friends an unamused look to show them that he didn’t appreciate that comment and hiss, “ Shut up Howard and no Sheldon it’s not but if you really want to know why I don’t want you around at the moment then let me refresh your memory! This morning when I was driving us to work you spent the last 30 to 45 minutes annoying the hell out of me with your ridiculous nonsense like you always do and at this point I’m not in mood for this shit!”
“ Oh please don’t flatter yourself, I highly doubt that.”, Sheldon said dismissively.
“ Well whatever that’s your opinion buddy! But anyway the point is I want a few minutes away from you and your crazy b*stard antics point blank period!”, Leonard hissed.
“ Well doing what?! Where exactly is it that you’re going Leonard?! This is concerning me and I don’t appreciate it at all!”, Sheldon said in concern as he stared at his best friend that he lived with.
“ Oh for god sakes you got to be kidding me right now! Concerned about what Sheldon?! I’m just going to pick up a few spare parts for my laser, my refilled prescription for my asthma inhaler, and a few things at the grocery store! That’s it! It’s no different from what other people do every single day on a daily basis!”, Leonard hissed as he rolled his eyes.
“ Indeed, I’m very aware of that my good man but what if an emergency happens to you and I’m not there to see it?!”, Sheldon protested in concern.
“ Oh please, do you really think that there’s gonna be an emergency without you there to cause it?!”, Leonard asked as he shook his head.
“ No I was just tricking you.”, Sheldon said with a sigh.
“ You’re being ridiculous! Look I’ll be fine, just go home with either Howard or Raj later and I’ll see you in a few minutes when I get home! I’m not that stupid alright, you have nothing to worry about!”, Leonard hissed as he packed up his important documents and notebooks into his messenger bag before he stood up, slipping the bag on over his shoulder and picked up his empty food after he finished eating.
“ But…”, Sheldon protested.
“ No buts, I don’t want to hear it you idiot! Now just shut up about it and leave me alone!”, Leonard hissed as he dumped his tray into the trash before he walked out of the cafeteria to go back to his lab, just gripping the strap of his messenger bag as if it was going to fall off his shoulder if he didn’t hold onto it in the first place.
“ You know he’s got a point about that dude.”, Howard said in a Know-It-All voice.
“ Shut up and just eat Wolowitz, you’re not helping.”, Sheldon shot back at him before he continued to eat his food.
“ Pfft well ok, whatever.”, Howard snorted derivatively before he continued to eat along with Raj doing the same too before they dumped their trays and headed back to work as well when their lunch break ended. Then a few hours later after their work shifts ended and Raj drove and dropped Sheldon back off at home to Apartment 4A after Howard had already left Caltech to head home himself due to Bernadette texting him to do the dishes and make sure they were done for when she came home from the pharmaceutical lab that she works at as a microbiologist, Leonard exited the campus building into the parking lot after he swiped his Caltech work ID against the door sensor to let himself out before he began walking across the parking lot to get to his car. His messenger bag was hanging over his shoulder again as he was fumbling with his keys to unlock his car door and after he did so and got in shutting the door behind him, setting his messenger bag on the front passenger seat next to him, he then stuck his keys in the ignition and pulled his phone into the auxiliary cord to play some music on the speakers before he backed out of his assigned parking space and drove off to exit the university parking lot. The song that was thumping out of the speakers at somewhat of moderate to loud level was Can’t Get Right by Lefty Gunplay & JasonMartin.
“ This is sick! Finally, a few minutes of peace to myself away from my crazy a** roommate doing whatever the hell I want in my car that he can’t say batcrap about whatsoever! Best idea I’ve ever had in my life, yeah get it Lefty! That’s what’s up!”, Leonard said a smirk as he was nodding his head slightly to the hip hop/rap song that was playing out of his car speakers. He even started singing a little bit as he was driving around Pasadena just having fun with himself as a way to take advantage of his freedom that he had for the time being without having to listen to Sheldon’s annoying voice telling him what to do to begin with. However within minutes after Leonard picked up his spare laser parts and refilled inhaler prescription he soon found himself walking into a local grocery store to purchase a few items just like anybody else did on a daily basis but little did he know that just a few minutes into his little shopping spree just putting items into the shopping basket he was carrying that something was going to happen that would change his life forever and not in a good way. Just as Leonard exited an aisle to approach an end cap shelf and reach for something on the top shelf to put into his basket, an average built Caucasian teenage boy who looked about 16 or 17 years old with long wavy dark brown hair and blue eyes wearing what appeared to be an Army green colored UnderArmor t-shirt, a pair of black cargo shorts, and a pair of black and gray Nike basketball shoes as well as a pair of black faux leather fingerless gloves on his hands and a bright red snap back baseball cap on his head with the brim turned to the side suddenly came up behind him pushing a shopping cart looking completely distracted by the music he was playing in his ears through his earbuds. He was also making periodic karate chopping like movements with his arms to knock things into the cart as if he was Jackie Chan acting out a scene in a movie causing several people in the store to stare at him as if he had gone nuts at first but then gasped in horror when they watched the front left corner of this kid’s cart inadvertently strike Leonard in the dead center of his back with such force that it caused his body to jerk forward right into the shelf he was standing in front of with his pelvis taking the brunt of the force against the shelf that was level with it.
“ Oh for god sakes ow! What just… ahhhh!”, Leonard screamed as he fell to the floor when a sudden shockwave of pain began to shoot up his spine like a supernova, causing everything to flying everywhere out of his grasp with a loud crashing sound as he blacked out just as his bladder involuntarily released itself all over the front of his pants as well as the floor in between his legs while the teenager who accidentally hit him was just walking away with his cart, still acting obnoxious with his music blasting in his ears and karate chopping arm movements like he didn’t even notice what he did to begin with whatsoever. As Leonard laid there on the floor unconscious in a puddle of his urine one of the ladies that had witnessed the whole incident dropped her mouth open and said to herself, “ Are you f*cking kidding me right now?!” before she interjected in the direction of the teenage boy that was walking away, “ Hey you, young man in the green shirt?! Come back here, where do you think you’re going?! You can’t just… ugh!” before she immediately reached out to grab him and his shopping cart with several other people doing the same thing while screaming and shouting at him when they realized what was happening at that very moment, which also included someone positioning themselves in front of the cart to stop it from moving resulting in the teenager shrieking in surprise about what was happening to him as he was suddenly spun around by an older gentleman to face the scene that he had just inadvertently caused just watching as several other people began to crowd around Leonard trying to wake him up from the trauma that was done to him. One of the teen’s earbuds had fallen out of his ear during this swift motion that was made which revealed that he was listening to the Rocket Power Theme song by The Wipeouters as he continued watching people trying to wake Leonard up while they were cleaning up the mess that was made around him.
“ Sir can you hear me?! Are you ok?! Wake up pal, this is not… oh my god this man’s out cold! Somebody go call EMS and the police now please! This kid just recklessly assaulted this man!”, the same lady who screamed at the teen shouted in concern as she was gently tapping on Leonard’s face with her hands before she briefly pointed at the teenager who was standing a few feet away still looking completely shocked by what happened.
“ Oh sh*t, I got to get out of here! Gangway!”, the teenager interjected in terror as he grabbed his cart and made a break for it to the front of the store which instantly got people fired up where they started chasing after him to try to grab him again but to no avail. Meanwhile shortly after the police and emergency responders had been called and arrived at the scene the police then left to go track down the teenager who fled the store leaving the emergency crew to tend to an unconscious Leonard who then quickly transported him to the hospital after they got him situated on a stretcher and into an ambulance.
Beep… beep… beep…
“ Hey look you guys, he’s waking up! Leonard!”
“ Oh thank goodness he’s not dead! I was worried about that!”
“ Not now Sheldon, shut up! You don’t even know what the godd*mn hell you’re talking about!”
“ Well neither do you either Penny, or should I say you big ol’ five!”
“ Oh balls!”
“ Penny!”
“ Alright enough people! Dr. Hofstadter, can you hear me?”
“ Wha…? What the hell? What’s going on? Where am I?”, Leonard moaned as he regained consciousness and slowly blinked his eyes to see that he was lying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV and heart monitor staring into the concerned faces of his friends as well as a doctor who were all gathered around the bed watching him closely.
“ You’re in the hospital pal.”, the doctor said with a stoic face as he pushed his glasses up on his face.
“ Hospital?! Why?! What happened?!”, Leonard asked in concern as his eyes got big as saucers.
“ They told us that some knuckleheaded teenage boy hit you in the back with his shopping cart at the grocery store by accident and knocked you out while you were apparently grabbing something off a shelf at an end cap is what happened buddy. They also said that the impact caused you to involuntarily lose control of your bladder too which really freaked us out because we thought we lost you.”, Howard said in concern as he scratched the back of his head.
“ Which fortunately didn’t happen which is a good thing but unfortunately we ran some tests on your friend shortly after he was brought in and apparently the impact caused some permanent damage to the part of his brain that controls his excretory system functions meaning that he now has developed permanent incontinence from this.”, the doctor said in a serious tone to the others as he looked at Leonard’s patient chart on his clipboard.
“ What?!”, Sheldon, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Howard, Raj, and Stuart gasped in shock and horror as they all stared at each other for a moment with dropped open mouths before they looked back at Leonard who immediately began to cry the moment he briefly looked under the blanket and his hospital gown slightly that was covering the lower half of his body to see that he was wearing a disposable adult diaper which brought a look of embarrassment to his face. In that moment he felt like his life was over, knowing that it would never be the same again.
“ No! This can’t be happening to me, my life is ruined! For god sakes, somebody kill me!”, Leonard cried as he took his glasses off his face and buried his face into his hands.
“ Oh hell… Leonard…”, Sheldon, Howard, Raj, and Stuart said with a sad sigh over the despair on their friend’s face.
“ Sweetie don’t cry, it’s ok.”, Penny sadly said as she walked over to the side of the bed to embrace him, rubbing soothing circles on his back as he leaned into her and continued to cry. His diaper let out a slight noise from the slight movement he made as well which added to the embarrassment that he was already feeling about the situation in that moment to begin with.
“ That’s easy for you to say Penny! You’re not the one who got their dignity stolen by some punk ass teenager doing God knows what! Don’t you get it?! I’m gonna be stuck wearing diapers for the rest of my life now all thanks to some random loser who wasn’t paying attention to what they were doing in the first place! This is the worst thing that could have ever happened to me! I feel like a baby!”, Leonard cried his eyes out into her shoulder.
“ Dude don’t say that, you’re not a baby. You’re still the same person that you always are, regardless of this. Look, we all know this is embarrassing for you but you’re not going to deal with this alone. We’re here for you man, no matter what.”, Raj said in a sad tone as he walked up and gently placed his hand on Leonard’s shoulder to get him to look up at him.
“ Yeah totally buddy, whatever you need we’re in this together.”, Howard said as he blinked his eyes.
“ Indeed. This is just a minor inconvenience Leonard, it doesn’t define you and it certainly doesn’t make you any less of a person than anybody else.”, Sheldon said as he nodded and shook his head with the other three men doing the same thing as well as the three women who were all gathered around in concern and support.
“ I get that, but, what am I supposed to do Sheldon?! How am I supposed to go to work like this now?! How is it that I’m supposed to conceal the fact that I’m wearing a diaper under my clothes from day to day without making it look too obvious that I am wearing one?! This is so humiliating and if this gets out at the university then everyone’s going to laugh at me for the rest of my life and I’ll never be taken seriously as a scientist ever again! I’ll be the butt of everyone’s jokes and I don’t want that! I want my life back the way it was before this happened because at least I still had my dignity! Now I have nothing, absolutely nothing! All because of some clown a** teenage kid!”, Leonard cried as he sat up and looked at his roommate/best friend with tear glistening eyes after he pulled away from Penny.
“ Leonard Hofstadter that’s insane, no one’s gonna make fun of you for this. This condition is very common among people, you’re not the only one who has it. Thousands to millions of people have it worldwide. They’re probably feeling the same way you are about it but guess what they’re still out there living their everyday lives despite their condition which means you can too.”, Amy said in reassuring voice as she shook her head.
“ YEAH WELL THEY’RE NOT ME AMY! They’re not the ones who have spent years contributing potentially revolutionary experimental physics work to the scientific community like I have which gained me a lot of respect from everyone! More respect than I’ve ever gotten from my own mother over the years which means something to me! It makes me feel like I matter but what the hell are they going to think now if they find out about this?! They’re gonna think that I’m weak and pathetic is what they’re going to think! Someone who can’t take care of himself anymore and that hurts… a lot!”, Leonard cried as he then turned to the wall next to him slightly and punched it with his fist in despair and anger.
“ Ok stop, that’s enough. Calm down before you hurt yourself further.”, the doctor said in concern as he stepped forward and reached out to gently grab a hold of Leonard to prevent further injury to himself as well as injury to others around him.
“ Yeah well I can’t help it Doc! I feel somone just punched me in the stomach!”, Leonard cried as the doctor gently held his hand to administer some kind of anti anxiety medication into his system through the small IV in the top of his hand in an effort to calm him down.
“ I know but it’s not the end of the world, this condition is actually very manageable. We just have to find the accommodations that work best for you.”, the doctor said as he finished giving Leonard the medication into his IV before he discarded the empty syringe into the trash.
“ Accommodations? What kind of accommodations?”, Leonard said, his crying reducing to sniffling as he brushed the tears away from his face with the back of his hand before he put his glasses back on and laid back down in his hospital bed.
“ Well for starters, we can all do some extensive research on your newly diagnosed condition to find out more about it and see if there’s things we can do to make managing it more easier. We can also try to find diapers that are less bulky but are still beneficial to you so that you can regain some sense of dignity back from this unfortunate incident that happened to you in the first place.”, Bernadette said in reassurance as a smile began to spread across her face.
“ Really? Are you guys sure about this?”, Leonard sniffled as he pushed his glasses up on his face.
“ Yeah, totally. You’re not alone in this dude. We’ll be there with you every step of the way no matter what. We’ll do whatever it takes to help you manage this and make you feel good about yourself again. Come hell or high water, that’s a promise.”, Howard said with a smile as he slapped his hand on his friend’s shoulder to reassure him that he had nothing to worry about.
“ Agreed Howard.”, Penny, Amy, Raj, Stuart, Bernadette, and Sheldon said in agreement as they nodded their heads.
“ Thanks you guys. This really means a lot to me to know you guys still care about me despite this embarrassing turn of events that happened to me to begin with. I honestly don’t know what I would ever do without you.”, Leonard sniffled as a slight smile began to spread across his face.
“ Of course sweetie, what are friends for?”, Penny said with a soft smile.
“ Well, seeing that it appears that things have calmed down a bit now I think I’m just gonna step out and give you all a few minutes alone with each other to process this. The nurse will be in to take your vitals shortly Dr. Hofstadter.”, the doctor said with a smile before he headed to the door to walk out of the room.
“ Ok, thank you Doctor.”, Leonard said as the doctor then left the room, leaving him alone with his friends.
“ You doing ok Leonard?”, Stuart asked.
“ Not really Stuart but I’ll be fine eventually. It’s just gonna take some time to get used to I guess.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he blinked his eyes behind his glasses.
“ Well relax buddy, it won’t be as bad as you think. It’s just like wearing underwear, except with a little extra padding in it.”, Howard said as he leaned against the wall.
“ I guess I can look at it that way, but, it still sucks.”, Leonard said.
“ Well this certainly is going to be quite adjustment for all of us to adapt to much to my distain for change but I’m for certain that isn’t something that we can’t handle.”, Sheldon said with a sigh as he nodded his head.
“ Oh you mean like being a resident fruitcake and annoying the hell out of us with stupid nonsense every chance you get?”, Leonard quipped with a stupid smirk on his face which immediately made a few of his friends start laughing in amusement at what he just said.
“ Dude you are killing it, that was hilarious! I was just about to say that too but you beat me to it!”, Raj laughed as he jerked his finger at his friend for a moment.
“ Totally Raj, same here! Nice way to be a giant douche Leonard by pointing out the obvious facts about Shelbot over here! See, everything’s going to be fine! You have nothing to worry about!”, Howard laughed as he briefly pointed at Sheldon and pounded his fist on the wall.
“ Nope, he sure doesn’t! Nice one Wolowitz!”, Penny laughed as she reached her hand up to high five Howard for what he said.
“ Thanks Penny!”, Howard laughed as he returned a high five back, smacking her hand firmly for a moment as the laughter amongst them continued which even made Leonard start laughing a little bit as well making him forget for a moment why he was upset in the first place.
“ Well good Lord! What is this, a madhouse?! Will y’all please stop laughing at my expense like that?! This is highly immature and inappropriate behavior for a situation like this and quite frankly I don’t appreciate it!”, Sheldon said with a scowl as he narrowed his eyes at all of his friends and his girlfriend Amy to show them that he wasn’t amused by their antics at that moment.
“ Oh would you relax Sheldon, we’re just messing with you! We’re friends and this is what friends do! Plus, Leonard is the one who started it as a way to lighten up the mood about his diagnosis in the first place! It’s a good distraction for him!”, Bernadette laughed as she briefly landed a playful slap against his shoulder.
“ Exactly! Not to mention, you kind of had it coming for the way you acted in the car this morning on our way to work so I think this pretty much speaks for itself! Checkmate!”, Leonard laughed with that same stupid smirk on his face as he stared at his best friend.
“ Oh yeah, well… you’re a mean person.”, Sheldon shot back with a sarcastic snarky comeback even though he didn’t really understand sarcasm.
“ Yeah yeah yeah keep telling yourself that you crazy bastard and see where that gets you!”, Leonard laughed as he shook his head.
“ Probably nowhere except for Rock Bottom or the space station!”, Howard quipped with a laugh.
“ Oh my god Howie, just stop! You and Leonard are really killing it now!”, Bernadette laughed as she smacked her husband in the chest.
“ Yeah you really are dude! Just shut up because I can’t breathe here! This sh*t is seriously hilarious!”, Raj laughed as he threw his head back.
“ Agreed!”, Stuart laughed as he was stumbling around like a drunken sailor.
“ Stuart!”, Amy laughed as she slapped him.
“ Ow! What?! What did I even say?!”, Stuart shrieked as he jumped back on his foot a few feet.
“ Nothing remotely necessary to this conversation if you ask me! Seriously, would y’all please stop laughing at me this instant?! This is ridiculous and I really don’t appreciate it!”, Sheldon hissed as he continued narrowing his eyes at his friends and his girlfriend.
“ Sheldon relax, we’re just messing with you but yeah I think we are kind of getting a little bit too carried away now so let’s all take a chill pill guys. I think we made fun of Sheldon about his idiosyncrasies enough already.”, Leonard said as his laughter began to subside.
“ Alright fine, we’re done but do you feel any better though?”, Raj said as he did the same thing along with the others too.
“ I guess a little bit.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
“ Well that’s great, we’re glad that helped.”, Penny said with a smile as she gently squeezed his shoulder for a moment. The laughter then continued to die down just as a knock was heard on the door before a beautiful Caucasian young Chinese American nurse who looked about 23 years old wearing dark blue scrubs with medium length wavy light aurburn hair and bright blue eyes walked in with her cart to say with a smile and a slight Chinese accent, “ Hello. Are you Dr. Hofstadter?”
“ Yeah, Dr. Hofstadter or Leonard. Whatever you prefer to call me, I don’t care.”, Leonard said with a smile as he sat up in the bed and nodded his head while staring at her. His cheeks blushed slightly when he noticed how attractive she was.
“ Good to know, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Allyson Kayla Tou Zhen or Ally and I’ve been assigned to take care of you.”, Ally said as she pulled her cart closer to the bed, ushering the others out of the way.
“ Well ok.”, Leonard said as Ally began to take his vitals.
“ So who do we have here for the support system?”, Ally asked as she looked at the others for a moment before she turned back around to watch the readings on her computer screen.
“ Oh we’re his friends, I’m Penny and this is Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, her husband Astronaut Howard Joel Wolowitz, Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali or Raj, Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, Stuart Bloom, and Dr. Sheldon Cooper.”, Penny said with a smile as she introduced herself and the others to her.
“ Hi.”, some of the others said with smiles on their faces while Sheldon just gave her a Mr. Spock salute with his hand for a moment and Raj waved silently at her for a moment as well with a friendly smile after his placebo had worn off rendering him speechless due to his Selective Mutism.
“ Well hi it’s nice to meet you all too and it’s great that you’re here to support your friend.”, Ally said as she was typing something into her computer while the blood pressure machine was taking a reading.
“ Well we just want to make sure that he’s in good hands.”, Bernadette said with a smile as she brushed her hair out of her face with her fingers.
“ Oh believe me, he is Dr. Rostenkowski-Wolowitz. We’re going to take very good care of him while he’s here for the next few days and make sure that he’s very comfortable that’s for sure.”, Ally said with a smile as she continued typing on her keyboard.
“ Well that’s good to hear but by any chance are we in your way Ally? Do you want us to step out of the room for a minute while you’re doing this? Because we can…”, Howard asked as he crossed his arms.
“ No no no you’re fine, you guys are not in my way at all Mr. Wolowitz. This will only just take a few minutes anyway.”, Ally said as she shook her head.
“ Well ok if you say so.”, Howard said.
“ I do but I appreciate the concern though. Anyway, blood pressure’s 120 over 78. That’s good, let’s get this off you and get a temperature now.”, Ally said to Howard before she read the blood pressure reading on her computer screen, removed the blood pressure cuff from Leonard’s arm, and grabbed the thermometer to stick it under his tongue.
“ This is what I would call tedious.”, Sheldon said as he pulled up a chair and sat down.
“ Well that’s your opinion that you’re entitled to you anal nutbag.”, Howard said as he leaned against the wall again.
“ Well of course it is Wolowitz, I’m always entitled to my opinions. It’s what I like best about myself, well that and my work in String Theory.”, Sheldon said as he looked at Howard for a moment before he turned back to look at Leonard and Ally.
“ Of course you do Dr. Whackadoodle which makes you a pain in the a** to deal with sometimes. But there’s nothing wrong with that because it makes you, well, you.”, Penny said looking somewhat annoyed.
“ I suppose so but Penny must you at the moment?”, Sheldon asked as he rolled his eyes.
“ What? I’m just saying.”, Penny shot back.
“ Just saying what Penny?”, Leonard butted in with a slurred speech as he was trying speak with the thermometer under his tongue while beginning to rock back and forth on his butt in the bed which made his diaper let out some more slight noises as the plastic material rubbed against the faux leather mattress that he was sitting on.
“ Hey mister, can you not talk for a minute here please? I’m taking a temp reading.”, Ally said as she lightly tapped him on the arm to get his attention.
“ Sure, sorry Ally.”, Leonard slurred before he shut up as he continued to rock back and forth on his butt slightly while waiting for the thermometer to deliver the temperature results.
“ That’s ok, thank you.”, Ally said before the thermometer beeped a minute later and she said, “ 97.5 degrees. Ok that’s normal.”
“ Great, is that it Ally?”, Leonard asked as he kept moving around in the bed after the thermometer was removed from his mouth.
“ Almost Dr. Hofstadter, I just need to listen to your heart and lungs for a few and then I’m done ok.”, Ally said as she grabbed her stethoscope hanging around the back of her neck.
“ Ok but could you please make it quick? I’m starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable now because I think I just went to the bathroom, son of a bitch!”, Leonard hissed in discomfort as he kept moving around on his butt trying to make himself comfortable but to no avail.
“ Of course, that’s not a problem. I’ll change you just as soon as we’re done here. Just try to sit as still as you possibly can in the meantime alright.”, Ally said as she stuck the ear pieces of her stethoscope in her ears.
“ Alright fine.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he stopped moving as much as he could, causing his leg to twitch a bit as he then concentrated on his breathing while Ally was listening to him with her stethoscope. As she gently moved it around his chest and back with each breath he took his leg kept twitching due to the discomfort he was feeling from sitting in a soiled diaper at that moment but once she was done listening to him after a few minutes he began to rock back and forth on his butt again just as she said with a smile,“ Ok your heart and lungs sound good so I’m done now. Just give me a second to go get some supplies from the supply closet and I’ll be right back.” before she hung her stethoscope back around the back of her neck and headed to the door with her cart.
“ Sounds good to me, thanks Ally.”, Leonard said as he continued shifting around on his butt in the bed.
“ Of course Dr. Hofstadter, see you again in just a moment. It was nice meeting you all.”, Ally said as she stood in the doorway when she opened the door.
“ You too.”, the others said before Ally walked out and shut the door leaving them alone.
“ Well she seems nice buddy.”, Howard said with a smile.
“ Yeah of course she is you idiot, she’s a nurse. Why wouldn’t she be? That’s the stupidest thing to say to begin with.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes.
“ Oh please dude Howard’s always saying stupid things, period. That’s no surprise.”, Raj said after he took another placebo.
“ Thank you, you putz! I’ve been telling him that for years since I’ve been with him!”, Bernadette hissed.
“ Yeah well Bernie that’s not helping.”, Howard shot back at his wife as he gave her an unamused look.
“ Oh for god sakes!”, Leonard said as he smacked his palm against his face while the conversations continued among his friends. Meanwhile as Ally entered the supply closet out in the hallway she suddenly ran into her really good friend, fellow registered nurse Marcy Selena Tillderman.
“ Oh, hi Ally.”, Marcy said with a smile when she saw her friend. She was a beautiful young Caucasian woman who looked about 25 years old with long straight dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and bright green eyes, wearing the same color scrubs that Ally was wearing as well as a beautiful wedding ring on her finger to indicate that she was married.
“ Hi Marcy, what are you doing in here?”, Ally said with a smile as she was searching through bins on the shelf.
“ Just getting a fresh catheter for my patient. What are you doing?”, Marcy said as she grabbed a clean catheter out of a drawer and put it on her cart along with some other necessary items she needed at that moment.
“ I’m just getting some incontinence supplies for my patient. He was having a hard time sitting still while I was checking his vitals so I’m gonna go change his diaper.”, Ally said as she grabbed a pair of latex gloves, wipes, a bottle of talcum powder, a tube of barrier cream, and a fresh disposable adult diaper out of the bin she was searching in to put them on her cart.
“ Ah, got it. Is this a new patient or someone else that you’ve already been taking care of?”, Marcy asked as she pushed her cart towards the door.
“ No he’s new, he was just brought in here this afternoon by EMS for a loss of consciousness and loss of bladder control which the bladder control loss is unfortunately permanent due to some reckless teenage boy accidentally hitting him with a shopping cart at the grocery store.”, Ally said as she was following behind her.
“ Oh really, well that sucks. Poor guy. Is he ok?”, Marcy asked in concern and sympathy as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“ Yeah he’s fine he’s just feeling a little embarrassed that this happened to him to begin with but he seems like he has a really good support system of friends who seem to really care about him very much so I don’t think he has anything to worry about.”, Ally said as she shook and nodded her head.
“ Well that sounds good to hear. Do you know what his name is?”, Marcy asked as the two of them began walking down the hallway with their carts side by side.
“ Yeah his name’s Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, he works at Caltech University as an experimental physicist.”, Ally said as she nodded her head again.
“ Oh nice, so he’s a science nerd. Aren’t those guys kind of your type Ally?”, Marcy asked with great interest.
“ Yeah they are but come on Marcy I just met the guy and his friends! I don’t know anything about these people yet!”, Ally said with a giddy laugh.
“ True, but, you never know. Something could happen.”, Marcy said with a smirk as she playfully punched her fists into her friend’s shoulder.
“ Yes I know that but I don’t want to just jump right into a relationship with this guy without getting to know him first, it’s common sense! Why do you think that I’ve been holding out for years to go on my first date? It’s because I’m waiting for the right person to come my way.”, Ally said as she rolled her eyes.
“ Well maybe this guy is the one for you Al. You won’t know unless you take a shot.”, Marcy said as she blinked her eyes.
“ True, but, Marce… you don’t control my feelings! You don’t know how I feel when it comes to dating, it’s complicated. Look, just because you settled down with someone doesn’t mean that I have to. I’m waiting to see where things play out, letting the cards fall where they want to go. You know?”, Ally said as she shook her head, letting out another giddy laugh as they kept walking together.
“ Alright fine, I guess I can let it go for now but I swear to God girl if you end up in a relationship with Dr. Hofstadter at some point you better tell me ASAP because I want to hear every detail about it.”, Marcy said with a reluctant sigh as she briefly pointed at her friend.
“ And I will Marcy! I’m not an idiot!”, Ally said with a giddy laugh.
“ I didn’t say you were Ally!”, Marcy laughed as she walked towards her patient’s room.
“ Whatever Tillderman, I got to go! It was nice talking to you!”, Ally laughed as she shook her head and continued walking down the hallway towards Leonard’s hospital room.
“ It was nice talking to you too Tou Zhen! Bye!”, Marcy exclaimed before she disappeared into her patient’s room and shut the door.
“ Bye!”, Ally exclaimed before she approached the door to Leonard’s room and walked in.
“ Hello, I’m back.”, Ally said with a smile as she pushed her cart back into the room which caught everyone’s attention as they stopped talking and turned to look at her.
“ Hi Ally.”, Amy, Bernadette, and Stuart said with a smile as they waved at her.
“ You want us to step out of the room now?”, Raj asked as he blinked his eyes.
“ Just for a few minutes, that would be greatly appreciated.”, Ally said as she nodded her head.
“ Very well, come on y’all let’s get out.”, Sheldon said as he stood up and began ushering the others out of the room and into the hallway to give Leonard and Ally some privacy.
“ Thanks you guys!”, Leonard interjected with a smile as he kept moving around in the bed.
“ Sure thing wingman!”, Howard said with a stupid smirk as he held up his thumbs on his way out the door.
“ Shut up Howard!”, Leonard shot back as he rolled his eyes and kept bouncing around in the bed just as Howard then shut the door behind him leaving Leonard alone in the room with Ally.
“ Was that necessary?”, Ally asked as she began rubbing her hands with hand sanitizer before she slipped the latex gloves on her hands and walked over to the bed to raise it up to her waist so that she wouldn’t have to bend over.
“ Maybe a little bit but that’s not the point.”, Leonard said as Ally then gently pressed against his shoulder to get him to lay down before she pulled back the blanket and lifted up the bottom of his hospital gown so that his lower abdomen was exposed.
“ Yeah you think?”, Ally asked with a smile as she pulled on the adhesive tabs of his diaper to remove it.
“ I guess.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
“ Are you ok? You sound upset?”, Ally asked in concern as she grabbed a few wipes to clean him with them.
“ That’s because I am. I’m fine Ally it’s just… I hate that this is my new reality now, all because of some kid who I don’t even know. I feel like the whole world just shot me in the heart and sucked the breath right out of me.”, Leonard said with a sad look on his face as he stared at the fluorescent lighting on the ceiling in his hospital room, blinking his eyes behind his glasses.
“ I know it feels like that Dr. Hofstadter but you know what, everything’s going to be ok. You seem to have a really great group of friends that care about you so you’re not alone in dealing with this. This is just a minor inconvenience that we’ll all face together.”, Ally said as she then set aside the used wipes and grabbed the barrier cream to apply it before she grabbed the talcum powder to do the same thing with it as well.
“ I guess so, but, what about my work and my colleagues? What if they ridicule me and say that I’m too weak and pathetic to do my job anymore because of it? The last thing I want is to lose respect from people that I’ve spent years earning for my contributions that I made to science.”, Leonard sadly said as he blinked his eyes again.
“ I get that. Believe me this isn’t easy but you know something, sometimes you just have to hold your head up high and tell yourself that you don’t care what people think. It’s your life, you live it the way you want to… no matter how embarrassing it is. Who cares if you’ve been diagnosed with incontinence for the rest of your life and need to wear diapers to prevent you from getting sick? So what? I know I don’t care and it seems like your friends don’t care about that either. You seem like a really nice guy with a great deal of intelligence even though we just met and barely know anything about each other yet but I’m willing to give you any kind of support that you need regardless of your situation. I’m here to support you and your friends to deal with whatever challenges lie ahead, no matter what the cost is.”, Ally said as she wrapped the fresh diaper around his lower abdomen and pulled his hospital gown back down over it before she covered him back up with the blanket.
“ Really? Why?”, Leonard asked in shock as Ally then stripped her gloves off after she wiped his hands clean and discarded the used items in the trash.
“ Because I love helping people. It makes me feel good to know that I made a difference in someone’s life… that I made their life just a little bit easier. I’m very much a people person, I love being around people very much despite the fact that believe it or not when I was younger I used to get ridiculed quite often myself for having a Chinese accent but I didn’t let that stop me from getting me to where I am now. Even my own family knows this to be true about me. My parents, my two brothers, my three sisters… every single one of them knows that I didn’t just take this nursing job so that I would have something to do in life. I took it because I’m very passionate about helping people and making them feel like they’re loved. It’s what I do best anyway.”, Ally said with a smile as she lowered the bed just enough so that she could sit on the edge of it next to Leonard who then sat back up and scooted over slightly to make room for her which made his diaper let another slight noise as it rubbed against the mattress.
“ Well… I guess I never thought of it that way, that’s some great insight. It’s better than what I’ve gotten from my mom over the years. Growing up in New Jersey she always made me earn her love and affection which always made me so angry and resentful that she treated me so much differently than my siblings who seem to have it so much better than me. They’re both very highly successful in their careers while I’m stuck basically at the bottom of the barrel trying as hard as I can to get some level of validation from my mom but no matter how hard I try it’s like nothing I do is ever good enough for her. Not to mention my dad not being around as much because of his work as an anthropologist also didn’t help much either. In fact it just made it worse, so much so that I was always dressing up like The Hulk to try to smash my way out of that house as a way to try get some kind of attention so that I wouldn’t feel ignored but unfortunately it never really worked.”, Leonard said in somewhat of a sad tone as he pushed his glasses up on his face.
“ Well that must have been really rough for you. I can’t imagine what that was like.”, Ally said in sympathy.
“ Oh believe me, it was. Not only did I feel like I was being ignored and unloved but I also felt humiliated by the things my mother was writing about me in her parenting books mainly for her research in neuroscience and psychiatry. She always wrote about every horror story that had ever happened to me while I was growing up, things so embarrassing that I don’t really want to talk about at the moment.”, Leonard sadly said as blinked his eyes again and shifted his butt slightly which made his diaper crinkle slightly again.
“ That’s ok Dr. Hofstadter, you don’t have to. I get it. I respect that this is a very sensitive personal issue for you that you’re just not quite ready to share or comfortable with sharing yet. Especially since we just met and we’re just starting to get to know each other.”, Ally said as she shook her head, respecting his right to privacy.
“ True. Thank you Ally, that really means a lot to me.”, Leonard said as a soft smile slightly spread across his face knowing that he was being listened to for once in his life.
“ Of course, I’m always here to listen if you ever want to talk about anything. It’s part of my job description after all.”, Ally said with a smile as she gently placed her hand on his arm and squeezed it slightly which felt warm and comforting making Leonard feel like he was still human, worthy of a second chance at life.
“ I appreciate that. Although, speaking of which… oh god if my mom finds out about my new condition which I’m sure she’s going to find out about eventually because Sheldon talks to her about everything related to me even though I don’t understand why, she’ll most likely write about this for sure and I don’t know if I can handle that kind of level of embarrassment.”, Leonard said with a sigh as the feeling of fear began to set in again about the possibility of his mother discovering his diagnosis of permanent incontinence and writing about it without his consent for research purposes because the very last thing he wanted was for the whole world to know that he was wearing a diaper all because some random teenage punk decided to act like a reckless idiot in a public place for no reason at all in the first place.
“ Of course. But even if that does happen, it’s ok. We’ll figure out how to cross that bridge when we get to it but for now the main focus is taking care of you and making you feel comfortable. That’s my goal for all my patients who I’ve ever worked with before, making them feel comfortable and happy.”, Ally said in reassurance as she then began to stroke her fingers through his hair despite the bandages that were wrapped around his head.
“ I guess so. Thank you.”, Leonard said as he blinked his eyes again, looking at her slightly.
“ You’re welcome.”, Ally said as she then pulled him into a warm embrace just as a knock was heard on the door.
“ Everything ok in here?”, Bernadette asked with a smile as she opened the door slightly and peeked into the room.
“ Yes everything’s fine Dr. Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, we were just talking. You all can come back in now if you’d like.”, Ally said as she let go of Leonard and turned around to look at Bernadette standing in the doorway with the others gathering behind her.
“ Oh thanks for the offer Ally, but, I think we’re all gonna just head home now since it’s getting late if that’s alright with you.”, Bernadette said as she shook her head.
“ Oh yeah that’s fine, it’s probably for the best that your friend gets some much needed sleep now anyway. Maybe I might even make him take a nap tomorrow afternoon too, who knows.”, Ally said as she stood up next to the bed.
“ Not gonna happen.”, Leonard said in tired voice.
“ Yeah well we’ll discuss that tomorrow when the time comes pal, for now you just get some rest ok.”, Ally said with a smile as she gently patted his shoulder.
“ Alright, fine. Good night you guys.”, Leonard said as he let out a yawn, indicating that his body was screaming for sleep.
“ Good night Leonard.”, Raj, Howard, Bernadette, Penny, Amy, Stuart, and Sheldon said as they all got ready to leave the hospital for the night.
“ We’ll see you in the morning sweetie. You just hang in there ok.”, Penny said with a smile as she embraced him for a moment before she pulled away.
“ Ok, thank you Penny. Thank you guys, I don’t know what I would ever do without you.”, Leonard said with a tired smile as he settled himself under the blanket.
“ Of course, what are friends for buddy?”, Raj said with a smile.
“ Yes well I believe it’s time for us to go now since hospital visiting hours are just about up.”, Sheldon said with a sigh as he briefly checked his wristwatch to see that the time was 8:53 in the evening.
“ Sounds good to us you wacky nut. Come on, let’s go you guys.”, Howard said as he started to head out of the room with his wife and several of the others following him.
“ Sheldon are you coming?”, Amy asked her boyfriend when she stopped in the doorway for a moment and turned around to look at him.
“ In just a minute Amy.”, Sheldon said to her before he turned to Leonard and said, “ Anyway, before I forget, Leonard here’s your phone and your messenger bag with your laptop and all your essentials in it just in case you need it. I’ve taken the liberty to grab that stuff from your car shortly before we came here to see you earlier today. Oh and don’t worry about the other stuff, we’ve already got that taken care of. Your spare laser parts are waiting for you at home as well as everything else you needed from the store when you went on your little shopping spree in the first place.” as he handed his roommate/best friend his said items.
“ Really, well thanks Sheldon. That means a lot.”, Leonard said as he took his personal items from Sheldon before he set them down at the foot of his hospital bed.
“ Of course it does. Anyway, good night and I shall see you tomorrow with the others.”, Sheldon said before he began making his way to the door to leave the room.
“ Alright good night and I’ll see you tomorrow too buddy but one more question… is my asthma inhaler in here by any chance?”, Leonard asked as he briefly pointed at his messenger bag by his feet.
“ Yes it is.”, Sheldon said as he nodded his head.
“ Great, thanks.”, Leonard said as he let out another yawn.
“ Of course… good night.”, Sheldon said before he finally left the room with the others and shut the door.
“ Good night.”, Leonard said as he kept yawning.
“ Alright that’s enough talking for now mister, it’s bedtime. Here’s some pain meds so that you’re more comfortable and if you need anything else throughout the night just hit this call button and I’ll come help you ok.”, Ally said with a smile as she gave Leonard some pain pills before she gently removed his glasses from his face and handed him the call button for the nurses station after she tucked him in under the covers.
“ Ok I will, thanks Ally.”, Leonard said as he laid there blinking his eyes.
“ You’re welcome Dr. Hofstadter. Good night.”, Ally said before she headed out the door with her cart and shut the door behind her after she turned the lights off.
“ Good night.”, Leonard said before he drifted off to sleep with the heart monitor that he was hooked up to continuing to beep steadily in the background as the only sound that was heard in addition to his soft snoring. After the others had said good night to Ally and left she decided to peek into his room for a moment before she shut the door again and said to herself, “ Not yet Ally, you just met him. Get to know him first before you start thinking anything further. Remember your mantra, friendship and career first. Relationship later.” before she thought for a minute and hissed under her breath, “ Aw donkey butts!” as she then went off to go find her friend Marcy who just so happened to be sitting in the break room alone at the moment just drinking a cup of coffee.
“ Damn it Marcy, how do you f*cking do that?! What are you, a psychic witch?!”, Ally exclaimed with a smirk as she slammed her hands down on the table in front of her friend, catching her attention.
“ No, but I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to say something like that Ally! So you are starting to have some feelings for this guy now aren’t you?!”, Marcy asked with a giddy laugh as she set her coffee mug down.
“ In a way, yes! But that’s only because you got into my head after we were talking about feelings! Ugh, you always do this to me whenever we talk! Why?! This is why I hate talking to you sometimes because you constantly fill my head with ridiculous sh*t that I don’t want to hear at the moment! Oh my god! F*ck you godd*mn it!”, Ally exclaimed with a laughing hiss as she began to pace the floor, shaking her fist vigorously as if she was cursing God which instantly made Marcy start laughing in amusement at what she was doing.
“ Excuse me but I got into your head?! Oh please, you’re just over exaggerating! This has nothing to do with me, this is just you not being able to resist your feelings! What are you crazy?!”, Marcy laughed in amusement as she shook her head.
“ No but you are and it’s because of YOU! You always do this whenever we talk about relationships and dating! How on God’s green Earth do you do that?! How is it that you can just manipulate my mind like this and make me feel things for another person that I’ve never felt before?!”, Ally laughed as she jerked her finger at her friend for a moment.
“ I don’t know, probably because I’ve had years of relationship experience before I met Connor and married him!”, Marcy said with a giddy laugh, mentioning her husband’s name as she threw her ponytail over her shoulder.
“ Yeah clearly!”, Ally shot back as she continued to pace the floor.
“ Look Ally would you just calm down and relax! So what if you developed feelings for a guy you just met? It’s not a big deal, it happens to everyone once in a while.”, Marcy said with a smirk as she took another sip of her coffee.
“ Yeah but you don’t get it Marcy, this isn’t supposed to happen to me! I’m not supposed to get like this!”, Ally said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“ Yeah but unfortunately you are because it seems like fate clearly has other plans for you.”, Marcy said.
“ Yeah well fate can be quite cruel sometimes.”, Ally said as she scratched the back of her neck for a moment.
“ Yeah it’s a bi*ch, but, Al come on. You’re one of my best friends and you’ve been single for years. It’s time to stop holding back waiting for the right person… because you clearly just found him now.”, Marcy said as she got up and walked up to her friend, gently placing her hands on her shoulders shaking her slightly.
“ But I just met him Marce.”, Ally said as she rolled her eyes.
“ I know, but, sometimes it takes just meeting somebody for something wonderful to happen.”, Marcy said.
“ I guess.”, Ally said as she pulled away and continued to pace around.
“ What do you mean ‘ you guess’?! Ally come on just admit it that you already like Dr. Hofstadter, you know want to! I mean look at this, you’re blushing!”, Marcy laughed as she suddenly pushed her friend in front of a mirror hanging on the wall next to the coffee maker to show her the rosy redness on her cheeks that was beginning to show.
“ Oh will you stop it?! No I’m not!”, Ally said in denial with a giddy laugh as she playfully batted Marcy’s hands away.
“ Yes you are, I can see it in your face! I’m looking right at you, I know you! You always do this whenever something really good comes into your life! Am I right or am I wrong?!”, Marcy laughed as she spun Ally around to look at her for a moment before she spun her back around towards the mirror to look at herself again.
“ No you’re right… fine, you win. I admit it, I like him.”, Ally said with a smile as she let out a defeated sigh before she continued to pace around the hospital break room.
“ Ha, I knew it!”, Marcy exclaimed with a smile as she jerked her finger at her for a second.
“ Yeah yeah yeah but what am I supposed to do about this? Like I said I just met him, I don’t want to scare him off. What, am I supposed to just pretend that I don’t have feelings for him even though I already do whenever I’m around him now? Because that’s just going to be pure torture for me if I have to do that!”, Ally said as she shook her head.
“ You just do whatever the hell you want Ally! It’s your life! No one controls it but you! Whatever your heart wants just follow it! It’s time to stop with this ridiculous waiting nonsense! You’re not getting any younger you know!”, Marcy laughed as she sat back down at the table to drink her coffee again.
“ Well neither are you either, but, Marcy you still don’t get it. This is all new to me. I’ve never been in love before so I don’t know anything about this.”, Ally said with a sigh as she sat down in the chair across from her friend.
“ Well, maybe you can start to find that out now since he’s your boyfriend.”, Marcy said as she leaned back in her chair to take another sip of her coffee.
“ He’s not boyfriend he’s just my patient.”, Ally said in denial as she stood up and let out a slight laugh before she began to head towards the archway of the break room leading out to the hospital floor and the nurses station.
“ Not yet but he’s gonna be Tou Zhen!”, Marcy interjected as she took another sip of her coffee.
“ Shut up Tillderman, you stubborn donkey butt!”, Ally quipped as she stormed down the hallway and found herself standing outside Leonard’s room for a few moments with her heart racing like it was going to come out of her chest. But as she reached for the door handle of the closed door she suddenly mentally stopped herself and retracted her hand before she stormed back down the hallway to the nurses station mumbling under her breath to herself while shaking her head, “ You better hope your intuition is right about this Marcy because I swear to God I’m gonna kick you in the pants if you’re wrong!”
Wow, talk about surprising! What do think will happen next in terms of Leonard dealing with his new medical condition and Ally trying to sort her feelings out for him despite the fact that they just met? Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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